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Old July 13th, 2004, 08:44 PM   #1
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Default New Richard Hatch Interview at the Cylon Alliance


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Old July 13th, 2004, 08:51 PM   #2
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That was great! Thank you so much Commander!
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Old July 13th, 2004, 09:10 PM   #3
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Thanks for posting that very interesting....
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Old July 13th, 2004, 09:28 PM   #4
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My opinion of Richard did not improve after reading that interview, and if anything only became more negative.

I won't call him a "traitor" like some ill-tempered people might do, but at the same time I think he has to realize that the reason a lot of people were leery of the idea of him being at the forefront of a revival project is because we had legit cause to doubt the quality of a story with his name on it. His novels showed an appalling disregard for what was established in the series and had the characters act totally untrue to the way they were developed in the series that he claims to be a "fan" of in contrast to his fellow actors. If he had simply hired a ghostwriter who legitimately knew what had gone on before and took the time to make the novels palatable to those of us who wanted to see them as "Continuing the story" in a way that was familiar to us, he might have gotten a much bigger groundswell of support ultimately than he did.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 03:24 AM   #5
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Good job Comm. Taggart.
Wow- I was a bit surprised he was getting negative reactions from some of TOS actors with his continuation efforts. You would have thought they all would have been on board.
I hope Sci-Fi or USA considers his Great War of Magellan series. Those channels would probably be more receptive to his efforts than the bigger networks.
Again, nice going Taggart.
As Inspector Clousseau said to the hotel employee in Return of the Pink Panther, "Keep up the good work & I will make you a bellman instead of a bellboy!"
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Old July 14th, 2004, 09:17 AM   #6
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Well, I, for one, salute Richard Hatch for telling it like it is. I am eternally grateful to him for making that incredible effort to bring BSG back, for taking up the torch as it were. That there was resistance is not surprising, considering how "Hollywood" works.

The fact he's had to move onward was inevitable. The fact he's still got strong feelings for TOS is no surprise; I think we can count on him to continue supporting CFF's efforts.

In my time as part of this 'fandom', I've found that Richard is probably one of the most forward-thinking man I've ever encountered. He was one of the first to say, publically, that continually taking to task the architects of this new production was wasted energy. Guess what - most of us have come to think the same way. Most of us now devote our energy towards selling the idea of a continuation movie.

I have a great deal of respect for the man - and this interview has done nothing to change that.

However, KR, I think the Sci-Fi Channel or USA would be the absolute worst place for Magellan. Look at what they've done to science fiction TV so far. Spike, ABC, CBS - hell, even the Food Channel could do better.

Eric, Richard has no choice of his co-authors. As I understand it, he writes the story, then he sends it to the publisher, who assigns a co-author to dress it up. Then it's edited (or not, in some cases) and published. There are others who know better than I, however, and they can correct me if necessary.

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Old July 14th, 2004, 10:57 AM   #7
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Great job commander!

Richard is still true to himself and has embraced reality, this is a good thing.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 11:18 AM   #8
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That was an interview that was worth reading!

I loved hearing Richard's point of view on a lot of topics, not just BSG. It is great that he is making so many new paths for his Magellan project - Novels, comic books, etc... They will all be paving the way for something wonderful. It's kind of rare that you see someone do everything they can to make their dream happen as opposed to only taking one avenue, getting blocked and giving up.

He tried everything he could where BSG is concerned and hit a brick wall - it's really sad that some saw it as a down and out actor trying to revitalize his career. I don't agree with that assessment - if you are an actor, you have to work. If you don't work, people forget and move on to the next "it" guy or girl.

I can appreciate Richard's decision to be a minor part in the new BSG series. He will be working as an actor on a weekly series with the possibility of coming back for an episode now and then. I can also understand why some would look at it as a bad thing, but who am I to judge what someone else does for a living? I don't sign his check!

It sounds like he really enjoyed his experience in Vancouver - as long as you get to do what you love and have a good time (not to mention get paid for it) doing it, there's not much more you can ask for.

I look forward to seeing what's in store for the future!

