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Old February 5th, 2010, 03:31 PM   #1
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Default Lang has updated his Galactica Book

It seems that Lang, or should I say the published author Mr. Andrew Fullen, has revised his book and refined the chapter about me. I've read it and decided to go to Amazon and provide my own review:


Mr. Fullen has long been known as a crazed loon in Galactica fan circles. This book represents his semi-psychotic ranting at practically anyone and everyone who has ever watched a Galactica episode and his "data" is derived directly from his own, personal, alternate universe. For reasons that still defy me, he's dedicated an entire chapter to me, ... attacking my reputation, which is in itself peculiar because I don't have any.

If you're considering purchasing this book, keep this in mind. He's wasted all of an entire chapter (Chapter 19) to his fantasies about a guy (again me) who he's falsely and rather offensively labeled as a covert member of a secret Universal Studios conspiracy to destroy the reputation of the original Battlestar Galactica because (1) he (I) asked for some civility to be shown towards Galactica fans and certain more famous personalities including series writer Ron Moore, and (2) because he (I) banned this raving maniac from an online Bulletin Board I managed due to his erratic and eventually intolerable behavior. What's even quirkier, I don't even like the television series Mr. Fullen claims I was working to promote through secret instructions sent to me by Universal Studio executives and Sci-Fi Channel president Bonnie Hammer. (For the record, I've never once spoken to or gotten an e-mail or written correspondence of any kind from Ms. Hammer or any of the Universal executives Mr. Fullen claims I've been working for).

This book is called a "Common Sense Manual" but if anything, it represents the semi-paranoid ravings of a truly disturbed individual. I have exchanged e-mails with Mr. Fullen and recognize some of the source material used in this book as having derived from delusions he experinced at the time we communicated with each other, shortly before he proved himself to be completely irrational and unable to conduct himself in any sort of respectful manner. I'm aware of the freakish interpreations he's developed from those times and personally know them to have very little, if any connection to reality. I can't imagine there is any more rationality or logic to the rest.

If you're looking to read a couple hundred pages of unrestrained hatred and sad, but essentially harmless paranoia, you might find some entertainment in this book but it will not provide you with any useful history of any version of Battlestar Galactica and will not give you any insights as to the events that surround the developments of Ron Moore's television series. Its certain not a book for the fans of the original Galactica series as nothing in it would represent an actual fan in any way, ... or a rational person for that matter.

You've been warned by the hero of Chapter 19.
Lang is also still posting on his private BBoard as the lone member, which is odd because I checked it out of curiosity and noted that he was bumping his own threads, which weren't pushed down because he's the only one who posts ...

... curious.

Some things never change.

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Old February 6th, 2010, 11:20 AM   #2
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Amazingly enough, Lang seems to have authored a 2nd book. This one seems to be better targeted.


EDIT: Sorry, my bad ... he has an entire slew of them. A lot of anti-GINO, anti-Universal, and anti-Bonnie Hammer rantings, a few political books, and (most frightening of all), he's writing books for children.


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Old February 6th, 2010, 02:38 PM   #3
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Wow. A whole chapter eh? You obviously work for Ron Moore! You must only hang out on fleets as a spy!

Okay enough sarcasm.

I'm sorry you had to go through that. Not that you can't handle it. Its just lame.

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Old February 6th, 2010, 02:44 PM   #4
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

So hang on this guy's still about as of today even???

No girlfriend, no life and no self-respect and nearly 9 years later, Langy still Langy. And to top it all off, you've got a chapter in his book Sandy, why? Damn how he even actually got published in the first place is another fact all in itself really.

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon
Lang is also still posting on his private BBoard as the lone member, which is odd because I checked it out of curiosity and noted that he was bumping his own threads, which weren't pushed down because he's the only one who posts ...


What a loser. Listen TB, next time you journey to the middle east, find this sad ass loser, yank him from his mother's basement (old tried cliche i know) and either beat his ass for REAL or show'em the real world where his crap wouldn't be tolerated by men such as yourself. His old online malarkey was stupid enough back in the day. But he is still being a royal pain in the ass to people in this community to this day (**Shakes Head!**).

While he and Stallion are just as bad as each other for carrying on this inane B.S. Langy's case was always a pitiful attempt by him, at getting unwarrented attention lavished upon himself for absolutely no reason whatsoever but to feed his own sick ego and dirty mind.

Don't want to know if he's ever mentioned me at all from days past, nor would i care. The guy's basically off his trolley and always has been. So its not as if he going to be a New York Bestseller with his so-called books, alas putting Steven King to shame or something or other, is it?

Q: Whats the difference between langy and a sick puppy?

A: sick dogs would be *putdown*, Langy has yet to, unfortunately!

Or better yet. What's the difference between Languatron and G.I.N.O.? NBSG/G.I.N.O. Ended Langy still hasn't stopped his nonsense. Not since 1999 (1998 in some circles so i was told 7 years ago?).

Can't believe one guy would come to cock up (or albeit F*** up) a made-up fictional sci-fi term from a TV series (i.e. "Languatron") thus making the term inseperable from himself as some idiot who posts online who makes it his life to go after a TV/film studio who cancelled a TV series he supposedly like/loved 3 FRIGGIN DECADES AGO! Yet he never or hardly ever talks about said TV series himself properly with others.

I truly hope Sept17th old statement from long ago comes true and his 'ticker' gives out, the moment we're about to sitdown at Bryan Singer's BG movie premiere in L.A. Big hyped event, sexy ladies about ya know and whatnot, me giving TV interviews about my cameo in the movie, you guys doing whatever before the film plays showing off your free cinema premiere tickets etc, while he *keels* over at home with a 'Jack Daniels' in hand shouting 'Rosebud' or ' i wanna carve "For Galactica" in Ron Moore's back' in a few years time!

Childish rant i know, but sue me, sure some of you know where i'm coming from!

F *** him, forget him Sandy you've got a life he doesn't. Let's not devote any more time to him here on CF period. Cos we can't *wash* the webpages once he's been here even in name only, now can we?

