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Old March 5th, 2009, 07:19 PM   #181
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post
I concur. I think pushing for a well done special edition of the original series, with restored scenes and some very professionally done and tailored VFX would be a viable argument to Universal. Of all the rallying ideas, I think this one likely does meet the best criteria as the enhancements could be done fairly cheaply compared to the potential return on investment.

Its also an area where the fanbase could make a direct impact, not by representing the audience but by providing a capability and linking with other resources.

I'd think to make this pitch, you'd have to have a well constructed and researched proposal, a 3-minute rework of an example scene showing how it could really be transformed without looking goofy (which sadly the reworked Trek seemed to be), and a good rundown of the resources you had on hand.

I don't mean this to imply that this would be done out of someone's garage. It would require reaching out to the professional-level folks a number of us know and doing for this pitch what Richard was never able to accomplish, ... to make Universal think that this was the path to take without trying to reinvent the idea.

The danger is that they'd want to work GINO stuff into this new edition to promote that series more by linking the two more closely together. Imagine Gamorrah with Tricia Helfers and the GINO centurions walking around in the background and the GINO vipers mixed in the space shots with the original series stuff. It sounds stupid but they've made more rediculous decisions before.

Yet, I think with the right folks putting it together, backed by a few bucks from the larger fanbase, a pretty good proposal could be worked and it MIGHT have a chance of getting pushed forward, especially if some of the names that did the VFX on GINO were attached to the project.
You know something....

When I was reading about this while I was at work today, this really seemed to be a scathingly brilliant idea. I thought of how the "enhanced" Trek episodes basically rebooted the broadcast quality for the orignal series on television and also sold CBS/Paramount a whole new set of DVDs for Trek fans that just had to have yet another version of their favorite show.

In terms of BSG, we were lucky because Universal Home Video used great source material (as Eric mentioned) when they created the DVD release a few years ago. The idea of having updated and enhanced VFX does have a lot of merit to it. Dave K has already done a brilliant job of exhibiting that premise already, so we know that it works and sharpens up the episodes quite a bit. You can do away with the repetitive footage and replace it with more unique shots. You can even do shots that weren't practical or affordable at the time due to costly motion control techniques. In terms of a proposal, this is a good piece of proposal material. The only thing left would be to market the idea to Universal and have someone in mind to do the actual effects work for the entire series. Until Sandy said that someone professional would have to do it, I almost pictured having our own "team" do batches of episodes and when they were all ready, then send the proposal to Universal in preparation in case they said yes. (I know, my thinking is overly simplistic, but it was fun thinking about it).

I guess in the end, the idea of having a new film based on the original series would be fun, but I really could live with the idea of having our community contribute to BSG fandom that everyone could enjoy. If Larson does manage to peddle his "white elephant" to someone, then fine, we can wait to see what comes of it. If not, we'll still have our own achievement and our contribution to BSG fandom.

When it comes to the writing, effects, etc. that everyone's contributed, I still have to wonder about the benefit if those concepts were marketed commercially somehow. In terms of the stories that Steve wrote for the TOS era and even a blending of TOS & TNS, I know I pestered him to submit those stories to a publisher - If Richard Hatch can do it, I know someone else can & why not? Maybe those stories could be done as graphic novels. Eric mentioned how he hated the recent TOS comic stories - maybe if the story quality was better, then you'd just need a graphic artist to do them properly and you've got a finished product, eh? I know, I'm oversimplifying the effort quite a bit, but I'm a typical consumer and don't know much about those things.

In terms of the community, what I miss most is the togetherness that we all shared. It's true, there are some of us clinging to Colonial Fleets, Tombs of Kobol and a couple of other sites even though the posting traffic has dwindled to a pitifully small level. What I miss is the size and diversity of the community that we used to have and the times we shared together. We lost a large group of people when Fleets offloaded the TNS part of the forum, but it seemed that almost as large of a group wandered off on their own because there wasn't anything in BSG fandom to focus on anymore. I always wonder what things were like prior to Richard proposing his "Second Coming" idea, before the DVD's, the 12-inch figures, etc. that we see today - yet the community still existed just because of the original series and what it meant to them. When I think of the idea of a show only running for 17 episodes in 1978 and it was powerful enough to keep people going for nearly 20 or more years afterwards, that's a pretty strong statement about the source material.

