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Old March 27th, 2004, 03:28 PM   #1
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Default Beginning of the Thousand Yahren War

I am currently running a playtest of a strategic campaign game of my own design set in the BG universe and am incorporating a bit of roleplay as well as storytelling into it to make it as interesting as possible. I don't believe any of the players visit this forum but if you are one of them, stop reading now and never look at this thread again!

Alrighty then...

The background is based on several different sources, including my own imagination. A lot of it meshes with most of the stuff out there but I've thrown my own twist on a few things not only with regards to the campaign setup but also since things aren't likely to proceed according to accepted show history. This is basically what was handed to the players.

Colonial Background:
In the earliest days, when mankind left on the great exodus from Kobol, the embarked within great arks across the stars. Oral tradition holds, from the writings in the Book of the Word, that twelve tribes left together to find a sanctuary. A thirteenth tribe also left but they traveled their own path. It is unknown why they left. Some believe a great war was upon the lords of Kobol, others believe the planet was doomed as its star was dying.

The twelve tribes eventually found twelve planets orbiting three suns and colonized them. For reasons lost to time, they destroyed their technology and led a simple life and Kobol became a legend and a myth.

It took hundreds of years for the technology to be rediscovered in which time their cultures diverged. The Capricans retained more of the scientific learning than the others and were the first to redevelop spaceflight, while the contemplative Saggitarians focused on their philosophy, and the Gemons devoted their lives to artistic endeavors.

It took several hundred years but eventually all the tribes regained contact with each other. The cultural differences caused friction between the colonies and a series of skirmishes between them would eventually be called the Unification War. It was then that the Quorum of the Twelve would be formed and peace would finally be known amongst the colonies.

The colonies eventually developed the supra-light drive and with it the discovery of other star systems and the colonization of other worlds. It was then that they met the Hasaris, a peaceful aquatic race which they developed trade, and the Orions who were mostly traders and merchants.

It was a peaceful time for the colonies and technology advanced to the point where they developed artificial intelligence. It was to be a golden time when the robots would serve while the people could explore other pursuits. However, the colonials did not anticipate that the machines revolt against their masters. A war against the machines occured and when the machines were finally put down, a Colonial Code was passed limiting the kinds of AIs that could be programmed.

The year is approximately 6225 and peace and prosperity has finally returned to the colonies....

Cylon Background:
Nearly two hundred years ago a visitor named Diabolis came to planet Cylon. The aggressive Reptilian Cylons were fairly advanced and had recently developed artificial intelligence. They already had settlements on planets in their own system and welcomed him because he appeared as one of them. Diabolis claimed to be an ancestor of the Cylons and told tales of their once great empire thousands of yahren before their recorded history. He revitalized the Cylons' thirst for conquest and domination and influenced them to join him, for he promised them that the Cylon Empire would rise again and become the most powerful in the universe; and that their legacy would last forever.

Billions of Cylons followed Diabolis and began to think of him as a living diety for he had powers that were beyond any they had seen before. Under his guidance, they built machines of war; self-thinking and intelligent that could wage their wars for them. They quickly conquered the nearby star systems and by then nearly all of the Cylons believed that there was nothing to stop them. But Diabolis had tricked them, he promised them that their empire and their legacy would remain but in truth, the Cylons themselves would not. By making the machines intelligent and with all the traits and flaws of the living Cylons, Diabolis now had an army that followed him as feverantly as the Cylons did.

Diabolis turned the machines against the Cylons and the Dominance War began. Over a hundred years the machines systematically destroyed the Cylons and built great cities. Toward the end of the war and working in secret, a few remaining scientists built a biosphere encased in the hardest substance known to them. It could theoretically sustain life indefinately, and they called it the Sanctuary. Before entering and sealing themselves within it, they attacked in the only way they could. They had broken a primary barrier in the war machines' programming and could insert one command line into a single Centurion. Tt had to go into the circuits containing its core beliefs. They thought that eventually the command would get passed to every one of the machines as they interacted with each other but it would happen slowly. Too slowly to save their civilization.

The command they entered was "Protect the sanctuary."

Within a year, and after the last of the living Cylons outside the Sanctuary perished, the command did indeed pass through all of the machines. The machines now called themselves Cylons. The first Centurion who received the command had the voice of Diabolis enscribed on his circuits as he took the position of Imperious Leader, at which point Diabolis left them to continue on the path he had guided them to.

The year is around 6225 Colonial Time. The Cylons have expended vast resources to build the final resting place of the Sanctuary as it was now the center of their civilization. No Cylon could harm the sanctuary and it has become their most important temple to their beliefs, for it was the only thing in the universe they could not bring themselves to destroy. The spacecraft they constructed, nearly 8 maxims in diameter, was a vast city and manufacturing center, and the most powerful warship they had ever produced. It was their cathedral for the Sanctuary. The array of weapons mounted on the vast craft were intended for defense. If the sanctuary came to harm, their civilization would fall. They would have failed their core programming and beliefs.