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Old February 7th, 2010, 12:24 PM   #5
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book


Lang's rantings don't bother me. I'm amazed he has such a locked fixation. Rightly or wrongly, I've always connected Lang with Gollum, someone totally consumed and destroyed by anger and hatred and a total devotion to something that will never happen. Lang is truly the example that anything someone does will not be satisfactory.

If anything, I'm bothered that he's been used as the example of what the original series fans are like. He certainly has never done us any favors. I'm also bothered that for too many of us, myself included, there's a little bit of Lang's attitude lurking underneath. Lang isn't totally wrong in some of his basic concepts, ... Universal/Skiffy did hire stealth marketing folks for GINO and they did infiltrate the boards to create a false rally for GINO and batter the original series. To me, that's been proven beyond any doubts.

Unfortunately for Lang (and perhaps some others), the folks who engaged in this sort of conduct did so entirely for money. They had a product and they wanted to sell it. They didn't have a vendetta against the original series or its fans. They simply saw obstacles to the success of the series they were making and came up with the best solutions they could to make a difficult situation turn in their favor.

Keep in mind, from what we've found out, the stealth marketing folks originally were engaged to try to swing the fanbase leaders around to liking GINO so that the others would follow. In my view, its a good example of a fair marketing plan gone really, really bad. Typically, only the Federal government can screw up a good plan that bad but they did, especially when they adopted the current Democratic Party's mantra of first trying the "Power of Pursuasion" and if that doesn't work, using the "Pursuasion of Power". The folks trying to sell GINO did exactly the same thing, first engaging and trying to sway the fanbase and then trying to stomp it and those wanting to go back to the original (like DeSanto) when their first plan didn't work.

I don't see any malice involved beyond certain folks, of which I'll place Ron Moore, getting their feelings hurt and going through the process with a rather nasty taste in his mouth. You can link Terry Moore as an after effect of that situation, ... at least in my mind.

I mention all these diverse elements because what I see is a situation that degenerated and went bad (including on our side as we had our own parts to play), he sees a well-coordinated and vicious conspiracy in which the sinister forces of Universal, probably aligned with Sauruman, George W. Bush, and RoMan from Robot Monster, pulled strings and got everything they wanted. Rather than chaos and noise, he sees a solid and efficient plan.

His other books seemingly follow the same pattern, as aside from the Universal conspiracy, he notes political conspiracies whose links, I believe, are the same inability to comprehend the random chaos that ensues when you get a lot of people engaged on any single subject. Since he sees organized actions that from his view are hurtful to things he cares about, he seemingly feels he's the only one who is able and willing to stand up to them.

Of course the rest of us view him as a maniac attacking windmills but I can't harbor any ill-feelings towards Lang, especially since, as I've said, I harbor some of the same feelings myself, only to a much, much smaller and reasonable degree.

Personally, I'd like to see Lang find someone who was good to him ang good for him and get a larger purpose in his life. He's certainly got a lot of passion and it would be nice to see that passion directed towards something productive rather than taking what positives he has from Galactica and its fandom and trying to figure out how to weaponize them.

Its a sad situation for everyone, him most of all.

I don't blame a rabit dog for having rabies, ... although I do recognize that there is a certain point you have to shoot it.

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Old February 7th, 2010, 12:32 PM   #6
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book


Lang has replied to my review:


So, Universal Studios - employee / stealth marketer Russell W. Sanders has arrived here as well. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Russell W. Sanders - former owner of the Cylon.org fan forum devoted to the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series, the very series he claims he is not a fan of. So, why would someone who isn't a fan of the 1978 series start a forum called Cylon.org (now called Tombs of Kobol) devoted to the 1978 series?

In the early 2000's, Russell W. Sanders - while owning, managing, and moderating Cylon.org kept all of us up to date on his behind the scenes access and info to the long since aborted Bryan Singer - Tom DeSanto Galactica film (aborted by the 9/11 tragedy in New York.) You see, Russell Sanders doesn't like to be called out and correctly identified as a Universal Studios stealth marketer because it's commonly held wisdom that these cretins of cyberspace aren't supposed to be coming into contact with the general public in any way via stealth marketing attacks against the general public on Internet forums which could be criminally prosecuted. Thus, Russell Sanders came here and posted a bogus review of the book without actually having bought and read a copy (customers who do post legitimate reviews are correctly identified by Amazon.com as actually having bought the book by a little note next to their name. If you'll notice, there is no such note next to Russell Sanders name, or the other three stealth marketing idiots who posted bogus reviews.

Russell Sanders is infamously known as having had (or presently has) personal friendships with Glen A. Larson, Bonnie Hammer, Ronald D. Moore, David Eick, and has admitted to having colleagues and friends working at SyFy Channel. Not only is Russell Sanders a huge fan of the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series, but for the past decade he has been so neck deep in every corporate related attack on this series from both Universal Studios and Sci-Fi Channel that the food trail originating from NBC-U/Sci-Fi Channel to wherever Russell Sanders walks is unmistakable.

I'll bet some of you are asking why would someone who is a fan of the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series turn around and engage in stealth marketing attacks against it? Friendships, clean and simple. He started off as being a fan of the series (via his founding of Cylon.org), but gradually turned against the series via his personal friendships with Glen A. Larson, Ronald D. Moore, Bonnie Hammer, and David Eick. He has admitted to having lunch with Ronald D. Moore on numerous occasions, admitted to being in the room at SyFy Channel while Bonnie Hammer was pulling posts off of the old Sci-Fi Channel forums in order to justify her excuses for not doing a continuation production of the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series, posted post after post on the Cylon.org forums of why we should give his friend Ronald D. Moore a chance with his series (infamously known as GINO, Galactica in Name Only), and also posted highly detailed information of why SyFy Channel may not have renewed Ronald D. Moore's GINO series due to shaky ratings after the first half of the first season had aired.

