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The Worlds of Galactica... An online universe project for BSG fans


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Old February 12th, 2005, 05:52 AM   #1
Muff Daggy
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Default Special Announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Announcing: The Worlds of Galactica!

Hail and well met, all my fellow Galactica friends!!!! This silly daggit would like to announce to one and all, the beginning of a new era for Battlestar Galactica fandom! Welcome to the grand opening of -- The Worlds of Galactica! A united fanbase effort to bring the show we all love to the world!!!

Very recently, during the big server move of Colonial Fleets, Thomas (our resident animé artist and VB guru extraordinaire), said something that stirred a tiny flame in me; and from that flame emerged a dream so big I felt as though it were 1978 all over again, and this treasured show we all love so well were being shown for the very first time this coming Sunday!

Imagine the hub of a huge space station, with infinite spokes leading to infinite places, uniting the entire online world of BSG for the very first time!!! A kind of United Nations in cyberspace, where people of all beliefs and origins, and talents as diverse as a 64 bit palette, could congregate together and then fan out (sorry ) to whatever area among hundreds their hearts desired. A real-time 3D world where each and every one of you appear as a customizable character on screen, and frolic in and out between your very best friends, into chat rooms that really are rooms (and aboard the Galactica to boot!); online shops representing anyone and everyone who desires to link to us; completely free online games written in Flash updated constantly which you can play with your online friends; guilds where you can negotiate art talent for your animated 3d characters, or build your own visually stunning 3d shops to show off your own talent; galleries of 2d and 3d art by our gifted members; libraries chock full of fan fiction to your heart’s content; even autographed hard copies of both if you like for a small fee from the artist or writer (like Dark Exodus signed by the author himself!); and of course, our beloved forums just as they have always been, but with special new features allowing video and voice if you are so inclined!

A dynamic, ever-changing 3d world dreamed by the fans, for the fans, and to the world. And a place where each and every one of you can showcase your talent by contributing to this wonderful new venue with whatever abilities you might have: 2d art, 3d art, mesh creation, location naming, testing, texturing, shading, level design, coding (Windows, Mac, php, cgi, Flash, etc), library and content admins (easy!), translation (yes! we will need localization talents so we are world-friendly!), and anything else we can all dream up!! And although the main site itself will be free to all and not sell anything, everyone (and I mean everyone) will be welcome to advertise their talents and wares through doors to shops and shuttles to worlds just like in the imagined future! (And yes, that includes the big guys if they so desire, i.e. Universal, etc). All things Galactica, everywhere, accessible from one unique meeting place, and all for free, all for the love of the show.

So what do you all think? As our dear Kingfish would say, “Holla if ya hear me!!”

Please let Thomas and I know if you are interested, and what you’d like to bring to the party – no one will be turned away if your heart is in the right place! Don’t be shy – I’m certain you have a talent we can use! Simply reply to this post! And feel free to add your own ideas – this is a group dream folks!!!

Special announcement! To begin this grand journey, we will have a little contest – our dream needs a vision, and all visions need a tangible portrait – so get those pixels, acrylics and oils out, and whip us up a logo page! Something that encompasses this dream somehow – all things BSG, past, present and future!! We will then have an online poll to choose the winning picture, and the winner will receive – drum roll please – 5,000 bread ties and a year’s supply of Blue kool-aid in the Café!!! (You were expecting maybe cubits??? ).

As a dear friend of mine likes to say, “And so it begins…”

Affectionately to one and all,
Muffit and Thomas7g

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Old February 12th, 2005, 08:14 AM   #2
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It took Lucas Arts 2 years to make Star Wars Galaxies, Some folks are making a Star Trek univese, release date to be sometime in 2006.

Contact the folks that made Earth & Beyond, Lucas bought the space model for SWG. Maybe thier base engine is still available. Or maybe you can make a "SIMS" module.

Either way its gonna cost big bucks
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Old February 12th, 2005, 08:42 AM   #3
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Hi Bojay!

