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Old March 3rd, 2009, 07:19 AM   #121
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
Larson spent a pretty penny getting the rights from Universal. I don't think he's going to turn around and give 'em back.
I 100% agree. It's highly unlikely to me that Larson is going to give up on his dream of seeing a TOS BSG movie after fighting so hard for it.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 07:22 AM   #122
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Gemini1999 View Post
Hell, I just be happy sending a message of support to Glen Larson, letting him know that there's still interest in a film project based on the original series. I tend to shy away from saying "what we want" though. True, it does make a statement in and of itself, but from the receiving end, it might feel like "this is all we'll accept" (no "what we don't want" statement necessary).

I'm pleased that someone out there hasn't forgotten the orignal series and all the folks that enjoyed it for what it was and what it might become in the future. While there might be some money to be made on such a concept, it's still of interest to someone like me that will gladly pay to sit back and enjoy it.

There are a lot of fans that remember the original series. We sure haven't forgotten, me included.
I think all us here should send a letter of support to Larson.
I salute Larson for his passion and dedication for keeping the "true" Battlestar Galactica alive and well.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 07:24 AM   #123
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by jjrakman View Post
If a Continuation hits the silver screen I will post a live webcast of myself eating corn flakes in the nude.
Looks forward to seeing that!
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 07:27 AM   #124
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
I agree that harnessing this renewed sense of direction would be great. I know at the end of the day it is a lot of effort without much to show for in return. God knows we've all thrown our time, money, and devotion behind this.

I'm trying to get some people together as a sort of promotional team to go out to events in costume and spread the word. I think the biggest bummer is that so many Galactica events go without original series representation anymore. Today there was a small convention in San Diego where most of a panel on "Battlestar Galactica" was devoted to bashing on the original series.

I hate to sound melodramatic, but they're literally declaring superiority and supremacy.

John (The Klingon General here) and I actually tracked some of them down face to face to discuss this (not in a threatening way) and they back pedaled in the face of original series fans. I know not everyone would be into it, and I know a lot of you deserve a break after all the efforts you've put in over the years. I'd just like to represent the REAL Galactica in some capacity with fellow fans.

I'm all for another post card campaign. I'm not sure how much good they do but it can't hurt. Are the Colonial Fan Force post cards still available at Cafe Press?
I say we all get together and send a letter or post cards.
I have another idea as well.
How about an online/email campaign?
Is there a way of us setting up an online petition which all of us can sign?
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 10:45 AM   #125
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
John (The Klingon General here) and I actually tracked some of them down face to face to discuss this (not in a threatening way) and they back pedaled in the face of original series fans.
It was a glorious time!

In all fairness when monolith and I approached one of the panalists that was "pro" the new BSG and was a TOS "Hater" (as monolith stated not in a threatening way)...which I think he still was feeling a bit threatened with a 6 foot tall 250lb Klingon getting right in his face and staring down at him didn't help....LOL!

All I said when monolith and I approached the pannelist was "here is one of the haters." He gave me a big scared looked and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head...he did back pedal real quick and said he didn't hate TOS BSG.

Monolith and I were just wanting him to know that we appreciated the TOS show and wanted him to know that there are fans out here who still appreciate what the TOS BSG stood for. He seemed relieved by our approach...as it should be. As TwoBrainedCylon stated, 'who are we defending against?' I enjoyed your post on this TwoBrainedCylon!

Reaper, you are so dead on! Getting out there and showing others that the TOS fan base is still alive and kicking is what is strongly needed. I too am in the process in getting my colonial uniform and I too will be there hitting as many of these CONs here in the Southern Cal area.

And I challenge any and all of you to do the same in your areas to the best of your abilities...we need to send out a message that goes beyond just mailers and emails (which by the way these should be done as well and in huge force). Attend as many CONs as you can afford and if time does not permit, sponsor someone to go on your behalf.

My Kahless, I thought I would have never see many of you back again but look, here you are...it is a good day to die!

I may play a Klingon here but we are all warriors! It is time we rise back up in unity and in force and make it known to all...TOS BSG IS HERE AND IT IS HERE TO STAY!
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 12:17 PM   #126
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

It's nice to see we aren't alone.


I love his description of the RDM thing!!
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 12:57 PM   #127
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

It may just be me but I feel, at this point in time, a continuation series would be pointless. And not just because it's been such a long time and many of the principle actors are getting on in age, those that are still with us, but because Ron Moore's series has soured the waters. Best to just go back to the source and do the story that should have been, Saga of Star World updated for the times.

