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Old July 12th, 2011, 11:45 PM   #1
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Default My BG ships of the line

Hi, folks,

I thought I would do a little "Ships of the Line" type post in the possibility of working on making my fanfiction "Galactica: The Last Battlestar" into a CG animation/machinima project.

The notes you are about to read that accompany each ship comes from my Writer's Bible for "Galactica: The Last Battlestar". This also introduces my latest ship/kitbash, the Colonial System Patrol Ship. I hope you will enjoy it.

Battlestar Galactica:
Galactica-class battlestar
Crew: 2000 (but, under current circumstances-- 1200)
Commanding Officer: Admiral Adama Vor Ibrami U Adriana Per Caprica Kel Kobol.
C.A.G.: Captain Collis Vor Tigan U Anali Per Aquari Kel Kobol.
MARDET Commander: Commander Ermay Vor Rau U Leah Per Cancera Kel Kobol
Weapons: 2 mega-pulsars, 14 sub-pulsar anti-captial ship cannons, 2 planetary bombardment sub-pulsar cannons, 30 double plasma cannons, 500 point defense cannons, 200 missile tubes capable of firing conventional or nuclear tipped warheads, as well as EMP type -A, -B, an -C warheads.
Carried Craft: (Intended) 150 fighters, 20 Raptors, 20 Mambas, 10 light shuttles, 10 medium shuttles, 10 heavy shuttles.
(current circumstances-- Twenty-five SF-04A Kraits, twenty-five SF-41A and twenty-five SF-41B Vipers landed, in addition to five light, five medium, and ten heavy shuttles, and ten SE-6B Raptors (electronic warfare and battlefield reconnaissance craft), and sixteen SA-6A Mambas (specialized attack and bombing craft) filled the flight decks. One hundred and sixteen support craft in all, fifty eight per flight deck.
The Colonial battlestar is the largest mobile weapons platform built by humans in the Cyranus territories, and has been the most visible and reassuring symbol of Colonial military might for the last 100 yahren. The battlestar Galactica represents the state of the art of these mighty warships. She is larger than even the Pegasus, by 15 bar 100. (The Pegasus is, by far, the most legendary of the battlestars.)
The Galactica was meant to be the ultimate symbol of Colonial freedom and will, the first of a new line of battlestars that were to be created to deal with the Cylon threat. Then, the peace accords with the Cylons came about, putting a stall on further productions of the Galactica-class battlestar. The Cylons, thankfully, did not know about the construction of this ship, as it was indeed a top-secret project, known to only a handful of staff officers in the Colonial Fleet.
At the time the Cylons unleashed their treachery, and launched their vicious, genocide-bent attack on the Colonies, the Galactica herself was about two sectons away from full operational readiness and test runs. Admiral Adama was determined to see to it that the Galactica was operational in 24 centares.
It was intended for the Galactica to carry a crew of 2000, but because of the attack, she had only a skeleton crew. The arrival and subsequent destruction of the battlestar Rycon, heavily damaged while trying to escape the Cylon onslaught, provided Galactica with a number of personnel (among them, Adama's son, Strike Captain Apollo), fighters, and support ships. This brought her up from a skeleton crew of two hundred, to a more efficient 1200.
She was also intended to carry 150 fighters of varying type, 10 light, 10 medium, and 10 heavy shuttles, 20 Raptors, 20 Mambas. She had only a few carried support craft on her during the time of her construction. After the arrival of the Rycon, her carried craft were numbered at 75 fighters, 20 shuttles, 10 Raptors and 16 Mambas.
The battlestar Galactica mounts the heaviest firepower ever endowed on a mobile weapons platform. At the nose of the ship, she boasts two mega-pulsars. Over the ship, she mounts 14 sub-pulsar cannons, Two sub-pulsar bombardment cannons are found on the belly of the ship. Three hits from one of these cannons are enough to devastate a small city. For anti-starfighter defense, she has 30 double plasma cannons, and mounts another 500 smaller point defense cannons all throughout the hull. She is also armed with 200 missile tubes, built into the hull, capable of firing conventional and/or nuclear tipped missiles, in addition to deploying EMP -A, -B, and -C type ordnance.
In addition to her devastating firepower, the Galactica also boasts state-of-the-art stealth capabilities. Multiple stealth-runners conceal the Galactica's energy signatures from DRADIS detection, and her hull skin can darken to "space" black, reducing her visual signature to almost invisible.
The Galactica is the last known surviving battlestar, supported by three destroyers and patrol ships, now shepherding some sixty ships of questionable spaceworthiness toward a legendary world in a distant system... a world that would take yahrens, even decira to reach...a shining planet known as Earth.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old July 12th, 2011, 11:46 PM   #2
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Default Re: My BG ships of the line

