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Old March 9th, 2009, 08:51 AM   #211
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Sandy -

I've been a member of the Skiffy board just a tiny bit longer than I have been with CF. It was the Skiffy board that led me here. I occasionally log in and mix with the Skiffy populace, but generally only when I see a topic thread that piques my interest. By and large, I read over the long list of topics and just can't fathom what that group of people is about. I know that they enjoy a show called Battlestar Galactica, but their viewpoint is an enigma. Endless posts about "shipping", a miasma of posts focusing on minutae, or even attempting to take a show that is hopelessly lost in terms of writing and re-writing it in their own terms to make sense of it. You're right - there are a lot of decent people over there and when you talk with them about what they're interested in, and on that same level, the discussion is good.

Generally speaking, a very large group of TOS fans that don't care for the show, aren't interesting in discussing it - except when Stallion's reviews show up doesn't seem like the best component to add to that mixture. Remember the days here at Fleets where we had discussion threads about both shows and how those discussions alway became battling grounds? Remember how we had to split the entire forum into two halves and even though there was that clear division, we still had the same problem?

There are people that are a happy to discuss both shows, but there are larger groups of people devoted to the new show and to the old show separately. When I see what's going on in the Trek community in discussions over the upcoming film, I'm seeing exactly the same problem that we had back in 2003. There's a group of people that hate the new film, a group of people that love the new film and then there's a group of people that are willing to "wait and see", but in the end, will probably fall into either one of the first two groups after they see it.

What the actual issue is - is can people live with the idea of having something that they really enjoy, made over into another vision, directed at a different group of people, yet inhabit the same environment peacefully? It's up to every one of us on an individual level. What we can handle and what we want for ourselves inside is what it all comes down to.

For myself, I've no problem visiting the Skiffy board, I'm just not compelled to do so on a continuing basis. In my head, it seems a bit too early for a group of self exiled TOS fans to go back to Skiffy for anything significant. My thought would be to wait until the current series has completed it's run and the DVD film that's coming this summer has had it's day and the discussion has died down a bit. Maybe after the summer has passed, it would be a good time for folks to get together again.

At this point, it just seems with their show coming to the end and the "announcement" regarding a new TOS project at hand, the potential for it becoming a flash point seems very high.

I know that you have the best of intentions and you've forged a relationship with the folks over at Skiffy, but I know from observing that you fought hard and long to get there.

In any case, it's all a matter of time and the fans of either show know where to find each other when and if that time comes.

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Old March 9th, 2009, 05:57 PM   #212
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No doubt it was all hard-won. I'll repeat ... I'm not trying to drag anyone anywhere nor does anyone have to justify why they don't want to go. To each their own.


The shortfall of doing a regular podcast is finding the material that you'd need to make it work. One hour of a podcast will be about 18-22 typewritten pages depending on the delivery. If a podcast was too rare, folks would ignore it because they want something to listen to. If it were too often, you'd be grabbing for material.

Plus, you have the actual production. Editing is the lesser obstacle since more folks have those skills. For recording, you're in a different league because folks have to have access to the equipment, which I can assure you becomes a big issue quick.

You can mitigate this by planning on doing a set and targeting the outcome for when they are all done. Then you advertise it. Still, figure at least 200 pages of edited writing before you even attempt something like this, ... and that's the good stuff. You can probably triple that in ideas.

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Old March 9th, 2009, 07:21 PM   #213
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

See Sandy, your expertise is always handy!!!

Actually, the format I'm thinking would be a mixed concept.

An example, the one I cited before, is


It's called "Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and Mr Bubble" except more (obviously) on a TOS Galactica vein.

When I say mixed format, I'd say part talk, part interview, and at some point, maybe some sort of episodic "audio drama" (15-20 minutes per episode).

As one possibility, maybe do coverage talk on each episode of the TOS, one episode per podcast.

Again, this is way shooting from the hip, but the general over-riding "mission" of it would be to show that TOS fans aren't just a bunch of crotchity old farts, longing desperatly for the glory days of disco hair, and Ship-on-a-stick FX.