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Old July 14th, 2004, 12:48 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Dawg
Eric, Richard has no choice of his co-authors. As I understand it, he writes the story, then he sends it to the publisher, who assigns a co-author to dress it up. Then it's edited (or not, in some cases) and published. There are others who know better than I, however, and they can correct me if necessary.
If the role of the ghostwriter is to only "dress it up" then I'm afraid that speaks less well of Richard because it means ultimately that so much of the stories that blatantly contradict what was established, and seem ignorant of what went on in the series is his doing.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 05:16 PM   #10
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You might be right dawg.
But if BSG proves to be a ratings smash, I think Sci-Fi or even USA would consider Hatch's new series.
Sci-Fi & USA have both received the highest ratings for their sci-fi shows this weekend. SG-1 broke all records with its 8th season premiere & the 4400 two hour pilot was THE most watched event in USA's original programming.
I don't think either channel would dismiss Hatch's new effort. If anything, they would feel the time is right to embrace it!
I could be wrong, but at the very least they would consider it!
Whether they would commit to it is anybody's guess.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:28 PM   #11
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I have recently started posting to this site, to which I got links from guys over at another forum related to BSG03 (hi KR)

As a child I loved BSG. I couldnt beleive it only lasted one good season. First saw it as a cinema release, and it was years before I found out it was actually a TV movie pilot.

Over the years I have read feature articles in Australia about attempts to revive BSG. They have usually all centred on the best efforts of Richard, including his financial hardships, in supporting the project. I'm guessing if he hadn't put his face and voice to the effort, it would have disappeared into oblivion.

Its only since BSG03 that I have found links to the old gal. I support the new series and I want to support the push for the continuation story of the old one to be told resolved.

I took both the original movie and the new mini and watched them together and still loved them both.

Personally, I think it would be a great marketing tool for Universal for the TV series to provide impetus for a classical big screen movie........after all they do movie remakes of less and better shows every year.

Whilst I would love to see Richard and Dirk reprising thier original roles in such a project, people should be happy if it gets off the ground at all.

My wife was looking over my shoulder the other day as I lurked. We had been discussing real world fanaticism earlier.

She said elements of fandom can be no better sometimes...

"I hated they left Tom Bombadil outa LOTR......."
"Peter Weirs Master and Commander is nothing like the book...."
"Its not Battlestar Galactica....a pox on them.....traitor....I'm not going to watch it...."

Some supporters of anything get so rabbid, so fanatical, so........fundamentalist......after fighting for something so long, so hard....that anything less than what they totally want is not good enough.........They attack the people working to bring them something, they attack fellow supporters and leaders who realise a start is better than nothing.........they prefer the nothing to the modified framework they are offerred to build upon.

The people they end up needing to make it work end up telling them to take a leap, remove thier support, and if necessary smash them up and spit them out in the process.

Sympathetic people get po'd with people when the same people are constantly bashing you over the head with the same stick day in day out......watch the news and gauge your own anger and you'll realise it. What sort of patience do you think people are going to have for folks who are fans of a sci fi show?

The bottom line is if anyone in BSG fandom, if all of BSG fandom had put up 200-300 milllion dollars of thier own money to make a big screen blockbuster remake of BSG, with or without the surviving cast members, they wouldve let you make it. Hell, they let John Travolta make his sci fi dog....and Mel Gibson proved he had a financial hit with his recent effort. The point is, it wouldnt have cost them a cent.

I read that Richard and TOS fans managed to raise $40 million (??) for a package just to get a look in for the project....Thats a laudable effort.......But it took the better part of what?...10, 15, 20 years?

You are asking the studios to put up big bucks of thiers and investors money to make the movie you want. If you are saying you want them to take all the risks of modelling the show on the original format with the original cast it better be all your money.

Otherwise they have the right to make whatever changes they want to the format, concept and cast they want to make sure the movie appeals to the wider general audience than just the fan base. And if you tell them well then ladies and gentlemen we are going to rant and rave, and trash and condemn and boycott your concept and turn it into a commercial failure......then well you will get nothing and 1978's season is all you will ever have.

I love the original series and cast. I also love the new series. I like the people on both forums, and I see most of the people posting here at Colonial Fleets are pretty level headed about it.

So at least give the series a chance for a year or two or three. Let it mature and develop Even talk it up. Give it a profile. Mention it in a shining light in connection with an original continuity too every chance and place you get. Don't kill it like some studio bugger did 24-26 years ago.