I wrote somewhere, the Lords of Kobol know where, on the 'net a long while ago that what I'd like to see is essentially the story presented in the novelization done as (roughly) three one hour acts. The first hour would give us backstory about the colonies, the Cylon Empire, the other alien races inhabiting the 'verse et al. The second hour would be for the sneak attack and exodus. This act wouldn't merely focus on the Galactica but show various battles spread throughout the home sector. Going into the third hour focus would shift to Galactica getting to the home sector- she'd have been crippled and forced to make do with light speed*, thus explaining her late arrival- and while the Cylons are chasing other fleet elements/survivors we'd see the "rag tag" remnants of the Colonials come together around Galactica.

I'd like to see the third act take the Galactica to Carillon, and depict it as the debauched hedonistic bacchanal described in the book, no watered down PG-13 nonsense. In fact I wouldn't worry about ratings. Get the move done, submit it, then re-edit it to get R and PG-13 ratings. No reason you can't have two versions of a movie in theaters, or just released unrated to DVD. Sorry kids but I'm an adult and you can do what I had to do when I was a 'kid' and wanted to see a movie, get someone to sneak you into the theater or rent it for you; or just wait till you're old enough!

From Carillon have the movie end with the fleet setting off into the depths of space. Have a nice bit of narration play that leaves the movie open for another installment. If done right this could be the opening shot of a awesome trilogy.

Alas we'll probably never get anything like that. But as long as we don't have Vipers with legs on them I'll be content.

(*) The one thing Moore's series almost got right was to update the vessels and include, or almost do, more than a handful of ship designs. I'd like to see more than just carrier vessels. A multi-planet space faring race with a blood enemy that has it's own empire would have cruisers, patrol craft, destroyers, interceptors, bombers, and all manner of combat and civilian craft inbetween. With modern CGI this shouldn't pose too much of a problem to do. And the battle scenes would be spectacular.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 01:18 PM   #128
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by LordStarFyre View Post
Just as an addendum to what I said.

As an example, what I'd really like to see is not only a Continuation Movie, (ala the DeSanto version, or BSG-TSC), but I'd LOVE to see Larson/DeSanto/et al flesh out the Colonial History, The beginnings of the Cylon war (the TOS, version, NOT the RDM version) The flight from Kobol (BEFORE the Colonies) The origins of the Battlestars (use the original designs of the Battlestar).

Granted, I realize that what I've suggested would require a series of movies (or New Series???)

I really want to see the "Chariots of the Gods" elements, I REALLY want the "There are those who Believe" narrative.
Regarding a "continuation" storyline, and keeping with the sentiment of my post above, I'd love to see this as the second (or third?) installment of a new trilogy. I'd also like to see ALL material associated with G80 and the GINO series- I had to GOOGLE that bit of genius the other day, kudos to whoever coined the term!- ignored.

And I'll second the "Chariots of the Gods" theme. If only because there is an audience out there now for this sort of material so fans of series like X-Files/Fringe might come over to the movies out of curiosity.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 02:06 PM   #129
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by LordStarFyre View Post
It's nice to see we aren't alone.


I love his description of the RDM thing!!
Oh I have to leave a comment there too....
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 02:47 PM   #130
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Someone posted an article about a fandom raising money for a LA area TV advert, I can't remember which group of fans did it, I'm sure someone knows, but its an interesting idea !!!!
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 06:16 PM   #131
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I have to confess that I am at a stage where my enthusiasm for a "properly done remake" would be nil. To me, the whole dream has been centered on one thing only, and it always struck me as strange how the "unity of purpose" idea couldn't have just come down to one simple message of *continuation* with respect for *continuity*. This has more than anything else been the thing that in the pre-GINO era made me want to scream when I would see Hatch's novels show the most flagrant disregard for continuity of inportant plot points the episodes established and the lousy (and that is the understatement of all time) Dynamite comic book carried this disregard to its ultimate peak. I have always had the sense that the powers that be just never get the fact that Galactica gave us an ongoing storyline involving certain characters and an overall story arc that required you to pay close attention to what was happening in a way that series with self-contained episodes didn't make you do. Granted, Galactica didn't do this to the degree that today's shows do it, but it was the first to pave the way toward this in the sci-fi realm, and if that particular storyline remains permanently unfinished, then I have to say in all honesty, there goes much of my enthusiasm for any big-screen project.

