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Old January 3rd, 2003, 01:12 PM   #1
peter noble
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Default Stories you'd like to see in a 2nd season/continuation of BSG

I'd like to see the Cylons used less. Glen Larson was right when he said the Cylons should be like Lt Gerard in The Fugitive, a threat that was in the background and showed up occasionally.

I'd have like to see a story that follows the Blue Squadron from downtime to fending off a Cylon attack and the aftermath, such as those who are wounded having to tell a pilot's family that he is dead etc.

A return of Count Iblis and an attempt to reclaim Sheba's soul would be a good one.

"Battlestar Galactica will never happen again the way that it was." – Laurette Spang
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Old January 3rd, 2003, 01:33 PM   #2
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I would like to see a followup to the Terra story and the Count Iblis/Ship of Lights Conflict. Even the Battlestar Pegasus in the second season would be great.
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Old January 3rd, 2003, 02:12 PM   #3
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Default Pegasus

More stories about the Pegasus or maybe even a flashback story. The battle where the Pegasus was assumed lost would be good.
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Old January 3rd, 2003, 04:25 PM   #4
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Hi All!
I'd like to see a complex dramatic aftermath (The Important part of the story) of human emotions where the colonial warriors/pilots, or civilians,experienced an intence war with other humans. Could be an accident, or just a build up of the fustrated colonials, faced with a insecure yet powerful human race, trying to prove themselves to the massive fleet that happened upon their planet. U.S. and Iraq?

Lets face it our heros have been fighting machines, or aliens(never spoken of) for over a thousand years, and are not conditioned to kill or adapt to those new emotions of killing a human, by accident or other wise, and have not the mental experience or training to cope with the human terror or depression when taking another humans life.

The story would revolve around a select few,(Characters that is) and and how other colonials from diferent sects, and hierarchy approach those main characters with indrifference on the idea of killing another human being.
This type of story telling is what I think is needed to bring Galactica out of the starwarsy,comicbook ,muck and mire of Sci Fi tv writing. In my opinion Galactica deserves high concept style writing, and not the current trend of "got to know" all the history, and technology of the machines, give us the mystery, keep the history, give us the unique plotting, give us charcters we care about, gives us Drama!


Wak: Yeah, and we didn't get to show you the secrets of the universe. ~ Explorers
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Old January 3rd, 2003, 07:12 PM   #5
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This is the kind of threads i like. Well done Peter, now my imagination can run wild!

Battlestar second season hmmm

- After Hand of God the fleet goes into a new star system where they get positive clues to the 13th tribes journey to Earth and where they went.

- History of the Cylons fleshed out. ocassional flashbacks to their conquests of other worlds other than the war with the 12 Colonial worlds

- Stories featured on the fleet ships and the people within them. Differences with their races, religons etc.

- More stories about the Borellian Nomen.

- Stories about the lesser known characters fleshed out. example: Omega, Tigh, Athena, Jolly, Brie and Dietra

- Count Iblis big return. Making good on his promise only this time he brings his friends? His Demon followers (He did have dead minions in his crashed ship, so why can't we see living ones)

- John and the ship of lights along with all of Galactica mythology/biblical references throw in. Exploring the journey they take with the dangers the fleet faces

- The return of the Pegasus. but in such a way it still remains a rogue Battlestar, just like her Commander! Not meeting up with the fleet but somehow meets up with a patrol or something and disappears again after saving the day or something like that!

- The Galactica builds up her squadrons of Vipers i.e. Red, Blue, Silver Spar, Green and Yellow. we get to see them in wargame style training programs to prepare for attacks.

- Meeting up with another lost Battlestar. This one was either lost in battle or damaged badly or was part of a colonial exploration venture outside of the Colonial military knowledge and meets up with the Galactica. Story possibilties could range from her commander being a woman! to being, he or she went insane? or the crew munity against their commander! or alien intervention etc.

- Flashbacks to the life on Kobal and the 12 Colonies of Man. So the audience knew of the history behind these humans not from earth i.e. so it parallels The "Chariot of the Gods" themes in Battlestar Galactica.

And finally throw in some "Space Pirates" that we should have seen during the early part of the first season. But make them a huge force to contend with :Thousands of Pirate ships with a large army with bloodlust to conquer and fight anyone of anything!