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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:35 PM   #12
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Sorry, Elvis. Can't do it. I appreciate and respect your position, but until the producers give the RDM show a more appropriate title... I can't respect it.
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Old July 14th, 2004, 08:44 PM   #13
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Hi ElvisLiS:
I did want to respond to you before some of the others because I was like you when I first posted.
I was very enthusiastic about the new BSG (I still am as a matter of fact), but I did not quite understand the desires of some to keep the original format and not change it into a reimaged version.
After several months of posting, I realized that this group (some of whom are on this board) would not be open to the new show UNLESS it went back to its roots and proceeded from there.
You do have to realize that fans are entitled to a variety of opinions- not just one-and that you will not change their views anymore than they will change yours.
Some will not watch Moore's show & concentrate instead on a continuation movie with TOS actors. Or they will see the new BSG as a sci-fi show with a tenous link to Galactica at best.
And that's fine.
I did want to set the tone here so that you are open to all perspectives.
Please try to acknowledge the validity of other fans' opinions which will differ from yours and even mine.
And please regard my comments in that light.
I am not trying to put you down at all, just increasing the span of your vision.
Once you do attain that vision, you will see that there are more complex issues here than you (or even I) can imagine.
But be open and most especially be respectful of TOS fandom.
Thjat's all I'm asking.
Take care,
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Old July 14th, 2004, 09:28 PM   #14
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Thanks Commander Taggart and KR.

Sorry, I didnt mean to suggest I didnt understand the other point of view.

I know people get passionate about things and this is one of them.

I remember when the early 90s comic effort folded and they tried to tie the threads together I was so disappointed.....and miffed that in the last couple of issues the art work went from art to arse very quickly

When my wife initially pointed out the mini in our local store and I saw the back cover stills I was prepared to hate it.

The initial viewing was luke warm but over the next few replays it grew on me. I think it has potential and I am prepared to accept it as Battlestar Galactica.

I would also dearly like to see a continuation movie with good production values make it to the TV or big screen.

I just think that people need to make the best of this, and keep trying to use it to thier benefit, not detriment.....I'm not trying to change anyones mind.

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Old July 29th, 2004, 12:36 PM   #15
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Default To ElvisLIS

Welcome, brother. We have been expecting you.

I concur with much of your post. However, yes, there are still strong divisions amonst fans regarding both shows.

Many of us ride the fence, appreciating the merits and flaws of both shows.

Many of us lean more towards one side, whilst getting a peep at the other side, more for curiosity's sake.

Many of us are perfectly content with what is on one particular side of the fence, with absolutely no interest in the other side.

Like you and KR, Elvis, I fall into the first category...fence rider.

However, as long as inhabitants on both sides of the fence can get along, then Galactica fandom still has a chance.

It is when opposing views create derision that I find myself ashamed of any fanbase I belong to...and BOTH sides have been guilty in the past. I am thankful beyond words that the hostilities have ceased...or at least tapered down tremendously. I made a post at startrek.com, in the General Trek Conversations board analyzing the various types of Trek/Sci-fi fan. I wrote it because I got sick of seeing one type of Trek fan denegrate another for their likes/dislikes about Trek. Thankfully, Battlestar Galactica, while still conflicted, has moved on past petty insults and cheap shots.

Colonial Fleets is an EXCELLENT forum for both points of view in both BSG Universes. Enjoy your stay here at the Fleets, Elvis. Your room has been prepared. MUA HA HA HA HA!

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Old July 30th, 2004, 09:21 PM   #16
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Welcome Elvis.
You needed a welcome that would be on the side disagreeing with you too. Continuing the original is the only way to fly for me, at least if you want to call it Battlestar Galactica. My beef with the mini-to-series is more that it is a new show and should therefore have it's own name, unburdened by past success or failure.

Someone chose instead to hijack a name...and we will wait and see as to what that does to aid or to hamstring them as this new series develops.

Meantime, I still want my movie. Silver lining being that it will need to be a big screen movie. I like that. Nothing better than a Battlestar in 70 mm., Dolby 5.1 and THX. Unless you consider a viper launch in the same setting of course.
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Old July 30th, 2004, 10:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by jewels
Welcome Elvis.
You needed a welcome that would be on the side disagreeing with you too. Continuing the original is the only way to fly for me, at least if you want to call it Battlestar Galactica. My beef with the mini-to-series is more that it is a new show and should therefore have it's own name, unburdened by past success or failure.

Someone chose instead to hijack a name...and we will wait and see as to what that does to aid or to hamstring them as this new series develops.

Meantime, I still want my movie. Silver lining being that it will need to be a big screen movie. I like that. Nothing better than a Battlestar in 70 mm., Dolby 5.1 and THX. Unless you consider a viper launch in the same setting of course.
Well said Jewels!