If you'll notice, all of the negative reviews of this book have the same identical theme running through it. That the author is crazy...deranged...etc. I have yet to read an actual legitimate review of this book exploring the actual contents. You see, this is the way Universal Studios stealth marketers think. Attack, attack, and attack some more without rational thought. How could three or four bogus reviews of this book possibly carry within them the same identical theme (and irrational claim) that the author is crazy...deranged, etc., from three or four supposedly unrelated people from a business point of view? Because all of these bogus book reviewers (including Russell Sanders) are stealth marketers working for Universal Studios with marching orders from Universal Studios to attack the book.

Exploring further Russell Sanders claim that he is not a fan of the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series, how would he know then, one way or the other if the author's documented assertions in the book are bogus or not? The book gets into some highly detailed information about the 1978 Battlestar Galactica series that only a fan of the show would know. So then, Russell Sanders has posted a bogus book review of this book under the following faulty and easily refuted premise. That although he is not a fan of the show, he still somehow knows oodles and oodles of information about the show (enough to refute the contents of the book). How convenient from a stealth marketing point of view. Isn't it? It would be the same thing as someone claiming to not be a football fan, and then posting a bogus book review on Amazon.com about a book devoted to the NFL or the Super Bowl. It's just a little too convenient (putting it mildly) from a stealth marketing point of view that one of Universal Studios primary stealth marketers (Russell Sanders) claims to not be a fan of the series yet claims to have enough encyclopedic knowledge of the series (he is not a fan of) to refute the contents of the book and call the author a crackpot.

For the record, Russell Sanders, while managing, owning, and moderating Cylon.org (now called Tombs of Kobol) did not ban the author from his forum for being a crackpot, but rather because the author did not pay him $50.00 in a bet (regarding the subject of Real Estate) that Russell Sanders had won. The bet in itself would be enough incentive for Russell Sanders to come here and irrationally lash out against a book he never read. Funny how money motivates people to do the darndest things.

Yes, Russell Sanders, like the rest of his stealth marketing entourage, can be tossed into the stealth marketing trash heap of Universal Studios. It is truly touching that Sanders came here to try and discourage sales of this book by defending his personal friends Glen A. Larson, Ronald D. Moore, David Eick, and Bonnie Hammer. I must delightfully point out to Russell Sanders however, that this book has been selling via expanded distribution for a good half month now, with Amazon sales only being a fraction of the total sales picture. This book is being sold in thousands of book outlets across the country. And I gotta tell you, the author is making a killing with these expanded sales.

Pay no mind to the psychotic, totally detached from reality rantings of Russell Sanders as well as the other Universal Studios stealth marketers posting bogus reviews of this book. Russell Sanders mental state has been as unstable as a nuclear reactor on the brink of meltdown since his fiance left him some time ago. He hasn't been himself since.
For the record, my fiancee has not left me. We're doing just fine.

When I read these, I do sometimes wonder if Stallion is secretly stealing my Universal Studios paychecks because damn if they're making them to my mailbox.

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Old February 7th, 2010, 02:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

... and my reply.


Well, Mr. Fullen, I certainly don't have your time or concern to engage in the back and forth spat you've had with other reviewers of your book but since 95% of your efforts are misdirected fire, I believe my economy of words will suffice.

Firstly, the handle "Skippy Costello" has been clearly marked as Mr. Andrew Fullen, author of this book. I have no issues with you responding to critiques but do think you should identify yourself as the author in fairness to anyone thinking of buying it.

To answer some of the many points in which you are in error.

1. I am not a Universal Studios employee, nor have I ever been connected with them in any manner. In interest of full disclosure, I have gone to their theme parks four times in the past 30 years, once in California and three times in Florida.

2. Like so many thnigs, you've totally misread my statement and it caused you to write a long and entirely inaccurate rant. I am a HUGE fan of the original Battlestar Galactica series. I always have been. I am not a fan of the Ron Moore/David Eick version, the series you continually accuse me of trying to promote. Your concept that I felt some need to push a series I didn't even like is confusing (and I'm being polite here).

3. I don't mind being called out on my statements. It happens all the time. I only ask that they be defined accurately, which is a courtesy you've never afforded me.

4. I have not bought your book but I have read the chapter you wrote about me (Chapter 19) in its entirety. Its available online. I restricted my comments to my own experiences with you and Chapter 19, which are the areas I have personal expertise and to which I've read. The only overall comment I made is that knowing how hateful and inaccurate you've been in the subjects of which I have personal experience, I can't imagine that the rest is any more valid. I think in most people's eyes, that makes the review legitimate, especially since Chapter 19 is all about me. Also, in the name of legitimacy, its customary for an author who writes about any personality to contact that person to ensure the substance is accurate. Had you done so in my case, I could have saved you a lot of embarassment. Our relationship has not been good but I have never lied to you or attempted to decieve you in any way. I would have confirmed truthful things about myself, even if they were unflattering. That's just the sort of person I am.

5. I do not now nor have I ever had personal friendships with Glen A. Larson, Bonnie Hammer, or David Eick. I have exchanged e-mails and talked on the phone with writer Ronald D. Moore and liked him at first. In truth, I hold no ill-will towards him but don't regard him with any special favor either. I do have what I consider to be some very good friends working at The SyFy Channel. None of them are part of Bonnie Hammer's staff, nor were they ever in a position to engage in some covert conspiracy as you claim is underway. I certain would never have participated in such an effort had I been asked to do so.

6. I have also never been "neck deep" in any corporate-related attack on any television series, much less the original Battlestar Galactica. If such a "food trail" does indeed lead to me, you seem to be the only person in the universe who sees it. Nor did I at any point "turn against" the original Battlestar Galactica series. If anything, my friction with elements in the fanbase were primarily based on the lack of respect and in cases like yours, outright hatred that was displayed towards people simply because they liked or disliked a television series. That's a method of thinking I've never understood and one I simply can't support, no matter whom its directed against.

7. I still refer to Ron Moore's series as "GINO" (Galactica in Name Only). I doubt that will ever change. In this, you and I are in close if not total agreement.