That's just what I was thinking, I'm sure there are others are that are far better at thinking up this stuff than I am.
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Old March 10th, 2009, 03:08 AM   #214
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by LordStarFyre View Post
Again, this is way shooting from the hip, but the general over-riding "mission" of it would be to show that TOS fans aren't just a bunch of crotchity old farts, longing desperatly for the glory days of disco hair, and Ship-on-a-stick FX.
This is part of my disconnect.

Who are we trying to convince?

In my mind's eye, there's nothing wrong with being a bunch of crotchity old farts remembering when we had hair that could be feathered properly.

I don't think any of us have anything to prove to anybody. That's the premise where we don't quite agree.

I like an old series called Battlestar Galactica. I'm not so fond of the new one. If anyone is so amazingly petty in their lives that something like this is an issue on how they judge me, then that's their problem, not mine.

I'd agree on folks working on a podcast like this if the goal is to create something good that people would enjoy. If it were merely to prove that we're a viable set of fans, ... well, again, just who do we need to prove that to and would we really care if we did gain their respect?

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Old March 10th, 2009, 03:37 AM   #215
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Some of us have it in us to get out and promote the old show in hopes of a continuation. That mentality will certainly NOT be shared by all. I can think of a few people over at the Skiffy boards that most certainly won't agree. The bottom line is no one is forcing anyone to do anything.

Some of you won't want to get involved. I can't say I blame you. I think some of you have well earned your time to enjoy Battlestar without a fight. I hope you'll wish us luck and not try to convince us our efforts are hopeless or useless. I'm sure we're quite aware of what a long shot it all is. If it were a done deal we wouldn't feel a need to get out and do something.

I don't have to convince anyone that the original series is good. I already love what came before. My hope and determination is focused on the future. In six years I haven't let the ginoids or their show shake my faith. At this point its almost a complete non issue. Giving up now just seems like a waste. No one needs to convince me its worthless anymore than I need to convince them it isn't.

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Old March 10th, 2009, 01:32 PM   #216
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Howdy Sandy, I don't know if it's so much proving, in as much as giving a voice to this part of the BSG Fanbase.

While there may be an element of "proving" going on, but the over riding concept is to show that we're out here, and to give coverage to the TOS, that even you would have to admit has been sadly lacking.

Another part here is to be an active fanbase, so if indeed the discussions are taking place as the rumour suggests, wouldn't it be wiser for us to at least be somewhat vocal, in a positive way, to show that there is indeed a fanbase for the TOS?

Listen to the example of the podcast I posted. That is fairly close to what I (IMHO) think would be a good approach.
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Old March 10th, 2009, 02:07 PM   #217
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I think providing a voice is a great thing.

Proving our image in the eyes of people who don't at all matter and who have no desire to even attempt a fair look is something else entirely.

I'll listen to this as soon as I can.


Nobody is trying to talk you out of anything or make up your mind about anything. My belief is that your efforts will be a waste of time from what I understand of your goals but by all means, have at it. Opinions on this or any board are just like handles, ... everyone has one and mine isn't any better or worse than yours.

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Old March 10th, 2009, 02:32 PM   #218
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Sandy, on that you and I agree, we don't need to Prove ourselves in the eyes of anyone.

I am very encouraged by the revival of interest as of late.

Like you, I'm not terribly interested in going to battle with the Ginoids. They aren't going to convince me that the RDM thing is superior, and I'm most likely not going to convince them of my position. We tried that approach, and we got Ted/Milty, the Clone Wars, and RDM's snide arrogant comments.

I think our response to GINO should be identical to our response to G1980. It's there, but ignored, at least on our part.

If it's a Podcast, it's made for fans of the TOS, about the TOS, past, present, and future. AND as a mobilization point for support for efforts of Larson/DeSanto (?) if the rumours are indeed true. Discussions about topics like Costume Building, Prop Replicas, the Battle of Galactica attraction at Universal, the Stages Galactica was shot on, and what it was like being there. Also, linking it up with Monolith's idea about the Blackstar Squadron (501st).