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Old January 4th, 2003, 04:41 PM   #6
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Say Peter, why not send in this very clever thread to Richard Hatch's website and see if he has anything to say on the ideas expressed here? I while ago i downloaded some interviews Hatch did from "Battlestarfanclub.com" and he said more or less if fans are able to do incredible, creative ideas of Battlestar. To bring it up and develop them into professional scripts or any other concepts fans can express.

More or less he said something to that extent (you get the picture) Seems the ideas here could be given to Hatch or DeSanto and they could listen or take any of the fan views given in by us to add these fan concepts onto any BG agendas in the future they might still have, if they managed to get back on the revival bandwagon should they have any plans to do so?

Food for though Peter? these concepts we have all put down seem too good to be just random discussion, lets give them in to the man who was on the show and see what he has to say about it!


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Old January 4th, 2003, 06:18 PM   #7
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Don't forget to add more second season ideas to this thread people, come on let them flow in, don't be shy!

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Old January 5th, 2003, 09:59 PM   #8
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This is why I'd support a well produced CGI series. Pick up right after The Hand Of God left off. Richard, Dirk, Herb, Anne, etc. could do the voiceovers. Adama, Boxey, Baltar, Cain(assuming he reappears), Athena, and Lucifer would have to be recast, of course.
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Old January 5th, 2003, 11:03 PM   #9
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Maybe find some battered old BattleStar or a Destroyer (some other type of human vessel) either abandoned (Marie Celeste style) or full of mysterious deahts, or a handfulof survivors, or being used by aliens that have barely got it running. Maybe they've made or obtained new fighters of some sort. What happened to the crew? Maybe we don't find out for several episodes.

It is logical that when the Galactica shows up at some places to try to negotiate for food and supplies, local factions will try to getthem to be mercenaries in support of their wars or whatnot. We'll have more of a chance to see the Galactica whup ass and not have to worry about seeign the Cylon Empire come crashing down on them. People who have lost battles to the Galacticans would then inform the Cylons later, keeping the chase hot.

How about meeting up with friendly aliens who help/join them? Other refugees would band together for mutual support, and give them needed help in the face of the Cylon menace. Plus, interesting new creations that the audience becomes attatched to-- hopefully not members of the "Forehead of the Month Club". Perhaps other biologics that the Clons hate? Or another alien threat?

How a robot or a bunch of robots being built-- neccessary to fill understaffed or dangerous positions. There's be alot of fear and prejudice for the humans ot overcome, which the robots are confused or baffled over. Lots of philosophy for cheaper "ship-in-a-bottle" episodes.
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Old January 7th, 2003, 03:13 PM   #10
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Just thought of a good idea, re-introduce some of the ailens seen or mentioned in earlier episodes of the first season! Seeing the Hasaris or the Delphians and maybe some Reptillian Cylons who escaped the extermination of their races would have expanded on the stories presented in the first season and been the logical next step for Battlestar Galactica storytelling!

Just a thought

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Old January 8th, 2003, 09:35 AM   #11
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- Athena developed into a stronger character, more command capability shown, possibly either she stands her ground with Cassi, Starbuck does more flipping between Cassi and Athena, or she finds a beau of her own.

- Apollo and Sheba: something coming from that kiss in the Hand of God. trials of 2 strong personalities attempting a relationship or just a solid relationship starting.

- More showing Tigh's abilities and his off duty life.

- Discovering more clues to 13th tribes journey
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Old January 8th, 2003, 12:40 PM   #12
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Boxey(Troy) begining his training to become a warrior, possibly Baltar freed from the prison barge, and possibly flashbacks to when Adama, Tigh, and Cain were colonial warriors possibly serving under Commander Kronus. That last one would've been interesting to see as a prequel series, which I would support.
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Old January 8th, 2003, 02:27 PM   #13
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Also the second season should explain the battles in colonial history? "The Battle of Casmora Archipelago" and "The Battle of Molocay" Prehaps this would be brought up during a lesson training new Warriors who just signed up.

I would also have hoped, during a second season, they would have shown the different insignias, Helmets crests and flags of the other Battlestars. There were designs done maybe they would have shown the survivors from the other ships, in the Galactica's officers club recounting old tales from before the holocaust of the war between the Colonies and Cylon Empire. Or had another Battlestar turned up it would have fleshed out those often asked questions!

