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Old May 1st, 2005, 06:35 PM   #1
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Star Trek Star Trek reaches its very final frontier

From News Telegraph:

Star Trek reaches its very final frontier

By Hugh Davies

Monday 2 May 2005

The final frontier may have come for Star Trek with the last television episode to be broadcast this month nearly 40 years after Capt Kirk, Mr Spock and Dr "Bones" McCoy made their debut.

The show's latest incarnation, Enterprise, has been cancelled by the US network United Paramount because ratings had slumped to 2.9 million viewers.

With so many repeats of the original series, and its follow-up The Next Generation, the new series had difficulty breaking through.

Rick Berman, the executive producer, who took over the TV and film properties after the death of Gene Roddenberry, the series creator, said: "I think we found ourselves in competition with ourselves."

He said the plan was "to give it a rest for a few years".

Five different crews have been featured in the series which, after a break in the 1970s and early 1980s, has been going non-stop for 18 years, with 624 hours of film.

Set a century before the first series, aboard an early version of the spaceship, Enterprise began in Sept 2001, with an audience of more than 12.5 million. Within a year that figure had halved.

Ronald Moore, who wrote Star Trek scripts before moving to Battlestar Galactica, said: "It never quite grabbed people viscerally and hung on like the other shows did."

Mr Berman said: "For us, it's a very bittersweet time. We have dozens of people who we have worked with us for 10, 15, some 18 years, and it's become something like a family."

As one of the most successful series ever, Star Trek is estimated to have made £53 billion through the shows, films, books, merchandise and theme park rides.

Actors still circle the world, appearing at conventions. Last year, the surviving members of the original cast -

William Shatner (Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Spock), James Doohan (Scotty), Nichelle Nichols (Lt Uhura), Walter Koenig (Ensign Chekov) and George Takei (Lt Sulu) - gathered together for the first time in over a decade to meet their fans in Los Angeles.

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Old May 1st, 2005, 10:16 PM   #2
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Decent writing might have helped.
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 12:29 AM   #3
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Star Trek

Originally Posted by Senmut
Decent writing might have helped.
It's not only that. Many of the actors were miscast. Add the lack of character development and you have a recipe for disaster.

Let's look at season one. ENT started out attracting 12.5 million viewers for it's debut. By the end of the season viewership went down as low as 4.5 million. That should have raised a big red flag and major changes and additions to the cast and writers should have been done then. But season after season continued to show a steady decline in viewership until only the hardcore fans were left watching the show.

Now the actors and characters:

Paramount should have bought out Bakula's contract and found a new actor to replace him. That would have spared fans of watching the "Quantum Leap" episodes...Daniel=Al telling Archer=Sam what he should do and what the future should be if he sets it right. Remember, Bakula's contract gave him major input into the stories and his character. Let's face it. Bakula didn't have the right stuff. ENT's captain needed to be like the 1st astronauts, hand picked, confident, and charismatic. Bakula possessed none of these attributes. Maybe he should have played the doctor instead. One wonders who would have been captain if Bakula wasn't pitching a new Quantum Leap show to Paramount and other studios and was offered the part. And besides, without Donald P. Bellisario, Bakula couldn't go anywhere with his pitch unless the studio buys the rights from ironically, Universal Studios and Bellisario. Look at the description of Archer before ENT aired:
Captain Jonathan Archer is described as being in his 40s, a physical, bold personality, who unlike the Starfleet captains of later centuries, exhibits a sense of wonder and excitement about the strange things he will encounter.

He is said to hold a grudge against the Vulcans, who he blames for impeding humanity's progress - but with his first officer a Vulcan, he will have to reconsider these preconceptions.

Although he has a strong sense of duty, he’s a bit of a renegade (shades of Kirk?) - he’s not afraid to question orders or even disobey them if he feels in his gut that he’s right.
Jolene Blalock was obviously chosen to be ENT's 7 of 9. I liked her more in the mirror universe episodes than all the previous seasons combined. At least she got to act like a Vulcan in the mirror universe. That means poor writing was done for that character in previous seasons. Outside of Bakula, nobody in the cast could suggest changes to the script that made more sense to the viewers and developed the character better. The writers ended up turning the character into a drug addict that gives expert massages. Dr Phlox pimping her to Trip was another mistake. T'Pol's character description:
Sub-Commander T'Pol (formerly named T’Pau) is in her late 20s by appearance (though of course being a Vulcan, she’s pro
bably 129), an "austere yet sensual" Vulcan female. She's the Enterprise's Science Officer and First Officer assigned to the ship to oversee humanity's progress (which sounds like she’ll be a Vulcan liasion of sorts as well). Although she's cautious and guarded around humans, whom she considers primitive and irrational, she'll come to develop a grudging respect for Captain Archer. She’ll become one of his most loyal and trusted crew members.
Speaking of Connor Trinneer, he should have been given the Lt Reed part or killed after the 1st season. Maybe Trinneer should have stayed with his day job ( Zeus Zelenko on One Life to Live). The Trip character had no redeeming values and never came close to what was described or fit into the calm, cool ST engineer we have come to know:
Trip is described as a Southerner in his early 30s who enjoys using his "country" persona to disarm people. He has an offbeat, often sarcastic sense of humor (like McCoy?).