I totally agree with you!
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Old July 31st, 2004, 05:33 AM   #18
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Jewels and Amber I agree with ya both!!!!!
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Old July 31st, 2004, 09:28 AM   #19
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Jewels, very well said.
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Old August 9th, 2004, 08:11 PM   #20
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A late reply to this, but only recently did I catch this.

"Some supporters of anything get so rabbid, so fanatical, so........fundamentalist......"

I happen to be someone who does not think the word "fundamentalist" is so inherently evil, and I think it's very unfortunate when the misuse of this word is used again to look down on those who IMO have been rightfully upset by what's happened with this miniseries and the fact that it's become a series. For someone like me, the existence of Moore's effort is the crowning insult to 25 years of Galactica being given the shaft by its detractors and critics.

I am one of those who believe that Galactica's specialness lies in the fact that it is unique among Sci-Fi series of its time in presenting a religious/philosophical world view that goes against the conventional wisdom of TV Sci-fi. Unlike Star Trek and a host of other universes, in Galactica we find that it is possible for conflict to be viewed within an absolute good-evil dichotomy without the pretentious "shades of gray" philosophy that suggests the ostensibly "good" side is just as bad as the "evil" side. We also see a positive depiction of religious faith that is so often lacking in the "man has no need for God" approach that typifies most sci-fi.

But what has Ron Moore done? He has taken something called "Battlestar Galactica" and reimagined it in the vision of a detractor. He has loaded his version up with all the conventional cliches of Sci-fi in which the war is no longer the absolute good-evil struggle, and he has also given us the negative depiction of religion in spades. And that is for me the most inexcusable thing he ever did. If Galactica were "reinvented" according to the values and philosophy it stands for, then I might have been ticked off by the lack of a continuation, but I would not be one of those "fundamentalists" who hate and despise every last thing about this series that you are quick to be critical of. If wishing to see Galactica done according to the principles that made it a special and unique show makes me a "fundamentalist" then I gladly plead guilty to that and would wear that descriptor with pride just as I would in another context outside of Galactica.

Nothing would have been better than this "start" since the existence of this thing means there is not going to be a continuation project from my standpoint, ever. The only chance it has is if this version falls on its face, and that is the only thing I am dearly hoping for at this point. So count me among those who unapologetically would like to see this thing "killed" in an instant.
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Old August 10th, 2004, 06:44 AM   #21
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Nice- really nice!
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Old August 10th, 2004, 07:13 AM   #22
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And a further late reply (out of town and not checking the site)...

TOS got shafted big time in 1979. I don’t think anyone will argue that point. Because of that, all fans will EVER have of TOS is that one year (and G80, if you count that…I don’t). I thoroughly support a continuation, and would love to see one. But I am also as thoroughly convinced that any continuation effort, be it Hatch’s, DeSanto’s, Larson’s, or just about anyone else’s, would not have the same feel or flavor as the original. The “darker, grittier, more realistic” stuff, full of flawed characters is what sells today. I am also a continuity nazi, and a great many of the things about the DeSanto film bothered me on that aspect alone. If a continuation came out with the look and feel of G03/04, I might REALLY be angry. The only way I think true justice can be done to a continuation of TOS at this point in time will be through efforts similar to the 5yearmission.com approach.

As it is, the new series isn’t the same Galactica as TOS, and thus must stand alone on its own merit. I happen to be a fan of the “re-imagined classic” approach to recycling ideas, although in some cases it really doesn’t work (“Wild Wild West”…ugh). We will see how this one plays out. I’ll watch, not because it’s Galactica, but because the story is still a good story, the acting is excellent, and I am intrigued with where RDM will take it.

my 2p

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Old August 10th, 2004, 11:57 AM   #23
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Default Has anyone tried to access the RichardHatch.com website?

Ok I know I haven't posted in a while SORRY
I loved the interview always willing to hear more about what could be
I am a newbie, yesterday when I tried to access th RH website I could not what is going on is it just me computer. I did access the GWoM website and noticed that a major contributor of the GWoM trailer was killed in a hit an run on the California freeway.
Wouod someone else try to access the web page an tell me what is going on?
ALSO is anyone considering going on the Cruise???
thanks Jc

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Old August 10th, 2004, 03:14 PM   #24
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Who put that under my call sign? ;~)
Actually....YOU DID!

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Old August 10th, 2004, 04:51 PM   #25
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Sorry Elvis

Saying I should give this new series IMPERSONATING Battlestar Galactica two or three years to see if I like it would be like saying give some guy two or three years to see if I like him AFTER he severely beats up your Mom.