The vision doesn't have to be what I as individual would have done if I were writing it or if one of my fanfic stories were being made, all that would be needed is a story stemming from the same respect for the intelligence of Galactica fans and an appreciation for what actually unfolded in the series because too often I think most people act under the misguided assumption that Galactica fans are fans of a mere gimmick as established in the pilot (and indeed, I think many powers that be assume that the too commonly available for years edited theatrical pilot gives you all you need to know about Galactica. How else can one keep thinking that daggits played a role in every episode or that Starbuck remained a Casanova the whole series, when by the end, he was settled into monogamy with Cassiopeia?) and never cared about what actually unfolded in the stories. Yet this attitude is not taken towards fans of Star Wars or Star Trek.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 06:16 PM   #132
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Reaper View Post
Then with the sucess of GINO (like it or not, it is a popular show that can be called a success)...
I am right there with you Reaper on most of what you said... BUT...

I know I will get in trouble for this, but this is a pet peeve of mine of late, and I have to correct it on facts.

It can be said that GINO is critically acclaimed (even if I disagree), but it is not a success or popular. The numbers simply don't back that up.

Okay, okay... I am stopping now... I here the footsteps! I promise no more mention of the unmentionable!

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Old March 3rd, 2009, 06:26 PM   #133
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
Someone posted an article about a fandom raising money for a LA area TV advert, I can't remember which group of fans did it, I'm sure someone knows, but its an interesting idea !!!!
We did something similar back in 2004.....a small group of people within the Colonial Fleets & ToK (then CA) solicited BSG fans to donate money to put a full page ad in both Daily Variety and Cinescape magazines, both are very high profile TV/Film industry magazines.

There was a goal of 10,000 dollars to be raised and if I remember correctly, meeting the goal was not too difficult. The money was raised, the ad was published and people took notice. There was positive publicity and some negative as well. Some were impressed that a group of fans could raise that much money for any cause, but there was criticism for raising so much money for a cause that didn't benefit anyone directly. I remember that was around the time of the Tsunami in Asia and the ads were published for a bit less than what was originally planned. The extra money was donated to the relief efforts after the disaster. In the end, money was raised for the ads and there was a rather sizable donation to a worthy charity as well. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

You can search on the net and still find references to the fund raising effort, but the website for CFF has long since been taken down.

Ah....those were the glory days!

(oh, if you do a search for Colonial Fan Force on this forum, there are some threads dedicated to the subject - a nice bit of history there)

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Old March 3rd, 2009, 08:52 PM   #134
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Reaper View Post
I think a card campaign is a good start. one that ASKS for a continuation. States that a core fandom continues to exist and we are willing to live in peace with GINO (even if that means accepting the NuBSG way of referring to it)

this is just my $.02.
Whatever we do I think it should be in stages. I was blown away by how well all of our efforts came together all the way through the Fan Force ads. I think starting with a petition (not sure how effective those actually are) then a letter writing campaign, maybe some physical appearances to put a face on all of this, and then something similar.

Easier said than done to be sure. I don't have the first clue how to organize this stuff. However, I'm willing to put in the effort.

I think a continuation is absolutely viable. It has only been a few years since it was last considered to be the best option. Not a whole lot has changed other than the fact that Gino has come and gone. Itch scratched! Now where were we...

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Old March 3rd, 2009, 09:12 PM   #135
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I really hate to be the wet blanket here but I'd like to ask everyone to consider that Universal, Larson, and even Tom DeSanto are going to do whatever is in their own best interests irregardless of what the fans think or want.

If anyone is going to raise any serious money then I beg those gathering the cash to use it in a way that actually produces something worthwhile for the fanbase.

For $10,000 (the arbitarary figure), I'd have made a special edition of the Return of Starbuck with new footage with Dirk, ... or pumped out something else of real worth for the fanbase.

I don't mean this as a slam on the previous efforts as they were commendable jobs but I also ask that folks learn from those experiences. TPTB don't give a rat's ass what fans like us think. Throwing heavy resources at an appreal isn't going to garner any more support from them.

Without diving too deeply in the weeds, I'd personally rather folks get comfortable with the situation as it is now, with GINO and the original series both taking their place in history and Caprica being the show that's presently in the mix.

