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Old January 25th, 2004, 10:41 AM   #1
The One
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Question No Vancouver Production Office For Battlestar Galactica

Well, I hope that I don't get thrashed too much for saying this...

I am an active participant in the Vancouver Film Industry and have been asking around many reliable sources regarding the so-called *Battlestar Galactica Production Office* that is supposedly up and running in Vancouver...none of these people (not going to name any names) has heard anything about this so-called Production Office...

Just because a listing for "Battlestar Galactica" on the Local Teamsters Film List doesn't mean that a production office has opened up...some genius decided to make that assumption and started a rumour that interesting enough, spread like wild fire to all of these Galactica websites...

Ron Moore specifically addressed the rumour that the production office opening in Vancouver is *NEWS* to him and that the so-callled *SHOW RUNNER* that has been hired was a *SHOCK* to him as he is suppose to be running the show...he is the one in these current negotiations with SCI FI Channel...so why the hell would SCI FI Channel turn around and do things behind Ron Moore's back...doesn't make any sense what so ever...

The FX Company that was involved to do the FX for the mini-series knows absolutely nothing about a so-called six episode go-order by SCI FI Channel...unless the SCI FI Channel has decided to go with a different company which doesn't make any sense!

"5 Days to Midnight", a SCI FI Channel original mini-series currently has a production office set up at Lionsgate Stuidios, the studio that housed some of the sets for Battlestar Galactica and there are some crew members that worked on Battlestar...and they have heard absolutely NADA about a go-order or a production office set up for Battlestar...

The Galatica production office, if it really exists, is not located at Lionsgate Studios...and there is *NO* studio space reserved for Galactica...

The casting director for Galactica has their offices located at Lionsgate Studios...and you would think that information would have leaked out of the office and spread amongst crew people and administration staff members about the so-called greenlighting of Galactica...especially when there are representatives of SCI FI Channel walking around due to the "5 Days to Midnight" production...and come on people...someone would have said something....there is no way that a code of silence would be in effect...ridiulous...cause how can you explain all the rumours then!?

There are many production personnel that would definitely know some type of news, either or (go or no go)...if Galactica had really been greenlit for series...they are working over at Lionsgate...

Things are very, very slow in the Vancouver industry so most crew people would know about the greenlighting of Galactica and for that matter, any production that will be shooting in Vancouver as they would scramble for the work! They all need the work!

There is no crewed production...

There is no production office up and running...

There is no show runner...

SCI FI Channel has specifically denied that a six episode commitment has been ordered...cause they are still negotiating...

Ron Moore specifically said he has no knowledge of any of the rumours...and he is quite shocked...

And also, there is a very, very, very good chance that a decision by the deadline (End of this month, January 2004) will most likely NOT BE MET....and the contracts will all expire...

Not sure where Aaron Douglas is getting his information from but I hope that he is right...

None of the other "LEAD" actors, co-stars...recurring characters, etc, have heard a peep about a greenlighting...(NOT GOING TO NAME NAMES)

Most people are in the dark about confirming the truth to these rumours of a greenlight...with the exception of Aaron Douglas...

He must be close with someone of significance that is either giving him false information...or mayb it is true, but it is only kept between this person and Aaron and NO ON ELSE...

That doesn't make any sense...and it doesn't make any sense to keep all of this a secret! What is the point...

It's only a SCI FI show...trivial...big deal!

You would think that Ron Moore would know all about these rumours and the fact is...HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THE GREENLIGHTING OF GALACTICA BECAUSE IT IS NOT GREENLIT FOR SERIES!
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Old January 25th, 2004, 10:46 AM   #2
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Default All this will change...

All this speculation will change by the end of this next week.
I contacted the editors of hollywoodnorthreport.com myself & they said a production office was open for BSG-Season 1. When in doubt, I do my own leg work.
The Vancouver Province (according to Aaron) announced it this past Saturday as well.
So I think the wheels are in motion & we will see by Friday, or the latest, Saturday.
And according to Moore, he stated Sci-Fi & Universal want to do BSG. Its not a question of "if." Its a question of "how many" in 2004.
Take it for what its worth, but I'm reading good signals here...
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Old January 25th, 2004, 10:57 AM   #3
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The Hollywood North Reporter is getting their information from rumours, which they know can NOT be confirmed...they have no source...How do I know this...I know one of the guys working at this Reporting website...

The Vancouver Province is running old news from the rumours!

Everyone is printing their articles based on the rumours!

None of them can confirm the rumours and none of them are getting their information from a genuine sources! That is very irresponsible of them to do this!