I guess as long as we properly honor that source material, pay tribute to it occasionally and have fun as a community, maybe that new film isn't needed, but it would still be nice to have all the same. I've always had so much fun on this forum and I've considered it "home" for 6 years now. I've thought about just letting it go, but I can't because it would feel like I was letting all those memories go as well. I still think that there's some life left in me, this website and the fanbase as well. We just need to find a way to invigorate it ourselves and make it a place that people want to come to again and make it their "home" tool.

I really cherish all you people and I'm glad that some of you are still around to hear me say that.

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Old March 6th, 2009, 03:46 AM   #182
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If more accurate versions of theses models exist then maybe time would be better spent putting something together that could convince Universal Home Video to remaster the series.
The correct ones reside on my hard drives and are backed up on many different discs and medium. Especially the Basestar which to this day is still the most finished and polished product out of all of the models. Which is astounding if you think about it since we did not know the real one still existed.

I find it fascinating how much of me is a part of new Galactica. The ships i made were pulled a part and nurnie kit's were distributed to all the artist's when the new series began. It's ironic that yours truely has had such a hand in the overall look of the series ship's.

But the good thing is they didn't get the true versions. We always kept that little piece of the TOS to ourselves and to this day they remain that way.

Back when the new series started Lee Stringer was of course our FX supervisor. He wanted a copy of the Basestar back then but we refused to let it go. To this day i'm glad we didn't simply because another one of it's design does not to this day exist.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 06:51 AM   #183
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Jjrakman
Honestly, with all that I have on my plate these days, I doubt I'll ever be able to get to that. I scanned numerous magazine pages and posted them in the "My Collections" section intended for the project, but nobody else save a couple of others here and there, ever really brought anything to the table. I just don't have the energy to organize a project like this, when as you say, nobody really bothers to contribute. But at least the pages remain there for others to enjoy here.

But the idea has no copyright, so anyone who wants to take the idea and run with it, go for it.

But honestly, I'm pretty much in the same place as Sandy.

I've read the repeated statements made by a probably well intentioned Glen Larson many times over the years. This one just sounds like more of the same to me.*

I've read the cryptic Faries-esque "I'm whistling" hints.

I've dealt with fan efforts in the past, and Sandy is right in that respect as well. Going all the way back to the efforts to boycott the advertisers of Sci Fi Channel before GINO ever even aired, something that many online fans volunteered for, but only two to my recollection even bothered to follow through with.

The CFF effort, though admirable, also had its faults in that much of the money that was donated came from large amounts by a few generous donators. The fact that fans everywhere couldn't cough up a measily 3 bucks and left the bulk of the donations to just a generous few was infuriating, at least to me.

I'd rather just enjoy the show, its art, and maybe even come up with a short vid myself now that I'm studying 3D Max.

I'm not going to bother with any pointless campaign where many volunteer and armchair quarterback but few actually do anything. There's just too many other things for me to do.

I just meant yesterday, that i wasn't going to take full credit and hog the limelight, for the great conversations several of us, over on the David Kerin-special BSG re-edits page thread you started is all dude, i wanted to include you too and sandy, cos you guys inspired my talks and feedback over there is all!

*Far as the Larson situation goes, having met the man only once and for a brief moment, i can say he is a gentleman and nice chap dispite all the disappointments with him not following up on his comments. And although to many that still wouldn't excuse the delys, if he does indeed owns the copyrights to the theatrical film rights to his original BSG series. I too was shocked when 2 months after i broke the news online to you guys (and gals), that i went to the NEC Birmingham convention in 2005 to meet the series stars, and although greatful in showing them the footage of me and Larson together and him saying he'd love to do a movie within 18 months on my camcorder, they were all unimpressed and unconvinced wih his statements.