Failing that, I'd ask that the efforts be placed on something that is mutually beneficial. For example, how far would a combined effort go towards making a good website devoted to the original series. I still haven't seen one done really, really well. How about a few DVDs of combined materials. Jason suggested this a while back and its still a good idea. If the old guard is being reactivated, has anyone considered what John Larocque can bring to the table. I have some pretty prefessional sound recording equipment and Shawn is a very, very good composer. I've heard some of his stuff and the guy has real talent.

I don't think the 14th Colony will ever go anywhere (sorry, but I don't) but the modeling efforts for it have been very impressive. I wouldn't mind seeing a new version of the trailer that came out a few years ago.

Has anyone considered making a series of short audio dramas. I've been playing with "GINO - The Audio Drama" but I find it hard to believe that a group of dedicated fans can't come up with something good.

In essence, the future of Galactica is in the hands of the fans, not the networks. If you're going to pool resources, then do so towards something that will get results.

As I've said, I'm a divorced guy with a boat and as such, I like to see effort going towards something with a payoff. Convincing TPTB or a hostile fan audience that the original series is where its at is a losing battle from the onset. I ask that folks focus on something that will give a reward.

Off my soap box now.

If this sounds insane, then feel free to discount it.

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Old March 3rd, 2009, 09:38 PM   #136
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Sandy -

You do make some excellent points there. Historically speaking, CFF was the one single effort where everyone came together and actually met the goal it set out to do. From what I've observed, every other effort of any kind always fell victim to problems from within - differences in regards to direction, content, etc. always seemed to lead to the effort falling apart. When I think of the fact that BSG's 30th anniversary came and went without any major fan produced project of any significance seemed to be a sign that people had given it up and wandered off to pursue other interests.

If there is to be any kind of an "effort" to show support for a new project, you're probably right....people taking whatever resources they have and use those resources to create something, anything, even if it's just an individual thing - collectively, all those "things" add up as a show of interest.

When people talk about a petition - look at the current fanbase....how many signatures really can be collected? Even if someone started a letter writing campaign to Universal or Glen Larson, how many letters or cards would it generate? In the end, it might build up a bit of morale thinking that we're doing something to show interest, but when you consider the numbers collectively, it's just not large enough to create the desired effect.

It's frustrating at times.... I mean, it feels nice to see some people come back and discuss BSG, but when you look at the number of people that haven't come back, it's easy to feel discouraged about it as a whole. When I first came upon Colonial Fleets in 2003, this site was bustling with activity about BSG and SciFi in general. Now, the site is very small in terms of active posts and it's generally remembered on other boards as the site that voiciferously declined endorsing Ron Moore's BSG (I still see an occasional comment about that on the Skiffy board).

Maybe it's all timing..... Maybe when TNS has finished it's broadcast run in a few weeks and after the direct to DVD film is released this summer, that might be the time when BSG fans new and old will look for a new direction to focus their interest. If and when there's further news and development on this project with Glen Larson's name on it, that might be the time that at least more people will look towards the concept of TOS to get their BSG fix for the lack of anything else.

Who knows what the future holds? I sure don't.

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Old March 3rd, 2009, 11:38 PM   #137
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Well, maybe we just do our own things I suppose. Getting everyone to agree on a direction might be hard as we've had little return for our efforts in the past. I'd rather see everyone come back or keep the ones who have than disagree on a direction to go and drive people back out of it all.

As much as it can be a wet blanket, the truth is that everyone here has very good reasons to be skeptical about this feature film news. I'm just not willing to "accept" the way things are as the way they will always be. Again, I most certainly don't mean that as any sort of slam. There is not a person here I don't respect and wouldn't be willing to call my friend.

Seeing everyone come back does feel sort of like a mobilization. It could have been my excitement at seeing so many old names of thinking "now we'll show 'em that the original fans are still around!". Sort of a Cain moment now that I think about it.

I do hope this movie happens. I think it is what the fans deserve. I can't not hope that. I also have no illusions that Hollywood gives a frack what we deserve.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 04:35 AM   #138
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When people talk about a petition - look at the current fanbase....how many signatures really can be collected? Even if someone started a letter writing campaign to Universal or Glen Larson, how many letters or cards would it generate? In the end, it might build up a bit of morale thinking that we're doing something to show interest, but when you consider the numbers collectively, it's just not large enough to create the desired effect.

If anyone remembers the past and need to learn from it again, then lt us all say in unison, Screw! any petitions in regards to a revival.

