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Old November 17th, 2002, 07:30 PM   #1
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Default ** BG faux book cover ("A Warrior's Tale") - contest

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This is a pseudo-"contest" of sorts: A "Battlestar Galactica" inspired, fake book cover image is posted below. (The title? "A Warrior's Tale.") Write the story outline, liner notes, plot summary... whatever you choose to write about.

There are no prizes. This is simply a chance to write/share your intepretation of the cover, and/or what you'd like to see in this "Battlestar Galactica" inspired novel. There is no established timeframe for the image. The events depicted could have taken place before "Saga of a Star World" pilot episode or after "The Hand of God" episode or in-between.

Multiple submissions are welcomed.

Here's the image:

375x530 sized image here. (.jpg format; 75k)

NOTE: This "contest" is an experiment. I hope that other artists will join me in this artistic endeavor. It's fun to create artwork; it's fun, too, for others to interpret the work with their own thoughts and feelings.

Also: "Contest" images within this "Colonial Art" section on Colonial Fleets are being denoted with "**" in the subject line.

Additionally, this "contest" is not sponsored officially by Colonial Fleets.

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Old November 20th, 2002, 06:18 AM   #2
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Default Prologue

Last edited by kingfish; November 22nd, 2002 at 07:33 AM..
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Old November 26th, 2002, 06:36 PM   #3
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The title indicates a story focusing on an individual warrior. Since the cover art features Starbuck in the foreground, I would assume that the novel focuses on one of his specific adventures.
So, here's my plot synopsis:

The fleet enters the densely populated Kaldainian system and is attacked without warning or provocation. Vipers are being lost and the civilian ships are taking heavy damage. COMMANDER ADAMA gives the order to bring the fleet to light speed so that they can outrun their attackers. Three of the fleet's ships are not capable of faster than light speed. They will need to be left behind, and there is no time to evacuate those onboard. STARBUCK'S viper is damaged and he is unable to escape with the fleet. He continues to defend the civilians that are left behind, but he is vastly outnumbered. His ship takes a direct hit and Starbuck loses consciousness.
The story jumps ahead one yahren. Starbuck is back onboard the Galactica in DOCTOR SALIK'S office. He is there at the request of Commander Adama. Starbuck has been moody and withdrawn since his return to the fleet. The commander feels that if this behavior continues, Starbuck will eventually pose a danger to himself or to others. Doctor Salik concludes that Starbuck's condition is due to his inability to deal with the events of the past yahren. He has read Starbuck's official report, but wishes to know more about what happened to the troubled lieutenant.

Sample dialogue:

I read your report on the Kaldainian mission. It made for wonderful light reading.
I documented all of the facts pertinent to my time there.
Yes, but you were gone for more than a yahren and your report could be read in a matter of microns.
The report was good enough for the commander. I don't see the logic in going over this again and again.
I don't think you have gone over this at all. That's why I am recommending that you write a more in depth report, a nonmilitary report. I want you to record the events from the beginning, in journal format.
Doctor, I'm not some school girl that needs to sort out her feelings by writing them down in a diary.
Commander Adama maintains a personal journal. Do you consider him a school girl?
That's different.
Really? I guess because he is wise and you consider yourself not to be?
Hey! Don't put words in my mouth.
Well, if you're not willing to talk, what else can I do? Son, please try putting your thoughts to words. You're of the best pilots in the fleet. I would hate to ground you.
Did they teach you blackmail at the medical academy?
Blackmail? I consider it "forced persuasion".
OK. I'll try it, but no promises. I'm not sure what more there is for me to say.
I'm sure you'll find the words.