Vendetta-class destroyer
Crew: 200
Commanding officers: Warvus: Commander Kray .Kadlac: Commander Korbin Pangara: Commander Brekil.
Weapons: 24 double plasma cannons, two sub-pulsar, 10 missile tubes capable of firing conventional or nuclear tipped warheads.
Carried Craft: 5 fighters, 2 heavy shuttles, 1 Raptor
The Vendetta-class destroyer is one mean warship. A midsized capital ship, she carries a crew of two hundred Colonial Warriors, and boasts a firepower commensurate to her duties as an anti-starfighter defense/screening ship.
Singularly, the Vendetta can outmaneuver, but not directly take on a battlestar or Cylon basestar, but a small fleet of them (five to six) can pose a considerable threat. She is armed with two sub-pulsar cannons that can deal out measurable damage toward larger capital ships. Twenty four double plasma cannons provide anti-starfighter and point defense capabilities. Rounding out the armament of the Vendetta-class destroyer are ten missile tubes set into the hull, capable of launching conventional and nuclear-tipped warheads, as well as ElectroMagnetic Pulse weaponry, types -A,-B, and -C.
The Vendetta is also the smallest capital ship capable of carryng support and defense craft. She can house, maintain, launch and recover 5 Colonial Vipers, 2 heavy shuttles, and 1 Raptor. Should the need arise, she can also take a patrol ship on board to repair and maintain.
The command module is located at the fore of the ship, and is basically a downsized version of a battlestar command module. In deck one of the module, one would find the bridge, the combat information center, and Commander's Stateroom.
The bridge is manned by the ship's commander or officer of the watch, the Chief of the Ship, helm officer, navigation officer, weapons officer, and a comms/signal intelligence/intercept/electronic warfare officer. The next cabin aft of the bridge is the Combat Information Center, where further battle intelligence and data is processed.
Aft of the CIC is the Commander's Stateroom. This twin cabin is as well endowed as a Commander's Stateroom that would be found on a battlestar. It has a corner set couch to allow senior officers, or other ship commanders to sit while the Commander presides from his own workstation during War Council. A luxurious bed sits in the main room, and a window provides a beautiful view of space beyond. There is a turbowash located near the commander's desk. Another hatch in the stateroom leads to a dining hall which can also serve as a War Council chamber should more commanders and personnel be involved during convention.
Three energizers provide power throughout the ship, in addition to the main engines. This ensures optimal power during combat conditions.
Destroyers can also enter the atmosphere of a planet, making them effective troop and asset transports. They cannot land, but they can get close enough to ground to deploy large amounts of troops and equipment efficiently.
A secondary function of destroyers also lies within their atmospheric flight capability....that of life support replenishment for other ships, such as battlestars, which are not designed for atmospheric operations. The Vendetta-class can fly into the atmosphere of a planet (as long as said planet contains at least trace amounts of breathable gasses). and collect gasses through special ports in its hull. Processing units aboard the destroyer can filter out toxic products, increase the density of the breathable gasses, and pressurize them for storage and transfer. Then the destroyer can replenish larger warships and non-atmospheric vessels. Most vessels that are capable of entering atmosphere have at least one processor on board.
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Old July 12th, 2011, 11:46 PM   #3
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Default Re: My BG ships of the line