I do hope I'm making sense.
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Old March 10th, 2009, 06:02 PM   #219
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I listened to a good part of the Star Wars example. This doesn't seem very difficult. In fact, its less sophisticated than what Bill Gordon did a couple years ago.

His effort should prove something of a lesson. He had a difficult time getting material and a good portion of his podcast was devoted to slandering GINO. Even with this serving as unintentional filler, he really struggled to get material and he had an irregular broadcast. I think part of this was because he didn't build up a sufficient support structure before he engaged in it. Each episode was a fly as you go effort. That isn't a slam against him because he did a great job at a time when podcasting wasn't the easiest thing in the world to figure out.

However, you should learn from the past and I know one of his challenges was following up a good podcast with another good podcast because in each instance, he was dependant on a lot of folks inventing subjects for him.

Applying this to your example, I'd think that a regular podcast talking about how cool a 30 year old television series was every week would be a really, really boring effort. Week one, lets talk about how cool the Cylons were. Week two, did we mention the Cylons were all that. Week three, How about them Cylons!

So, you'd have to have an extension of sorts. It would have to be "new" in the ears of the audience. You suggested an audio drama. I thought about that and think that could be a good running segment -- something along the lines of an audio pulp fiction (Amazing Stories) serial. Another might be commentary on the background of the series, ... an accounting of the 1000 Yahren War, mythological tales of the Gods of Kobol, the science of the battlestar, etc. I'd get the CG folks to do new coverart for each podcast, ... and the more professional the cover art the more seriously people will take this. I'd engage Shawn to do a few new compositions of the classic music. (He knows what I'm talking about).

I'd think you could get some of this material from the Fleets boards. John Larocque could likely release a lot of his stuff which could get you further. After that, I'd be looking to Eric and John (Dawg) to see what they could crank out.

If it were a bi-weekly effort, you might consider some format that goes something like this:

Music and Intro - 2 mins
Opener - 1 minute
1st Act (News if currency is the goal/Host chatting if not) - 10 minutes
2nd Act (Audio Book/Commentary/Prepared Dialog) - 12 minutes
3rd Act (Paul Harvey-style Bio or Interview) - 8 minutes
3rd Act (Audio Drama) - 12 minutes
Closing comments - 3 minutes
Outtro Music - 2 minutes

That would be a 50 minute show.

A weekly effort might be something more like this:

Music and Intro - 1 mins
Opener - 1 minute
1st Act (News if currency is the goal/Host chatting if not) - 8 minutes
2nd Act (Audio Book/Commentary/Prepared Dialog/Audio Drama) - 10 minutes
3rd Act (Paul Harvey-style Bio or Interview) - 6 minutes
Closing comments - 3 minutes
Outtro Music - 1 minutes

That would be a 30 minute production. Under this concept, the audio drama and audio book segements would run in series, with six weeks devoted to large segments, then broken up with commentary, etc. Otherwise, I think you'd lose interest quick since the cliffhangers would just dangle forever.

Just some thoughts.

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Old March 10th, 2009, 06:24 PM   #220
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Once again Sandy, you said it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than I could!!!

That is EXACTLY, SPOT ON, what I had in mind!

You nailed the Audio Drama section perfectly. An on-going serialized "adventure". Maybe even like the old Flash Gordon - type thing, with 6 episode arcs, focusing on not only "present" in the Galactica fleet, but maybe arcs that follow the Flight from Kobol (Or the end of Kobol society?) The origins of the Cylons, or, even, the period just before Saga of a Starworld where Baltar sells out the Colonies, with the last episode of that arc ending as Baltar boards his shuttle enroute to the Atlantia.