He was hand-picked by Captain Archer, who is something of a mentor to him.

Though he is a brilliant Engineer and an outstanding officer, he has very little first-hand experience with alien cultures, and will often be a "fish out of water" on the series. He is extremely curious about everything and cannot wait to find new cultures and technologies to learn about.
Dominic Keating fits the Commander 'Trip' Tucker role better and why it was decided which part he would play at the last minute (Reed/Tucker) is anybody's guess.
Reed is the British Armoury Officer aboard the Enterprise and a bit of a throwback in this new age of humanity's enlightenment. Reed is a 22nd Century soldier, "all spit and polish and by-the-book." He's also a man of contradictions - near-obsessed with munitions, but at the same time soft-spoken, shy and awkward around women.

When testing a new weapon, he’s liable to put on a pair of space-age earplugs because he doesn’t like loud noises.

He’s in his late 20s to early 30s.
The writers totally ignored Anthony Montgomery and the Travis Mayweather character. He often disappeared for episodes at a time without any explaination. He should have been a valuable resource:
Lieutenant Travis Mayweather is the mid-20s African-American helmsman aboard the Enterprise. Mayweather was raised on cargo ships, and as a result is more "interstellar" than even the Captain. He’s traveled to dozens of planets and met many different alien species. Mayweather has an “instinct” for space-travel that few humans possess.

His closest friend is ’Trip’ Tucker and they spend their off-duty hours finding new ways to enjoy life in space.
Ensign Hoshi Sato had more screen time than Mayweather but still was under utilized. Linda Park remains a favorite of many fans. Hoshi should have bonded with T'Pol like Troi and Dr Crusher, Dax and Kira Nerys, or Janeway and 7 of 9 did.
Ensign Hoshi Sato is "striking and intelligent," as well as an expert in exo-linguistics. As Communications Officer, she's not only in charge of all communications aboard the Enterprise, but also serves as ship's Translator. An expert in exo-linguistics, she learned to manipulate her vocal chords to emit a range of alien sounds no human has ever produced. She has a natural affinity for picking up languages. Her skills were highlighted in Episode 3.

She’s mid to late 20s and Japanese. She has a feisty spirit that often tests the patience of the crew. She doesn’t like the idea of being trapped in a “tin can” hurtling at impossible speeds. Every time the ship jumps to warp, she grips her console and closes her eyes - a “white knuckle” space farer. She is also nervous about being too close to the warp core and doesn’t like any little shakes the ship makes.

Hoshi means “star” in Japanese
Doctor Phlox seemed to be Neelix in Sick Bay. Given the material he had to work with, John Billingsley did an excellent job. Perhaps he should have been Archer.
Doctor Phlox is a Denobulan who appears to be in his mid-40s, but we aren’t certain of his real age. Phlox speaks with an alien accent, has an eccentric sense of humor that no one quite understands, and thinks that humanity is “fascinating”. He has filled Sickbay with all sorts of bizarre medical instruments for his own particular brand of "Intergalactic Medicine," making even the most routine visit to Sickbay an unexpected adventure.
As you can see, very few of the character descriptions were actually met or expanded on. Without character development and backstory, the casual viewers had nothing to hold on to or care for. Add in the recycled plots and unbelievable solutions and it becomes quite clear ENT needed to be developed more and an overall story arc laid out. ST should have rested for at least 2 years after Voyager ended. Considering it takes about 2-3 years to develop a new series, it would have been better for the ST franchise than to suffer the low ratings and complaints from viewers, fans, and reviewers for 4 years.
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 10:18 AM   #4
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Default Poor Writing or Exhausted Writers?

Originally Posted by Senmut
Decent writing might have helped.

The rest posted by SciFi
It's not only that. Many of the actors were miscast. Add the lack of character development and you have a recipe for disaster.