He's not a bad man, but we'd all wish he could follow through is all, as do the entire BSG cast and crew too. But i'll say this in his defense, he ain't the only hollywood producer to want to revive a classic series and put it up on the big screen. Last i remember as well as Glen Larson's other shows like; Knight Rider, Magnum, The Six Million Dollar Man (The Bionic Man) other classic like the Time Tunnel, The Man From U.N.C.L.E were always said to be in Development Hell or possibly being fast-tracked over the years as well. So while yes, we deserve our doubts on his ability to do this alone by himself. The news of BSG being revived in any shape or format over the year for this amount of time, probably does point to it being taken more seriously than other classics TV shows that, although as remembered and had equal name recognition, the others have a much lesser chance of ever being made into a film, and if they were probably wouldn't be treated with as much respect and be totally changed to the point of being unrecognisable etc.

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Old March 6th, 2009, 07:18 AM   #184
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I also want to thank Sandy for reminding me that, although we're all big fans of the show and as fans of it on this fanbase, not to fall into the trap of talking big game and not following through. So with that in mind, yes i do want to do the DVD's, but whether they turn out to be a minor thing or much larger project. That'll take time and i'd need to seriously research and involve other folks at some point.

And most important, not ever try to cheerleader it, at all!!! Only in a serious discussion passionately talk about it and what it would entail is all. If i'm not caperable of it, then i'll come out and say so once i've hit a wall, but its early days yet, so give me some more time o.k., and i'll avoid the pitfalls of making any wild promises and leading anybody on I'LL NEVER DO THAT!

But once again.... if you're all tired of news clips online always saying there's going to be a BSG movie and we're left hanging all the damn time. Then yes an organised CFF effort i'd back. Fans might as well give themselves what they've always wanted. But we'd have to ask the serious questions on how to do it properly and be more involved with professionals and independent companies that can work on a fan project that we're discussing like this.

But yeah like the Singer/DeSanto ads for the 2001 BSG revival, seeing CFF produce ads in Variety or CFQ again showcasing an ad for BSG to be on Blu-Ray DVD, in its uncut and in a newly; "Remastered" format with possible 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound DTS would be sweet indeed.

But it'll work best instead if it were made as a 'photoshopped' poster, then put online on CFF's website then maybe spread out and sent to Universal's video department and petitioned to those in the business who could then ask if the right people could consider this option before going any further with it. Bringing up the sales of the first run 2003 DVD's might help the argument further still, thus eliminate the: We need to research this and get back to you' by Uni (tht they once gave Richard Hatch in the late 90's) and present a solid well covered business proposal for a science fiction series like Battlestar Galactica to be on Blu-Ray DVD, but with a powerful selling point of: 'As you've never seen and heard it before'.

I'll leave it up to you to think about all that, but its just one of several options and ideas as per usual that i wanted to offer up. I'd love to hear one better than mine, thats covers even more stuff and might not be so complicated and bitched about, once we see where its going.

Laters people take care and have fun.

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Old March 6th, 2009, 10:04 AM   #185
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Anyone want to have some fun?

Malkyte's posted some threads regarding casting calls for the various characters in a movie for Galactica. Personally, I'm enjoying it because I'll be the first to admit that I don't watch much of the new tv shows and don't know many of the new actors and actresses and I like see input from others because it helps me to get back in the loop.

So, instead of us posting here about how pissed off we are about what happened to us, with GINO, and how jaded we are about the Uni/Larson rumor, why don't we just have a little fun. It won't hurt.

(I'm not tossing stones at anyone because, I posted remarks a page or so back about how delicate my feelings are.... so, please don't misunderstand what I just posted above).

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Old March 6th, 2009, 02:32 PM   #186
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Malkyte View Post
Finally, I just had to ask about the above quote that you made earlier. While I understand the idea behind it, how would returning to the Scifi board at this time be beneficial to any of us. The show is still going and there are still going to be people that love the new show there and desparage the original, which ultimately could errupt into uneccassary battles again. Most of us here, still have absolutely no love for GINO, so why go into a pro-GINO area to stir things up, especially if you're not even watching the show? Maybe AFTER the show finally ends, but even then I am not sure how that would be wise. ...And honestly, I would like to here that invitation, or olive branch if you will, from someone from their side before I would seriously consider it. Coming from you, while noble, does not have the same meaning. That's not meant in any disrespect, but rather that I want to see and hear that the other side is willing to come to the table as well.

Just my .02 cents.


Sorry I didn't answer this earlier.

