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Old December 24th, 2003, 11:58 AM   #1
The 14th Colony
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Default The 14th Colony Survey - Part II of III

Click here for Part 1 of the 14th Colony Survey series:

The 14th Colony Survey, Part II

Tis not for my knowledge that asked these questions are, but for your own contemplation and entertainment by answering. If they draw on your thoughts and lead you to become a deeper thinker and enlightened person in the process, my efforts have paid off. On the other hand, if you think the queries ridiculous and get nothing out of them, then it's only a stupid survey on a message board, what did you expect? =) Some are deep, some are shallow, some are lame, and some are perhaps disturbing. You have been warned. Turn back now or forge ahead, but do not hold me responsible for any fits of disgust, gagging, flatulence, or sheer boredom you may experience from the following questions:

1) Who do you see as the person or group who has made the greatest contributions to mankind in the 20th century?

2) What do you think is the ultimate collective goal of mankind? Is it domination and control, discovery and understanding, knowledge and betterment, or something other? What is our society striving towards?

3) What invention of the 20th century do you feel affected and moved society forward the most for better or worse?
A- The automobile
B- The airplane
C- The computer
D- Television and/or movies
E- The harnessing of nuclear energy

4) This is a two-parter, but do not read the second question until you've answered the first.
#1: Say that a brand new form of transportation was invented that would bring our world closer together by cutting traveling time by two thirds. However, this new transportation, this new invention, comes at a steep price, which is that it will cost thousands upon thousands of lives each year. Would you support this invention and agree with its use by those who could be killed by its misuse?
#2: Say that you can travel back in time to right a dreadful invention of the past. With the first part of this question in mind, would you stop the automobile from being invented?

5) In the Battlestar Galactica or Star Wars galaxy, what do you feel is the most beneficial technology used by the societies we've seen in the films or shows?

6) A- The evolutionists claim that the universe was created by an immense cloud of compressed gas that reacted and exploded to form galaxies. If that were true, where did the cloud of gas come from?
B- The creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing. So where did God come from?

7) With as serious an answer as possible, if you could be any person in the world for one week to experience an aspect of their life, at any given time in history or the present, who would it be and why (not friends or loved ones)?

8) If you could alter your memory so as to mail yourself a gift and receive it as a complete surprise, what would it be?

Now the disturbing ones:
9) An evil, sadistic villain is going to kill you. There is no way to escape. You are being pushed forward by an unstoppable wall toward three holes in the floor that you cannot get past or jump over. One hole leads to a blazing furnace. The second hole leads to a pool of boiling water. The third hole leads to a pit of hydrochloric acid. You will, without a doubt, be pushed into one of the holes, and there are only thirty seconds before the edge. Which hole will you let yourself fall into? :scatter:

10) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind at the last moment and forced you into another room instead, where you are pushed by a moving wall toward five holes that you cannot get past or jump over. Each hole contains either a hungry lion, a "Jurassic Park" velociraptor, a Rancor, a pool of water with a school of piranha, and another pool with a great white shark; Your only hope is to choose the least agonizing experience, so do you choose the lion, the shark, the piranha, the Arachnid, or the Raptor? :pacman:

11) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind again, but for the last time. You are now in the last room with the worst choice to make. You are put in the room with a loved one as well as a perfect stranger, and the villain hands you a gun with just one bullet. With the reminder of the agonizing options of questions 9 and 10 awaiting you if you do not go forward, you are told that you must either shoot your loved one, shoot the stranger, or shoot yourself. You have no choice, you must fire at someone. Who will you shoot? :trooperz:

Take a deep breath. It's time to have fun again:
12) Lets make believe that you find a genie in a bottle, who grants you three wishes. Not world peace, or an end to poverty, or health for yourself and family, but three things of pleasure for yourself. What will you wish for?

13) Name one silly secret about yourself that you would only admit here due to the anonymity of the net.

14) Describe the funniest thing that happened to you, or involved you, in relation to a BSG, convention, sci-fi event, or whatever experience.

15) Please keep this G rated...What do you think are the most attractive non-sexual parts of the opposite sex's bodies?

16) Hanging over the side of a yacht is a ladder with 22 rungs, each one a foot and a half apart. 19 rungs are above the water at low tide. High tide will bring the water level two and three quarter feet higher. At high tide how many rungs will be above the water?

17) Why is the sky blue?

18) Don't you hate when people blow their noses while you're eating?

19) Is there something in your life that you regret not finishing, or attempting?

20) Complete the following Han Solo phrase: "Listen, your worship-fullness, I've been from one side of the galaxy to the other, and until I met you, I..."

21) Aside from physical pain or the death of a loved one, what draws out your emotions and brings on the tears, in life, the world, or movies?

22) When you were a child, what, if any, film or television characters did you have a crush on?

23) Do you think that other posters see in your messages a real indication of your actual personality, an extension of it, an alternate identity or alter ego, or an aspect of who you wish you really were?

24) If you could live out your life in peace and harmony in a sci-fi/fantasy setting of your choosing, from what film, TV show, or book would it be, and what is the location?

25) If you could go back through time and distance and witness, as a passive observer safe from any dangers at that location, a conflict or event from the past, what would you like to see with your own eyes?

26) Through a message from God, you learn that you will die quickly and painlessly after 4 days, but God has spoken to you and you are at peace with it. You are given the divine ability, before you die at the end of 4 days, to accomplish and/or experience 4 incredible and otherwise difficult or impossible things over 4 days, and you will not be slowed or affected by hunger, thirst, or need of sleep during that time . The answers cannot include speaking with dead relatives or seeing into a loved-one's future. I did say divine, so anything is possible other than outwitting the 4 day limit, although the Earth days could be extended by a few hours for each (but Mercurian, Venesian, and Plutonian days cannot be used). Heck, you could even be a chicken for a day, if you wanted to be able to lay an egg. So, what do you chose to do, be, or experience?
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Last edited by The 14th Colony; December 24th, 2003 at 12:05 PM..
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Old December 25th, 2003, 11:13 AM   #2
The 14th Colony
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1) Who do you see as the person or group who has made the greatest contributions to mankind in the 20th century?
Man, why do I ask difficult questions like this? I have to dwell on this awhile and edit and add my answer later.

2) What do you think is the ultimate collective goal of mankind? Is it domination and control, discovery and understanding, knowledge and betterment, or something other? What is our society striving towards?
Control. Not just in the dominating sense of ruling over kingdoms and masses of civilizations but in the vaster, all encompassing scope of human emotions, wants, needs, and expectations. We need control in many if not all ways. Whether it be finances, educational gains, health, career pursuits and aspirations, choosing what foods to eat and what to avoid, which restaurant to dine at or people to do business with, ect. ect., it is all about having control over one’s life, actions, and activities. Control is freedom…freedom is control, the right to have control over your own life so far as legal actions, and pursuing your own choices in life. That’s what makes this country great, and many others with democratic governments, that rather than being controlled by government, you have control over your own life and choices. Tyranny is about being controlled by government; democracy and freedom is about allowing people to control their own lives. But everything we choose big or small, vague or extreme, is a sense of our control. We want to choose where we will live, that is control; we want to be treated fairly, that is controlling your surroundings; we skip over some reading material and choose others to read instead, and that is control. Our minds enable us to have control over our bodies for the most part, and when injury or disease occurs we want to be able to stop the pain, heal the wound, cure the disease. Control. It is a nightmare to contemplate dying, losing one’s mind, not having proper sensory and motor functions, or being paralyzed, because without the control over those elements of our bodies and existence, our lives are drastically affected. Look, I even controlled you by making you read this long ramble!