Let's look at season one. ENT started out attracting 12.5 million viewers for it's debut. By the end of the season viewership went down as low as 4.5 million. That should have raised a big red flag and major changes and additions to the cast and writers should have been done then. But season after season continued to show a steady decline in viewership until only the hardcore fans were left watching the show.
Maybe Berman and Bragga didn't know how to fix it?(Very likely if at this stage of the game you have nothing fresh to bring to the table?)

Now the actors and characters:

Paramount should have bought out Bakula's contract and found a new actor to replace him. That would have spared fans of watching the "Quantum Leap" episodes...Daniel=Al telling Archer=Sam what he should do and what the future should be if he sets it right. Remember, Bakula's contract gave him major input into the stories and his character. Let's face it. Bakula didn't have the right stuff. ENT's captain needed to be like the 1st astronauts, hand picked, confident, and charismatic. Bakula possessed none of these attributes. Maybe he should have played the doctor instead. One wonders who would have been captain if Bakula wasn't pitching a new Quantum Leap show to Paramount and other studios and was offered the part. And besides, without Donald P. Bellisario, Bakula couldn't go anywhere with his pitch unless the studio buys the rights from ironically, Universal Studios and Bellisario. Look at the description of Archer before ENT aired:
Scott Bakula was hired because he was fresh off his QL triumph. the hope was that he would drag in some of the QL base with him into the viewership for Enterprise. He might have done well, enough, but either he misunderstood Archer or the writers did. Since bakula is a good enough actor to give the directors/producers what they want, I blame the writers.

The Character sketch for Archer
Captain Jonathan Archer is described as being in his 40s, a physical, bold personality, who unlike the Starfleet captains of later centuries, exhibits a sense of wonder and excitement about the strange things he will encounter.

He is said to hold a grudge against the Vulcans, who he blames for impeding humanity's progress - but with his first officer a Vulcan, he will have to reconsider these preconceptions.

Although he has a strong sense of duty, he’s a bit of a renegade (shades of Kirk?) - he’s not afraid to question orders or even disobey them if he feels in his gut that he’s right.
What kind of character sketch as written is this? Meh, covers it.

Jolene Blalock was obviously chosen to be ENT's 7 of 9. I liked her more in the mirror universe episodes than all the previous seasons combined. At least she got to act like a Vulcan in the mirror universe. That means poor writing was done for that character in previous seasons. Outside of Bakula, nobody in the cast could suggest changes to the script that made more sense to the viewers and developed the character better. The writers ended up turning the character into a drug addict that gives expert massages. Dr Phlox pimping her to Trip was another mistake. T'Pol's character description:
Eye Candy? Roddenberry had lovely ladies but he didn't use them as drapery,

Character sketch for T'Pol
Sub-Commander T'Pol (formerly named T’Pau) is in her late 20s by appearance (though of course being a Vulcan, she’s probably 129), an "austere yet sensual" Vulcan female. She's the Enterprise's Science Officer and First Officer assigned to the ship to oversee humanity's progress (which sounds like she’ll be a Vulcan liasion of sorts as well). Although she's cautious and guarded around humans, whom she considers primitive and irrational, she'll come to develop a grudging respect for Captain Archer. She’ll become one of his most loyal and trusted crew members.
Again there is no depth, or guidance in the sketch, for writing the character. With no parameters, one hack writer could wreck the character by introducing a gonzo elelment, and because of continuity you would be stuck with that character "history".

Speaking of Connor Trinneer, he should have been given the Lt Reed part or killed after the 1st season. Maybe Trinneer should have stayed with his day job ( Zeus Zelenko on One Life to Live). The Trip character had no redeeming values and never came close to what was described or fit into the calm, cool ST engineer we have come to know:
Killed would have been better.

Charaqcter Sketch for Charley "Tripp" Tucker
Trip is described as a Southerner in his early 30s who enjoys using his "country" persona to disarm people. He has an offbeat, often sarcastic sense of humor (like McCoy?).

He was hand-picked by Captain Archer, who is something of a mentor to him.

Though he is a brilliant Engineer and an outstanding officer, he has very little first-hand experience with alien cultures, and will often be a "fish out of water" on the series. He is extremely curious about everything and cannot wait to find new cultures and technologies to learn about.
Where was the southerner, and the "sarcastic" sense of humour?

Dominic Keating fits the Commander 'Trip' Tucker role better and why it was decided which part he would play at the last minute (Reed/Tucker) is anybody's guess.
I rather think "Reed" was as badly handled as the Tucker character. Why spare him?

