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Old August 31st, 2008, 01:54 PM   #1
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Default Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

This is the build thread for my Fantastic Plastic's offering of the Colonial Defender-class escort cruiser design, a model in 1/3700 scale. I received my copy last Monday, 25 August.

First impressions: It's a bit smaller than I thought it was supposed to be(totally my perception, nothing on Alfred or Allen's part!), but I'm still more than happy with it. Bit disappointed in the casting, tho. Voids and airbubbles in a couple of spots that are going to be hard to "fix", as well as pour stubs in odd places that takes out some detail....

Regardless, I can clean it up with minimal effort and am pretty certain it won't take much in the way of seam filling and the like to get the build portion lookin' good. The instruction sheet is pretty straight forward and easy to follow. In fact, I think it'll be a really easy build and paint job. Just gotta make myself stay focused! Painting is the area that I usually do the poorest job during the overall build of any model. Technically, I know what I need to do, but I just can't always achieve the end result I want.

There was little in the way of flash on the model, tho a couple of the aforementioned pour stubbs were in somewhat bad spots. There are also several airbubbles/voids in spots that required filling before I get too much further along in construction. Otherwise, cleanup went fairly smoothly. I gave it a thorough "brushing" with an old toothbrush and Scrubbing Bubbles, afterwards giving it a solid wash in warm water and allowing it to air dry .

Some minor sanding to take a couple of rough edges off, clean up pour stubs after using either the Xacto or RazorSaw, little bit of putty here and there and then the subassemblies were ready to go together. Toyed w/the idea of drilling holes so I could pin the engines to the main hull area, but chose not to. We'll see if that was the right decision or not, I guess.

Added a few pieces/parts from my stash of battlestar accurizing parts from the Marko Osterholz battlestar accurizing kit. I made a copies of a couple of the more recognizable parts (and informed Marko of that, and yeah, I have plans to purchase at least one more if not two more of the kits when they become available from Odyssey Slipways - whenever that might be after waiting three+ months!) and added them to this buildup. I figure that since we never get a really clear, close look at this thing that I could take a bit of artistic license. I think that they'll allow for some homogeneity (sp) between the other TOS-style ships.

I then did some putty work to make things flow a bit more smoothly. After the putty cured for about three hours, I then did some light sanding. Some more minor putty work and another sand job were in order in a few spots, then it was ready for the next stage.

I used a primer I've never used before - Dupli-Color Self Etching Primer. I'd heard from several folks that it's a great primer for resin kits, so purchased some a couple weeks back while at Wally World one day. I guess it never really hit me, but this stuff is GREEN! Like an olive drab green. That really thru me off, lemmetellya!

I kept it to two sub-assemblies, regardless - the main hull and then the flight pod assembly. I also still haven't decided how I'm going to mount it, so that'll delay assembly of the two remaining sections. I was going to use a standard TOS BSG Galactica symbol base with single mount point, but that's just not going to work due to this thing being back-end heavy as Heck.

Still haven't decided on a base color, either. I'm thinking of hitting it with flat black and then lightening it up a bit in sucessive, lighter layers of gray - sort of pre-shading, I think is the what the procedure is called. After that, I'll give it a wash to bring out the details a bit better if that's necessary.

I'm excited to have it and highly recommend it. I'll definitely have to get another, as a matter of fact. This first is going w/my RTF, particularly the TNS RTF. The other will be buffed up with guns and the like for my ever-growing number of Colonial Fleet ships.

Thanks for offering these up, Allen!

Pics to follow.
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Old August 31st, 2008, 01:55 PM   #2
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First up is the box art:

Here we have the layout of pieces/parts.


Closeup of the forward hull area. There was some pour-stub "damage" here that I had to carefully clean up. I used a sharp Xacto blade to carefully cut off the excess resin, then used a pin-vise to drill out the round sections.

Aft section of the main hull where the engine pieces go. Pour stubs here were trimmed. I then had to trim up the matching "tab" section so that I could get the engines to align in what I felt was a more proper fashion. They would have been to far inboard, so my trimming allowed me to move them outboard a bit more. To my eye this balances out better.

Forward flight pod section where pour stub covered some of the detail. This is supposed to be opened up to a tapered point. I've filled and sanded this area smooth and then filled in the other side of the same forward section to get them balanced out.

The assembled flight pod.

Underside of the main hull. There are some minor symmetry issues w/the kit, but none that are what I consider to be glaring. Some of them are only obvious when you view from a certain angle, and even then you've got to be looking with a critical eye.

Primered. Here you can see some of the small detail pieces I added. And yes, this is the Dupli-Color self-etching primer I mentioned previously. I love this stuff, tho don't care for the color too much.

That's all I've got for now. I'll get more pics up as time allows.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 06:00 AM   #3
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

It's amazing how things end up.