3) What invention of the 20th century do you feel affected and moved society forward the most for better or worse?
A- The automobile
B- The airplane
C- The computer
D- Television and/or movies
E- The harnessing of nuclear energy
The automobile is my opinion. It led to speedy and far reaching growth of our civilizations and life in such a day and age would be impossible to navigate without cars, trucks, and other motorized vehicles to get us around in our busy lives and often distant destinations. The automobile engine was also used by Wilber and Orville Wright in the successful testing of the first airplane, so I dare say that without the fuel burning design of the auto engine, airplanes would never have gotten off the ground and been developed to the point that they are now. Without the car engine we’d still be sitting on horses, or worse, walking everywhere, and what kind of a life is that? Sheesh, I shudder at the thought.

4) This is a two-parter, but do not read the second question until you've answered the first.
#1: Say that a brand new form of transportation was invented that would bring our world closer together by cutting traveling time by two thirds. However, this new transportation, this new invention, comes at a steep price, which is that it will cost thousands upon thousands of lives each year. Would you support this invention and agree with its use by those who could be killed by its misuse?
#2: Say that you can travel back in time to right a dreadful invention of the past. With the first part of this question in mind, would you stop the automobile from being invented?
See, this was a trick question, because the automobile mentioned in the second part was the subject matter of the first part. The car can be and often is misused and its benefits abused, in ways that lead to people being badly hurt and killed. But I would not go back in time to stop its invention, for the good far outweighs the bad and simply put, we need this invention.

5) In the Battlestar Galactica inhabited galaxy, or in any sci-fi saga on TV or in films, what do you feel is the most beneficial technology used by the societies we've seen?
Anti-gravity. Air cars, land speeders, ships launching into space with ease and no pull from gravity, floating landing platforms and floating structures of all kind, none of it would be possible without anti-gravity field processors. I have no idea how anti-gravity works, but without it all the floating vehicles, platforms, and almost all means of transportation see in the SW films and many other forms of sci-fi media would not be possible. Artificial gravity as well. Can you imagine a ship like Galactica having no artifical gravity well? Everybody would be floating around and bumping into each other, and when the ship went into lightspeed everybody would fly right through the back window.

6) A- The evolutionists claim that the universe was created by an immense cloud of compressed gas that reacted and exploded to form galaxies. If that were true, where did the cloud of gas come from?
B- The creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing. So where did God come from? (Short answer only please. Go to the thread "In The Light" to express more.)
I’ll answer A and B together. I believe that God created the universe. God exists outside the range of time as we know it and does not have a past, present and future, but exists in all time frames simultaneously. So he always has been and always will, and that is something hard to fathom by time oriented mortals such as we. If it was a “big bang” that started the universe, it was something caused and carried out by God. Or else, where did that cloud of gas that started it all come from? Did it exist outside the range of time as I think God does, and always has been and always will be? I can't accept that so it had to be God.

7) With as serious an answer as possible, if you could be any person in the world for one week to experience an aspect of their life, at any given time in history or the present, who would it be and why (not friends or loved ones)?
The person who won the 300 million Power Ball Lottery, and live the life of material dreams for one week, and then write a check for 100,000,000 to some shmuck in Florida who loves BSG and spends a lot of time on a BSG board. That's right, me! :p

8) If you could alter your memory so as to mail yourself a gift and receive it as a complete surprise, what would it be?
The entire BSG DVD set with my memory of the film and TV series wiped so I can watch them all at once for "the first time".

Now the disturbing ones:
9) An evil, sadistic villain is going to kill you. There is no way to escape. You are being pushed forward by an unstoppable wall toward three holes in the floor that you cannot get past or jump over. One hole leads to a blazing furnace. The second hole leads to a pool of boiling water. The third hole leads to a pit of hydrochloric acid. You will, without a doubt, be pushed into one of the holes, and there are only thirty seconds before the edge. Which hole will you let yourself fall into?
Oh man, who is the sick bastard who came up with these questions? Oops, it was I.
I think the boiling water would take the longest to kill a person. Maybe the furnace because the intense heat would kill a person by inhalation before they reached the fire, or so I’ve read.

But what I would really do is snap open the secret compartment in my fake leg and take out the iron wedge I keep handy for just such a situation, and slide it under the moving wall to stop it dead in it’s path.

To be continued...
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old December 25th, 2003, 11:14 AM   #3
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10) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind at the last moment and forced you into another room instead, where you are pushed by a moving wall toward five holes that you cannot get past or jump over. Each hole contains either a hungry lion, a "Jurassic Park" velocoraptor, a Rancor, a pool of water with a school of piranha, and another pool with a great white shark; Your only hope is to choose the least agonizing experience, so do you choose the lion, the shark, the piranha, the Arachnid, or the Raptor?
To begin with I am afraid of the ocean and sharks. I love watching oceanographic specials on sharks because I find them fascinating and mysterious, but I am terrified of being eaten alive by a Great White. The movie Jaws literally scarred me for life when I was a kid. However, Great Whites, despite their size and ferocity, are timid, careful creatures that are afraid of being injured while eating thrashing fish and other prey. That is why sometimes they take a bite and then circle to wait for the prey to die, and then eat at leisure. Also, when approaching an unknown object, they can be scared off by a strong bop in the nose…unless there is blood in the water in which case he’s eating whatever he thinks is bleeding. I saw an oceanographic special once in which a scientist/diver proved what I just said. While being filmed from another cage, from his cage with a long metal pole he bopped 3 Great Whites who swam over to investigate him, and they veered away. Then he got out of the cage and stood on the ocean floor and held the pole in front as the 3 sharks came back to double check what they had encountered. And completely vulnerable outside his cage, the diver bopped each White shark in the nose with the pole and each one swam away from the unpleasant object. So, I think I would take my frightening chances in the Great White pool and try to hit him hard in the nose when he swam toward me. On the other hand, maybe I would go for the lion’s pen and hope that he bites and holds my neck while he waits for me to smother and/or bleed to death. I’ve seen video of lion’s doing that.
On the other hand, this is so simple. All I have to do is get the blowtorch from the other compartment in my fake leg and melt the gears that are turning to move the wall forward. Du-uh!

11) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind again, but for the last time. You are now in the last room with the worst choice to make. You are put in the room with a loved one as well as a perfect stranger, and the villain hands you a gun with just one bullet. With the reminder of the agonizing options of questions 9 and 10 awaiting you if you do not go forward, you are told that you must either shoot your loved one, shoot the stranger, or shoot yourself. You have no choice, you must fire at someone. Who do you shoot?
The evil sadistic villain, of course, who deserves to die for threatening my life and forcing me to take someone else’s. But I would only shoot him to disable him, not kill him, and then drag him over to the pool of boiling water and roll him in.

Take a deep breath. It's time to have fun again:
12) Lets make believe that you find a genie in a bottle, who grants you three wishes. Not world peace, or an end to poverty, or health for yourself and family, but three things of pleasure for yourself. What will you wish for?
#1 24 hours of non-stop sex; 12 hours of procedure and 12 hours of finale, if you know what I mean without spelling it out. Can anybody imagine that? Wowakazam!
#2 The scale 8 foot long (?) Galactica model used for the original show, complete with working lights throughout and the landing bay ponttons with removable tops to see a complete layout of the inside along with the launch tubes and everything. Sure, the working model never had that, but we are talking about a genie in a bottle, aren't we?
#3 3,000,000 pieces of Lego of my selected shapes, sizes, and colors, to build my Coruscant city model to the lengths and width that I dream of.

13) Name one silly secret about yourself that you would only admit here due to the anonymity of the net.
I crave Star Wars and non SW figures and toy ships and vehicles of all kinds, and stand in toy stores desiring the toys, drooling before them the way Homer Simpson drools over donuts. Man, we never had toys like that when we were kids, and God how I wish I could play with them and not be embarrassed by it.

Describe the funniest thing that happened to you, or involved you, in relation to a BSG, convention, sci-fi event, or whatever experience.
First the set-up:
When I was 14 I was hit by a drunk driver and split my head open, after which I was in a coma for 2 weeks. When I woke, I had to learn to walk, talk, read and write all over again. Due to the damage to my brain I had lost partial control of some of the muscles in my left leg below the knee, mainly the foot and ankle. I went for months of daily therapy on my leg, and then weekly for about a year. When I was released, I was given a plastic brace that fit around the back of the leg and under the foot to hold the foot steady while I walked, because I had trouble moving the foot the way you do without thinking as you take steps. For five and a half years I had to wear that brace on my leg and foot whenever I walked and it was annoying...but I had fun with it. I will explain:

The brace fit well around the back of the leg under my pants leg, so that with my pants leg down you couldn't see it. When I was 15 and 16 I would tell people that I lost my leg (which I almost did) and that I had a wooden leg. When they didn't believe me, I banged my knuckles on the back of the leg and when they heard the sounds their mouths dropped open with surprise. I always got a kick out of that reaction (but it was a kick only with my other leg).
Sorry for the boring set-up. Here is where I get to the funny part of the story...
Once when I went to see Return of the Jedi in 1983 (not the first time I saw it), I ran into some friends in the theatre and sat with them and talked to a buddy of theirs who didn't know me. He was an African American boy about 15 with a bit of a southern accent. Sure enough, I did my little bit and banged on my leg to show him the leg was "fake", and he about fell over in his seat in surprise. Later, about 5 minutes before the movie ended, I pulled up my pant leg, unstrapped the brace and pushed it back a little bit, and put the pant leg down again with the brace on the outside unstrapped. I knew that when I walked, the brace would separate from the leg a few inches with each step before joining the back of the leg again. My friends saw what I was doing and held their breaths in anticipation, while the boy I mentioned did not notice. Then when the film ended and we all began walking out to the aisle with the overhead lights still dim, I intentionally walked in front of the boy hoping that he would notice the movement of the brace, and sure enough he did. His eyes were bulging like this and his mouth dropped open, and he exclaimed, "Sheeeit, boy, yo lage's comin' off!" My friends and I broke out in uncontrolled laughter, and I had to calm the boy down and assure him that it was only a joke and my leg was still firmly attached. What a reaction that was.

15) Please keep this G rated...What do you think are the most attractive non-sexual parts of the opposite sex's bodies?
A bare back, especially the lower back; abdomen; hair; the upper neck area under the chin and jawbone; the vertical muscle of the back of the leg on the opposite side of the knee, and the navel.

16) Hanging over the side of a yacht is a ladder with 22 rungs, each one a foot and a half apart. 19 rungs are above the water at low tide. High tide will bring the water level two and three quarter feet higher. At high tide how many rungs will be above the water?
19 rungs of course. The vessel rises with the tide.

17) Why is the sky blue?
Many many many many many many many years ago there was a planet called Bleoou that orbited the sun from a distance between Mars and Jupiter. Bleoou was a gaseous world with a thick, gooey atmosphere consisting of an ionosphere, a stratosphere, a gambadgrasphere, an agroogelsphere, and a bloobesphere. The bloobesphere was the majority of existing atmosphere on Bleoou, containing several gasses including H20, and it was thick and gooey.

Roughly many many many many many many many many many years ago, a gargantuan meteor that was really big traveling through space at speeds in excess of very very very fast, collided with the doomed planet, and Bleoou went kablooey. The planet was cracked into millions and lots of pieces of all different sizes ranging from itty bitty to "geez, look at the size of that thing", and those pieces now make up the asteroid field out there beyond Mars but before the Jupiter off ramp.

So much for the hard part of Bleoou. As for the atmosphere, most of it was dissipated into the void of space, but the thick gooey bloobesphere was sent hurdling across the several miles until it slapped into the third pebble from the sun and got stuck there due to its gooeyness. Over time the glob of bloobesphere spread around the Earth's outer bubblesphere until it completely enveloped it and was absorbed into it. From that point on, it gave off its particular hue in the daylight hours due to sunlight shining through it, which is why in daytime we see the sky as the color of the bloobesphere from Bleoou. And that color, in honor of the calamity of the bashed Bleoou and the light of the bloobesphere, is called blue.

And now you know why the sky is blue and why blue is called blue.

There is more on the way...
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old December 25th, 2003, 11:17 AM   #4
The 14th Colony
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18) Don't you hate when people blow their noses while you're eating?
Yes. I think it is sickening and revolting, especially when they sit there and dab and pick with the handkerchief to get every last particle out.

19) Is there something in your life that you regret not finishing, or attempting?
Oh yeah, big time. My finished but needs to be reworked unpublished novel, my 3 other outlined and summarized dramatic/spiritual novels; my BSG synopsis for a potential BSG continuation novel; my 2 book Star Wars series, the first one completed thus far as a first draft only, and with true potential; my 9-book PGW sci-fi/fantasy/war saga, outlined and summarized and standing by to be worked on after dreaming it up when I was 7 and being worked on and modified ever since; and my intended big book of short stories, poetry, and song lyrics.

20) Complete the following Han Solo phrase: "Listen, your worship-fullness, I've been from one side of the galaxy to the other, and until I met you, I..."
”…had to keep Chewie’s butt shaved because he was my only comfort.”