Character Sketch for Reed
Reed is the British Armoury Officer aboard the Enterprise and a bit of a throwback in this new age of humanity's enlightenment. Reed is a 22nd Century soldier, "all spit and polish and by-the-book." He's also a man of contradictions - near-obsessed with munitions, but at the same time soft-spoken, shy and awkward around women.

When testing a new weapon, he’s liable to put on a pair of space-age earplugs because he doesn’t like loud noises.

He’s in his late 20s to early 30s.
Again, is he from Manchester? Does he like classical mmusic like the "Beatles"?
No parameters. Meh factor is very high.

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Old May 2nd, 2005, 10:19 AM   #5
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Default Poor Wtiting or Exhausted Writers? Part II

The writers totally ignored Anthony Montgomery and the Travis Mayweather character. He often disappeared for episodes at a time without any explaination. He should have been a valuable resource:
I wonder why?

Character Sketch for Travis Meriweather;
Lieutenant Travis Mayweather is the mid-20s African-American helmsman aboard the Enterprise. Mayweather was raised on cargo ships, and as a result is more "interstellar" than even the Captain. He’s traveled to dozens of planets and met many different alien species. Mayweather has an “instinct” for space-travel that few humans possess.

His closest friend is ’Trip’ Tucker and they spend their off-duty hours finding new ways to enjoy life in space.
The greatest crime in writing for a TV series is the creation of a slot filler. Follow on writers don't know what to do with him-especially if the character sketch makes him sound like an appendage to another character.

Ensign Hoshi Sato had more screen time than Mayweather but still was under utilized. Linda Park remains a favorite of many fans. Hoshi should have bonded with T'Pol like Troi and Dr Crusher, Dax and Kira Nerys, or Janeway and 7 of 9 did.
Hoshi was badly misused.

Character Sketch of Hoshi Sato
Ensign Hoshi Sato is "striking and intelligent," as well as an expert in exo-linguistics. As Communications Officer, she's not only in charge of all communications aboard the Enterprise, but also serves as ship's Translator. An expert in exo-linguistics, she learned to manipulate her vocal chords to emit a range of alien sounds no human has ever produced. She has a natural affinity for picking up languages. Her skills were highlighted in Episode 3.

She’s mid to late 20s and Japanese. She has a feisty spirit that often tests the patience of the crew. She doesn’t like the idea of being trapped in a “tin can” hurtling at impossible speeds. Every time the ship jumps to warp, she grips her console and closes her eyes - a “white knuckle” space farer. She is also nervous about being too close to the warp core and doesn’t like any little shakes the ship makes.

Hoshi means “star” in Japanese
If there was a Max Eilerson character(Crusade) for Star Trek-this was it! Hoshi's character sketch though badly outlined as the others(no parameters) at least shows the promise of some originality. Hoshi however is a switchboard operator with "angst".

I'm sorry liberal arts majors, but senior starship staff assigned to a flagship of Starfleet won't be carrying that psychological baggage. If we screen submariners for it, what do you think we do to astronauts? McCoy clowned abouit the transporter but he wasn't afraid of it in the original series and Roddenberry with his aerospace experience knew that ands wrote it into the character treatment. Mistrust is not angst. Subtlety matters.

Doctor Phlox seemed to be Neelix in Sick Bay. Given the material he had to work with, John Billingsley did an excellent job. Perhaps he should have been Archer.
I wondered how Dr. Phlox would be mishandled.

Character Sketch for Dr. Phlox;
Doctor Phlox is a Denobulan who appears to be in his mid-40s, but we aren’t certain of his real age. Phlox speaks with an alien accent, has an eccentric sense of humor that no one quite understands, and thinks that humanity is “fascinating”. He has filled Sickbay with all sorts of bizarre medical instruments for his own particular brand of "Intergalactic Medicine," making even the most routine visit to Sickbay an unexpected adventure.
As I remember it; the only memorable episode with Phlox, was the one when he opposed himself to Archer on the question of evolution in the case of the Menk/Valakian situation. The rest of the time I wondered why he was aboard the Enterprise .

As you can see, very few of the character descriptions were actually met or expanded on. Without character development and backstory, the casual viewers had nothing to hold on to or care for. Add in the recycled plots and unbelievable solutions and it becomes quite clear ENT needed to be developed more and an overall story arc laid out. ST should have rested for at least 2 years after Voyager ended. Considering it takes about 2-3 years to develop a new series, it would have been better for the ST franchise than to suffer the low ratings and complaints from viewers, fans, and reviewers for 4 years.
Or give a new team(Not Berman or Bragga: who as writers are exhausted and need replacement.) a crack at the FRANCHISE, as I hope will happen now.
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 12:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Damocles

Scott Bakula was hired because he was fresh off his QL triumph. the hope was that he would drag in some of the QL base with him into the viewership for Enterprise. He might have done well, enough, but either he misunderstood Archer or the writers did. Since bakula is a good enough actor to give the directors/producers what they want, I blame the writers.
Just FYI: Quantum Leap ended in 1993 and Enterprise first aired in 2001. I would hardly call that "fresh off his QL triumph". A series of average movies and short lived TV series/pilots followed after QL. All of those parts suspiciously remind one of the Sam Beckett character. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" had some promise, but was cancelled by CBS after 13 episodes.