Then, when each story arc has completed rotation within the Podcasts, release a full version of it, edited together as a stand alone podcast.

hehehehe See, sometimes I'm not as dumb as I look.....
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Old March 11th, 2009, 09:44 AM   #221
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Gemini1999
Generally speaking, a very large group of TOS fans that don't care for the show, aren't interesting in discussing it - except when Stallion's reviews show up doesn't seem like the best component to add to that mixture. Remember the days here at Fleets where we had discussion threads about both shows and how those discussions alway became battling grounds? Remember how we had to split the entire forum into two halves and even though there was that clear division, we still had the same problem?*

There are people that are a happy to discuss both shows, but there are larger groups of people devoted to the new show and to the old show separately. When I see what's going on in the Trek community in discussions over the upcoming film, I'm seeing exactly the same problem that we had back in 2003. There's a group of people that hate the new film, a group of people that love the new film and then there's a group of people that are willing to "wait and see", but in the end, will probably fall into either one of the first two groups after they see it.

*Then along came the Pegasus storyarc with its needless, worthless shock value intended rape scene that pissed off both crowd groups of fans alike, but supplied enough interest for those wanting it to be totally gritty, for that stupid reason alone!

And i need not go into, fleets responce of the airing of that episode at the time and what exactly became of the gap between old and new fans of BSG on colonial fleets afterwards?

While its worthless getting into needless squabbles over it now, i'd defend ones right to comment if something wasn't/isn't right and demands discussion over it whether it be, a movie or TV series of debated topics etc.

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Old March 12th, 2009, 08:47 AM   #222
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
Ridicule? Never! Ideas on how to promote Battlestar take us in a positive direction!
Well said.
I 100% agree.
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Old March 13th, 2009, 09:45 AM   #223
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by LordStarFyre View Post

Is all the dysfunction more "Real"? Yes, certainly. But isn't the whole point of Sci-Fantasy to suspend reality?
Actually I'm starting to think that dysfunction is an abstract of reality. An abstract that regretably is getting the lion's share of attention nowadays.

The positive elements are still there, they just have a harder time shining through is all.

But dysfunction is not all there is. There has to be more.
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Old March 15th, 2009, 09:10 PM   #224
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Audio dramas would be brilliant!
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Old March 16th, 2009, 09:50 AM   #225
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Audio dramas are a great way to go. I like the serialized format also.
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Old March 16th, 2009, 03:59 PM   #226
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Audio dramas are a great way to go. I like the serialized format also.
I'm a volunteer science consultant for such a production effort called "Novo Babylonia". (based on Babylon 5)


They are just starting out. Good crew. Check them out.
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Old March 16th, 2009, 05:02 PM   #227
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Audio dramas are a great way to go. I like the serialized format also.
I like those too.
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Old March 16th, 2009, 05:02 PM   #228
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Damocles View Post
I'm a volunteer science consultant for such a production effort called "Novo Babylonia". (based on Babylon 5)


They are just starting out. Good crew. Check them out.
Thanks! for posting that. Gonna check that link out.
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Old March 16th, 2009, 05:37 PM   #229
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Drop in on the New Fiction Forum, too. Give them some support.

Appreciate it.

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Old March 16th, 2009, 09:55 PM   #230
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

As the only BSG news in Google news searchat moment seems to be about the season finale of the GINO series, which would seem to be a prime time for Larson to put out a press release if anything was really going to be happening with oBSG, does this mean this was all a midsummer night's dream?

Well there is this: Universal to Produce Battlestar Galactica Movie, but it looks like a Johnny cum Lately.

Has there been any fresh news? Rumours?
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Old March 16th, 2009, 10:49 PM   #231
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Well, since the news was a leak to begin with we likely won't hear anything until there is an official release. Anyone I've talked to that would have any wind of it at all won't budge and just gives me the "you never know" line...which is not an answer. Who knows.

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Old March 17th, 2009, 09:44 AM   #232
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Which I take to mean that until we hear of a writer hired to do the treatment, and or a director hired, that this is a willow of the wisp.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 01:33 PM   #233
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Moore say something about the new Movie.

THR: Universal is developing a "Battlestar" movie with original series creator Glen Larson. How do you feel about that?