21) Aside from physical pain or the death of a loved one, what draws out your emotions and brings on the tears, in life, the world, or movies?
I have a hard time expressing emotions, and in a way I don’t feel the full scope of emotions that other people do. But seeing other people’s pain, sorrow, and sudden joys moves me, whether in movies or TV, and sometimes real life. Parents being reunited with their kidnapped child, crying in relief and happiness; People’s pain over losing a loved one, stuff like that, even though I don’t show it when I am in pain myself, bring out my emotions.

22) When you were a child, what, if any, film or television characters did you have a crush on?
Penny Robinson from Lost in Space (the original TV show); from the original Batman show, Batgirl; Mary-Ann from Gilligan’s Island; Linda Blair; Rita Moreno from an episode on Baretta; Dana Plato in Different Strokes; Athena from BSG, and Leia Organa.

23) Do you think that other posters see in your messages a real indication of your actual personality, an extension of it, an alternate identity or alter ego, or an aspect of who you wish you really were?
Heh heh heh, sometimes I don’t even know who I am or what I’m supposed to be like, so I don’t know what others assume about me. I know there are a few posters who deal with depression and mood swings so they can understand me more, but for the most part I doubt that other than possibly Stray Viper, that anybody knows about the dark pits of depression that I fall into often and how miserable I am every day. My depression is constant even with anti-depressant meds, and every day I wish I could be free of this and face the world without the dark lenses affixed over my eyes clouding my vision of life and the world. This depression is why I am not and cannot be what others wish I would and could be.

Even outside the message board in everyday life, many people don’t see me as I really am. I am a little shy and very insecure, yet people have told me that they couldn’t believe that because around people I am very outgoing and active in conversation. I replied that my positive outgoing nature was merely an act to hide my insecurity. It works too, because if you portray yourself as an extrovert people don’t realize how withdrawn you really are. Thus, you fool everybody but yourself.

24) If you could live out your life in peace and harmony in a sci-fi/fantasy setting of your choosing, from what film, TV show, or book would it be, and what is the location?
I did say peace and harmony, meaning even a war setting in the film but in your case in a time of peace without danger. I love Alderaan, based on the visions of Ralph McQuarrie who painted it in such beauty and grandeur. So without the negative affects of the Empire or the threat of the Death Star, I would choose Alderaan to live on. I might otherwise chose Rivendale from Lord of the Rings, but I am a modern man and I could not live in such a time without modern conveniences. I love Coruscant from the SW prequels and have a 30,000-plus pieces of Lego model of Coruscant buildings, but while I would love to visit that world hypothetically, it is far too busy and noisy to live on, without grass and trees and oceans.

25) If you could go back through time and distance and witness, as a passive observer safe from any dangers at that location, a conflict or event from the past, what would you like to see with your own eyes?
The creation of the universe. Whether or not it was a natural occurance that happened by accident, or the will and work of God almighty, I would like to see it happen before my eyes.

26) Through a message from God, you learn that you will die quickly and painlessly after 4 days, but God has spoken to you and you are at peace with it. You are given the divine ability, before you die at the end of 4 days, to accomplish and/or experience 4 incredible and otherwise difficult or impossible things over 4 days, and you will not be slowed or affected by hunger, thirst, or need of sleep during that time . The answers cannot include speaking with dead relatives or seeing into a loved-one's future. I did say divine, so anything is possible other than outwitting the 4 day limit, although the Earth days could be extended by a few hours for each (but Mercurian, Venesian, and Plutonian days cannot be used). Heck, you could even be a chicken for a day, if you wanted to be able to lay an egg. So, what do you chose to do, be, or experience?
1) I have always been fascinated by the undersea, even though I am terrified of the ocean. So without being affected by lack of light, need for oxygen or the pressure and cold of the deep ocean, I would want to spend a day swimming along the bottom observing the beautiful sea life. Continuing downward along the bottom, I would swim down to the deepest, darkest, coldest depths of the ocean bottom to see the mystifying life that exists even down there.

2) My greatest regret, frustration, and sense of failure is my collection of unpublished books, unfinished novels, and unstarted stories. I have so many stories locked in my imagination that I am desperate to get out and see finished, and so many dreams of someday seeing them as movies. My greatest fear of dying is that my stories will die with me and never be seen by the world. But at least before I died if I could see them presented to me on a magical movie screen filmed as I had imagined them, I would feel better about my life and my unfulfilled goals. So on one day, which would need to be extended by a few more hours, I would like to be able to sit in a magical theatre and watch on a dream screen, miraculously created movie versions of all my books and unfinished stories.

3) See, enter, and travel in a hyperdrive starship of my own design, launching off of the deck of the warship I designed and drew from my PGW sci-fi series, and soar across the galaxy at impossible speeds. I would want to fly out past the rim of the galaxy, look back, and keep going across the universe past the farthest galaxy. And then, just as we gaze up at the stars in the night sky in awe and wonder, I would gaze out upon the collection of galaxies sitting in the sea of blackness, and be overwhelmed by the immensity of the entire universe before my eyes. We look up and see the many stars but we know that there are so many more that we cannot see. I want to see it all in totality, with no more expance remaining unseen.

4) A day of eating all the foods I crave and love without getting full or sick, including all the ice cream and other treats I’m not supposed to eat due to my type-2 diabetes.

*Whew* I finally got that survey done, although I missed a few answers and will go back later and add them in. I had a lot to say and said it after a lot of thought, so I do hope everybody gets around to reading that long winded soap box speech.
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old December 25th, 2003, 11:18 AM   #5
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And that, my friends, is all I have to say about that, so far.

Next person, batter up!
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old December 28th, 2003, 04:35 PM   #6
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Wow, four days and not even a response. And no more than a few people have opened this thread at all. I didn't think my surveys were this dull. I guess nobody would be interested in the finale of the 3 part survey series so I'll just hold onto that one. :confused:
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old December 28th, 2003, 05:26 PM   #7
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Wow 14th, this is some really deep stuff! I need to try and absorb all this before attempting a reply, but there is one thing you broached which I can chime in with right away:

Originally posted by 14th Colony:
6) A- The evolutionists claim that the universe was created by an immense cloud of compressed gas that reacted and exploded to form galaxies. If that were true, where did the cloud of gas come from?
B- The creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing. So where did God come from?
You just awoke a memory cell within me - my very first day of Sunday School, I dunno I guess I was about 3 - the teacher described the creation of Genesis to us. When done, she asked if there were any questions. My hand went up immediately. My question? Yep, you guessed it, where did God come from? The response I got was like asking your parents where babies come from for the first time! For either evolution or creation, both have to assume the premise that SOMETHING existed before existence. And that inevitably leads to a mind-numbing quandary of the shape of Time itself.

Me? I am the highly emotional type, prizing warmth and affection over cold science. I go with the belief that God /is/ existence, and therefore always was. I find it much easier to believe that so much beauty and order came from Someone beautiful and ordered Himself, rather than random emotionless chaos.

After all, even an explosion as big as the Big Bang needs a spark....and creating something out of sheer loneliness is as bright and burning as I can imagine...

