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The Last Battlestar......Galactica!For discussions about the ORIGINAL series What Dreams May Come!
The purpose of this site is described on the homepage:
This website has been created for the purpose of sparing sensitive individuals the emotional and mental trauma of watching movies in which a child or young teen is killed or exposed to severe violence.
__________________ Populos stultus viris indignas honores saepe dat. -Horace
---------------------------- Fortuna est caeca. -Cicero
"You know the night before was a tough one when even the sound of the fizz hurts your head." -Mike Hammer.
Way to go jjrakman. I'm glad you added BSG 2003 to the list of evil movies. I didn't know a sight like that existed!
Maybe now others who loved the series when they were young will get a chance to see what an atrocity BSG 03 will be.
Senmut, I think you misunderstood the purpose of the site. It's not meant to catalog the movies so people ca get off on watching violence to children. It's cataloging them so people can avoid watching them
That's so true Senmut I think what he was referring to
was the Bush page where they show the president with blood
everywhere ..........I guess even The PRESIDENT isn't immune to being corrupted by bonnie hammer and ron moore : :upchuck: :upchuck: