Hiya folks.
How's tricks. Were moving into an exciting new world with Colonial Fleets. Very soon we will no longer be just another webboard. We will have our own home and identity that will make us the envy of all. LOL! Anyways i'd like to take the time to express to Darrell how much i've enjoyed working with him on his site. We brought Colonial Fleets online together and it has exploded into one of the most exciting parts of 3dgladiators. Now it's time for it to fly on it's own. In the next few days Colonial Fleets will go .com. I hope in the near future to bring richer content to the site included expanded artwork from the Galactica universe and anything else we can push into it without going over our bandwith limitation. LOL. Anyways this is just a brief message to all and hopefully Colonial Fleets can also become a central hub of upcoming exciting news from the new production.
Before i go i'm going to need all you wonderfully talented people to give me assistance in this endevour. Thomas7G has graciously offered his assistance in keeping the site looking the way it has over the months. But i'd like others imput on what you want to see from ColonialFleets.com. Let us know and we'll strive to make this like no other Galactica site before it.
Long live the true Battlestar Galactica.
Darrell, thanks man.