No worries, this won't cost much at all... we're not trying to make a multiplayer sim or anything like that (heavens no). Basically, this will be a Winchester Mystery Site -- "keeeep buuiilding..." -- We will start out really small, with just a few parts in 3d, then gradually add to it as time goes by. It will always be open, yet always be developing -- no 2 year waits either!!!

Essentially, the vision is to create a 3d browser -- nothing more. Something besides boring text-based forums and endlessly clicking on links, wondering where they go. When you login, you will be given a choice; standard, just like things are now, good old plain html and php web pages -- OR you can move up at any time to the 3d experience. If it were 2d I'm betting I could write most of it in just a month or so; but of course 3d is a bit more involved, so the idea is to build it block by block, area by area, slowly adding features as we learn what works best -- and all the time it will be OPEN (except during big upgrades of course, but that should be just an hour's worth at a time, like most server upgrades).

For starters, there are a ton of 3d engines out there with Gnu licenses, really pretty good engines at that too. We don't need anything like the latest tech, certainly not now anyway. Just a basic multiplatform engine which allows you to create a level of meshes wrapped with pleasing textures, and of course very basic triggers at each doorway, shuttle cockpit, etc. All we are doing is replacing text links and flat font browsers with a true 3d browser with 3d links, and that's it. Data interchange will be simple bit compressed packets of a few k, and the small client modules running at the full user's speed will do the rest. The server module simply routes packets and keeps the database updated. Nothing could be simpler! (Okay, growing veggies would be simpler, I grant you, but who wants to chat with a carrot!! ).

Be of good cheer! This daggit has a pretty good idea how to "make it so" without all the mumbo jumbo of most software projects. (Shoot, just cancel the group meetings and we'd cut months off the schedule!!! ).

This is not going to be a pyramid, just some landscaping to make things pretty.

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Old February 12th, 2005, 08:57 AM   #4
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I am down for such a grand adventure. (I guess I better work on Reciprocity some more so that it doesn't fall too far behind the grand opening.)

You got my vote.

Marty McKlingon
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Old February 12th, 2005, 09:20 AM   #5
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Thanks friend Martok!!

Ooh, here's a good one all... think this stuff is brain surgery? Check this out...


This is just one of many - ultra cool, ready to rock and roll. Complete with 3d sound, user customizable worlds, choice of your own servers, even a complete SDK and suite of 3rd party utilities!!

It's just w Win program for now, but heck, the day is still young...
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Old February 12th, 2005, 10:14 AM   #6
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Muffit -

It looks and sounds like a terrific idea. I congratulate you on finding such an inspiring way to make Fleets truly unique. I wish that I could contribute, but I have all the computer skills of a square of linoleum...

I can't wait to see how this all works out!

Oh, I did have a tiny suggestion (in case you didn't already think of it). What about using the various ships in the Fleet for things like the Cafe or whatever? That way, people could be "shuttled" around. There are 220 ships in the Fleet and we've only seen 5-7 of them on either series...

Just something to chew on!

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Old February 12th, 2005, 10:29 AM   #7
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Oh yes, definitely Gemini!!! We can start out small and simple, say with the Galactica bridge, then add the rest of the ship, then shuttles to take us to other ships (Cylon Alliance, Dirk's site, Bsg.com, etc), and even on to other worlds! See? That's the best part! We all keep adding suggestions, and little by little we grow into an ever developing dream! Don't worry about the computer talent arena -- coding is actually a small part of most software projects. There are artists, script writers, gif creators, page layout designers, people in charge of assets (keeping track of WIP art, sounds, etc) - and of course the all important testers! Any of us could be a tester, and believe me, that's an important part of all this!!! I would like to put lots of sound and jokes into this, (yay jokes!!!), and we will need folks to lend their voice talents and humor ideas as well. Who knows? You may find you're perfect for something none of us even thought of??!!

Thanks for your reply, and your idea!!!

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Old February 12th, 2005, 10:38 AM   #8
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A great idea, will help bring life into all versions.

Let me know what I can do.
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Old February 12th, 2005, 11:02 AM   #9
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Thanks Repcisg!!! I know we can all help out in one way or another!
The best part is, after everything is up and running, many of our services will be needed on an optional basis, so in addition to online shops, fandom will have its own marketplace to sell their individual talents to those who want an even more immersive experience - ultra cool animated characters that look like them, gallery setup, yadda, yadda (think ringtones and wallpaper suppliers for cell phones ).