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Old December 29th, 2003, 08:53 PM   #8
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Thanks for your reply to that one question, an answer which in itself is some seriously deep stuff. It is a quandary indeed, one that the minds of mortal men (and women of course) cannot fully explain within the limits of our human understanding and logic. That is why I asked the question! =D
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old January 1st, 2004, 11:36 PM   #9
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Thank you, 14th, for telling us about yourself. I enjoyed reading your questions and your answers.

You're a person with depth.
I have my own little place, but it's okay. They know me here.
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Old January 3rd, 2004, 08:09 PM   #10
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Originally posted by ojai22
Thank you, 14th, for telling us about yourself. I enjoyed reading your questions and your answers.

You're a person with depth.
You are very much welcome. I thank you as well, for your kind observation of me.
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old January 10th, 2004, 01:06 PM   #11
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1) Who do you see as the person or group who has made the greatest contributions to mankind in the 20th century?

2) What do you think is the ultimate collective goal of mankind?

3) What invention of the 20th century do you feel affected and moved society forward the most for better or worse?
C- The computer

4) This is a two-parter, but do not read the second question until you've answered the first.
#1: Say that a brand new form of transportation was invented that would bring our world closer together by cutting traveling time by two thirds.

#2: Say that you can travel back in time to right a dreadful invention of the past. With the first part of this question in mind, would you stop the automobile from being invented?

5) In the Battlestar Galactica or Star Wars galaxy, what do you feel is the most beneficial technology used by the societies we've seen in the films or shows?

6) A- The evolutionists claim that the universe was created by an immense cloud of compressed gas that reacted and exploded to form galaxies. If that were true, where did the cloud of gas come from?

B- The creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing. So where did God come from?

7) With as serious an answer as possible, if you could be any person in the world for one week to experience an aspect of their life, at any given time in history or the present, who would it be and why (not friends or loved ones)?

8) If you could alter your memory so as to mail yourself a gift and receive it as a complete surprise, what would it be?

Now the disturbing ones:
9) An evil, sadistic villain is going to kill you. There is no way to escape. You are being pushed forward by an unstoppable wall toward three holes in the floor that you cannot get past or jump over. One hole leads to a blazing furnace. The second hole leads to a pool of boiling water. The third hole leads to a pit of hydrochloric acid. You will, without a doubt, be pushed into one of the holes, and there are only thirty seconds before the edge. Which hole will you let yourself fall into? :scatter:

10) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind at the last moment and forced you into another room instead, where you are pushed by a moving wall toward five holes that you cannot get past or jump over. Each hole contains either a hungry lion, a "Jurassic Park" velociraptor, a Rancor, a pool of water with a school of piranha, and another pool with a great white shark; Your only hope is to choose the least agonizing experience, so do you choose the lion, the shark, the piranha, the Arachnid, or the Raptor? :pacman:

11) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind again, but for the last time. You are now in the last room with the worst choice to make. You are put in the room with a loved one as well as a perfect stranger, and the villain hands you a gun with just one bullet. With the reminder of the agonizing options of questions 9 and 10 awaiting you if you do not go forward, you are told that you must either shoot your loved one, shoot the stranger, or shoot yourself. You have no choice, you must fire at someone. Who will you shoot? :trooperz:

Take a deep breath. It's time to have fun again:
12) Lets make believe that you find a genie in a bottle, who grants you three wishes. Not world peace, or an end to poverty, or health for yourself and family, but three things of pleasure for yourself. What will you wish for?

13) Name one silly secret about yourself that you would only admit here due to the anonymity of the net.
I have a great fantasy life here on the boards

14) Describe the funniest thing that happened to you, or involved you, in relation to a BSG, convention, sci-fi event, or whatever experience.

15) Please keep this G rated...What do you think are the most attractive non-sexual parts of the opposite sex's bodies?

16) Hanging over the side of a yacht is a ladder with 22 rungs, each one a foot and a half apart. 19 rungs are above the water at low tide. High tide will bring the water level two and three quarter feet higher. At high tide how many rungs will be above the water?

17) Why is the sky blue?

18) Don't you hate when people blow their noses while you're eating?

19) Is there something in your life that you regret not finishing, or attempting?

20) Complete the following Han Solo phrase: "Listen, your worship-fullness, I've been from one side of the galaxy to the other, and until I met you, I..."

21) Aside from physical pain or the death of a loved one, what draws out your emotions and brings on the tears, in life, the world, or movies?

22) When you were a child, what, if any, film or television characters did you have a crush on?

23) Do you think that other posters see in your messages a real indication of your actual personality, an extension of it, an alternate identity or alter ego, or an aspect of who you wish you really were?

24) If you could live out your life in peace and harmony in a sci-fi/fantasy setting of your choosing, from what film, TV show, or book would it be, and what is the location?
STARGATE ....P3C-117

25) If you could go back through time and distance and witness, as a passive observer safe from any dangers at that location, a conflict or event from the past, what would you like to see with your own eyes?

26) Through a message from God, you learn that you will die quickly and painlessly after 4 days, but God has spoken to you and you are at peace with it. You are given the divine ability, before you die at the end of 4 days, to accomplish and/or experience 4 incredible and otherwise difficult or impossible things over 4 days, and you will not be slowed or affected by hunger, thirst, or need of sleep during that time . The answers cannot include speaking with dead relatives or seeing into a loved-one's future. I did say divine, so anything is possible other than outwitting the 4 day limit, although the Earth days could be extended by a few hours for each (but Mercurian, Venesian, and Plutonian days cannot be used). Heck, you could even be a chicken for a day, if you wanted to be able to lay an egg. So, what do you chose to do, be, or experience?
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Old January 11th, 2004, 12:25 PM   #12
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Heh heh heh. To have great sex, the collective goal of all mankind. Why didn't I see that sooner? LOL.
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old January 13th, 2004, 11:07 PM   #13
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1. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In a decade and a half, his peaceful demonstrations and honest speeches brought progress in this country in an area where it hadn't made progress in the previous 90 years since the Emancipation Prolamation. It put into motion things that are still moving today.

2. To worship. We will worship someone or something. It's
what we are. If it's not a religious worship, we'll worship
spouses, actors, athletes, singers, rappers, or politicians.
3. The plane. Militarily is obvious to chart. World travel has
also been easier, creating more culturally well-rounded
and experience individuals today.
4. I would be against the invention. The fatality numbers
could be explained away by stats and percetenages, but
each fatality leaves devestation for friends and family. So
much suffering is not worth it.