I just hope for the sake of all involved the true designer of this model got his just do.

For one it ended up in the new series and the guy that modeled it never even got the respect it deserved and the man that designed it didn't get much either.

So to Todd Boyce and Darrell Lawrence and also to Steve Wilson for building it originally, here's to you guys.

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Old September 1st, 2008, 06:11 AM   #4
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Hi Jeff
They sent me one last week but I don't have time to mess with it so I gave it to a bud who has a son that loves this stuff
Todd has a new game with pewter miniatures

Can't wait till you finish it, I was quite pleased. I hope they will do more of the fleet


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Old September 1st, 2008, 07:25 AM   #5
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

First off, my apologies for the size of the original image. I guess I didn't double check it as I should have! I hate having to side-scroll in a forum thread, so will change it back to a link.

Originally Posted by Titon View Post
It's amazing how things end up.

I just hope for the sake of all involved the true designer of this model got his just do.
Yes, Don, it's right there on the pic of the box art. Allen Ury got in contact w/Todd Boyce and they hammered out some sort of deal. I wasn't privy to the details, just that Mr. Boyce was apparently satisfied w/the business arrangement.
For one it ended up in the new series and the guy that modeled it never even got the respect it deserved and the man that designed it didn't get much either.
While I understand the sentiment here, this thread isn't about the politics of this sort of stuff. It's about building a physical model. I would appreciate if the focus would stay on the build.
So to Todd Boyce and Darrell Lawrence and also to Steve Wilson for building it originally, here's to you guys.

Absolutely! Just kudos and thanks to those who had a hand in bringing this kit to fruition - which includes both the pattern maker, Alfred Wong, and the producer of the kit, Allen B. Ury! I've liked this design for some time and was extremely excited to hear that it was going to become a physical model. Especially having perused Mr. Boyce's site off and on for some years.

Now, if we could just get a physical model of the Guardian-class! I've got a version of each of the Protector and Cheetah designs, so I'm good there. The Guardian, tho, would be a real pain in the posterior to try and 'bash or scratchbuild because of the design that it's mandibles take. Still, it'd be challenging!
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Old September 1st, 2008, 07:32 AM   #6
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Originally Posted by Stevew View Post
Hi Jeff
They sent me one last week but I don't have time to mess with it so I gave it to a bud who has a son that loves this stuff
Very kewel of you! Here's hoping he has a lot of fun with the build. Maybe it'll even inspire him to kitbash some designs of his own, as well as eventually "evolve" in to computer built versions, eh?
Todd has a new game with pewter miniatures
The name doesn't quite fit for the game with regards to "NinjaMagic", but I like the artwork and backstory. Sounds very interesting! I'd love to see some fiction based on what he's written.
Can't wait till you finish it, I was quite pleased. I hope they will do more of the fleet
Thanks, Mr. Wilson! And I hope they do more of the fleet, as well!
Dang it! I forgot to include that link, originally. Thanks for doing so!
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Old September 1st, 2008, 07:38 AM   #7
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Thanks Don
Just seeing it is satisfaction enough for me. Todd told me that it was also in Serenity
After seeing your stunning work on G I am in the process of doing major upgrades to my BSG fleet now that I finally have the computing power.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 07:39 AM   #8
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

If you want I can provide you with STL or IGES files for any of these ships
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Old September 1st, 2008, 02:19 PM   #9
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

No problem Steve.

Jeff no worries either i'm just glad Todd at least got his do that's all i'm concerned about.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 08:34 PM   #10
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Thanks, fellas. I appreciate it. I agree too about credit being given where it's due. Shame that can't be the case with every model built, but guess it's just not something that can be done in the pervue of these shows and movies?

The model is about 10" / 25.4cm long.

Took a few more pics tonight, to include some pics w/the Revello-gram battlestar kit that I've had in-work for something like a year now! Pics were taken for one of the fellas at Starship Modeler - madcap974 - who wanted to see the kit next to the Big G for comparison's sake.

I also took a bunch of new pics from different angles w/the primer and then took it down to the garage for a coat of Model Masters gunship gray. I"m going to then hit it w/a coat of something lighter to see how it looks, tho that likely won't happen for a few more days as I go in for surgery (outpatient stuff) in the morning.

Anyhow, I'll try and get some more pics edited and uploaded later tonight. If not, it'll prolly be a few days.
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 12:02 PM   #11
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Some additional information about the design itself: The original listing at Todd Boyce's Battlestar Galactica Wars - Ships of the Colonial Fleet page lists it as an escort cruiser.

There are no obvious Viper launch tubes, so my theory is that the Flight Pod can land and store Vipers, but not very many. It also likely only has the flight pod for landing and storing shuttles in a general capacity, but not to field Vipers as a form of offense/defense. In it's capacity as an escort, I imagine it is fielded as part of a defensive screen of ships and has fairly respectable anti-starfighter defenses.