Thanks again!!
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Old February 12th, 2005, 01:14 PM   #10
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This sound's fantastic, I will help if i can.
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Old February 12th, 2005, 01:32 PM   #11
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Thanks so much Taranis!! Welcome aboard!!!
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Old February 12th, 2005, 01:42 PM   #12
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I am investigating the activeworlds site to learn more. and I like Gemini1999 idea of using other ships in the fleet.

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Old February 12th, 2005, 01:53 PM   #13
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Wow, those are great ideas Taranis!! I like it!!

This is so neat, it's only been half a day and everyone's already contributing!!
Ooh, btw, ActiveWorlds may not end up being our primary choice, I just wanted to show how quickly we can find various pre-existing engines that would have us up and running in just a few weeks or so. But we might to begin with, who knows?!

Down the road, we will want to migrate more and more to our own customized engine (which would probably be someone else's, albeit heavily BSG'd just for us ). ActiveWorlds looks fantastic, the only con is registered users might have to pay a monthly fee -- we want to avoid that if at all possible. I am not at all against a server module fee, that's a given. I just want this as free as free can be (plus it doesns't appear to be on Mac yet).

However, if this thing actually takes off and we get a lot of interest (read /users/), we may well be able to negotiate a fee low enough everyone will be happy .

Ooh, and all, this will /not/ replace Fleets in any way, shape or form. It's a visual and audibly rich gateway, nothing more. But down the road, I am dreaming of a BB system which itself is 3d -- hey, I can dream, can't I???

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Old February 12th, 2005, 02:06 PM   #14
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The only long term issue I see is end user bandwidth. Dialup users will find the sit much too slow. But then if we retain Fleets, they will have a home too.
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Old February 12th, 2005, 02:10 PM   #15
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Ah, good point Repcisg! But not to worry! This middle-aged daggit grew up on 300 baud modem games!!! There's /always/ a trick when coding to make these machines fly, even without wings

Think data on client, phone operator on server -- all she's gotta do is plug dis caller into dat one...

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Old February 12th, 2005, 03:34 PM   #16
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Is this sort of what you had in mind Muffit?

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Old February 12th, 2005, 03:38 PM   #17
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Hey Muffit,
This all sounds like a great idea! Very ambitious as well. I can't wait to see how this all develops.
Do you have any specific requirements for the logo page? Size, important info, etc???
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Old February 12th, 2005, 04:18 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Is this sort of what you had in mind Muffit?

Wow, that is /very/ cool Rowan!! That is very much like what we are envisioning, with one exception -- you will be able to walk thru the ship/world/etc, using a customized animated head (even your own if ya like!), on a tiny bodied set of legs. You know, kinda like those caricatures at the wharf

Best of all, you will be able to see your FRIENDS too - what they're up to, where they're headed off to - even intercept their little journey to wherever and invite them somewhere with you!!! (OOh, stalkers will have a whole new medium to explore!!! ).

Hmm, I can see your mind gears turning Rowan -- dark alleys, handsome strangers...

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Old February 12th, 2005, 04:22 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Muffit
Wow, that is /very/ cool Rowan!! That is very much like what we are envisioning, with one exception -- you will be able to walk thru the ship/world/etc, using a customized animated head (even your own if ya like!), on a tiny bodied set of legs. You know, kinda like those caricatures at the wharf wow now that sounds pretty amazing!!

Best of all, you will be able to see your FRIENDS too - what they're up to, where they're headed off to - even intercept their little journey to wherever and invite them somewhere with you!!! Ok I don't think my old brain can keep up with modern technology!! this sounds incredible!! (OOh, stalkers will have a whole new medium to explore!!! ).

Hmm, I can see your mind gears turning Rowan -- dark alleys, handsome strangers...