They called the craft, the Devistar. The Colonials would call it a Super Base Star. The Cylons now turn their eye once again upon expansion...

Essentially there are three players running the Colonials and one player running the Cylons. The setup is double-blind so they do not know the location of each other nor have they had any contact at the point the game started. I'm also throwing a bit of humor here and there to keep things lively so don't be suprised if you occasionally see some silly stuff.

While I can't post the map, the Colonials's twelve planets are set up occupying two primary clusters, named the Cyrannus System and the Hetari System. The Hasari are located in another cluster called the Cosmara Archipelago, the Delphians are in the Kryllian System, and the Cylons are in the Otarsis Quadrant.

I will reply to this thread as events occur with excerpts from both my own input into the game as well as the players.'

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Old March 27th, 2004, 03:29 PM   #2
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Default Turn 1

<static> "...Hasari passenger liner Solar Desire. Our position is four parsecs outsid...<static>...Cosmara Archipelago. We are under attack by unknown forces! They came out of nowhere and are all around <boom>...<static>... refuse surrender. Fires are out of control, power failing....<static>... Is there anyone in range who can assist us?! We... Ashurnibi's mercy, what is that?!...<Boom>...<static>.

Transmission Ends.
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Old March 27th, 2004, 03:33 PM   #3
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Default Beginning of Turn 2

The ringing sound of the sliding transparent doors signals Leviathan to turn his command throne around. "Report, Centurion."

"The Hasari fleet in sector 2216 is on an intercept course. They will arrive at the Hasari homeworld just behind us," the centurion replies, his eye swishing coldly back and forth.

"Maintain speed and ready the fleet for combat."

"By your command."

As the sliding doors close behind the Centurion, the communications panel lights up. Amused, Leviathan listens to the prattle of the Hasari commander. "Attention alien vessels! The Hasari Imperial Navy demands you surrender. Stand down immediately or you will be destroyed!"

"No, commander. It is you who will be destroyed, along with the rest of your pathetic species." Leviathan speaks to the screen but without activating the communicator. Gazing at the tactical screen, Leviathan watches their fleet as it goes to lightspeed.


"Alert stations!" Quallum, commander of the Hasari Second Bale, shouts to his subordinate. Alarm klaxons sound and the lights change from the normal aquamarine to battlestations white.

"Commander, we don't know who these aliens are or what they're capable of," his first lieutenant says quietly into the commanders ear-flap.

"They're capable of murdering hundreds of civilians, they do not respond to our hails, and they're heading straight toward our homeworld at high speed. There is no doubt in my mind, Lieutenant, they are here for one thing: Conquest," the commander replies. "Take us to light speed and plot an intercept course! Send a transmission to homeworld, have them recall all fleets immediately."

As the mighty Cylon fleet approaches the unsuspecting Hasari world, two Centurions enter Leviathans command room.

"Speak, Centurion."

Spotlights glint off of the chrome armor as his head moves in a subtle imitation of an organic form speaking. "Long range scans are detecting a fleet in orbit around the Hasari homeworld. A second fleet is arriving from the opposite direction at high velocity. We are also detecting a fleet entering sector 2615. They will not reach us until after our initial attack is complete."

"Three full fleets, then. And a fourth that could not return quickly enough. How many ships will we be facing?"

"Approximately seventy vessels," the Centurion replies quickly.

"A large fleet, but how capable are they?"

"Their technology is inferior. Combat projections indicate a 90% probability that we will not lose more than 30% of our forces. Most of our losses will likely be Raiders."

Leviathan contemplates this a moment. "Have all Raiders launch the moment we arrive. We will destroy them as the Imperious Leader has commanded."

"By your command."
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Old April 17th, 2004, 04:00 PM   #4
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After a look at the navigational charts Abela, Captain of the Colonial Searcher 'Cyclops,' tells the helmsman "Bring us to a stop, lieutenant. Right here is as good as it gets." Ascending the stairs to the command platform he tells the team of sensor operators standing by "Begin a sweep of the area, keep an eye out for anything unusual."

"Unusual, Captain?" the first officer asks. "You mean on the interstellar comms, right?"

"M-hmm. That distress signal we received has me worried. It's been sectons and there's been no word. I don't like it, Mazel. I don't like it a lot," the Captain replies.

When the sensor chief approaches the pedestal, Abela's stomach knots knowing something is going on. "What is it, corporal?"