Bakula has to take equal blame for the writing, lack of character development, and direction of the show. Some fans note that Bakula often hogged screen time and was always the human sacrificial lamb and main focus when another main character could and should have been featured instead.
AICN stated that not only is Bakula being paid a "small fortune" to star in Enterprise, but he has also apparently been given the level of creative involvement he requested. He reportedly gave significant input to the script and his character, *all of which were used* by the producers.
If Bakula's input into the show was that great, then I doubt "any actor" in the future will ever get the same deal from Paramount. Bakula is fine as the "average hero" and "family man" but was way out his league and acting range for a ST Captain. Harsh assessment, but Bakula was given an opportunity on ENT to break the type casting mode and failed. His input into the writing and stories should have improved the scripts and made them believable. There is a new QL in the works, but Bakula will be limited to guest appearances.

Bakula's recent interviews state that ENT was supposed to be the next ST movie franchise and he felt ENT would be successful on the big screen. That is laughable at the moment. Only hope for that to happen is if the DVD sales go through the roof and ENT proves to be popular in syndication and gains new fans like TOS did. Then, like Firefly, an ENT movie may attract investors and Paramount to consider doing a movie project.

ENT season 1 will be released on May 03 and Season 2 on July 26 and I suspect the rest of the seasons will be released every two months. Paramount should have started releasing the DVD's after the 2nd or 3rd season. If the DVD sales were strong enough, then ENT fans would probably be anticipating season 5 today. Money (profits) talks and strong DVD sales would indicate that ENT was more popular and reached more viewers than the rating numbers indicated.
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 12:24 PM   #7
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Big Grin Good points.

Originally Posted by Sci-Fi
Just FYI: Quantum Leap ended in 1993 and Enterprise first aired in 2001. I would hardly call that "fresh off his QL triumph". A series of average movies and short lived TV series/pilots followed after QL. All of those parts suspiciously remind one of the Sam Beckett character. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" had some promise, but was cancelled by CBS after 13 episodes.
Comparatively speaking, Scott still had a QL following. He was famous for it, not for anything else he did, of which I was aware.

Bakula has to take equal blame for the writing, lack of character development, and direction of the show. Some fans note that Bakula often hogged screen time and was always the human sacrificial lamb and main focus when another main character could and should have been featured instead.
I am trying to avoid hurt feeling by not mentioning Scott's chief Enterprise acting contributions;

-scenery chewing.
-camera hogging.

If Bakula's input into the show was that great, then I doubt "any actor" in the future will ever get the same deal from Paramount. Bakula is fine as the "average hero" and "family man" but was way out his league and acting range for a ST Captain. Harsh assessment, but Bakula was given an opportunity on ENT to break the type casting mode and failed. His input into the writing and stories should have improved the scripts and made them believable. There is a new QL in the works, but Bakula will be limited to guest appearances.
Scott was professional enough an actor to pull it off; if he stuck to his craft and not embarked on an egotistical road trip into creative control. It still wasn't his fault ultimately. The Killer Bees did it to themselves.

Bakula's recent interviews state that ENT was supposed to be the next ST movie franchise and he felt ENT would be successful on the big screen. That is laughable at the moment. Only hope for that to happen is if the DVD sales go through the roof and ENT proves to be popular in syndication and gains new fans like TOS did. Then, like Firefly, an ENT movie may attract investors and Paramount to consider doing a movie project.
So now Bakula is delusional? I think here he is whistling in the graveyard, hoping he hasn't killed his "career"?

ENT season 1 will be released on May 03 and Season 2 on July 26 and I suspect the rest of the seasons will be released every two months. Paramount should have started releasing the DVD's after the 2nd or 3rd season. If the DVD sales were strong enough, then ENT fans would probably be anticipating season 5 today. Money (profits) talks and strong DVD sales would indicate that ENT was more popular and reached more viewers than the rating numbers indicated.
That is possible based on the current data. So are pigs flying, but we would have to strap them into ultra-lights........
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