Switftwing-class patrol ship
Crew: 9
Commanding Officers: 001: Cpt. Donza, 002: Cpt. Kellen, 003: Cpt. Zamu, 004: Cpt. Amar, 005: Cpt. Ramius
Weapons: 2 double plasma cannons, 2 forward mounted plasma cannons, 10 kinetic cannons, 2 forward mounted rocket launchers capable of firing conventional warheads, and EMP-C or EMP-B magnepulse weapons.
Carried Craft: none.
The Swiftwing-class patrol ship is a go-between for starfighters like the Colonial Viper and larger ships like the Vendetta class destroyer. She packs enough fire power to be a genuine threat to pirates, smugglers, and even a small flight of Cylon Raiders. She's by far the smallest yet most maneuverable of capital ships in the Colonial Fleet, only slightly larger than a Colonial heavy shuttle.
The Swiftwing is crewed by nine Colonial Warriors. Under normal operating conditions, during Alpha Shift, the Commander is present (usually a Strike Captain). Beta shift has only the four Beta officers manning the seats. During battle conditions, all crewmembers are active. The active shift at the time battlestations is called assumes the combat duties, while the opposite shift serve as replacements, should an officer be injured and incapable of continuing duty. While each crewmember specializes in a specific duty, all crew are cross-trained to easily assume another's duty should the need arise. So, every person on the ship is capable of carrying out piloting, gunning, engineering, communications, intelligence, electronic warfare, and basic medical treatment. As a tradition, the crewmen, even the Captain, are also fairly decent cooks. After all, when one has general rations to consume, one might as well make the best of it. Right?
The Captain has his own bunk in a room not much larger than the crew quarters. The only real amenities he's afforded, aside from having his own bunk, twin wall locker, and comms/work station, is privacy, since his cabin is the only habitat space with a hatch on it.
The eight subordinate officers "hot-bunk". In other words, whle the four Alpha shift officers are active, the other four Beta shift officers will sleep in the bunks. During Beta shift, the Alpha shift officers will occupy those same bunks while Beta carries out their duties.
The crew can stow their gear and personal effects in the twin wall lockers found in each crew quarters. The twin wall locker supports two crewmembers' gear, and contains two lockers and two lower drawers, one of each for each crewman. Each officer can stow an extra uniform, survival gear, small personal amenities, and weapons (usually a blaster rifle).
The cockpit of the Swiftwing has five seats. The command seat sits in the center of the cockpit. Two seats are located forward of the command chair, which are for the pilot and the co-pilot gunner. Two more seats are placed aft of the command chair, and are responsible for engineering, and for comms/electronic warfare/sensors.
The Swiftwing draws her power from a downsized version of a battlestar's engine housing. This allows her to run at optimal power during combat conditions. Engineering is handled from the cockpit, and anything involving physical repairs or maintenance to the engines requires that the ship be landed....preferably aboard a larger vessel, or a ground base. The engines can be worked on if the ship is forced to go to ground, but only basic maintenance and minor battle repairs can be carried out. Anything beyond that will require the presence of a better equipped facility.
She is very heavily armed for a ship of her size. Nowhere near as well-armed as a destroyer, she can still pose a considerable threat. Her ten kinetic cannons (5 to port, 5 to starboard) are capable of laying down a broadside of shells with weaponized tylium payloads. The Swiftwing can also optimize the kinetic cannon firepower by rolling with her topside facing the target so she can bring all ten cannons to bear.
Anti-fighter defense is provided by the two turret mounted double plasma cannons, mounted ventrally and dorsally.
Heavy forward firepower is provided by two rocket launchers (capable of deploying high-explosive conventional rockets, and EMP weaponry types -B and -C), and two plasma cannons mounted into the centers of the rocket pods.
When landed, the ship sports no physical landing gear, instead relying on anti-gravity emitters to keep her off the ground. Aboard a larger ship, egress steps are provided at the airlock. If the ship is forced to go to ground, a retractable ladder allows the crew to board/leave the ship.
The crew prepare their meals at the aft of the ship, which houses a small galley and mess. Once person can actually sit in the mess area. If more than one officer chooses to eat, they'll have to take their meals in their crew quarters. A singular turbowash, and a small life-station (capable of treating up to mid-level injuries, such as broken bones, or flash burns) are located back here as well. More serious injuries must be tended to at a baseship or ground facility.
Should landing on an unexplored but habitable world become necessary as a result of either battle damage, or an assignment of reconnaissance, camping supplies and extra survival gear are stowed in hardened storage bays set into the ship's outer hull.
Thanks to these capabilities, the Swiftwing is able to carry out missions lasting up to two sectons.
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Old September 29th, 2011, 08:20 PM   #4
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Default Re: My BG ships of the line

Really cool!
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Old September 29th, 2011, 09:32 PM   #5
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Old September 30th, 2011, 12:33 AM   #6
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Default Re: My BG ships of the line

Thanks, guys.
I might be distracted at the moment with my Star Trek projects, but I'm still working up some ideas for the Big G as well.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 01:37 PM   #7
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Default Re: My BG ships of the line

Originally Posted by martok2112 View Post
Thanks, guys.
I might be distracted at the moment with my Star Trek projects, but I'm still working up some ideas for the Big G as well.
Ah I saw some of your CGI work on Youtube. Good stuff!! Maybe you can do a Reliant class ship TOS style.

That is one thing they knocked around for the remastered stuff was making ships that were not the constitution class (Enterprise) style. I would have liked that.

Speaking of which, what do you think the Star Trek remastered stuff?
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 12:19 AM   #8
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Default Re: My BG ships of the line

Loved the Trek remastered stuff.
Actually, in the video game Star Trek Legacy, there is a TOS styled Miranda class (the class Reliant belongs to). I might to a make up of that.
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