Someone at Starship Modeler mentioned that they'd like to build theirs as something akin to the ST:TNG Nebula-class ship w/the pod being mission specific in nature. I thought that was a pretty kewel idea.

BTW, Todd Boyce is guy who designed this extremely original ship.

Those comparison pics for madcap974 over at Starship Modeler follow. That's a Revellogram battlestar kit that I've added some detail pieces to, some of which are from the upcoming Battlestar Accurizing kit supposed to be cast and sold thru Odyssey Slipways, but mastered by Marko Osterholz. I added a few of the same pieces to my Colonial Defender, as well.

And yes, the battlestar isn't finished, either.

Pics :



Took more pics late last night and just got thru editing some of them. Will post them a bit later today.
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Old September 10th, 2008, 03:49 PM   #12
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

New pics!

Sorry for the delay. The area I had surgery on really got to hurting Wednesday evening sort of late and so I've been like a Redneck Stay-at-home-Dad, 'cept I don't watch soap operas and don't like bon-bons. Lounging on the couch is kind of kewel the first day or so, but after that it gets old quick! Especially when your choices are bed, couch or standing up. Wouldn't be as much of a problem if it weren't for bending over trying to paint/work on models suxxor!1!!

Things have finally gotten to where it doesn't hurt so much and I can finally sit "side saddle" in a chair for up to thirty minutes at a time now. Much better! I go between sitting for a bit, kneeling on a pillow for about 15 or so minutes, standing bent over for 10 to 15 minutes and then back to sitting for a bit. After about an hour or so, tho, I have to go lounge on the couch.

Anyhow, updates. These pics show the Defender after I put a coat of Model Masters Gunship Gray (from the rattle can) on her. I really didn't like that color, tho, so decided on the aforementioned Tamiya's Neutral Gray (USAAF), AS-7. It's a much lighter color that looks tons better, IMNSHO.

Gunship Gray:




I'm painting detail colors with a mix of Tamiya acrylics and Model Master and regular Testors enamels, hand painting the majority of details as it's just faster and I'm not looking for perfection in this model, anyhow. Most of the colors I'm using are gray-based as I'm trying to keeping there from being major contrast between the main hull color and the details.




I've done some more painting on this than is shown in these last three pics. However, it's been mostly using enamels for the metal tones and so painting has slowed down quite a bit due to cure times. I'm mostly just doing the piping and some other minor "greeblie" painting, then will add the flight pod - which is nearly finished, as well - and then just giving her a wash. The colors I'm using for the piping is Testors Aluminum and Steel, as well as Model Masters Jet Exhaust.

While I'm waiting on paint to dry, I've gotten back to doing some detail work on my Timeslip Creations battlestar, as well as some of my RTF ships. I recently picked up several new RTF members from Ravenstar Studios, as well as on eBay from Armoury Toys and Hobbies.

That's all I've got for now. I'll eventually post pics of the RTF buildups at some point in the not-too-distant future. Just don't hold your breath and you'll be alright, methinks.
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Old September 10th, 2008, 04:57 PM   #13
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Really nice Jeff
Hope you feel better
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Old September 11th, 2008, 08:47 AM   #14
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Thanks, Steve. I appreciate the kind words on both regards. I'm healing up nicely and was last night able to sit in the chair for almost a full hour while doing some really basic weathering on my Defender with an acrylic wash.

To address a point you brought up earlier, I'd love to see more of the work that you and Todd Boyce poured in to these designs. Unfortunately, I'm not the guy who can back those sorts of models being made. I just don't have the capital to start such a project, plus realize that I'm not going to make a very good business man where GKM production is concerned, particularly right now. Perhaps once I retire, tho....

Anyhow, on the designs I've seen here, I'm particularly a big fan of the Ranger-class design after the Defender. I just like it's look for some reason that I can't really explain. There aren't too many of the other large ships I've seen here - either based off of Todd Boyces work or that of others - that really "get me", but I guess that next would be the Guardian.

The one that I really didn't like as-is is the Protector-class. I kitbashed a version using an old Revell-ogram kit that I call the Agamemnon and in my on BSG 'Verse it's what the Protector should have looked like (no insult intended). The main differences are that engine isn't vertically aligned, amidships section is somewhat shorter and the flight pods are chopped down a bit. It just flows aesthetically to my eye better. I understand the reasons for the engines on the Defender-class being sideways, but really dislike it on the Protector.

I also like the "oddball" type support ships of the Colonial Fleet. I have no clue who came up w/the designs, but the Colonial Searcher and the Colonial Scout/Light Cruiser really grab me. The former, in particular would be fun to try and scratchbuild.

I also really like the modified agro-ship, as I'm a big fan of the RTF ships, as well. This particular agro-ship is really kewel and looks balanced to my personal tastes, tho I might change a few things. It really almost looks like a mix between the Valley Forge-type agro-ship and that from TNS BSG's Botanical Cruiser.

