Hi Rickyrod! Yep, I sure do. Thank you for reminding me of it - sorry, I really should've given you a nod for being the one to bring it up. I saw your post at CA and it got me to looking around again (it's always been on my must-get list, but the non-anamorphic copies out there just kept me away). When I saw the new release coming out I got even more excited
Then I thought, maybe I shouldn't rush out and buy it, but then I saw it for only $15 and I just couldn't resist. Those business classes where they tell you a $15 price point is an instant impulse sell were right on the money!
I have been remiss in where credit is due, so:
Hey everybody! I want to say a big THANK YOU to Rickyrod for his timely question about Time Bandits at CA! Thanks to you, I will soon have one of my all time favorite movies to share with my daughter. Can't thank you enough Rickyrod!
P.S. R.R. says you can catch Time Bandits on Showtime this month as well...