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Old January 8th, 2003, 09:57 PM   #14
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Running across a colony of original, reptilian Cylons that fled when the machines took over. The repitile-Cylons are trying to stage a resistance movement and actually end up JOINING the Galactican fleet and fighting, dying, giving Intel, infiltrating, etc. and earnng thehumans trust and respect-- slowly, grudgingly. These guys, the reptiles, have something to prove and fight like demons against their machines-gone-bad....
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Old January 8th, 2003, 10:38 PM   #15
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Great idea. I think the Realm Press comic also had a story line like this. All these ideas here are 110% better then Mr. Moore's.

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Old January 8th, 2003, 11:27 PM   #16
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Well for starters I would start with a back-story, possibly using CGI to take the younger Hatch, Benedict, etc. from the original series to make a short intro. The Cylons chased the colonials into an extremely large nebula, whose width was short, but whose diameter was immense. Like the shape of a coin. The Colonials could get through this, but it would have an adverse effect on the electronics of the Cylons, so the Cylons would have to go around. It might take say, 25 yahrens to do so.
Once on the other side of the nebula the Colonials find a planet to rest for a while. Gather resources, increase numbers, etc. During the course of this, they find the Pegasus floating adrift in space. They bring it to the orbit of the planet and repair it. After 25 Yahrens there are now two Battlestars, with updated technology.

25 yarhens later, Adama is dead; Lorne Green’s photo is on Commander Apollo’s desk. Apollo has been promoted and has taken Adama's place. Colonel Tigh is now the President or one of the council of twelve. Starbuck becomes commander of the Pegasus, maybe married to Cassiopeia, with children. Now you can have Apollo and Starbuck commanding the two Battlestars together, just like they used to fly the Vipers together. Boomer is now a Colonel, perhaps the same for Bojay, Sheeba or Jolly. Maybe have Starbuck and Apollo have one final mission together in a couple of Vipers during the premiere before they permanantly take command over the two Battlestars and the younger pilots take over the Vipers for the remainder of the episodes.

Boxey is now a grown man, and leads a new generation of young Viper pilots. They fly some of the old ones, but mostly new modified ones. Maybe Sheeba commands a squadron of female viper pilots. Then the Cylons finally find they’re way around the Nebula, as the Colonials knew they eventually would. And in 25 Yahrens there are still some of the old Cylon machinery, but they too have made advances. And the chase begins anew forcing the Colonials to once again search for Earth. They would have mined some of the special gas from the nebula to create "space depth charges" or mines that would allow the colonials a chance to escape under dire circumstances.

I also see the characters of Starbuck and Apollo evolved. Apollo would become the wise leader, wanting to live in peace, trying to follow in his father's footsteps. A philosopher, and ambassador. Fighting only if it is necessary.

Starbuck I see as becoming a staunch conservative McArthur type. With a crew cut, a facial battle scar, and a fat short stogey in his mouth. Wanting to fight at a moment's notice. Sort of becoming a Commander Cain in his own right. In fact I think Cain's photo should be in Starbuck's ready room aboard the Pegasus.

Boomer would be the equilibrium. The Balance between the two extreme personalities. Helping them both see the other's viewpoints.

The history of the Cylons would be discovered by fans as the characters discovered themthroughout the episodes. These revelations might help them fight the Cylons.

Other episodes would have more of the finding Egyptian style ruins on planets that give clues as to the whereabouts of Earth.

I like the idea of Pirates, sometimes they're on our side, sometimes their on the Cylon's side. But always they are on their own side.

Anyway that's how I always imagined it.

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Old January 9th, 2003, 05:39 PM   #17
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Default Also for Starbuck...