They've only served to show fans (or geeks/nerds to the TPTB) the desperation factor of those who liked/loved an old TV. Pop culture and sociaties reactions to any cult series itself, should be the ultimate measuring stick or what people would want in the long run of things without the inteference or manipulation by others in the in-crowd (hollywood insiders and "snarks" alike) who seek their own interests out of how an old TV property would/can be revived.

Harsh but true, lets get over this how it should've been brought back, as most people outside of "TV-land" already know that answer, and those fond memories and 'sentimentalism' has gone a long way in 30 plus years and we've talked it to death 1'000 times a month 'on-and-off' and thensome. But like monolith says, i feel the respect factor everybody has for the old series, seriously outweights any kind of smart-alec conversation material we all ten to talk about generally, and that the old BSG always did deserve the big screen treatment regardless.

Like many have you have already stated, its the 'how' would it be done and by whom?

Originally Posted by Gemini
When I think of the fact that BSG's 30th anniversary came and went without any major fan produced project of any significance seemed to be a sign that people had given it up and wandered off to pursue other interests.

True, kinda had my vision for something like that 9 and half months regarding the pre-attempted "Fandom Put-Together DVD Documentaries". It was merely postponed due to my PC errors. Regardless of what i'm planning to do this year, i want to resume it (finger crossed), once my phoneline and PC issues are put to bed with and i've organised how i'd go about it with you all.

I'll say nothing more until i'm clear what'll happen for sure.

And while, i kinda disagree with Sandy on the 14th Colony thing, i do agree with the stern but truthful way, he's addressed the entire situation of this topic, and between the two of us, i'd back his make an investment with cash statement, if the fanbase WAS properly organised and could actually put something worthwhile together. We should learn from everthing thats transpired before in the past, thus avoid going over the same damn thing and talking about the same similar discussions without truly learning from certain issues that cropped put but weren't ever dealt with right by us with alot of negative sentiment, always getting in the way. We're all gulity of it but in a good and always positive manner, thus i hink our respect for one another, has always been through the coversations we've had that are like brain candy, and made us think in a multitude of ways (TONS) of how every barrier this fandom's face could be addressed.

And once again i'll say for the record, that outside the internet. Classic BSG has always been alot bigger in its support and popularity than its been online for some bizarre weird reason. So don't lose hope in the face of how there are much less online posters and forum members today.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 05:04 AM   #139
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I hadn't forgotten about the $12,000 we raised for CFF !!!! But thanks for reminding anyone who may have done Gemini1999 !

I was actually referring to this article which I've now found again :


With the CGI skills of this fanbase, I would have thought we could do this too ?
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Old March 4th, 2009, 06:21 AM   #140
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Without diving too deeply in the weeds, I'd personally rather folks get comfortable with the situation as it is now, with GINO and the original series both taking their place in history and Caprica being the show that's presently in the mix.
Caprica is "in the mix", insofar as the Sci-Fi channel is concerned. The interactions which led to this thread being started in the first place were not surrounding the production of a show for TV but, for theaters. These two productions are not mutually exclusive.


On another note, there are many words of wisdom that I've seen on this thread, in particular, and on this site, in general. There have been many agreements in thought and many differences in opinion which is healthy for conversation. Those differences, oftentimes, give folks "something to think about". I've found that the best thing for me to do is to sift through the differences in opinion and see how it all makes sense to me. Somewhere in the midst of those thoughts or in a combination of ideas, will be the truth or the way that I want to proceed.

While some may "ask for another card", others are content to "hold" theirs. Personally, I don't like to jump into something, both feet, until I have an idea of just what it means to jump into something with both feet. That's the way that I feel about the possibility of this movie.

In my opinion, we're too early in the process, to know just what's going to happen and, unfortunately, a bit too jaded about past misfortunes to feel confident enough to "hitch our wagon to that star".

However, there is also a danger if we simply sit on our hands and wait to see what develops. We will then, have to 'take what we get' which is what happened with the Moore production.

So, what do we do?

My first suggestion would be to spread the word in whichever way would yield the most ears hearing it or the most eyes seeing it.

One quick way would be to advertise on our respective websites and to reach out to other sites, to spread the word. It would be inexpensive and involve a minimal of time writing some code for the message.

Once that's done, make initial contact with some of the players especially Universal and Larson. Just let them know your preference, "repeat our message", and refer them to whichever website for more information.

Short and sweet. Just let them know we're out here.

Just like the guy who wears a ball cap that is blue with gold letters "ND". After seeing the guy a few times, with the same hat, I'd get the idea that he likes Notre Dame. Same concept with this. Keep the message out there.