8. I have never claimed to have "encyclopedic knowledge" of any television series. However, I do have a strong knowledge of both it and your history, which again gives me authority to make a legitimate review of your work.

9. Tombs of Kobol is not Cylon.org. It is its own entity and I am in no way associated with it. They are preserving some material from Cylon.org but I have zero input into how that site is run.

10. You were banned from Cylon.org for (1) Intentionally lying in your posts, (2) being more of a problem than you were worth and (3) flippantly ignoring all attempts of the moderators to work with you so you could be a postive influence in that community. In fact, I can attest you got special treatment and I personally took action to ensure that you were given every chance to show you might be an asset to that site. My efforts were unrewarded, especially since your thanks for my work on your behalf was Chapter 19 of your book.

11. I compliment you on your expanded sales. If you are indeed "making a killing" then I hope you spend the money on something productive and positive rather than using it to empower more of the conduct the Galactica fanbase has seen from you over the years. Its no secret that I believe you are in serious need of professional mental counseling and I don't make such a statement as a matter of insult or hyperbole. If the money from these sales makes such a thing possible, I highly encourage you to seek such help as I think that your life will be far better for it, especially when you stop seeing neutral elements in your life as hostile and potential friends, as I and others you have attacked in these books could have been and tried to be, as positives.

12. My fiancee and I are doing just fine. She hasn't left me and there's no indication that she wants to but we thank you for your concern.

It may surprise you to know that I harbor no ill-will towards you, Mr. Fullen, nor am I advising anyone not to buy your book. I am advising them to be aware of what they are buying when they purchase it as you've misrepresented what your book is about. Its a hateful rant against people and organizations you believe are deserving of your hate. At no time have you ever proven any of your points, which is also unfortunate since you and I also agree in three areas.

Firstly, I feel its well-proven that Universal Studios and the Sci-Fi Channel (Now SyFY) did engage in stealth marketing techniques similar to what you're suggesting. In fact, I know credible people who have claimed to have participated in such things. My own observations also concur with these claims. However, nothing in your book proves this in any manner and those you accuse of being part of this effort are people whom I believe weren't even aware of it, much less participants. I know I never took place in such an effort.

Secondly, Universal Studios' attitude towards the original Battlestar Galactica series has been nothing short of abusive. Their press releases, public statements, and behind the scenes interactions seem to support that as well. Again, your book misses this mark in that it focuses your anger and agression rather than making any attempt to reasonably document this situation. I think its fair to illustrate that anyone looking for such information in your book would be left holding an empty bag. They certainly aren't going to get anything truthful or useful out of Chapter 19. I can say that with absolute authority since I know whom my friends are and aren't and what I did and did not do over the past 10 years.

Thirdly, the original Battlestar Galactica series should have been given better treatment and a proper revival. That didn't happen and its not likely to ever do so in the manner that you and I would like to see. We differ in that you have devoted a large portion of your life in extracting what you view as some sort of revenge for life playing out differently than you'd hoped. I recognize the things I don't like and figure if there are some positives to come out of the situation. With GINO, I don't see any as in my opinion, the series was horrid from the onset and only got worse in terms of writing in storyline. For me, that says its time to let it go and fade into the past. You want to keep engaging in battles that are long over and whose outcome no longer matter.

I will close by saying that I wish you the very best. You know my suggestions for you and although they may seem hurtful, I truly feel they would lead you to a better path. I also feel I have some authority in this area as over the years, I can confidently say I have treated you with far more dignity and respect than you have ever afforded me. Perhaps one day you'll change your outlook on life and will write a book that I would like to read. If so, then my review will have the "buy" marker next to it.

Hopefully this exchange will aide others in decided whether or not they should buy your book and what they hope to get out of it.

Russell Sanders
The Hero of Chapter 19

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Old February 7th, 2010, 03:37 PM   #8
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon
If anything, I'm bothered that he's been used as the example of what the original series fans are like. He certainly has never done us any favors. I'm also bothered that for too many of us, myself included, there's a little bit of Lang's attitude lurking underneath. Lang isn't totally wrong in some of his basic concepts, ... Universal/Skiffy did hire stealth marketing folks for GINO and they did infiltrate the boards to create a false rally for GINO and batter the original series. To me, that's been proven beyond any doubts.

Unfortunately for Lang (and perhaps some others), the folks who engaged in this sort of conduct did so entirely for money. They had a product and they wanted to sell it. They didn't have a vendetta against the original series or its fans. They simply saw obstacles to the success of the series they were making and came up with the best solutions they could to make a difficult situation turn in their favor.
Whoa slow down TB!

Now i can admit that we've all got a certain 'negative side' to us no matter what we'd believe in as fans of whatever we'd support. And i'l even admit my own darkside at times if need be, but comparing us to Lang is akin to getting slapped in the face ('VERY HARD'), so sorry but i totally disagree with you on those previous comments unfortunately buddy.

I'll be many things, but i think i speak for all of us here when i say, we ain't nothing like Mr Fullen at all o.k. PERIOD, not even when we're being a little bias or militant in our opinions in our CF discussions.

Sorry you have to deal with him though Sandy, or anybody else we know of. Cos i'd be pissed if it were me or a bunch of us from the BG boards who were in anything Languatron put down in print. Seriously, the guy's sick and mentally ill or in a serious need of medical treatment if its come down to this kinda level of wanting so much attention (beyond being your own webpage poster/member?).

Despite our own failing as posters from time to time though, think it crosses a line when ill-informed comparisons in metaphor, are made in reference to him at all.

Like i said, haven't mentioned nor thought about him in years nor do i want to, i completely forgot he even existed until you actually made a post about his reply referring to you in his book's chapter. Like Ted Gropse (however its friggin spelt?) he's a nobody and a loser. And you've met Ted for one thing. And didn't the 'Moist Boys' via Stallion put up Lang's actual real life picture in that youtube vid a few years back?

He looks like several of my grandmas could "own" him in a fight!