Anyhow, sorry to go off on the subject like that. I really wish I could see a mix of ships from both TOS and TNS in the way of both Colonial Fleet and RTF designs brought to life. I'm still waiting for a Celestra/Galaxy Mining ship to be made by someone to-scale w/the rest of the RTF.
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Old September 11th, 2008, 05:30 PM   #15
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

The searcher was one of Todd's that I did the model of then I made a direvitive called the Scout

The Agro was mine based on the Valley Forge then Alan did his thing as well as the Protecor which turned out quite well
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Old September 17th, 2008, 06:32 AM   #16
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Kewel, Steve. Thanks for setting me straight on those. I really do like your rendition of the agro-ship.

Worked on the Defender off and on all weekend. Again, the main delay while actually up at my workbench was waiting on the paint to dry, as well as family and home related stuff all weekend. The winds from Hurricane Ike were much stronger here than the previous hurricane that rolled thru (was that Gus, right?) and blew more debris around our yard than the last, as well as knocked down three tree's in our neighborhood. Thankfully, the city I'm living in has all of it's utilities underground, so we didn't lose power here because of those tree's. What that means, tho, is that we had to go out and pick up all kinds of limbs, pinecones and leaves/pine needles out of the yard.

But I digress....

First new pic: https://members.aol.com/griffyards/CD_Paint04.jpg

I added some more additional details. Most notably - I armed her!

The guns are some resin castings taken off of the resin TNS BSG Galactica kit from... I forget the name of the company. I picked these turrets up off of eBay as part of a lot of resin bits-n-bobs. The actual barrels were beyond salvage, so I drilled out holes in the main section of the turret and added some Evergreen rod stock as barrels.

There are two sets of these turrets on the model. I put two on top at the angled outboard position, as the pic shows, and two more on the bottom hull. I added a 5th turret of a different type to underside the flight pod as that position was sorely lacking. I figure this one is slightly smaller, thus slightly smaller caliber (or power for TOS, if you will), but capable of more rapid fire. This particular turret is one of the extra's that the BamBam Productions Cygnus-class escort comes with.

On a related note: the small ship in this view is one I picked up from Armoury Toys and Hobbies, tho I picked up this and a couple of their large freighters on eBay. They call this the Celestra-Type Deep Exploration Ship. I added the mast and slightly oversized "radar" dish to the mast. I'm thinking of seeing if I've got any additional details to add.

I also added three more different detail pieces/parts. In this shot you can clearly see the guns from a battleship kit. I snipped off the front section of the barrel, as well as the canvas covering section. I then drilled out the fronts of the barrels and painted them jet exhaust - which I don't like.

I also added an antenna dish I grabbed from one of the many Bandai StarBlazers 1/2500 scale ships I picked up some years ago, most of which I got directly from Federation Models when he was still selling those. There's a lot of nice little detail pieces in those kits and you can still find them on eBay, as well.

The other detail parts that I added are a set of four small turret-like things that I believe came from a Tirpitz kit. I put two each on the outboard sections of the engines, figuring them for some sort of long-range sensors or maybe come gear. Maybe they're part of the weapons arrays (or in the TOS 'Verse maybe they're shield projectors?) or just vents. I dunno, but it's fun, if geeky, to run that stuff thru your mind.

Last pic: https://members.aol.com/griffyards/CD_Paint06.jpg

View of the underside of the model. Bews fiew for the underside of the pod w/the gun that was added there. I've been weathering it using Tamiya Flat Black acrylic (XF-1) heavily watered down. I think I'm on the third wash for the main body area and have only hit the engines once. I've also hit the flight pod part with a wash at least two or three times, as well.

I painted the entryway for the flight deck section flat black since it's not a hollow piece. I briefly toyed w/the idea of cutting the flight pod in half and hollowing out that area, but decided that's just too much work on this at this time. Maybe when/if I go ahead and purchase a second kit.

And that's all I've got for now. I'll press on and try to finish her by the end of this coming weekend.

As always, constructive comments and criticisms welcome. If you see something I can fix or that I should perhaps do differently, please don't hesitate to comment! Especially before I dullcote her.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 06:36 AM   #17
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

Seems that AOL is still having some sort of problems w/their User FTP Space, as all of a sudden pics aren't viewable, tho were fine last night.

If you're having problems seeing the pics at the direct AOL Links, check out Post #33 at Resin Illuminati in this thread: https://www.resinilluminati.com/showt...7921#post67921

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Old September 17th, 2008, 06:36 AM   #18
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

The links don't work for me
Feel free to use any meshe you want

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Old September 17th, 2008, 06:38 AM   #19
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Default Re: Fantastic Plastic's Colonial Defender Buildup

That works
Very nice
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