Does anyone see that SCI FI Channel is not giving out this information because they are trying to prevent exactly what is going on with all of these so-called rumours...so I guess they back fired on that one! Wow!

The executives and Ron Moore are probabaly wondering what is going on with these rumours!

They are probably completely puzzled with these rumours,,,

This is all very interesting though...it is obvious how much some people want this series to go!

I hope that it does go to series cause...


There was quite a negative story printed in the Vancouver Sun on Saturday talking about a 22 percent drop in production for the year 2004...due to B.C Provincial Taxes and the climbing Canadian Loonie...which is supposedly going to go past the 80 cent mark...up, up and away!

It is a big concern for the B.C Film industry...

I will post the article here soon!
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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:01 AM   #4
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Default Wait A Minute

Why don't you post this on the Bad Forum?
After all, this is the GOOD STUFF and it seems your info is slanted the other way, right?
WOW- I guess your sources are more knowledgeable than Aaron's, huh? I'm not questioning yours. I would rather put my trust in someone a lot more involved with BSG, that's all.
Signing off...
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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:09 AM   #5
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None of this is really funny to me...and to be honest...I really enjoyed the mini-series...it was well done...great quality...great acting! Cool cylons...

The reason why I started to wonder about these rumours is that I told a friend (crew technician) to try and get some work on the series so he started asking around his sources...naturally, you need to find contacts to campaign for work on a show...eg> Key Grip, etc...

He couldn't find anything and said to me, "What are you talking about...nobody knows anything about it...so how can I get work on the show?"

For example, a production assistant, if they want to get some PA work on a show, has to submit a resume (obviously) to the production office, addressed to the appropriate Key Department...eg, Locations Department, or production manager to get on as an office PA... and unfortunately, there is no one to submit to cause their aint' any production office!

Where is it?!? That would help for starters...geez...why keep it such a secret from production people that they can't even find the location for it...

How can anyone work there if they can't find it....

Who's the brain child behind that one... It is sure hidden well...The Rebel Alliance should get a lesson here if they wanto continue eluding the Imperial forces...The Sci fi Channel is doing a fantastci job! Incognito...
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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:15 AM   #6
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There is nothing derogatory about "The One's" remarks. All that's being stated is that there is no production office set up, etc. Until it appears in print, EVERYTHING is pure speculation, no matter who or where the information came from.

Granted, Sci-Fi and Universal may want to do a series but, if everything were "in place", an announcement would have been made by now. Since there hasn't been an announcement, it means they're still negotiating. It doesn't mean anything is imminent, it means they're still negotiating.

By all means, keep the optimism. Keep the dream alive. It will, after 25 years, be nice to see someone get their wish.

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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:27 AM   #7
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One more thing...

Since JAKE 2.0 was cancelled...that is about 100 crew people or more that is all of a sudden, out of work...

I don't see anything funny about someone out of work! Things are quite depressing here in the Vancouver Film Industry...people need to eat...people need to fee their families...people need to work...

So I hope to god that this series is a go because I don't see anything funny about friends suffering when they make a living out of this business!

This is the only reason why I have cold feet about all of the positive rumours flying around out there because I can't cofirm any evidence of anything nor can my friends...and that is why it is a concern...

What's the point of posting something negative for only that reason...not something I do...I look for evidence. CONCRETE EVIDENCE...I don't just accept verbal information nor something that I read...that is silly...

Where is the concrete evidence?!?

There isn't any...but I will surely tell you if there were and like I said...I hope concrete evidence will crop up soon because people are getting pretty depressed over the lack of work here in the Vancouver Industry!

Also, it's not like I am posting information from another city...I live in Vancouver and for those of you that don't...this film industry is really, really, really small and words travels very, very, very fast!

Everyone knows one another...

That is the sad part! The industry employs a lot of people but it is relatively small when you look at the big picture...

The industry used to bring in about 1 Billion to B.C. every year but has been steadily dropping since...the Strong Canadian Loonie is not helping matters...and like I said...the stupid, high taxes that B.C. people shell out opposed to out East.,.Toronto, Ontario...
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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:32 AM   #8
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As this guy's looking for work, maybe someone would be good enough to PM him the production office's address/phone number so he can submit his resume.

Regards to all,

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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:34 AM   #9
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Speculation and word of mouth is what these forums are all about. Everyone knows to take everything with a grain of salt and I never count on being on a show for sure until I am standing in my trailer waiting for the AD to get me. There is nothing concrete until Sci-fi says there is.

Yes we do need more work in Vancouver and there is a lot coming it just needs to get here sooner. My friends and cast and crew as well.

