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Shattered WorldsProject forum for new FAN-based endeavours.
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The "G" is either a bit small or the Vipers and Raiders are a bit big
Looking cool otherwise
LoneWolf Grafix- Web Design and CGI
"If not for the original Battlestar Galactica series , then there would be no new show."
"If not for the original ST series, then there would be no ST movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'."
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"Respect the past. It brought you the present."
I only have some topview sprites. And not nearly enough besides I want those Vipers ans raiders rolling in the arcs etc...
The new game engine is working.. I'll start on the Graphical user interface now.. not like above but a "glass" window in a metal frame that comes "down" when needed. This prevents obscuring too much of the game screen
I wrote a post in the games section of Trekunited talking about the game so if there is any artists around and they want to help i posted the link to here
Still working on BSG: The Colonials Desperation after 6 years and a million stumbling blocks