"Sir, we're detecting some unusual transmissions on the interstellar comms. They're encoded and scrambled, our team is working on cracking it but...well...Sir, it's a tough one. It may be unbreakable. We're also detecting a lot of coded Hasari transmissions, we should have at least a partial translation soon."

Abela sighs. "I want to hear it as soon as possible, make it your priority, corporal."

It didn't take long, perhaps thirty centons when the corporal once again approaches. "Let's hear it."

"<static>...transferring target scanners to decks nine and ten."
"Our engines are gone, we can't maneuver. Continuing fire on their mothership."
"Septremes Stormwind and Thundermight have been hit. Can anyone see them?"
"They're all over us, we ne..<static>"
"This is the Posipon. Fires are out of control. Abandon ship. Are there any shuttles?"
"We're coming up on your position, maneuver to oh-nine-five and we'll provide cover."
"Get them out of there! Disengage, disengage!"
"Where's our cover?!"
"Target bearing eight-eight-one, locking on."

"Alright, I've heard enough. What can you tell me, corporal?"

"Sir, these transmissions are a part of some sort of massive battle, we've been able to identify at least 40 different vessels so far and there is at least three entire Hasari fleets engaged in combat. Telemetry seems to indicate it is coming from the Hasari homeworld itself. Information is still coming in but it doesn't look good. They're losing..."
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Old April 17th, 2004, 07:48 PM   #5
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The Hobb,
That's really cool, very nice setup. I'm leaving this thread open for you if you wish to add anything, (hint ) but I'll make you a feedback/response thread like the other stories have, discussion is here: https://www.colonialfleets.com/forums...ad.php?p=92426
"We feel free when we escape – even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire." Mozzie on White Collar

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one." Malcolm Reynolds [/color]

"We don't dictate to countries, we liberate countries." Mitt Romney [/color]
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Old April 19th, 2004, 11:23 AM   #6
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The Pyramid spokesman swept into the press room to a cavalcade of flash-bulbs and questions. He was followed by a pair of military officers in dress uniforms.

"Good afternoon, I will read a short statement, after which I will be avaliable for further questions, as will Commander Amadus of the Explorator Corps and Colonel Tycohn of the Hasarian Relations Commitee"

"Early this morning, one of our exploratory fleets at the Cyrannus jump point intercepted Hasari military transmissions. These transmissions indicated that a large scale attack by an unknown enemy was underway. We have been unable to make contact with the Caprican Embassy on Hasari, but rest assured. This unprovoked and brutal assault on our ally will not go unpunished. Caprica will stand by our allies in this time of peril, and we ask our fellow colonies to join in efforts to avenge this dastardly invasion."

"We will now take questions"

and the room rose as one, clamouring for attention.
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Old April 19th, 2004, 11:34 AM   #7
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Transmission from Cylon fleet to Hasari defenders:

Hasari commander - I respectfully suggest that your remaining 7 ships and 2 fighters leave now - you have fought bravely, of that there is no doubt. Your only other option is certain death, as opposed to the potential to come back in the future when you are repaired to attempt to reclaim your homeworld.


Captain Melkok watches helplessly as more Hasari ships are destroyed. Though a cheer goes up at the destruction of two more Cylon vessels, they were minor victories and the real threat has only received minor damage from a Unireme that broke through the screening vessels. There were only a few ships remaining and some of those were already adrift having used up their fuel trying to get to Hasari Prime in time.

"It's over. We have fulfilled our duty to the best we could and anything further is a w aste of lives and resources. Patch me through to the Cylon commander."

"Cylon Commander, this is Captain Melkok. We have lost this battlefield and if you allow it, we shall leave. If not, then we intend to fight to the death. Should you let us leave, I tell you now, we will return and we WILL fight you again. The choice is yours to make."

Turning to the communications officer, he says "Tell the other ships to prepare for a final offensive but to wait on my order, we may be withdrawing."


Leviathan looked around at his bridge crew. The minor damage HIS base star had recieved from this recent attack filled him with anger. His was the pride of 3rd fleet. But if the rest of 3rd fleet was destroyed - especially with all those troops still onboard - then he would be disgraced. Worse, that would give Lucifer a boost in his ratings (and rantings) with the Imperious Leader.

Better to let some small survivors escape - especially with the homeworld of the Hasari ripe and ready as a plum for picking - than suffer more losses. Besides, with the Hasari 4th fleet within range, at the very least Marou would bring 7th fleet in to help consolidate and hold this new Cylon territory.

Very well. His decision made, Leviathan toggled his communication switch.

"Captain Melkok, you have my permission to withdraw from our space. Please feel free to come visit us at any time you wish. We will be more than eager to welcome again to our new territory."
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