The story then shifts to Starbuck's journal entries. He starts with the capture of his viper along with the other colonial ships. They are taken to the central world, Kaldain. The inhabitants are uniformly tall, humanoid, and beautiful. They consider outsiders as lesser beings and use them as slave labor.
The prisoners are separated into groups based on how they will be sold. These groups include soldier, domestic, technical, and labor. Those that are considered of no value are labeled as defective and are sentenced to death.
Starbuck is designated a soldier and sent to a reeducation camp on one of the outer planets. The facility is heavily guarded and populated with a variety of alien species that all had the ill fortune of coming into contact with the Kaldainians.
During training, Starbuck discovers that the Kaldainians are at war with a race called the Laynon.
Starbuck plots escape, but finds the other prisoners unwilling to join him because of an apparatus that protects the perimeter of the base. Once a prisoner comes in contact with this device, they experience their worst fears magnified to an extreme. The result of this is often madness, or death. Still, Starbuck is defiant and clashes continually with his captors.
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Old November 26th, 2002, 06:38 PM   #4
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Default continued...

KALEN, the base commander, is both amused and impressed by Starbuck. He decides to mate the colonial warrior with a human woman named Gwen. Starbuck learns that the girl was born into captivity and can trace her lineage back through several generations of slaves. He wonders how humans could have been captured by the Kaldainians so long ago.
Awkwardly, Starbuck rejects the girl. She is upset, until Starbuck explains that he finds her attractive, but doesn't want to be used to breed slaves. The girl understands, but warns Starbuck that the Kaldainians can afflict terrible pain upon those that do not bow to their will.
Over the next few months, Starbuck continues to meet with Gwen for what is supposed to be time used for mating. Instead, they talk. During this time, Starbuck falls hopelessly in love with the lovely young slave girl. The irony of spending time talking to a woman to avoid sex is not lost on our hero.
Due to his continued insubordination and inability to impregnate Gwen, Starbuck is summoned to Kalen's office. The alien commander offers Starbuck food and drink while he explains his problems to Starbuck. He tells the warrior that he is just attempting to do his job and that Starbuck is making that job very difficult. For him, his work is just that, work. It's nothing personal and he wishes to avoid unpleasant situations. He then tells Starbuck that he is aware that Starbuck has not attempted to mate with Gwen -- "If this situation is not rectified soon, I will have the girl terminated. Again, nothing personal."
Starbuck makes loves to Gwen.
PETER, one of the facility's slave trustees, befriends Starbuck. He tells the warrior of a space port that is many miles distant. In the coming weeks, Starbuck and his motley band of followers devise a plan for escape. The basis of the plan is to capture a routine supply shuttle to get beyond the facilities protective barrier. Then, the shuttle will be rigged for remote flight and detonation. The prisoners will disembark in the wilderness and then re-launch and destroy the shuttle. This is being done to convince the Kaldainians that all onboard are dead (since an unarmed supply shuttle could not elude pursuing forces).
The escape plan is executed to near perfection (Peter is killed in the attempt).
The journey to the spaceport is across rugged countryside. The band suffers from the elements and hostile animal life. Gwen is tired and sick. She collapses in Starbuck's arms just before the group is surrounded by primitive warriors that represent all that remains of the planet's original inhabitants. Starbuck convinces them that they have a common enemy and should, therefore, be allies. They reluctantly agree to assist the escaped prisoners and escort them to a hidden underground city. There, Gwen is examined by the tribe's shaman who concludes that she is with child. Despite the horrific conditions, Starbuck is thrilled. He had never thought of wanting children until he had met Gwen. The two are married in a simple ceremony conducted by the shaman.
The escapees spend the remainder of the winter months with the tribe, and then continue their journey. Starbuck had wanted Gwen to stay with the tribe until he could return for her, but she will not leave his side.
When the group is within one days march of the port, they hear ships approaching and take cover. As the ships pass overhead, Starbuck recognizes them from the soldier training facility.
The next day, they arrive at the port to find that it is under heavy attack by Laynon fighters and Colonial Vipers. Starbuck is overjoyed and rushes to join in the fight. He is able to make contact with the colonial ground forces where he learns that the fleet has allied itself with the Laynon so that they can liberate as many of the captured civilians as possible. He places Gwen in a Landram so that she will be safe from harm and then fights his way to the front-line so that he can talk with the officer in charge, Captain Apollo.
Apollo is ecstatic to see his best friend alive and well. The two warriors fight their way to the command center of the space port. The remaining Kaldainians are putting up a viscous fight. Starbuck spots Kalen amongst them. When the fighting is over, Starbuck cannot locate Kalen amongst the dead. With the computer system disabled, the Kaldainians are in disarray and begin to retreat.
Starbuck and Apollo exit the facility and Starbuck is shocked to find that the Landram that he placed Gwen onboard is heading in the direction of the main landing platform. He runs to catch up with the vehicle. Apollo follows. The Landram stops and Kalen exits the vehicle. He then scrambles onboard a nearby Kaldainian fighter and launches just as Starbuck reaches the Landram. Inside, Gwen is badly wounded. She explains to Starbuck that she tried to stop Kalen but couldn't. Starbuck realizes that she is mortally wounded and holds her in his arms as she passes away. He cradles her lifeless body while tears run down his face.
Starbuck exits the Landram and faces Apollo. Starbuck starts to collapse but Apollo is there to catch him. Apollo comforts his friend while vipers land in the distance on the now secured platform.
Shaking with rage, Starbuck runs to the nearest viper, dons a helmet and takes off in pursuit of Kalen. Since vipers are more adavanced than Kaldainian fighters, Starbuck is able to track and overtake his target. He makes verbal contact with Kalen. The Kaldainian assures Starbuck that it was nothing personal and attempts to dissuade the lieutenant from blasting him out of the sky. Starbuck informs the alien that is personal and that he has every intention of killing him. They exchange fire, and Kalen's ship is disabled. He informs Starbuck that he does not wish to die at the hands of a lesser being and self detonates his ship before Starbuck can fire the killing shot.
Deprived of his revenge, Starbuck returns to bury his wife.
The journal ends with Starbuck detailing the final defeat of the Kaldainians and his parting with his friends from the training camp.
The story shifts back to Doctor Salik's office where he has just finished reading Starbuck's journal. He asks the lieutenant why has chosen to keep so much to himself. Starbuck explains his actions and asks the doctor to respect his wishes in not sharing the story of Gwen. Salik agrees and Starbuck thanks the doctor for his help. Salik hands the data pad that contains the journal back to Starbuck.
The story ends with Starbuck joining his friends for a drink, the first time that he has done so since returning to the fleet.