(Sigh) Ya' got me. I wouldn't stop the automobile for
economic reasons.
5. The medical breakthroughs. The rejuvinating Bacta and
mechanical hands in STAR WARS, the hypo sprays and
electronic devices that instantly heal scars are wonderful
and handy and laser scalpels in BG are great!
6. I'm Christian, so the Gas was spoken into existence by
God. Jesus has always existed and done so in a way
outside our time domain as we know it and such is
beyond our human comprehension.
7. Jim Brown in his hey-day in the NFL. The man is the
greatest football player who ever lived and I love the
game. He also has a spell-binding effect and commands
respect on all people, men or women alaike, who have
met him, even to this day.
8. The BG DVD Epic Series. I'm serious. I love it! It has
remnants of my childhood and modern technology. Nice!
9. Whichever would kill me quickest. I'm guessing the
flames. I'm not a scientist.
10. The Lion. He'll go for the jugular and it will be over
quickly. He won't let go until I stop squirming.
11. Myself. Easy choice.
12. $ 162 million in my bank account, 10 inches of height
and a harem.
13. I honestly can't think of anything.
14. Never been to a Convention. As an amateur stage actor,
I once went on stage with the wrong prop...after being
2 minutes late for the scene.
15. Her eyes
16. 18 rungs
17. My HS Physics teacher explained it to us when I was a
senior (1987) and I forget, so I'll say because God likes
it that way.
18. Yes. I;m big on manners and hygeine.
19. Four years ago, there was one woman who I thought
could have been "the One" and I never told her how I
felt. Timing in our lives was bad too. I watched her get
married two years later.
20. "...never thought I could sit in the same cockpit with a
politician without blasting them. But you're pretty hot!"
21. Kids in pain
22. I'll start with Serina, since this is a BG forum. Also, (The
original) "Charlie's Angels," Julie (Lauren Tewes) on the
"Love Boat," and Daisy Duke (Catherine Ross). Kirstie
Alley also. After BG, I also took a liking to an actress
playing "Pogo 'Lil," a recurring guest character on BJ and
The Bear. You all might know her. Anne Lockhart.
23. They should know some about me. No alter ego here.
I save my illusions for my stage acting.
24. The planet Naboo in STAR WARS (I and II), with it's
grassy meadows, lakes, cpeacful culture and popultaion
of artists.
25. The Crucifixtion, Resurrection and ascent into Heaven of
Jesus Christ. Okay, Okay...the signing of the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitutional
26. Running a marathon, giving birth, singing an
Pavarotti-esque aria in Italy, London and NY City
and seeing several dozen plays on Broadway
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Old January 20th, 2004, 07:49 PM   #14
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Originally posted by ojai22
Thank you, 14th, for telling us about yourself. I enjoyed reading your questions and your answers.

You're a person with depth.
How could i have missed that last time I read it. I'm a person with width too! Bahahahahahaha!
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Old January 21st, 2004, 05:17 AM   #15
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1. John F. Kennedy. Without his leadership we would have been Commies!

2. The ultimate goal of our people is tolerance of all views. What we are striving for has yet to be determined!

3. e. It is now being used to threaten our very existence with warfare!

4. No. It would not benefit man. Yes. I would do something to try to stop the misuse of whatever was being invented!

5. the advances that were made in medical technology. More people would be helped.

6. I do not believe in this theory. God existed and therefore I do not question it!

7. Colonel Joshua Chamberlin at the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg on Little Round Top. This was a defining moment for him. He lead a bayonnet charge to keep the Confedrates from capturing the hill after the men under his command started running low on ammunition.

8. This is a rather hard question. I don't know what I would send myself.

9. The one that would give me a quick death!

10. Again the one the would kill me quickest. I don't like pain!

11. Myself. I could never hurt a loved one or a perfect stranger.

12. For Battlestar Galactica to be real, for me to travel back in time to the Middle ages or Civil War, for men to look at me like I am a goddess.

13. I talk in my sleep!

14. Took a wrong turn getting back to my seat at my high school graduation. Was so caught up with finally getting out of school i didn't realize what I was doing until I looked up at my father taping it!

15. the hands. You can tell alot about a person from looking at their hands.

16. 19. a boat never sinks or rises with the tides.

17. Because it is. It has always been blue!

18. Yes. It is downright rude!

19. yes and I am thinking about solving that one in the fall. It was not going to college!

20. never wanted to strangle a woman more. You are them most opinionated, bossy wench I have ever had the displeasure of meeting or laying eyes on! So kiss me!"

21. watching someone die in a movie.

22. uhmmmm. Okay here goes, Dirk Benedict!

23. I don't know. I never ask and its their opinion of what they think.

24. Battlestar Galactica

25. Battle of Gettysburg

26. whatever I feel is important to me at that time!

Cheese: [has tinfoil on his teeth] I have braces!
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.
-episode "Mac Daddy"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"
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Old August 15th, 2004, 10:53 PM   #16
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Here is part 2 of the survey
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Old August 16th, 2004, 12:30 AM   #17
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I'll do mine tomorrow
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Old August 26th, 2004, 08:03 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by The 14th Colony
Click here for Part 1 of the 14th Colony Survey series:

The 14th Colony Survey, Part II

Tis not for my knowledge that asked these questions are, but for your own contemplation and entertainment by answering. If they draw on your thoughts and lead you to become a deeper thinker and enlightened person in the process, my efforts have paid off. On the other hand, if you think the queries ridiculous and get nothing out of them, then it's only a stupid survey on a message board, what did you expect? =) Some are deep, some are shallow, some are lame, and some are perhaps disturbing. You have been warned. Turn back now or forge ahead, but do not hold me responsible for any fits of disgust, gagging, flatulence, or sheer boredom you may experience from the following questions:

1) Who do you see as the person or group who has made the greatest contributions to mankind in the 20th century? Einstein
2) What do you think is the ultimate collective goal of mankind? Is it domination and control, discovery and understanding, knowledge and betterment, or something other? What is our society striving towards? At this point I would have to say dominance and control
3) What invention of the 20th century do you feel affected and moved society forward the most for better or worse?
A- The automobile
B- The airplane
C- The computer
D- Television and/or movies
E- The harnessing of nuclear energy

4) This is a two-parter, but do not read the second question until you've answered the first.
#1: Say that a brand new form of transportation was invented that would bring our world closer together by cutting traveling time by two thirds. However, this new transportation, this new invention, comes at a steep price, which is that it will cost thousands upon thousands of lives each year. Would you support this invention and agree with its use by those who could be killed by its misuse? No
#2: Say that you can travel back in time to right a dreadful invention of the past. With the first part of this question in mind, would you stop the automobile from being invented? Yes, I'm comfortable on horses.