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Old February 7th, 2010, 09:47 PM   #9
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Actually, KJ, TBC is dead-on right. Langy is held up as typical of the TOS fans by those who want us discredited and marginalized, precisely because Langy is unhinged.

Of course it's an unfair and unreasonable (and irresponsible, in fact) comparison, but the fact that 99.99% of the rest of us are rational is beside the point as far as these folks are concerned. They want to make sure the "undecided" folks won't listen to us because we're TOS fans, just like Langy.

He's done more harm to TOS fans than any other individual on the planet, including Eick and Moore and their minions.

Further, he's right about Langy getting a few things right, too.

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Old February 8th, 2010, 01:16 AM   #10
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Ouch. Alright clearly this guy is reading this forum. Activity over at Amazon is going on right now. Well...four minutes ago at least.

Andrew, it is not my place to comment on your feelings toward Russell. However as a proponent of promoting the original Battlestar Galactica to the public I have to say that you're not doing us any favors.

We all remember the stealth marketers. I personally had a few close calls with one or two of them. You're doing just as much damage to Galactica fandom as they ever did...and it is in a very public venue.

You're not making any friends on either side of the fence.

Those of us on the "front lines" representing this fan base owe it to the rest of our peers to do so respectfully and with integrity.

It is common sense that both concepts should apply to ones peers, however respect and integrity are twice as effective when demonstrated to those you disagree with.

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Old February 8th, 2010, 05:18 AM   #11
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book


I don't think I'm off the mark. Andrew is enraged that Galactica was dumped on and abused by Universal. He feels they totally mismanged the property. He feels that GINO is s a complete insult to everything Galactica was meant to be. He also feels that Universal/Skiffy engages in some pretty questionable tactics to promote their series.

I certainly feel those things. I think a good portion of the membership here feels them as well.

At a base level, we agree on some key points.

The difference is that for the most part, we act like rational, normal people. He's either incapable or unwilling to do that. If you think the comparison between him and the rest of us was the conduct, then you didn't grasp what I was saying. In essence, we share the same roadway but he likes to drive his car at 120 MPH and aims it at pedestrians while the rest of us try to drive at a reasonable speed and avoid accidents. Our actions are totally different but we do share the same road.

How's that for an analogy?

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Old February 8th, 2010, 07:33 AM   #12
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What I expect is my last. I thought it was a good summary for his mania:


Your level of blind hatred is beyond my ability to understand or even classify. If there's a better person to represent the word "Paranoid", I've never met them. I can't help someone so willfully dedicated to their own fantasy world that interacting with real people, even via the safe environment of the Internet, is a continual challenge.

When you look in the mirror, I hope you like what you see. If not, I hope you take steps to change the things that are making you so miserable. You've never once been happy about anything since I first met you (virtually, not in person). I believe its your raw hatred and willful disregard of facts that is fueling your unhappiness but as I've noted, I'm not a mental health professional. I am rational enough to know that you need one.

Suffice to say that you aren't hurting me or anyone else with your writings or your books. If they serve any purpose, its simply to steer you further away from the help you need to make your life something you would feel is worthwhile, which we both know you don't presently feel. In that way, they're even more unfortunate than the false material you've included in them because their real purpose goes far beyond the lying you are doing to others, ... they are in essence, the physical examples of you lying to yourself.

I hope that sometime in the future you truly can find the courage to take an honest look at yourself and fix the issues that bother you so deeply as I think its sad that anyone should live their life as you do. Based on the volume of writing you do, with each and every Internet posting and rant fixed on nothing more than your unrestrained hatred, spewed liberally at anything and everything, its plain to anyone who has known you for more than a week that this is truly your entire life.

I pity you. I truly do.
What a sad, sad individual.

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Old February 8th, 2010, 09:38 AM   #13
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Good Lords.

I consider myself a rabid CBSG fan-boy - as anyone who has read my dissertations on CBSG FTL drives and fleet composition and/or my fanfic can see.

At the same time, I equally hate GINO - not simply because of the violence it does to my own image of what Galactica is and should be, but because it's simply crap-TV -- I wouldn't watch that tripe if I had never seen an episode of CBSG.

Ditto for "Caprica".

That said, not even I am that paranoid - I may think that the Sci-Fi Channel (I REFUSE to use the other "thing") is schlock-tv only, that it's badly run and badly promoted, but.....duuuuude - get a life.
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Old February 8th, 2010, 11:34 PM   #14
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I think it is sad that he is going after the people who are the closest thing he has to an ally. Some people just won't take yes for an answer.

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Old February 9th, 2010, 06:48 AM   #15
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Originally Posted by WarMachine
That said, not even I am that paranoid - I may think that the Sci-Fi Channel (I REFUSE to use the other "thing") is schlock-tv only, that it's badly run and badly promoted
So agreed WarMachine!

Bonnie Hammer's last damaging change to the original way Sci-Fi Channel was ever spoken!

Sy-F... can't even say it for real.

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon
The difference is that for the most part, we act like rational, normal people. He's either incapable or unwilling to do that. If you think the comparison between him and the rest of us was the conduct, then you didn't grasp what I was saying. In essence, we share the same roadway but he likes to drive his car at 120 MPH and aims it at pedestrians while the rest of us try to drive at a reasonable speed and avoid accidents. Our actions are totally different but we do share the same road.

How's that for an analogy?
Better than before point taken, long as no outright comparisons are made between him and us o.k.!

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Old February 10th, 2010, 12:33 PM   #16
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For what its worth, Lang (Andrew Fullen) has now started posting his mania around Amazon (and presumably elsewhere in the Internet) as "TwoBrainedCylon".

Just when you think this idiot couldn't show himself to be any more childish or mentally unstable, he proves you wrong.

What a pathetic little man.

Maybe the comparison between him and Gollum was unkind to the Gollum character. In practice, Lang doesn't even to seem that level of mental capacity.

All my best,

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Old February 10th, 2010, 09:56 PM   #17
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Wow. That is pretty low.