Who knows, we may reach 1,000 people or 1,000,000 people if we do this.

We will reach nobody if we do nothing.

My suggestion would be to start up another thread to brainstorm ideas so that we could see what's feasible and what's not. That won't require much from anyone except a little thought.

So, whomever has the initiative, go ahead and start the thread.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 07:11 AM   #141
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by BST View Post
So, whomever has the initiative, go ahead and start the thread.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 08:48 AM   #142
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post
I really hate to be the wet blanket here but I'd like to ask everyone to consider that Universal, Larson, and even Tom DeSanto are going to do whatever is in their own best interests irregardless of what the fans think or want.

If anyone is going to raise any serious money then I beg those gathering the cash to use it in a way that actually produces something worthwhile for the fanbase.

For $10,000 (the arbitarary figure), I'd have made a special edition of the Return of Starbuck with new footage with Dirk, ... or pumped out something else of real worth for the fanbase.

I don't mean this as a slam on the previous efforts as they were commendable jobs but I also ask that folks learn from those experiences. TPTB don't give a rat's ass what fans like us think. Throwing heavy resources at an appreal isn't going to garner any more support from them.

Without diving too deeply in the weeds, I'd personally rather folks get comfortable with the situation as it is now, with GINO and the original series both taking their place in history and Caprica being the show that's presently in the mix.

Failing that, I'd ask that the efforts be placed on something that is mutually beneficial. For example, how far would a combined effort go towards making a good website devoted to the original series. I still haven't seen one done really, really well. How about a few DVDs of combined materials. Jason suggested this a while back and its still a good idea. If the old guard is being reactivated, has anyone considered what John Larocque can bring to the table. I have some pretty prefessional sound recording equipment and Shawn is a very, very good composer. I've heard some of his stuff and the guy has real talent.

I don't think the 14th Colony will ever go anywhere (sorry, but I don't) but the modeling efforts for it have been very impressive. I wouldn't mind seeing a new version of the trailer that came out a few years ago.

Has anyone considered making a series of short audio dramas. I've been playing with "GINO - The Audio Drama" but I find it hard to believe that a group of dedicated fans can't come up with something good.

In essence, the future of Galactica is in the hands of the fans, not the networks. If you're going to pool resources, then do so towards something that will get results.

As I've said, I'm a divorced guy with a boat and as such, I like to see effort going towards something with a payoff. Convincing TPTB or a hostile fan audience that the original series is where its at is a losing battle from the onset. I ask that folks focus on something that will give a reward.

Off my soap box now.

If this sounds insane, then feel free to discount it.



First and foremost, I hope you have been well! I haven't posted on the same board with you in a while. It's good to see you again!

As usual, I agree with the wisdom in your post!

I do have one question for you:

What happened to the BSG audio production you were making? It just kind of disapeared and you moved onto other projects. You finished Ep 1 (which was pretty well received) and was working on Ep 2, (which I would have had a small role in), and then it just kind of died.

Just curious.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 10:22 AM   #143
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I must say.... I've been doing a bit of musing since last night - mostly over Sandy's recent post. He said that he didn't mean it to be a wet blanket, but in a way, it's had that effect on me. My thoughts have mostly been in the way of this - If Glen Larson is really going to do a BSG film based on the original series, who would he be doing it for? Is he doing it for himself as a commercial venture, purely to make money? Is he doing it as a creative venture where he can finally do the story that he actually wanted to do without the restrictions of a network holding the story back, or watering it down? Aside from that, I'm thinking in terms of audience. Is he doing it for the folks that clamored for a new series or film based on the original in years past, or would he be doing a film for a completely different audience in the same way that JJ Abrams is attempting to court a new audience for his Trek film?

When I look at the current state of BSG fandom, the only really active part is that surrounding the SciFi Channel series. There's the SciFi.com board and many others brimming with activity and conversation to show interest, although it doesn't seem to help ratings any. Where the original series is concerned, there's only a few sites left to remember the original series by and the posting traffic on those sites is woefully small. If Larson were taking a look at online activity and interest towards a film based on the original series, I shudder to think as to what he'd find. There's a lot of commentary that signifies doubt that Larson could ever pull off such a project. If I were in his shoes and depending on how he takes it, one could come to the conclusion that he'd either "prove the doubters wrong", or just go off in his own direction and blaze a new path for BSG. Another option would be to sell those film rights to the highest bidder and take what money that can be gotten from them without any effort or the possibility of a financial loss from a project that didn't succeed (a la Serenity).