I said this with a pretty simple concept in mind. Although there is a gulf that we won't agree upon, there's a lot with the general Skiffy membership that we will agree upon. Skiffy isn't the Ron Moore worship center it once was. MOST of the conversations I engage in over there are pretty reasonable filled primarily with reasonable people. A few wander to be sure. Some continue the concept of "sides" as you've also presented.

I suggest that the entire idea of "sides" be swept into the closet. It might be there now and again but I think its best to engage everyone who watches any version of anything called Galactica as a fellow fan -- even if it proves that the folks you deal with only agree that you're a mutal fan of Superman or Firefly.

Some of the best folks I still maintain contact with are GINO fans. They're pretty good people and equally disgusted by the conduct many have engaged in under their name. I relate to that because its not like the GINO fanboys have had the monopoly on extremist behavior. This is where the Iraq analogy comes in. Some folks acted out of line. Most think they were in their rights when they did so.

Who cares at this point.

There are some good people mixed in with the Skiffy membership and I think a number of them would enjoy interacting with the Fleets folks. I suspect that once the awkward moments passed, we'd find we have a lot in common, especially if we maintained the approach that we were going to insist on being reasonable and as positive as possible.

I can't speak for anyone else but I know that my interactions as of the last year or so have, for the most part, been pretty rewarding in the long run.

I also contend that if anyone opts to try to initiate any sort of group effort, at least half of your support and talent base lay there.

If you're waiting for an invitation, it won't come. The invitation is in your signing up to be a member.

Lastly, the debate has been about doing things where we could actually make an impact. I think if the membership moved back onto the board and universally acted in a respectable and reasonable manner, we could indeed make an impact, ... not on TPTB but on the nature of the Galactica fanbase as a whole.

... at least this was my thinking.

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Old March 6th, 2009, 06:09 PM   #187
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These conversations are taking place on the "new" Galactica Skiffy forum, correct?

Since the Moore show started, I've only ventured back there when I had to correct some of their incorrect remarks.

I've got no desire to go back to that particular cesspool and pretend none of that ever happened. Maybe I'm prejudiced and maybe not but, I can't sweep the past under the rug that easily.

If they truly want to bury the hatchet, I'd suggest having BOTH them AND us go to the Skiffy TOS Galactica board.

I honestly couldn't think of a better signal to send Universal than to have BOTH groups abandon their precious GINO board in favor of the TOS board.

Also, the welcome mat is out for them to join Fleets if they want to discuss TOS. They would be as welcome as anyone else.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 06:37 PM   #188
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Sandy, I ventured out today to a couple of "ginoid" haunts, to check out the idea.

Sadly, most of what I saw was "Milty/Ted" types, jerking themselves silly over pics of Ron Moore, and squeeling like school girls over GINO. Their comments make Ted/Milty look downright sane and civil, and they seem by no measure to even begin talking with anyone about the TOS, other than to berate.

Granted, there were more than a few Thinking types, who while they swoon over GINO, still either defended the TOS, or were at the very least civil about it. On them, I tend to agree with you, we have our best hope of a civilized fanbase.

Of course, any discussion regarding the Larson Rumour devolved into the usual GINO/RDM Fanbot meme about Disco hair and bring back the 70s, why GINO is the best thing EVER put on film/video, and how Ron Moore should be in charge of any Movie made about BSG.

The only thing missing were claims that Glen Larson stole the idea from Moore.

There was even one really amusing thread on UGO about how the DeSanto BSG was halted because Singer quit because it was inferior, and that 9/11 was just an excuse.

You may have a better experience with these folks, but what I see is a very long road toward any sort of dignified fanbase interaction.

Mind you, I was only lurking, I chose to participate in the better part of valor, and keep my overly opinionated trap firmly shut.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 11:46 PM   #189
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

OK, in my travels today, not only was I checking into what Sandy was talking about, but also to see what kind of coverage "our side" (the TOS/Continuation side) was getting. I don't mean by media or others.

There are a fair amount of sites dedicated to the TOS.

However, one thing I noticed, there are NO Podcasts with discussions of the TOS. Not one I could find.