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Old February 11th, 2010, 06:12 AM   #18
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I don't know about low. Childish and immature in the extreme but that's pretty much what you should always expect from Lang. My experience involves talking to some of the worst elements on the planet and seeing if there is any common ground. Sometimes you do this by prodding and sometimes by friendship and sometimes by threats but you look for something common that perhaps you can build upon.

Andrew doesn't have anything in common with anyone. I suspect that's by design. I was tipped to his Facebook account and wasn't surprised to see that he is the classic unemployed Sci-Fi Geek living in the basement wishing a girl would talk to him. One look at the guy and his rantings become even more comical. My first thought was that if we ever met face-to-face I could crush this punk like a bug. He's displayed an amazing knowledge of my life and I'm sure that deep down, he knows that as well. He pretty much declared that he has issues with me on an intellectual level (whcih I think are amplified when he deals with folks like Stallion).

When you're in his position, that spawns a lot of fear and in essence, fear is Andrew's greatest enemy.

I am very fond of tropical birds and have expanded that to swans, herons, cranes, and the other wild creatures that come in and out of our lake. I love them but some of them never know that. They scower the bank for food and I take them some but they merely hiss and flap their wings in a show of anger and defiance and ultimate rush off. Others wonder what I'm up to and end up eating well. Those that overcome their fear end up having a great time.

I've had a number of psychology classes but I don't pretend to know much more than what any manager of 120+ people would know. I learned far more as a master sergeant and then as a contractor than I ever did sitting in class. I can see this situation clearly enough to know that Andrew is full of fear and like a dumb animal, he responds with anger and hostility at everything that comes around him that he can't control.

In his case, he can only control his own little fantasy world and he needs to protect that however he can. I've had this same experience with another friend who I later learned was under meds to keep her normal. She decided to stop taking them and displayed most of the same characteristics as Andrew. To be fair, I don't know if Andrew ever ripped up the walls of his apartment looking for secret microphones placed there by the CIA but much of the rest is pretty close. In her case, she couldn't handle the real world and so she disappeared into a world of conspiracies. Psychologically, there's a certain comfort in believing you're a victim of a massive plot. Victims aren't responsible for what happens to them.

Same with Andrew. He doesn't recognize the lunacy of his claims or his own hostile conduct that has first driven everyone away from him and later, caused them to merely laugh at him. He clings to the fantasy that he's got a purpose in life by fighting the Universal Studios machine and slots every contact he makes as a covert action of the Universal menace or an example that he's winning against them. It comforts him against his real life issues, whatever those really are.

While he was a member of Cylon.org, I used to debate with my fellow mods as to whether or not Andrew was simply making all of this up as a joke. I sincerely thought he was. I didn't believe that anyone could really believe the things he claimed to believe. In fact, I thought he was presenting a mockery of the other passionate fans.

Years later, I now know better. This is partly because I've since had experiences with people who were comitted and partly because I've been able to see the full level of his dedication to these concepts. Nobody spends that much time and effort on a joke.

If I had any doubts, he eliminated them in his latest exchange. He engaged in a concept called "mirroring", which is an enhanced form of projection. A common, and normal defense mechanism is for a person to accuse someone else of being guilty of the very conduct they are comitting. Its a way of psychologically avoiding responsibility for an uncomfortable situation by tossing the blame on someone else. (My ex-wife used to do this all the time).

In Andrew's case, he mirrors by taking the statements about his own conduct and injecting them into his concept of other people, both those he deals with and those he thinks are part of the conspiracy. This took a lot of forms which you can read if you follow through with all the comments but from my limited background, I'm certain it represents a truly disturbed mind.

On the Internet, claims like this get tossed out all the time on BBoards and blogs but in this case, I really couldn't be more serious.

I pity Andrew. I sincerely do. I'm at the stage of my life that I don't like to see anyone suffer and I know this is a man who is truly plagued by hordes of personal demons. His books and Internet fueds are in reality, cries for help. I suspect he makes them on the Internet because he fears if he did so in real life he might actually get the help he needs and face his demons, which scare the Hell out of him.

There's some serious issues there and they have nothing to do with Battlestar Galactica. I asked him "What have you accomplished?" in a vain hope of getting him to reflect for a moment but it was folly on my part. He's too far gone for that.

I do hope he gets help soon. Aside from the amusement he's provided, he's been suffering like this for ten years now and if anything, he's far worse now than he ever was in the past.

If taking my Internet handle would inspire him to seek help, I'd happily give it to him.

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Old February 11th, 2010, 08:50 AM   #19
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Oh, it's like old times....

got any

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Old February 13th, 2010, 07:53 AM   #20
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Well, I'll confess, after more exchanges, I have a lot less sympathy for the maniac.

Its amazing how hateful he is towards anything and everything.

His delusions are so extreme that I'd like to believe that he's just making them up, ... except given his devotion and passion that has continued unrelenting over an entire decade, I'm pretty sure that he's not. Anyone who runs BBoards to which he is the only member and to which he blocks the IPs of anyone who tries to read them is pretty extreme. He also hinted that he runs three Bboards whose partial purpose is to create accounts for people he dislikes and then ban those accounts in an act of revenge. He's done this to me on one of his boards in an attempt to get even with me.

... and part of his many problems with me is the way I lie about my personal life here at Colonial Fleets. He has serious issues with many of the claims I've made here, such as the time I claimed I was a secret agent in the British Secret Service and also the time when I enhanced that claim by bragging at how I'd been knighted by Queen Elizabeth. He's also certain that I was lying the time I claimed I was an IRS auditor. Even though that claim is more plausible, he knows that I can't be an IRS auditor because there is no way I could be working for the Federal government while engaging in my duties as a Universal Studios stealth marketer. He's seen through my disguise.

