FINALLY, the epic story of Dark Exodus is finished, and posted at my Yahoo group:
I would like to thank everyone who has joined thus far, or who has somehow found the time in their busy schedules to read the story whereever they have found it. You and your kind words and constructive criticisms have inspired me to finish this labor of love.
The final story clocks in at 260 pages, on WordPad using 14 pitch text. Novel length....WOW! Now, if only someone were wise enough to turn it into a movie.
If you like the story, spread the word to more fans of TOS Galactica, and let them know about Dark Exodus, and other fine works of fanfiction and fanart throughout the net.
Please, let me know whatcha think. Did I do it right? Muffit, my good and dear friend, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Respectfully to all,
Martok2112 aka Steve Dunlap- The much mentally exhausted author of--BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Dark Exodus