I'm not talking audio drama stuff. Don't get me wrong, I think those are uber-cool, but I'm talking about a somewhat regular podcast that would focus on TOS fandom. Think CF on your ipod. Discussions about Continuation possibilities, ideas, etc.

An example would be one I follow for Star Wars Galaxies, SWGpodcast with Yivvitts and Mr. Bubble (https://www.swgpodcast.com/)

Granted I don't think it would solve that many issues with getting the "Suits" to notice us, but it might be something.

Heck, maybe even tie it into this "501st" thing Monolith has been suggesting.

Is that a bad idea?
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Old March 6th, 2009, 11:48 PM   #190
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by BST View Post
Anyone want to have some fun?

Malkyte's posted some threads regarding casting calls for the various characters in a movie for Galactica. Personally, I'm enjoying it because I'll be the first to admit that I don't watch much of the new tv shows and don't know many of the new actors and actresses and I like see input from others because it helps me to get back in the loop.

So, instead of us posting here about how pissed off we are about what happened to us, with GINO, and how jaded we are about the Uni/Larson rumor, why don't we just have a little fun. It won't hurt.

(I'm not tossing stones at anyone because, I posted remarks a page or so back about how delicate my feelings are.... so, please don't misunderstand what I just posted above).

BST, thanks for the plug!

Hopefully we'll thaw a few more of those "bah-humbug" attitudes!

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Old March 7th, 2009, 12:17 AM   #191
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post

Sorry I didn't answer this earlier.

I said this with a pretty simple concept in mind. Although there is a gulf that we won't agree upon, there's a lot with the general Skiffy membership that we will agree upon. Skiffy isn't the Ron Moore worship center it once was. MOST of the conversations I engage in over there are pretty reasonable filled primarily with reasonable people. A few wander to be sure. Some continue the concept of "sides" as you've also presented.

I suggest that the entire idea of "sides" be swept into the closet. It might be there now and again but I think its best to engage everyone who watches any version of anything called Galactica as a fellow fan -- even if it proves that the folks you deal with only agree that you're a mutal fan of Superman or Firefly.

Some of the best folks I still maintain contact with are GINO fans. They're pretty good people and equally disgusted by the conduct many have engaged in under their name. I relate to that because its not like the GINO fanboys have had the monopoly on extremist behavior. This is where the Iraq analogy comes in. Some folks acted out of line. Most think they were in their rights when they did so.

Who cares at this point.

There are some good people mixed in with the Skiffy membership and I think a number of them would enjoy interacting with the Fleets folks. I suspect that once the awkward moments passed, we'd find we have a lot in common, especially if we maintained the approach that we were going to insist on being reasonable and as positive as possible.

I can't speak for anyone else but I know that my interactions as of the last year or so have, for the most part, been pretty rewarding in the long run.

I also contend that if anyone opts to try to initiate any sort of group effort, at least half of your support and talent base lay there.

If you're waiting for an invitation, it won't come. The invitation is in your signing up to be a member.

Lastly, the debate has been about doing things where we could actually make an impact. I think if the membership moved back onto the board and universally acted in a respectable and reasonable manner, we could indeed make an impact, ... not on TPTB but on the nature of the Galactica fanbase as a whole.

... at least this was my thinking.


Thanks for the reply!

I have to be honest and say that I am not completely convinced, but I can certainly check it out myself and see if the air has changed. I seriously have my doubts though. Reading several different sites after the latest rumor broke, did not show me much change in the general attitude towards the original vs Moore's.

And while you say we should put the "sides" thing out of the way, are GINO fans ready to do the same and be a bit more respectful? I hope you are right, but I am not so certain, again, from what I have read recently at a number of other sites anyway.

To be clear, my lack of confidence in going back there is not about holding a grudge, but the fact that I really wouldn't have much in common with those folks at this point, at least not when it came to Galactica. So, the most I can contribute to the threads there would be negative comments on their show. It doesn't seem like it would be a good idea to go into, what is essentially. their house now and bad mouth what they enjoy.

In return, I would probably not agree with many of their assessments in comparing the two shows. So, I am not sure of the point. The "sides" are there not because of the "Ted/Milt" types or the clone wars, but rather because there are clearly two completely different fundamental philosophies competing for the same show.