I understand people's trepidation, but it seems to be that the "old guard" has largely given up on such an idea and it's the newest batch of people that post at this site and a few others that still have a bit of drive left in them to show interest in something new.

It reminds me of that scene in "Saga" where Adama tells Athena: "I don't want it anymore, let someone else do it, take this burden from me...." It feels like those that clamored for it before are doing just that, leaving it to others because they've felt that they've done enough and now it's time for someone else to do the cheerleading this time.

I'm not exactly crying into my tea over this, but I'm sure that you get the general idea and it's one of disappointment.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 12:21 PM   #144
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Thumbs up Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Hoping this one comes true, it will be awesome to finally see what we want. Count me in.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 03:19 PM   #145
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BST, Malkyte, and Bryan,

This is a combined answer and a long-ass rant so I apologize. My response hits all three of your postings.

I meet Larson's news with a dispassionate shrug. I don't think it will ever happen because we've been down this road before. The words "Fooled me once" seem particularly relevant here. If Larson is reading this, then Glen, ... seriously, what did you expect after your previous bogus statements.

Universal says the rumor has no substance. A couple of sites claim this is because they don't want to compromise contract negotiations with actors, etc. and that has happened before on other films. Perhaps, but a broken clock is also correct twice a day. What I find telling is that no "insiders" are reacting to this at all. The usual suspects who would be contacted to do the VFX haven't whispered a peep. For as much as many of us aren't fond of GINO, if you were going to make a Galactica film using the ships in the fleet, where would you go to get your models? I'd think you'd be wanting to use your CG money as effectively as possible and that wouldn't include having new modelers rework the entire fleet when most of that is already done.

I believe Larson well knows where some fine models already exist. As best I've heard, none of those folks have been contacted.

Very few Sci-Fi projects are considered without some people I know whispering about it. Nothing on this one.

So, at best, I have to place this as an idea, not a funded project, ... same as six months ago, ... same as last year, same as 2003, and 2001, 1995, and on back.

If I'm wrong in this then so be it and I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

Even if I am, I don't think I'm wrong in that whatever this project turns out to be, its not going to be affected one way or another by anything we're doing as a fanbase. The last person who was swayed by this fanbase was Ron Moore and I think we can all agree that few of us made any efforts to guide him towards what we wanted. We can debate if that would have had any affect but as a group, we never made the attempt. How he acted is irrelevant for our side of that interaction. He was responsible for how he acted. We're responsible for how we did ... and are responsible for how we act in the future.

In that, I agree that any message anyone in this fanbase gives should be a positive one. My difference with most of the folks here is that I think it should be focused on how to best enjoy the existing situation. Since 2003, Battlestar Galactica has largely been defined for most on this board by a recurring example of what we don't like, what offends us, and what twists our jaw. The production team in GINO did their part by continually supplying us with material to complain about. In that, we were all participants in a mutally dependant circle.

Fleets is the lone place that opted out of that game and in that, I greatly commend the people running the place. If Fleets is only remembered for that, I think its reputation will go down as having stood up for something honorable and handling everyone in the best fashion possible. Given the nature of those complaining about this place, I can't say anyone here has much to fear.

Jon Rogers once said the future of Galactica is in the hands of the fans. I agree with that. I once wanted to coordinate fan efforts together to flow along some loose theme but I've abandoned that, partly because my concept probably was overly idealistic but also because this fanbase is its own worst enemy. If that deflates the enthusiasm of the members here, ... well, perhaps it should. Maybe by facing that, some good will occur.

I could ask those who wish things were better or different what they PERSONALLY have done to promote the Galactica theme. One idea is to wear costumes and raise awareness. That's a fine action. My only reservation was that people not do that with the concept that they will change the minds of fanboys who are dedicated to hating the original series or sway TPTB because that is akin to throwing yourself against a brick wall in the hopes that you can do it twice as hard the next time.

... but beyond that, what has anyone done? Don has created some fine models, ... and finished a few of them also. I think we've all enjoyed his work. The 14th Colony crowd jumpstarted a lagging CG artwork effort for a while and that was also commendable. Dave Kerin has done special edits that some have enjoyed. I kicked an occasionally peanut into the pile now and again. Somewhere around 2005 and earlier, there was some fan fiction being written.

Beyond that, ... do I hear crickets?

