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Miscellaneous EntertainmentTalk about any other shows not covered by other forums.
Looks like the second Robotech game is already out! Cheap miserly Tom won't be getting until the price drops, but I am looking forward to playing it! I had alot of fun playing the Robotech Battlecry game. And I hope this will be as good.
For those who don't know, Robotech was a popular american version of a japanese cartoon in the 80s. And this game covers the third chapter where earth was conquered and our offworld forces launched a campaign to free it.
minor spoiler regarding how the game begins.
Sofar it looks like all the invid types are in there. I'm looking forward to blowing away lots of the stormtrooper variety. (the purple ones)
From what I can tell, the game is mostly played with the transformable cyclone armor. You can switch back and forth between the cyclone powrsuit armor to the cyclone motorcycle. When you are in powersuit mode the game plays alot like your typical 1st person shooter. The game I hear has some similarity to Halo when you aren't riding your bike. You can only carry one spare secondary weapon at a time. But you have a main weapon that upgrades during the game. And the cyclone armor/motorbike itself can upgrade.
This game feature ONLINE play. WIth up to 8 people participating. So that may be fun!
Anyways, when the price drops, I hope to play with some of you in the first Colonial Fleet defense of the Earth from the Invids!
Never much cared for the cyclones in the cartoon. I preferred the version that had the transformable fighters resembling F-14s (I think they called them Veritechs). FASA later "borrowed" the image and coverted them to the Stinger/Wasp/Valkyrie series of LAMs (Land Air 'Mechs).
Even my Warhammer was originally in Robotech with a different name and armament.
For me, the "New Generation" or Invid storyline was one of my favorites in Robotech. Liked the characters, and the situation. Desolated earth, few freedom fighters remaining.