Hey all.
Well, am making rounds to try and get squared away on all my most used / important sites..
( this being one of them) to make sure I got PAss-log in etc due to new comp, OS cannot import old profile or it fails to do as directions read.
Also, my first C4d rendering- animation on new comp and AM BLOWN AWAY! by the speed.
This was a gift sig in the making ( last 2 were not really efforts, so decided to try out c4d using Pyroclusters. )
This would have taken 10-20 hours on old comp to do with these settings and pyros. Took 10 minutes..... just think I can now do CG shorts out the wahzoo so much easier and faster.......
Pi7 2300 quad core- threaded like an 8 core processor with 16 Gb RAM
Cannot wait to get back to BSG CGI stuff, soon as I get some things ready and squared away and work files I was on.
Am working on getting into it daily/hourly.
SO great... BSG encounters Empire EP 2 is back online soon.
Regards and have a nice day.....