Faux on-line reviews at Amazon.com

***** A Satisfying Adventure, November 12, 2002
Reviewer: The author's mom from Baltimore, Maryland
Despite the dark themes, the story does contain moments of humor. The tragic romance between Starbuck and Gwen is tastefully handled and properly offset by the action that drives the plot forward. This book should appeal to fans of the original show as well as those looking for an entertaining science fiction romance.

Was this review helpful to you? YES NO

* This sucks!, November 22, 2002
Reviewer: Bitter fan with too much free time from Parts Unknown
I wouldn't use this book to prop up furniture.

Was this review helpful to you? YES NO


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Old November 26th, 2002, 10:24 PM   #5
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You REALLY should be writing more. Exceptionally well-done!

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Old November 27th, 2002, 02:35 PM   #6
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Hmm. Looks like there's a supernova happening, and the Galactica is barely escaping in time. Unfortunately, it also looks like Apollo and Starbuck have been caught in the blast, perhaps having their eyebrows completely burned off.

It would take a good four to six weeks for them to grow back. In the meantime, how will they cope?

Will the loss of eyebrows throw off their equalibrium, making it impossible for them to fly their vipers or play Triad?

Will they suffer the mockery of fellow officers and aliens they encounter?

Will they corner Jolly and shave off his mustache to make themselves feel better?

Will any of us care enough to go on to chapter 2?
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Old November 27th, 2002, 03:45 PM   #7
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Originally posted by michaelfaries

You REALLY should be writing more. Exceptionally well-done!


Thanks for the positive encouragement.

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Old November 27th, 2002, 03:52 PM   #8
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Originally posted by RGrant
Will they corner Jolly and shave off his mustache to make themselves feel better?
"Paging Dr. Salik for a hair replacement procedures..."


Ever wonder what Muffit's fur was made of? Maybe some things shouldn't be known.
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