Perhaps there can be commonality with regard to other shows, but as for coming to a common ground on Galactica, I don't see how that is possible at this point.

Maybe if a new movie does come out, that is closer to the original and both sides enjoy it, that can become a common ground. But we won't know until that actually materializes.

Again, I will take a look, but I make no promises.

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Old March 7th, 2009, 01:23 PM   #192
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Further to discussion in this thread, I've made a proposal to the fanbase I hope people may consider, please check it out at :

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Old March 7th, 2009, 01:32 PM   #193
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I'd like to see a movie that ALL fans of Battlestar Galactica can enjoy. The TOS series and the re-imagined one. I know some people who really enjoy both.
I hope that it's OK for me to say this..this in relation to this topic and for the fan base and what I hope is the outcome of the movie.
For me it's been a long in coming. I myself prefer the TOS series.
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Old March 7th, 2009, 06:41 PM   #194
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
Further to discussion in this thread, I've made a proposal to the fanbase I hope people may consider, please check it out at :

Checked and responded to.

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Old March 7th, 2009, 10:33 PM   #195
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Ridicule? Never! Ideas on how to promote Battlestar take us in a positive direction!

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Old March 7th, 2009, 10:51 PM   #196
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No ridicule from me KP, I think it's a cool idea
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Old March 8th, 2009, 06:16 AM   #197
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


i hope the ''Classic'' Battlestar Galactica will made it on the

Big Screen maybe in a reeboot in the old style.

For me Battlestar Galactica was always made for the Big Screen.

When I saw this Tom De Santo/Brian Singer Battlestar concept

i was thinking oh this is going huge but for a TV Series this will go

to expensive !!!

I'am sure that the TV Station at this time think the same and pull the


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Old March 8th, 2009, 07:58 AM   #198
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I'm sure Kester didn't mean ridicule in a bad way, all thoughts are welcome.......
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Old March 8th, 2009, 08:29 AM   #199
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by LordStarFyre View Post
No ridicule from me KP, I think it's a cool idea
Thanks. The idea for the ad/promo sort popped into my head after reading everyone's remarks the other day.

Hope I didn't go too overboard with it.

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
I'm sure Kester didn't mean ridicule in a bad way, all thoughts are welcome.......
Have you read the attached "script" yet?

There's no dialogue, just narration, and probably includes an unrealistic amount of VFX shots. But I'm just the writer I'm sure the wizards here could probably put something like this together in, oh, what, a weekend or three.

Did I mention it stars a Socialator and a Female Warrior?
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Old March 8th, 2009, 09:20 AM   #200
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Dear Kestor....yes I've read the script but I think its too ambitious for a 30 second TV advert. What I was thinking about was a series of space battle shots which already exist or could easily be created by this fanbase.

Whilst never say never to live action, clips from The Second Coming or the original show, the feasibility or legalities of things must not get too complicated for a fan lead endeavour. This should be keep it simple.
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Old March 8th, 2009, 10:14 AM   #201
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Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
Dear Kestor....yes I've read the script but I think its too ambitious for a 30 second TV advert.
Indeed. The Cyclon eye sequence, as described, alone would probably run over 30 seconds. Still it's nice to dream.

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
What I was thinking about was a series of space battle shots which already exist or could easily be created by this fanbase.

Whilst never say never to live action, clips from The Second Coming or the original show, the feasibility or legalities of things must not get too complicated for a fan lead endeavour. This should be keep it simple.
I suppose one could always go the SPACE MUTINY route. Source the desired VFX shots from the stock library footage and integrate it with fan shot footage. .

If the BSG fan community can't come up with better looking computer graphics and costumes than THAT then perhaps we don't deserve anything better than GINO Caprica.

The again the simplest promo would probably be best shot as a PA. Maybe have it start as a single static long shot of a dark smoke filled hallway, a dim light in the distance, and a figure in silhouette slowly walking toward the camera. As the figure walks into frame they are revealed to be an actor dressed in full colonial battle dress wearing a flight helment. The narration could say something as simple as: GALACTICA IS COMING. ARE YOU READY FOR IT? And then have the scene fade to a simple onscreen graphic displaying a URL of a site for people to go to for more information. Sort of like a PSA.