Last edited by Dawg; February 14th, 2004 at 02:05 PM.. Reason: By Request
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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:34 AM   #10
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Like I said...love the new reimagined version of Galactica even though it was an excuse for a NEW space show!

Your whole posting in response to mine was about a 10 on the tension scale dude!

Good luck on "The Dead Zone"...that is a neat show Aaron!

You are a good actor Aaron...I liked your work on Galactica!

I think that you have very strong acting/ character qualities...and obviously things are paying off for you! You work a lot dude! Congratulations!


Last edited by Dawg; February 14th, 2004 at 02:07 PM.. Reason: By Request
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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:45 AM   #11
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Default Vancouver Sun

There was an interesting article in the Vancovuer Sun...dated Thursday January 22, 2004 regarding Film Union wage cuts being considered...

The headline reads "Film Union Consider Wage Cuts"...

It is on the front page of Thursday's Vancouver Sun...interesting article...

They named a few productions that are or will be shooting in Vancouver...some of these (Blade 3) started last year 2003 and are continuing into 2004!
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Old January 25th, 2004, 12:00 PM   #12
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Actually I think it was more of an 11 or 14.
Too much coffee too soon on a Sunday.
Your points, much of them, are good to be made.
Everything is rumour.
There is NO Greenlight as it stands right now.
However in the spirit of giving hope and having fun on a fan board with true rumour and gossip we should take all of the good 'news' and be excited. That is if you are a fan of the mini. For those of you who are not, please be happy for those of us who get some work and be happy for your neighbor.
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Last edited by Dawg; February 14th, 2004 at 02:09 PM.. Reason: By Request
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Old January 25th, 2004, 12:01 PM   #13
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Default This is why I left the SciFi Bboard

I liked the mini, and I hope it goes to series. I visited the SciFi BBoard and asked some questions in numerous posts, and finally realized that they knew (or cared) nothing about public relations. One of their execs, even a low-level flack, could easily have posted some news on their own Bboard, even if it was only to say that SciFi management really wants to do the show but there are budget questions to work out. There are lots of ways to say "We don't know the answer yet, but we are working on it." Instead, there is nothing but silence from SciFi. I am getting more news from Aaron than from anywhere else, and I appreciate it. I'm glad I moved over to Colonial Fleets.

I don't regard possible bad news about the series as being only appropriate for the anti-mini forum.. It's the people who really want the series to air who care whether or not there is any news, good or bad (though we are hoping for good).
I appreciate the news we are getting from The One. He is giving a factual report about what he can personally verify. But I do agree that Aaron probably is in a better position for news gathering. What The One is telling us is that SciFi is talking to NOBODY, not even the people that will be (might be?) doing the work for them. Talk about a culture of secrecy!

One, let us know if/when you hear anything concrete from Vancouver. Aaron, keep telling us whatever you can get from the people you are in contact with. Your reports are greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Bombadil; January 25th, 2004 at 12:09 PM..
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Old January 25th, 2004, 12:02 PM   #14
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Slider. I wouldn't count on production happening at Lions Gate studios. It is a tremendous facility but pricey and I would think that BSG would get something less expensive probably in the industrial warehouse areas or maybe even take over the Jake studio. This is NOT from anyone or anything. This is purely my guess.
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Old January 25th, 2004, 12:18 PM   #15
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One of their execs, even a low-level flack, could easily post some news on their own Bboard, even if it was only to say that SciFi management really wants to do show but their are budget questions to work out.
This is Sci Fi’s famous management team at work. Next time they do a $15 million pilot, let’s hope they are able to give the fans more information about a future series. A lot of people are very frustrated about the lack of information from Sci Fi Channel. Unfortunately we direct our anger at the wrong targets. It’s like watching ants fight in a jar.

Aaron thanks for the correction. I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about when it regards production studios.
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Old January 25th, 2004, 01:32 PM   #16
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Default Optimism I Will Keep

Thanks for all your postings.
I am also on the EJO Yahoo Groups Board so I will let you know when Olmos's agent reveals anything as well.
We should definitely pool our resources whenever possible, right??
Take care & keep the faith! Its justified!
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Old January 25th, 2004, 01:43 PM   #17
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Pooling is good. Eddie is going to call me when he gets the official call so that may be sooner than other sources. I will let you know when he does.
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Old January 25th, 2004, 02:05 PM   #18
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Default Thanks Aaron

IThanks for evrything Aaron.
You are a welcome addition to this forum!!!
So Say We All!
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Old January 25th, 2004, 07:58 PM   #19
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Well THAT was a fun read! :laugh: Nothing like polite verbal sparring to enliven a message board.

Thanks guys!