He also prides himself in that since I am the best that Universal Studios can throw at him to praise Ron Moore, my "lifelong friend since high school", he can expose Ron's sinister plots to the world through his books. The truth will come out despite my and Universal's continued attempts to keep the dark conspiracy against Battlestar Galactica silent. He can never quite define what the end result is for when everyone recognizes the authenticity of these evil plots but he's confident he will win in this regard because my constant praise of Ron Moore isn't fooling anyone. At present, he knows the truth of what Universal has done as he has "eyewitnessed" the plots and events as they unfolded, (presumably through some psychic ability he has yet to reveal to the world). Thus, through his personal observations, he's seen the direct attempted assassination of the original Battlestar Galactica by Universal Studios executive direction as to allow anyone to think positively of the original series would risk the downfall of their entire studio. (I'm piecing this last together based on his rants. He's never directly stated this because I don't think in the past decade he's ever actually tried to figure out any motivations for anyone other than a blanket belief that anything and everything connected with NBC must by its very nature, be pure evil. That includes the fans who state that he's wrong in his theories because no casual fan would argue with him. Thus, anyone who doubts is also part of the conspiracy.)

Of course when I challenged him to locate a single URL where I had made of any of the claims about myself on Fleets, he quickly explained that I'd masked them since I am one of the moderators here and scoffed when I said I wasn't as its the same excuse I used to mask my behind the scenes management of Tombs of Kobol, another site dedicated to praising Universal Studios, the Sci-Fi Channel, and Ron Moore specifically. When I likewise challenged him to provide a single shred of evidence of any of his theories that he didn't author himself under a different handle, he merely became more belligerent.

To be fair, my radical actions to protect Ron Moore's reputation at any and all costs have earned me this scorn. I'm sure you've all seen the many, many times I banned folks at Cylon.org for being critical of Ron. I'm still secretly managing the same actions here at Fleets and over at Tombs. That's partly why he knows I'm not employed by the British Secret Service. They wouldn't let me defend Ron as I do at each and every turn and still be trusted to save England.

Oh, I almost forgot. He also read where I came to Fleets and bragged about the time I "saved England". (No joke about that either. He really remembers me doing that.)

Clever guy. I thought I had him fooled.

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Old February 13th, 2010, 09:17 AM   #21
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I can only say that I can relate to the problem of seeing a disturbed individual do crazy things on the Internet in an effort to smear one's reputation. It was not related to Galactica, but the circumstances are similar to what this Langy is doing to you.

One of my sidelights in life at one point was studying the JFK Assassination and earning a reputation for myself as one of the leading anti-conspiracy voices in forums devoted to it. It was during that time that I first became acquainted with a college student from VA named David Henschel. He was posting mostly innocuous stuff there but what got us into further contact was the fact that we both had a mutual interest in the old game show "What's My Line?" which was at that point starting to re-emerge to a new generation on the Game Show Network. He had in fact obtained from the Goodson-Todman vault some rare episodes of the show with their original commercials and was kind enough to trade them to me, in particular the key show where panelist Dorothy Kilgallen, who was a gossip columnist of the day, appeared on the show as she always had for 15 years, and then mysteriously died hours later, the apparent victim of a drug overdose.

Now this is where it starts to get complicated, but it's key to understanding what happened next and the misery that followed for me. There are some people in the land of conspriacy wackdom who think that Dorothy Kilgallen's death was somehow connected to the JFK assassination because she had covered Jack Ruby's trial and rumors were circulated about her "blowing the story open" which somehow required her to be "silenced."

The theory is a lot of junk like so many other conspiracy articles of faith. And it was not long afterwards, while doing research for my dissertation at the National Archives in MD, that I decided to take some extra time to go through all the JFK files that have been released in the last ten years. I went through FBI report mentioning Dorothy Kilgallen, and from that research I was able to write an Internet essay "Dorothy Kilgallen And The JFK Assassination" that effectively debunked the conspiracy claims.

That alas, was the beginning of my troubles with Mr. David Henschel, who I soon realized was a deeply disturbed individual with an insane and I mean INSANE obsession with Dorothy Kilgallen's life which included believing in the whole conspiracy silliness. Suddenly, he wasn't being friendly any longer and I lost track of him. Fast forward several years, and I'm posting in a game show forum where discussion of "What's My Line?" is rampant, and then the matter of Kilgallen and her death comes up and I dismiss the conspiracy craziness. Next thing I know, some crazy person is posting invective filled posts because of my stance. I try being reasonable with this person, but suddenly after a while some of the things this person is saying sound very familiar and I realize that this is none other than David Henschel (who I might add was stealing the ID of a female poster from the JFK days and pretending to be female!).

Well, I then decided I'd had enough of his stunts and I publicly outed him, openly referring to him by his real name which brought a lot of insane wacko denials etc. but then another game show forum member traced his ISP or whatever back to the same domain to some e-mails from the days when he used his real name and everyone else saw him for what he was. He then afterwards became a regular nuisance in the game show forum anytime the name Kilgallen came up but then he started carrying it further by openly revealing private details about my life that he only could have gotten from doing some traipsing into areas he had no business getting into unless he was engaged in something bordering on stalking.

And that wasn't the end of it. Some years later, I discovered that this person would register at other places using my own name as his handle for the purpose of making off the wall posts designed to create the impression that Eric Paddon is a psychotic lunatic who has been in a mental hospital or prison. He would also register at places like imdb and use phony monikers using the name of my mother, which he could only have gotten by stealing or getting access to a personal record of mine at my old grad school, and he even somehow got hold of my Social Security Number. I consider it a miracle that he has never used that information for something really sinister or criminal, but truthfully I don't think he has the brains to try something like that, he just likes to revel in the fact that he's done this kind of stunt to try and make my life miserable.

About two years ago, I saw him up to his shenanigans at imdb making off the wall posts using my name and I then decided from that point on to trail him everywhere he went using that account so I could make posts declaring that the "Eric Paddon" who posted there is a disturbed individual named David Henschel. I didn't let up in this, and in the meantime I had some irate words for the imdb people who shamefully give you no means of recourse to phone them directly to let them know that this kind of identity theft has been going on. I could report his posts and get them taken down but I could never get his damned account banned because there was no mechanism in place for me to demonstrate his fraud (and similarly when he was registering Yahoo accounts with my mother's name, I had no recourse to get Yahoo to ban those accounts without involving my mother, which I had no intention of doing since this is not the kind of thing I would eve reveal to her).