You could probably do a number of these and have each one be an actor dressed as a different colonial character. Warrior, Socialator, Bridge Officer, Cylon, et al.
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Old March 8th, 2009, 10:20 AM   #202
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haha ! I remember Space Mutiny, and I remember how awful it was !!!!!

My thoughts are just some CGI shots of the ships.
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Old March 8th, 2009, 11:25 AM   #203
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Folks -

Perhaps we could move the discussion regarding the "proposal" thread. It's a bit confusing trying to follow parts of the same discussion in two different threads..


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Old March 8th, 2009, 02:23 PM   #204
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Apologies. I'll copy and paste my last post over to the other thread.
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Old March 8th, 2009, 07:59 PM   #205
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Guys, ... regarding the Skiffy and other boards.

It was a suggestion. My comment was that I think its probably time for the original series fanbase to go back there. To my eyes, it says "Battlestar Galactica" and I go there to discuss Battlestar Galactica. I discuss GINO from my own particular POV and for the most part, am treated pretty well. When someone is a jerk, I call them a jerk and things move on. Admittedly, this approach wasn't always the one I adopted. Also, over time, some of my former virtual rivals have become supporters.

Offline, I intermittently communicate with them on a large number of subjects, including advising "the other side" with fan projects, etc. They, in turn, have been supportive of me in a variety of ways at various times.

The assclowns still remain. They always will.

I don't think they define the Ron Moore fans anymore, at least not any more than the likes of Lang defines us.

I'll refine this to say that if there is anyone waiting for them to settle the score, "pay up", or however you want to define it, then please don't come back. Further, please don't include me in any version of recompense you think you're owed. My concept isn't that anyone needs to make good for anything, including Ron Moore. I wouldn't throw my arms open to Ted but frankly, just about everyone else is someone I'm willing to forgive, as long as they're trying to act in a different manner than before.

To lump everyone who watches and likes GINO together is just as wrong as labeling original series fans as devotees of feathered hair, ... and frankly, its just as rediculous.

So, my qualifier is that if you can't wipe the slate clean, go into a place like Skiffy and try to find the good elements and ignore the bad, then you should ignore my suggestion as well. Nobody needs to make things good for me. I do that for myself.

I didn't engage the GINO fanboys before because, as I said many, many times, it was just too hard to sort through the sludge to find the good folks buried in there. I don't believe that's still true, which is why I can now suggest people return.

... however, if you're someone who is just going to make the place more nasty, then I doubt you'll be able to contribute much to what I suspect is going to be the foundation of whatever lasting Battlestar Galactica fanbase remains in five years.

Check out the Space 1999 Year 1 vs Year 2 exchanges and I think you've got a pretty good example of how things develop when nobody is willing to put the bad times in the past and look for the good ... and empowering the assclowns is frankly the last thing I want to be involved in.

If that example isn't clear enough, then check out the Shi'as and the Sunnis, ... or the Palestinians and Israelis -- overly dramatic examples I admit but the basic template should be clear enough.

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Old March 8th, 2009, 08:25 PM   #206
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As always Sandy, you are again a voice of reason.

And, I do think you are correct.

I think we all, Myself included, are going to have to, at some point, try to re-build bridges that have been savaged. I've done my share (more some would say) of torching bridges with shameless abandon.

While some of us consider GINO as the G1980 for this generation, like G1980, like it or not, it's something we're going to have to contend with.

That being said, I am VERY encouraged with some of the proposals I'm seeing being put forward here. Monolith's idea of a "501st" for the TOS is a really good one, and I think it could have LOTS of potential for the TOS fanbase, way above and beyond simply Convention Costuming. I do think if handled correctly, his idea could be a vehicle for putting a face on the TOS fanbase.

Sandy, one area your expertise has shined is Audio Dramas, that might be one avenue to define the "501st" (BTW Monolith, what in blazes do we call this damned thing).

I don't know, I guess I'm just shooting from the lip here, but like you Sandy, I want to see the TOS fanbase re-ignited, not only for the "possible" Big Screen version, but for showing that the TOS fanbase is not dead, and that reports of our death from Old Age and Disco Hair OD are greatly exaggerated.
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Old March 8th, 2009, 08:35 PM   #207
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I wasn't shooting the messenger. Sorry if it seemed that way.