Moore: More power to them. I don't know anything about it; they didn't talk to me about it. I've always said if somebody wanted to do a continuation of the original, that's fine by me. It doesn't have anything to do with what we've done.



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Old March 17th, 2009, 01:58 PM   #234
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Andreas View Post
Moore say something about the new Movie.

THR: Universal is developing a "Battlestar" movie with original series creator Glen Larson. How do you feel about that?

Moore: More power to them. I don't know anything about it; they didn't talk to me about it. I've always said if somebody wanted to do a continuation of the original, that's fine by me. It doesn't have anything to do with what we've done.



Last week, USA Today was running an article concerning the end of the Skiffy BSG series and there was this quote near the end of the article:

Battlestar will live on in various forms. Universal is developing a feature film, a new version not connected to the series.
Here is the link to the article if anyone's interested:


The "news" is coming up in various spots in the media, just nothing concrete where people can latch on to the announcement and take it seriously. Until there's more news in regards to a formal announcment and a production date, we'll just have to sit and bide our time.

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Old March 17th, 2009, 05:41 PM   #235
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I'm waiting to see if there is an official statement at universal for a TOS BSG movie.
I think there is a site where you can see new movie projects with actors cast in the roles and a release date.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 05:47 PM   #236
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I found this site on the net.
No mention of a TOS BSG movie, but, I'm hoping to see it there soon.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 08:13 PM   #237
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Every time I see that He Who Shall Not be Named opens his big fat mouth in public about BSG, I could just spit nails.

In the positive column, if JJ Adams can save Star Trek from the likes of Berman and Bragga, then maybe DeSanto or someone equally as talented can get the Alligator out of drydock. It almost happened once. Remember it almost happened as a fact.
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Old March 17th, 2009, 08:38 PM   #238
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I definitely think something is in the works, I just don't think we'll hear anything until all the papers are signed.

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Old March 18th, 2009, 10:06 AM   #239
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I'd want at least something new to break soon, but as we'v debated since this all came about, something VERY solid at least, with talks over and news of BSG being fast tracked into production within 5 years or so (good development of any movie, long before pre-production begins, takes time as you all know and are aware of!) with names, a budget, a script/scriptwriters, producers (hopefully DeSanto's top of that particular list!) and director being attached.

Hell, i want all this from recently annocunced movies in the work like live action adaptations of Robotech, Neon Genesis and plenty others.

And if they haven't got so much of a whiff of news lately, imagine the trek another BSG movie go-around will have to go through once again. Like Olmos once said, "don't go through the pain" and i certainly won't, not until something this time round is confirmed 100% and Universal puts big assurances of absolutely no interfering folks to stop it, and the fans/film fans, are updated with news (unlike 2001's stupid; "hushed" policy with the Singer/DeSanto BSG TV pilot).

Like the old saying goes; Fool me once shame on me, try to fool me twice shame on you!!!

When new news does break on any such production, i WANT as well as everyone else, want to see a; fancy, expensive looking website to support any such claims by Universal of a brand new BSG movie based on the classic series. If every other movie out there, can get that, why not a BSG movie if that would be the case??!

Originally Posted by Damocles
In the positive column, if JJ Adams can save Star Trek from the likes of Berman and Bragga, then maybe DeSanto or someone equally as talented can get the Alligator out of drydock. It almost happened once. Remember it almost happened as a fact.
Let's hope Uni remembers the past especially and avoid the same mistakes as we've both said. Cos coming close to filming only to have production stop cos of a director bailing out and backstage politic shinanigans a second time, within 2 weeks would be even more embarassing for a major motion picture deal, costing a hell of alot more than a mere TV pilot.

And instead of 911 being used as a scapegoat, what would the excuse be, for not finishing up this time, The ongoing 'Iraq War'?!

I want some new news to break before i truly get engaged in any postive talks and discussions for a BSG movie! cos until we're given more this ain't really happening and its another unconfirmed rumor.

Kneel before Zod!!!
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Old March 18th, 2009, 01:10 PM   #240
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Actually, KJ, the expression is:

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I hope - but I don't hold my breath.

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