5) In the Battlestar Galactica or Star Wars galaxy, what do you feel is the most beneficial technology used by the societies we've seen in the films or shows? Starships

6) A- The evolutionists claim that the universe was created by an immense cloud of compressed gas that reacted and exploded to form galaxies. If that were true, where did the cloud of gas come from? That goes back to the Big Bang theory, so I'm not qualified to answer B- The creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing. So where did God come from? I definately am not qualified to answer that one
7) With as serious an answer as possible, if you could be any person in the world for one week to experience an aspect of their life, at any given time in history or the present, who would it be and why (not friends or loved ones)? I really can't think of anybody
8) If you could alter your memory so as to mail yourself a gift and receive it as a complete surprise, what would it be? At this point, an inflatable date

Now the disturbing ones:
9) An evil, sadistic villain is going to kill you. There is no way to escape. You are being pushed forward by an unstoppable wall toward three holes in the floor that you cannot get past or jump over. One hole leads to a blazing furnace. The second hole leads to a pool of boiling water. The third hole leads to a pit of hydrochloric acid. You will, without a doubt, be pushed into one of the holes, and there are only thirty seconds before the edge. Which hole will you let yourself fall into? :scatter: acid

10) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind at the last moment and forced you into another room instead, where you are pushed by a moving wall toward five holes that you cannot get past or jump over. Each hole contains either a hungry lion, a "Jurassic Park" velociraptor, a Rancor, a pool of water with a school of piranha, and another pool with a great white shark; Your only hope is to choose the least agonizing experience, so do you choose the lion, the shark, the piranha, the Arachnid, or the Raptor? :pacman: raptor

11) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind again, but for the last time. You are now in the last room with the worst choice to make. You are put in the room with a loved one as well as a perfect stranger, and the villain hands you a gun with just one bullet. With the reminder of the agonizing options of questions 9 and 10 awaiting you if you do not go forward, you are told that you must either shoot your loved one, shoot the stranger, or shoot yourself. You have no choice, you must fire at someone. Who will you shoot? :trooperz: me

Take a deep breath. It's time to have fun again:
12) Lets make believe that you find a genie in a bottle, who grants you three wishes. Not world peace, or an end to poverty, or health for yourself and family, but three things of pleasure for yourself. What will you wish for? Wine, women and song No, make that song and a double order of women
13) Name one silly secret about yourself that you would only admit here due to the anonymity of the net. Hmmmm, Let me think...

14) Describe the funniest thing that happened to you, or involved you, in relation to a BSG, convention, sci-fi event, or whatever experience. Never been...

15) Please keep this G rated...What do you think are the most attractive non-sexual parts of the opposite sex's bodies? eyes

16) Hanging over the side of a yacht is a ladder with 22 rungs, each one a foot and a half apart. 19 rungs are above the water at low tide. High tide will bring the water level two and three quarter feet higher. At high tide how many rungs will be above the water? 19

17) Why is the sky blue? I am not qualified to answer that question

18) Don't you hate when people blow their noses while you're eating? Hell yeah
19) Is there something in your life that you regret not finishing, or attempting? yes

20) Complete the following Han Solo phrase: "Listen, your worship-fullness, I've been from one side of the galaxy to the other, and until I met you, I..." Have never seen a hairstyle that weird
21) Aside from physical pain or the death of a loved one, what draws out your emotions and brings on the tears, in life, the world, or movies? Other people's emotions (as annoying as that can be...)
22) When you were a child, what, if any, film or television characters did you have a crush on? Kim Fields(Tootie - The Facts Of Life)

23) Do you think that other posters see in your messages a real indication of your actual personality, an extension of it, an alternate identity or alter ego, or an aspect of who you wish you really were? an extension of it

24) If you could live out your life in peace and harmony in a sci-fi/fantasy setting of your choosing, from what film, TV show, or book would it be, and what is the location? Bajor

25) If you could go back through time and distance and witness, as a passive observer safe from any dangers at that location, a conflict or event from the past, what would you like to see with your own eyes? The last shot fired of WW2

26) Through a message from God, you learn that you will die quickly and painlessly after 4 days, but God has spoken to you and you are at peace with it. You are given the divine ability, before you die at the end of 4 days, to accomplish and/or experience 4 incredible and otherwise difficult or impossible things over 4 days, and you will not be slowed or affected by hunger, thirst, or need of sleep during that time . The answers cannot include speaking with dead relatives or seeing into a loved-one's future. I did say divine, so anything is possible other than outwitting the 4 day limit, although the Earth days could be extended by a few hours for each (but Mercurian, Venesian, and Plutonian days cannot be used). Heck, you could even be a chicken for a day, if you wanted to be able to lay an egg. So, what do you chose to do, be, or experience?
1. Pick the winning lottery numbers for a loved one, provided I find one before that time
2. Wipe one man that I know personally from the face of existence
3. Say good-by to everyone I ever cared about
4. That about does it.
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Old September 1st, 2004, 11:56 PM   #19
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The 14th Colony Survey, Part II

Tis not for my knowledge that asked these questions are, but for your own contemplation and entertainment by answering. If they draw on your thoughts and lead you to become a deeper thinker and enlightened person in the process, my efforts have paid off. On the other hand, if you think the queries ridiculous and get nothing out of them, then it's only a stupid survey on a message board, what did you expect? =) Some are deep, some are shallow, some are lame, and some are perhaps disturbing. You have been warned. Turn back now or forge ahead, but do not hold me responsible for any fits of disgust, gagging, flatulence, or sheer boredom you may experience from the following questions:

1) Who do you see as the person or group who has made the greatest contributions to mankind in the 20th century?
Louis Pasteur because hewas single-handedly responsible for some of the most important theoretical concepts and practical applications of modern science. His work served as the springboard for branches of science and medicine such as stereochemistry, microbiology, bacteriology, virology, immunology, and molecular biology. Moreover, his work has protected millions of people from disease through vaccination and pasteurization.

Some specifics:
  • Discovered three bacteria responsible for human illnesses: staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus.
  • He developed vaccines against chicken cholera, anthrax and swine erysipelas, potato blight, silk worm disease, rabies
  • Established the basic rules of sterilization or asepsis.
  • Preventing contagion and infection, his method of sterilization revolutionized surgery and obstetrics.
  • Pasteurization of beer, wine and milk
  • The discovery of anaerobic life paved the way for the study of germs that cause septicaemia and gangrene, among other infections.
  • Thanks to Pasteur, it became possible to devise techniques to kill microbes and to control contamination.
  • He debunked the widely accepted myth of spontaneous generation, thereby setting the stage for modern biology and biochemistry.

2) What do you think is the ultimate collective goal of mankind? Is it domination and control, discovery and understanding, knowledge and betterment, or something other? What is our society striving towards? At present we seem to be focused on domination and control but I feel that it should be knowledge and betterment.

3) What invention of the 20th century do you feel affected and moved society forward the most for better or worse?
A- The automobile
B- The airplane,
C- The computer
D- Television and/or movies
E- The harnessing of nuclear energy

4) This is a two-parter, but do not read the second question until you've answered the first.
#1: Say that a brand new form of transportation was invented that would bring our world closer together by cutting traveling time by two thirds. However, this new transportation, this new invention, comes at a steep price, which is that it will cost thousands upon thousands of lives each year. Would you support this invention and agree with its use by those who could be killed by its misuse?
#2: Say that you can travel back in time to right a dreadful invention of the past. With the first part of this question in mind, would you stop the automobile from being invented?
My Boss (when I worked at a Veterinary hospital) used to say to us” it’s not the use of the tool but the abuse of the tool maybe rather than prevent it’s invention I would travel back in time and adjust it, I would make it battery operated, thereby eliminating cars that speed, pollution, the whole oil dependency need, wars, I’d implement stricter driving rules as we have now in BC things like requiring retesting every so many years or make it harder to get you licence to begin with, stricter penalties for abuse of driving infractions, drunk driving and seat belt laws would be implemented right away etc.