I think it would be funny if he had a really hot daughter, that was getting chased by young Viper pilots all the time. Make her kind of a maneater. Because that is the Universe's way of getting Karmic revenge on womanizers, giving them a daughter. I can just see an old battered Starbuck having a few discussion's with his daughter's would be suitors.
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Old January 9th, 2003, 09:12 PM   #18
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Hey dilbertman if you're gonna congraulate Colonial Coyote for the Reptilian Cylon idea might as well thank me too, since i did say some of members of the exterminated races from the first season should turn up in the second. I'm not upset just feeling left out *sigh*

I got another idea, since fans pick apart anything from the first season to expand upon why not bring back the character of "Wolfe" from GOIPZ (Gun On Ice Planet Zero) since he was last seen running off into the snow storm on the Ice Planet! He may have escaped and become a Space Pirate or Bounty Hunter or Survivalist of sorts, he could have reached a Cylon Raider or Tanker during his escape and made his way off the planet? Or maybe later picked up by Cylons experimented on and became a sort of "Baltar mark 2/loctus of Borg" type villain to hunt down any humans left in the nearby star systems? and later used to hunt down the Rag Tag fleet since Baltar was captured, they need a similar evil and traitorous human to finish the job.

Wofle! could be used in the new BG since the actor Richard Lynch is very knowledgable with the Galactica Universe.

I would like to see a very excellent fanfic idea make it into a would be, second season pitch. "Satyrs" that appeared in Adam stacey's second season fan scripts. More or less the true minions of Count Iblis!!!.demon, telepathic, and powerful villains the colonials would have to cross. although stacey' site has the scripts some towards the end aren't finished yet?

www.msu.edu/~stacey/index.htm and click on fanfiction!

Excellent ideas, reminds me of the first two seasons of Star Trek TOS. Well thought out scripts, balanced with of everything to have in a second season of Battlestar Galactica!


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Old January 10th, 2003, 11:35 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Lord Kingjason
Hey dilbertman if you're gonna congraulate Colonial Coyote for the Reptilian Cylon idea might as well thank me too, since i did say some of members of the exterminated races from the first season should turn up in the second. I'm not upset just feeling left out *sigh*
Lord Kingjason

Did not mean to make you feel left out, you also have alot of great ideas,thank you. To bad Ron Moore:confused: just does not get "IT"!

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Old January 11th, 2003, 10:02 AM   #20
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What if the Cylons were to run into a "sleeper race" and discover that being the universal "super-power" isn't all that it is supposed to be?
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Old January 14th, 2003, 10:31 AM   #21
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It would be good to see all those worlds conquered by the Cylon Empire, and how the Cylons may have allies? who they worked with during the 1000 years of War with the Colonies. The battles wages for that amount of time must have had twists and turns, so where are these allies vaguely mentioned in the pilot!

It would also be good to see how many worlds are owned by the cylons and what they did to the colonies after the Rag Tag Fleet left. Enslave the survivors, mine the resources of the 12 planets. How large the Empire is, could have been detailed in a second season! Not to mention include elements that turned up in the novels like the "Three brains type idea" for Cylons. More of the Imperious Leader history and the planet Cylon itself etc.

Gee guess if Galactica went on, most of these ideas would turn up in a third season, we've amassed so much fanfic ideas now!


Last edited by KJ; January 14th, 2003 at 10:33 AM..
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Old March 3rd, 2003, 06:07 PM   #22
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Just gotta bump this one thread up people got to get some needed infomation i put down here a while ago!


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Old March 3rd, 2003, 07:18 PM   #23
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Default 2nd and 3rd seasons

My ideas about "what might have been" in a second and third season can be found in the files at
I'm not repeating it all here; it would take too long. But you'll notice that my ideas--and my writing approach--are very different from anything else you've seen.
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Old March 3rd, 2003, 07:37 PM   #24
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Hum. Okay, here's a couple I've thought up...

"The Fragile World"
The fleet begins to face a problem- they only have limited space, and are worried about the possibility of overpopulation. However, they are running up against resistance, especially from a religious sect who believe it their divine duty to re-human the universe. Where do the needs of the society overrride religious freedoms? Also, as a backstory, Cassi becomes pregnant, and Starbuck faces the same crisis on a smaller scale.

"By whose hand?"
Apollo is in charge of training new pilots, and starts to become emotionally involved, taking it personally if there is an accident or a loss. Also, increased responsibilities make it harder for him to focus all his efforts on his trining. A crisis is precipitated when a young cadet is killed on a mission by what he believes to be his oversight.

"Seeds of a new beginning"
A backstory episode- the Council has created a historical preservation team to record all legends and stories of the 12 worlds, to make it possible to preserve and recreate colonial culture. Each character has a chance to relate a story which illustrates their own history as well as to ilustrate an important or significant moment in the life of the colonies.
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