Eventually, my hard press back in which he realized that I was going to out him by name at any venue where I saw his stunt I think finally sunk in and he backed off. He still engages in his weird games of using fake aliases at a number of places (and this includes multiple fake IDs so he can have ersatz conversations with himself) but he's at least no longer making my life miserable. But it's a sad comment on how someone who seemed to be normal when you first had friendly contact with him could then reveal such a warped mind later on, just as I'm sure there were many who first thought Langy was basically okay and then saw this crazy side manifest itself over time.
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Old February 13th, 2010, 12:19 PM   #22
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

We should introduce them to each other.

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Old February 13th, 2010, 04:30 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by BST View Post
We should introduce them to each other.

I think if we did that, the universe might explode.

Wow, Eric. Bad times. Sounds more like my experiences with Ted Gorospe than Lang, although the parallels with all three are pretty unsettling.

I've really tried to wonder what could anyone who acts this way think they were accomplishing. The destroy at all costs attitude boggles my mind, especially when its centered around something like the JFK assassination or reputation of Battlestar Galactica. In our own way, we are all rabid fanboys but the freakish level of Lang, Ted, and this Daniel guy is baffling. Part of me would love to have some magic mechanism to take people like this and force them to evaluate everything they do and then answer (1) What is it you really want?, (2) Do you think your actions are getting you there, and (3) Is all of this really worth the portion of your life you're sacrificing to get it.

Surely to some degree, these questions are universal for any fan, especially those who dwell on BBoards as most of us do but there comes a certain time when defending the answers must seem so extreme, even to a wack-job like Lang, that some sort of safety valve in the brain should activate.

... and yet, somehow, it never does.

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Old February 13th, 2010, 08:06 PM   #24
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Default Re: Lang has updated his Galactica Book

Sorry to hear that happened to you Eric, damn we know the internet's bad enough if your not careful. It when you are and trouble still happens that pisses you off though?

*Sigh* i tend to look back at those skiffy days as one of those periods where while i met many BG folks, we all had to deal with the troublemakers and those seeking to disrupt the good things skiffy had going before that time in 2002 when it got real rocky in terms of who to trust etc. But Languatron heh? should Battlestar Galactica ever get its movie franchise going and 3 decades later it finally does fly and become something huge, does this guy really think he could contribute to the fandom the same way normal people do at the end of the day?

What's he going to do come forward and say; I know i was a hardcore jerk going after Universal Studios, Stallion and Ron Moore, but now BG's back i want to join up with the rest of you guys once more?

I'd think not!

And i'm truly sorry to hear he's gone after you too Sandy. But as we know, he's just using the anonmity of the internet against several folks is all. If he started any trashing site for me or any others because of the past, just do us all a huge favor and don't tell us o.k. I'd like to think of that old metaphorical saying;

"If a tree a falls in the woods and no one's around to hear it fall, does it really make a sound"?!

Seriously, think about it?

What's done is done, those days of early 21st Century are gone, no BG TV revival, G.I.N.O.'s come and gone, no more "World War 3" Bboard fights over on Skiffy etc etc, lets move on. Its fandom projects, discussions, BG movie talk, CGI fan Meshes of models, Future CFF efforts etc. Lang can scream, fart, sing & dance into cyberspace cos we ain't paying attention to him no more, cos once your on the outside looking back in? at everyone else. You already know your the damn "Pariah" no one wants to be around cos you don't fit in anywhere's! And while i didn't get along with Stallion either day in the day myself. I've heard the personal issues between him and Lang is cos Langy threatened his family 10 years ago or so on another board and they just brought their arguing to Skiffy back then? Can't really blame him then for wanting a piece of Langy in that sense. But however, Stallion and Moist Boys are probably 50% responsible for Langy's aggressiveness anyways, takes more than 1 to tango to be honest, but overall Stallion should know better than to argue with Langy (for all this period of time) who only does so, cos Stallion and him kept on arguing like drunks in a park, fighting over the last beer can. If Lang's known to be more trouble than he's worth, quit arguing with him cos it clear the guy's got unbalanced mental issues that need addressing.

Fighting with a guy like Langy online for all this period of time. I'd be pretty unhappy with myself knowing how i wasted my time doing so.

Ted Gorospe was kinda worse, but i always had my doubts about him from the offset, but it was yourself and RGrant that truly unveiled him to be the swine that he was and in good fashion too! Heh, Ted, Langy, The Smigs, Raoul Duke and the minor pests had their day. Forget'em though, a strong minded individual knows he's got peace of mind and isn't troubled by jokers who use the internet to get attention. Such attention in real life would be most painful for'em and they'd be seen as the helpless weaklings they really are without they're keyboards, multiple I.P. addresses, and 2 dozen usernames on webforums. Sandy forget'em dude, he's weak and he knows it. Either write your own self-published book with the real facts and stories behind; "Languatron: The Sad facts about the 'Andrew Fullen' story" or find him and drag his sorry butt to the 'Middle East' for your next visit and show him there's a place where real hurt, suffering and attempts at rebuilding something important, are going on in the world and he needs to seriously grow the f *** up quick and proper!

Eric sorry to hear about that man. Hope it still isn't ongoing for you though! Henschel and Langy are the types you won't catch at your local internet cafe or 'online internet hub' shop, drinking coffee and talking with the shop owner or something ya know.

What pleases me is knowing that those types are angry and sad types, no matter the witty remarks made online to insult someone is. They'll go away sad and broken individuals with no one to like, laugh along with them or love them etc. They fool no one but themsleves.

And yes these are the types of *Sad Sacks* you wish you could knockout in fight for all the bullsh&t they put you through online, but hey long as they stay where we can't touch'em, i say they're getting off pretty lucky.

Kneel before Zod!!!
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