5) In the Battlestar Galactica or Star Wars galaxy, what do you feel is the most beneficial technology used by the societies we've seen in the films or shows?Light speed

6) A- The evolutionists claim that the universe was created by an immense cloud of compressed gas that reacted and exploded to form galaxies. If that were true, where did the cloud of gas come from?People have gone nuts trying to figure that out! LOL!
B- The creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing. So where did God come from?LOL!

7) With as serious an answer as possible, if you could be any person in the world for one week to experience an aspect of their life, at any given time in history or the present, who would it be and why (not friends or loved ones)?Wow there are sooooo many: Einstein, Galileo, Germaine Greer, Betty Freidan, Gloria Steinem, Shakespeare, Jesus, Laura Ingalls, Gerald Durrell, Beryl Markham, Dian Fossey, Catherine the Great, Darwin, Julie Payette, Mozart, Michael Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Golda Meir, Ghandi, Emperor Henry P'u Yi, Mary Shelley, George Sand, Simone De Beauvoir etc. Glenn Miller, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Neil Armstrong.

8) If you could alter your memory so as to mail yourself a gift and receive it as a complete surprise, what would it be?On the scale of completely ridiculous I’d like it to be a land deed for 500 acres on the coast of a gorgeous SouthPacificIsland, air fare included.

Now the disturbing ones:
9) An evil, sadistic villain is going to kill you. There is no way to escape. You are being pushed forward by an unstoppable wall toward three holes in the floor that you cannot get past or jump over. One hole leads to a blazing furnace. The second hole leads to a pool of boiling water. The third hole leads to a pit of hydrochloric acid. You will, without a doubt, be pushed into one of the holes, and there are only thirty seconds before the edge. Which hole will you let yourself fall into? :scatter:
which ever one would kill me the fastest!

10) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind at the last moment and forced you into another room instead, where you are pushed by a moving wall toward five holes that you cannot get past or jump over. Each hole contains either a hungry lion, a "JurassicPark" velociraptor, a Rancor, a pool of water with a school of piranha, and another pool with a great white shark; Your only hope is to choose the least agonizing experience, so do you choose the lion, the shark, the piranha, the Arachnid, or the Raptor? :pacman:since everybody else takes small bites I’d probably pick the Rancor he’d probably rip my head off first or eat me whole!

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Old September 1st, 2004, 11:57 PM   #20
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11) The evil sadistic villain changed his mind again, but for the last time. You are now in the last room with the worst choice to make. You are put in the room with a loved one as well as a perfect stranger, and the villain hands you a gun with just one bullet. With the reminder of the agonizing options of questions 9 and 10 awaiting you if you do not go forward, you are told that you must either shoot your loved one, shoot the stranger, or shoot yourself. You have no choice, you must fire at someone. Who will you shoot? :trooperz:Since you do not specify that I must shoot to kill I will take licence here and say I’d shoot myself in the arm ( since I love to dance don’t want to shoot the foot !) LOL!

Take a deep breath. It's time to have fun again:
12) Lets make believe that you find a genie in a bottle, who grants you three wishes. Not world peace, or an end to poverty, or health for yourself and family, but three things of pleasure for yourself. What will you wish for?
Marriage to my soul mate, children, and lots of land.

13) Name one silly secret about yourself that you would only admit here due to the anonymity of the net.Not so anonymous for some of us! I love to dress up in my black underwear with black stockings and my 4 inch high heels put on some great dance music and dance in front of my big living room mirror

14) Describe the funniest thing that happened to you, or involved you, in relation to a BSG, convention, sci-fi event, or whatever experience.I honestly can’t think of anything funny that has happened to me unless I get sarcastic! If you asked for sad, depressing, scary, or horrible no problem lol! Maybe the funniest thing is my sense of humour despite not having much to laugh at!

15) Please keep this G rated...What do you think are the most attractive non-sexual parts of the opposite sex's bodies?Eyes, hands, chest

16) Hanging over the side of a yacht is a ladder with 22 rungs, each one a foot and a half apart. 19 rungs are above the water at low tide. High tide will bring the water level two and three quarter feet higher. At high tide how many rungs will be above the water?17 and ¼

17) Why is the sky blue?

Transmitted light is made up of a spectrum of colors. The longest wavelengths of light are on the red end of the spectrum and the shortest wavelengths are on the blue/violet end of the spectrum.

When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue. ( which has to do with the quantity and placement of the rods and cones in our eyes)

18) Don't you hate it when people blow their noses while you're eating?Not my fav thing for sure LOL!

19) Is there something in your life that you regret not finishing, or attempting? Holly Crap are you kidding me? there are far too many to enumerate!

20) Complete the following Han Solo phrase: "Listen, your worship-fullness, I've been from one side of the galaxy to the other, and until I met you, I..."I had no idea how stubborn a woman could be!

21) Aside from physical pain or the death of a loved one, what draws out your emotions and brings on the tears, in life, the world, or movies?Reunions, when someone does something very sweet or thoughtful, tender moments, making love, when someone does something heroic, when someone else is in pain or crying, when someone hurts a another person or animal,

22) When you were a child, what, if any, film or television characters did you have a crush on? LOL! Han Solo!

23) Do you think that other posters see in your messages a real indication of your actual personality, an extension of it, an alternate identity or alter ego, or an aspect of who you wish you really were?I don’t know what they see but I can tell you my posting reflects an aspect of who I am in real life… for sure.

24) If you could live out your life in peace and harmony in a sci-fi/fantasy setting of your choosing, from what film, TV show, or book would it be, and what is the location?I would pick (in the category of fantasy) being Duke Alaric Morgan’s Deryni wife living during the time of King Kelson’s reign (from the book King Kelson’s Bride by Katherine Kurtz) but I would be me not her! LOL! For Sci fi I would like to be a crew member of Finity’s end (from the book Finity’s end by CJ Cherryh)

25) If you could go back through time and distance and witness, as a passive observer safe from any dangers at that location, a conflict or event from the past, what would you like to see with your own eyes? OMG are you kidding me?Just about every major historical event would appeal to me from that moment when a great scientist makes that first momentous discovery to the moment that a government is toppled, a king or Queen crowned, every major funeral

26) Through a message from God, you learn that you will die quickly and painlessly after 4 days, but God has spoken to you and you are at peace with it. You are given the divine ability, before you die at the end of 4 days, to accomplish and/or experience 4 incredible and otherwise difficult or impossible things over 4 days, and you will not be slowed or affected by hunger, thirst, or need of sleep during that time . The answers cannot include speaking with dead relatives or seeing into a loved-one's future. I did say divine, so anything is possible other than outwitting the 4 day limit, although the Earth days could be extended by a few hours for each (but Mercurial, Venusians, and Plutonian days cannot be used). Heck, you could even be a chicken for a day, if you wanted to be able to lay an egg. So, what do you chose to do, be, or experience

Getting married to my soul mate

Giving birth

Saving someone’s life in a heroic way

A trip in the space shuttle into outer space
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 10:29 PM   #21
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