Dang she knows me too well !!! It could get embarrassing people witnessing my flirting full fledged I know a few who might not like that idea LOL!
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Old February 12th, 2005, 04:28 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Fragmentary
Hey Muffit,
This all sounds like a great idea! Very ambitious as well. I can't wait to see how this all develops.
Do you have any specific requirements for the logo page? Size, important info, etc???
Good question Fragmentary! Glad you asked me. One thing that is very simple in HTML but often overlooked is detecting the user's rez on access. With that knowledge, you simply provide several different primary screens - usually at least 800x600 and 1024x768. Of course, for Mac it's probably a bit different, and also widescreens are becoming very popular (my daughter has one too).

But to answer your question, the size doesn't really matter at this point (I think I hear someone in Canada giggling ). Anything around 800x600 would be just fine for our little contest. If it's too small we can frame it with a starfield; if it's too big we'll simply resize it a bit.

Sorry I forgot to mention this! Btw, in all possibility, we may end up using /all/ the entries somewhere on the initial site (picture on walls, etc). Well, everybody's except my Dark Exodus daggit pic...

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Old February 12th, 2005, 04:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Dang she knows me too well !!! It could get embarrassing people witnessing my flirting full fledged I know a few who might not like that idea LOL!
ROTFL Rowan!!! We might need a whole new set of rules!!!
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Old February 12th, 2005, 04:41 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Muffit
Good question Fragmentary! Glad you asked me. One thing that is very simple in HTML but often overlooked is detecting the user's rez on access. With that knowledge, you simply provide several different primary screens - usually at least 800x600 and 1024x768. Of course, for Mac it's probably a bit different, and also widescreens are becoming very popular (my daughter has one too).

But to answer your question, the size doesn't really matter at this point (I think I hear someone in Canada giggling ). Anything around 800x600 would be just fine for our little contest. If it's too small we can frame it with a starfield; if it's too big we'll simply resize it a bit.

Sorry I forgot to mention this! Btw, in all possibility, we may end up using /all/ the entries somewhere on the initial site (picture on walls, etc). Well, everybody's except my Dark Exodus daggit pic...

I get so giddy when I see Dark Exodus mentioned in other areas of the Fleets. Most flattering. Heck, Muff Daggy, why don't'cha go ahead and post your humorous little fanart? I thought it was hilarious, and flattering.

Everyone has posted so many wonderful ideas for the 3D possibilities. I am anxious to see it in action.

Mart Klingy (ok...so it doesn't sound quite as cool as Muff Daggy)
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Old February 12th, 2005, 08:32 PM   #23
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Hey Muffit
Have you thought about simulating the Tektronix 4051 computer terminal they used in BSG? It would be cool to see these terminals with Vectorgraphic Effects!
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Old February 12th, 2005, 09:03 PM   #24
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VECTREX!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the frack are you???

It's so good to hear from ya!! That is an OUTSTANDING idea!!!!!!! Consider it a TOP priority!!! When I first started out adding graphics, they were all vector based - wish to heck I still had the commented source code! That is SO COOL!!! Absolutely, we can place monitors (think ATMs) around the world, and when you walk up to one your window will switch to simulated vector graphics mode - truly a BSG icon if there ever was one!!

Rigel: (As a host of little green triangles crawl from left to right): "10 microns and closing...!!!"

Geez, I haven't been this excited over an idea in eons (yehons??? ).
Thank you all for such terrific ideas!!!

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Old February 12th, 2005, 09:10 PM   #25
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Muffit, I popped up a possible opening cover art piece for ya in another thread in this forum.
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Old February 12th, 2005, 09:16 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Warrior
Muffit, I popped up a possible opening cover art piece for ya in another thread in this forum.
Hi Warrior!!!!!!!!!!!! I just saw it -- so AWESOME!!!

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Old February 12th, 2005, 09:51 PM   #27
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Sounds like a great idea Muffit........it would be a fun place
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Old February 13th, 2005, 09:01 AM   #28
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Old February 15th, 2005, 11:09 AM   #29
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I swear I read Muffit’s post twice, can some one break this down for me like I’m Boxey.?
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Old February 15th, 2005, 11:19 AM   #30
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This sounds like a great idea!

Three cheers for our resident daggit


*so, who's gonna finish it?*
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