Considering that I don't have much to offer except a passion for TOS Galactica, I think that I'll stay put right here.

That being one reason and the other is that quite a few of us here have busted our asses trying to make this place as pleasant and appealing as possible to host discussion about TOS Galactica. I won't easily give that up and honestly have no desire to go to that poorly-managed Skiffy board that is wholly populated with threads about a show in which I have ZERO interest.

As I mentioned, if the discussion is to revolve around TOS Galactica then, why don't both groups migrate to Skiffy's TOS Galactica forum (near the bottom of the index) or go to one of the friendly TOS forums such as Fleets, TOK, or BSGClub?

Additionally, they're welcome to join here, as long as they have an ISP email address.

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Old March 8th, 2009, 08:41 PM   #208
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Actually "putting a face" on original series Galactica fandom is in the mission statement I just came up with!

So far we are going with "Black Star Squadron". Or "Blackstar"...haven't really discussed that. I think you hit the nail squarely on the head of what we're trying to do. It is a costuming group party, but more than that it is an idea of how to bring fans together. Throw a flag out and see who wants to hear what we're all about.

We'll also have a code of conduct regarding our dealings with hostile fans from the RDM series. With the current rumors of a film it just seems like a good time to splash some cold water on our collective faces and have some fun!

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Old March 8th, 2009, 08:43 PM   #209
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After posting my message above, I read LSF's post and re-read yours. Maybe I need to present this a different way because it seems as though I am coming off as a bitter old man. I'm not.

BUT, what I want is to meet halfway. If we are going to be re-building bridges then, it makes sense for both sides to meet in the middle... not at their place, not at hours but, somewhere neutral where folks can truly lay the foundation of something NEW.

Like I mentioned above, the Skiffy TOS Galactica board is my suggestion because I think that it would be a good neutral ground and no one would need to get a new id. It would show a 'contribution' by both sides, at least in my eyes, it would.
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Old March 8th, 2009, 09:26 PM   #210
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I'm going to bed. I'll answer the rest that's been put forward tomorrow but ...

Skiffy isn't "their" place. Its everyone's. I was a member of the Battlestar Galactica board before Ron came along. Plain and simple. I still am. The TOS board you refer to was put up later in an attempt to find peace among everyone. It failed because it was a hostile environment.

I don't see where anyone can meet in the middle becaus there is no middle. There are no sides. There's only a bunch of fans with different preferences. I mention Skiffy because that's where we all once held a membership. Its everybody's board (IMO). I don't suggest changing Fleets or any other site. I don't suggest any special compensation for anyone who is entrenched in acting like a jerk.

I do suggest that people stop the "Us-Them" viewpoint and realize that there's nothing but a bunch of fans who have needlessly been at odds with each other over a stupid television series. We all have different preferences, some directly conflicting, but that doesn't mean that any group should be scowling at the other because of those preferences and that still continues to happen after nearly 6 years.

I hate to be so simplistic that I'm arguing "The Golden Rule" but perhaps that's the core of what I'm suggesting. Believe it or not, there are members of the Skiffy board who would enjoy interactions with the folks here at Fleets. That's largely why a handful act so viciously whenever we appear. They don't want a reasoned opposing viewpoint to be heard. That's their problem.

I'm not going to try to drag anyone to a place they don't want to go. Nobody needs to justify why they don't want to go. All I'm providing is my own testimony on my own experiences, which of the past couple of years, have been quite good and a total contrast to the times before. A lot of those folks like the original series and if my experiences are any indication, there's actually a lot more people supportive of us on Skiffy than I think many are giving them credit for.

Again, nobody should do anything they aren't comfortable with ... except perhaps look in the mirror and figure out if, after 5+ years of this same game, this is really who we all want to be remembered as in the next five years.

Personally, I think life is too damn short to be spent trying to convince people that they shouldn't be my friend because they like a different television series than I do.

... and for those hoping to give the original series a better image, if that is indeed your goal, ... I recall something about how to get more flies.

LSF, I'll address the audio and other stuff tomorrow.

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