And Id call Baltar screwing the non-robotic Cylons, (Not that screwing classic style Cylons would be any better) baby murdering, Starbuck and Boomer being female, and pointles angst, dysfunctional relationships and sex sex sex a pretty good roughing up of what earned the hearts and loyalties of longtime fans two decades ago.

Im not going to call Hatch a traitor, but I *DO* feel terribly betrayed by him capitulationg to the enemy. And for him to embrace this means he's saying its OKAY for them to cheapen a longstanding classic with lower common denominator. Honorable to himself? What about honorability to those of US who supported him? Do WE not matter anymore? Is that how little he thinks of us? How can I possibly NOT feel angry. How can I not feel betrayed when someone I once respected shows up and supports the guy who roughed up my loved one? All that support was for nothing. Hes turned his back on me and the fans.

Like Richard says I feel like no ones listened to me. And now Hatch himself is one of them.

Im sorry to be so emotional but I had a lot of happy memories running around the playground at recess playing Starbuck. Now this new show comes along and negates the old one.
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Old August 10th, 2004, 05:18 PM   #26
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While I’m not happy with what was done to the story in the new series, I can step back and take a more objective view of what was done and why. Much of the why relates to ego, money and control. In the entertainment industry these factors always play heavily in the decision making process. The days of the artistic production coming from with the corporate world is at an end.

Richard’s dilemma has stalked him from day one of his attempts to revive Battlestar. The entertainment industry views him as a has-been actor trying to restart a dead career, nothing more. He has zero credibility with the decision makers. His taking the part offered in the new series shows he can be a team player and do it “their” way. If he comes across as a strong presence on the small screen then his credibility will go up. His voice stronger, louder. Eventually he may even be heard.

But in the end, for Richard I think he needs to get Magellan of the ground and into the hands of the fans. He needs to do something truly innovative.

May I offer a suggestion, do Magellan as a three hour movie and go directly to DVD. Then produce follow on DVD;s with additional stories, perhaps 2 hours each. Continue this until the story is told in its totality.

The disks could be sold by subscription, the way the book of the month club does it. This way Richard could demonstrate to his investors a solid interest in his story.

I know one thing for sure if Magellan were on DVD today I would buy it. If it were a series sold by subscription I would subscribe!
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Old August 10th, 2004, 06:17 PM   #27
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Default Hello, Rev....

If I may offer a couple of quick counter points...with no disrespect intended.

Richard Hatch, the actor, does have to support himself. And there comes a time when the man with a family to feed, as well as himself, must make other concerns (fans of the original show...which includes me) a secondary priority. The fans, while driving his spirit for a continuation effort, are not putting food on his table, or paying his bills, many of which were incurred from his personal efforts to revive the classic. And somehow, I get the feeling that his production of the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA novels may simply not be enough. The books get released to mixed reviews, and thus, dubious sales records. Any man or woman would do the same if the chips were down. I am sure that Mr. Hatch thinks no less of us than he did in the beginning, but the man has to feed himself and his family. Do you seriously expect him to sit down, making little money at all, and expect our faith to be his sustenance? There is a real world consideration here.

Richard Hatch, I cannot speak for him personally, seems to recognize that there is a really good story behind the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, and if an actor (which is what he is) likes a good story, he feels compelled to ply his trade. I know that his presence on the new show will not persuade anyone who staunchly supports the revival effort to watch, but I know that he will do an excellent job....and he will bring to the fans of the new show something that those who refuse to watch will miss out on. A stong, enjoyable character. If Richard believes in the character, then it must be a good one.

Second, the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA does not replace, or supercede the original BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. The continuation effort is still thriving...it's just going to take some time.

That a continuation may have to be darker, more edgy...well, that may be true, but the heroes would still be the same...possessing the same values as they did in the original. They would still be heroes that kids of today could look up to. There would still be the classic "BLACK HAT/WHITE HAT" fare that endeared many of us. But save the kiddie fare for Spy Kids. (A trilogy I happen to enjoy, BTW) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is about a very dark subject...the attempted annihilation of the human race, and the exodus of its survivors. Plain and simple. You can't make a kiddie show out of that. The only reason that the original show had such kiddie values is because of the network standards and practices at the time. I am quite convinced that if the original show were not so constrained by S and P, we would've seen a somewhat darker, perhaps even more conflicted BATTLESTAR GALACTICA in that day.