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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:16 PM   #20
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Default IASTE Representative

The news I recieved today was from a friend who, while working on set, recieved info. from a representative from a IASTE UNION (Tehnicians)...

He said that this person (representative) said that the talks are still on-going...which is a good sign...and first...this person said that the production (not clear if it was Ron Moore or SCI FI Channel) was going for a 44 episode commitment...and then it went to a 4 episode commitment, renewing along the ways...meaning if the ratings were good, another 4, then another 4, etc...which sounds ridiculous to me...but that is what this representative was told was being discussed...and then the 6 episode commitment...and then...well...this is where we are all in the dark and are just relying on whatever information is provided by Aaron Douglas...and the rumours from fan websites...

I guess the SCI FI Channel still has cold feet regarding costs...

It seems to me (purely my opinion based on all the information being provided by what I have found and the rumours, etc), another mini-series is on the way and then that is it...

I think that the first mini-series had many openings for a continuation, but can very easily be wrapped up in another 4 hours of story telling...

After that...I think that the series will get alittle boring...and this might be a concern for SCI FI Channel...

I think that the SCI FI Channel doesn't want another Farscape on their hands...

Anyways, we shall soon find out this week and if we don't hear anything after this week...(shrugs) who knows what the fate is after that because I can't see the SCI FI Channel shelling out more money to extend the contracts of the actors!

Pilot season in LA is coming up and many actors will want to be free or released to try for another pilot project!

I am sure that some of the leads are already being considered for possible series-regulars on other shows if they get released shortly...especially Trish Helfner...I think that someone will try and scoop her up very quickly...She's got the goods for a LA if you know what I mean...I thought that she was great and not sure why she was released from Jeremiah as a series-regualr...she has great presence on screen!

Jamie B. was great in the series and I am sure that offers will come his way soon if Galactica doesn't get a go-order...

As for the Vancouver based actors...well, it will be back to the ardous task of auditioning, auditioning and more auditioning...

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Old January 25th, 2004, 11:48 PM   #21
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Default Re: IASTE Representative

Originally posted by The One
I think that the SCI FI Channel doesn't want another Farscape on their hands...
Yeah, god forbid they have ANOTHER "best sci-fi show" ever to grace the small screen. Man what a drag it would be to have a network that caters to science fiction fans and have a show which, albeit is expensive, draws critical aclaim and brings in a ravenous fan base from a wide demographic.

That would really SUCK!

Bonnie Hammer is the biggest imbecile ever to run a television network. She is followed closely by the guy who preempted an NFL playoff game to show "Heidi"!!!
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:49 AM   #22
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Default Re: Re: IASTE Representative

Originally posted by The Rain
Bonnie Hammer is the biggest imbecile ever to run a television network. She is followed closely by the guy who preempted an NFL playoff game to show "Heidi"!!! [/B]
Sorry, they're both beaten handily by the one guy who was reported in the next morning's newspapers to have gotten out his shotgun and blown his television set to smithereens in front of his young daughter who was watching "Heidi".

Wonder what happened to that kid?
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:57 AM   #23
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Default Re: Re: Re: IASTE Representative

Originally posted by Dennis
Sorry, they're both beaten handily by the one guy who was reported in the next morning's newspapers to have gotten out his shotgun and blown his television set to smithereens in front of his young daughter who was watching "Heidi".

Wonder what happened to that kid?
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Old January 26th, 2004, 09:47 AM   #24
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Good to see a happy ending.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 10:10 AM   #25
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Speculate all you want - and I do hope Aaron continues to post what he hears, even if it is rumor - but the fat lady ain't sung yet, and won't until whomever is in charge issues a formal announcement. In other words, if Sci-Fi hasn't made an announcement, it could still go either way.

Speculation and rumor is just that - speculation and rumor - regardless of who you hear it from. 4 episodes? 6? 44? Is there or isn't there a production office? It's all rumor and speculation until an announcement is made.

Keep in mind - plugs have been pulled on situations even more concrete than this one is - and this one is still vapor in the air, folks. We know nothing.

Speculate away - but unless you sit in the board room, we know nothing until the official announcement, one way or the other.

Personally, I think it is telling that there has been no announcement yet. But that's only my uneducated opinion.

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Old January 26th, 2004, 11:21 AM   #26
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whomever is in charge

But don't hold your breath waiting for SciFi to make an annoucement. If the series gets greenlit, we will probably know all about it, with conclusive evidence, before any annoucement is made by those execs who know nothing about PR.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 11:22 AM   #27
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Originally posted by Thomasbombadil

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Old January 26th, 2004, 07:21 PM   #28
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Default Monday January 26th, 2004

No news today...

Let's see what comes tomorrow...
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