Now, I do have to confess that the whole "after a man beats up a woman" analogy is very extremist. (No disrespect intended, just a point of view). Someone else, many months ago, before the new show came out, said: "All you new show fans---don't say to us you understand! That's like a football jock telling a rape victim he understands what she's going through." I could find no logic in those analogiesm and in the one I just quoted....well that was just downright INSIPID...a desperate argument with no basis whatsoever. And trust me, I have a very strong loyalty to the original show. But I take the new show, and seperate it into its own, equally legitimate class.

Nothing has been done to the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA that I know and love. It still exists, and I believe it is still back on the way to revival. I have simply been given a different flavor, and find that I like it. I like vanilla ice cream (Original BATTLESTAR GALACTICA) and find that I also like chocolate ice cream (the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA). I love both flavors immensely. Hmmmm.....it's still ice cream, it's just a different flavor.

Hmmmm....it's still BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.....just a different flavor.

And yet, vanilla ice cream is still there if I want it.

And yet, classic BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is still there if I want it.

However. not everyone likes chocolate ice cream.

Not everyone likes the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

That's what makes us human. And in the end, that's what both BATTLESTAR GALACTICA shows are about.....What makes us human?

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old August 10th, 2004, 06:59 PM   #28
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Well said Martok2112, well said.
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Old August 10th, 2004, 07:37 PM   #29
Reverend Dr Syn
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Fine. Im sorry I said "Beats up mom" I meant that in the tense of a family member in general, not as something motivated by some sort of mysogeny as you seem to imply . But it still applies. BSG is still the loved one and Sci-Fis version is still roughing it up. Would you prefer "Seeing a childhood friend get run over" Am I supposed to give the person two or three years of observation before I make a decision? The new show is still roughing up the mythos disrespecting EVERYTHING the old one stands for. Its taking all the likeable characters and replaced them with snotty, rude people. No one gets along with ANYBODY at a time when cooperation is needed most

And Im sorry. Baltar doesnt NEED to screw the damn Cylons. They eliminated the robotic ones out of cheapness and used sex to glaze it over. Baltar doesnt NEED to be sympathetic. He was supposed to be an out and out rat bastard who wanted power. Theres nothing wrong with an irredeemable villain. This Baltar is a tenth of the villain John Colicos made you love to hate.

Hatch was getting PLENTY of work on the side. If he truly was hurting for money he would have accepted a role in the miniseries. Doesnt matter. Selling out is still selling out. I dont buy him needing the money for a second. Success of this show will surely KILL any chance of a revival. More people who havent seen the original will come to accept THIS as the norm so when a REAL revival comes the general public will go "This isnt ANYTHING like that show on Sci-Fi" and thus it will get panned by them then theyll tell their friends not to watch it either before heading out for a Xima or whatevers in vogue with the Gen-Xers these days. This show is the WORST possible thing to happen to any plans for a continuation. You cant have two continuities running at once. Its one or the other. And the fans of the classic lost.

Feeding his family isnt an issue. Hatch was doing that long beforehand. The issue is compromising your ethics or ideals. If there was NEVER a mini I have absolutely every faith Richards family wouldnt have to worry where their next meal came from. The issue is making a statement and deciding to not stick to it. Maybe there might be a little inconvenince but honorable people withstand such things for their cause. If the mini worked off the original then there wouldnt have been a problem with old and new fans. But with this arrangement the old fans get the screw because there WILL be something new and flashy to compare it to.

Dont you get it? He was our last symbol of hope. And he just cast his vote for the other party.

But I cant expect you to understand. After all, you have what YOU want. A new show. I wouldnt expect you to care.
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Old August 10th, 2004, 07:45 PM   #30
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In the weeks and months both preceding and following the airing of the mini-series, I have spent a fair amount of time considering those items and have come to the realization that too little time was spent by Mr. Moore in laying the groundwork for this show. Even if it were called by another name, many of the show's elements would either not appeal to me, or not make sense.

Would not these apparently highly advanced people have found cures for the diseases that we, on Earth, are still treating?

Would not these people, in the advancement of their society and culture have not moved beyond the pettiness and infighting that still hounds those of us, here on Earth?

Would not these people have achieved a level of "personal development" to which we could aspire or would we view them as just another person on the street, i.e., "no better than us" ?

This show had too many uncanny similarities to Earth that have caused me to view it more as a glimpse of "us" somewhere down the evolutionary timeline. After a long 25+ years, it's unfortunate that I didn't warm up to this show but, the tale was not the same, for me, as it is for others. I still want a second helping of vanilla ice cream.

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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