Keeping in mind, this is covering a SIX YEAR PERIOD.

... more crickets?

Malkyte asked why there wasn't any more Exodus Audio dramas. The plain answer is that nobody in my target audience seemed to give a damn. I got far, far more compliments from the GINO fanboys than I did from anyone in this fanbase. That was a several CD production and each hour took about 45 hours to write and produce. I could do it now in 1/3rd the time but back then, I was struggling with no equipment and learning as I went. It was a serious dedication in which a handful of us really put in some efforts to try to kickstart the fanbase.

The responses were equal to what I got when I released a single CG still that took about 2 hours to create. It was a minor blip on the fanbase radar and faded in about three days. On top of that, I got massacred over and over by the GINO fanboys and from my memory, not a single person from this fanbase bothered to do as much as make a single post defending my effort. It was a few of my "Internet rivals" who stepped up and spoke up for me saying that things were getting too harsh. I don't pretend that I need to be spoon-fed or pampered but present that because it did send a message as to just how much folks DIDN'T really care one way or another.

When I get asked "Why don't you do more?" my answer is "Where were you?" (That's not directed towards Malkyte who asked the question because I know where he was. He was ready to help, without reservations, and was willing to do all he could).

GINO - The Audio Production gets far, far better responses and only takes about 1/10th the time to produce. Plus, a Diane happily stepped up to help when I needed her. (Thanks!!! You were and still are terrific!!!)

Compare that to a more recent project. Most of you don't likely know that not too long ago, a small handful of us laid the groundwork to put together some DVDs as a sort of living documentary to Galactica. I was prepared to lay down $20,000 to make that happen in a way that it could be done right. The first step to doing this was to ask everyone to pool the stuff they had and send a copy to Dawg, ... a very simple request. If three people eventually did that, that's two more than I remember. We couldn't even get folks together well enough to send materials they have burned on backup DVDs or on their hard drives.

That's when I threw in the towel as far as doing anything for this fanbase.

I think I'm a pretty good judge of the effort it takes to complete projects these days. That's why I don't see the 14th Colony ever seeing the light of day. I say that sparingly because it became abundantly clear that I had issues with the concept behind that project but I think its obvious to anyone who has followed it for more than five minutes that the effort was mismatched between its goals and capabilities from the onset.

I compliment Jon Rogers in his drive to keep pushing that to completion. If he reads this, my only suggetion is that he scales the effort down to something that can be obtained in a reasonable time wiht the resources he has available.

As one who sorta threw the gauntlet down at his feet, I'd also like to be the first to say that we all understand just how challenging the effort was and there is nothing to be ashamed of in retooling the effort into something that is closer within reach.

... or not, as best fits where you guys want to go with it.

Which indirectly leads to why I am the "wet blanket" on this issue. I don't want to say that I'm "Done with Galactica" but honestly, I don't want to join your campaign. I don't want to worry about what anyone else thinks of a television series I like. I don't care what Ron Moore or David Eick or Glen Larson says about how just maybe, if the moon is half full and I eat the green M&Ms with three candles burning, there just might be a chance that a continuation might come my way.


Someday, everyone is going to have to accept, ... and I mean REALLY accept, that Ron got control of Galactica and turned it into something he thought was cool and which many of us hated. I believe that everyone will also have to accept that Battlestar Galactica is not going to return in the way that people desperately wish it would. I really wish I was wrong on that but I respect everyone way too much to pretend otherwise.

So, I wish that everyone would instead focus on enjoying Battlestar Galactica rather than fighting for it. I think we'd all enjoy our personal experiences a lot more and would enjoy how we interact as a group a lot more.

I don't know if that sounds sagely or stupid ... but sincerely, I don't think that's an unreasonable position.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 04:47 PM   #146
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Just speaking for myself in terms of what I've been doing, I'll admit I found it was just easier for me to contract myself into the world of my one fanfic group where there's a half dozen of us writing our own ongoing VS project. I have to admit, even though I know it's not read by a large audience overall really doesn't discoruage me much because it's ultimately been more of a creative exercise for myself and satisfying my own unfulfilled dreams about how I wish the show could have gone afterwards. The drawback of such an attitude is that it can have the effect of cutting back on one's reading time of other authors who put out equally fine creative work according to their own visions. I know I've been guilty of contracting myself to a narrow sphere, but in truth, that's been my kneejerk reaction to the feeling that being involved on a more active level has only brought more in the way of aggravation ever since GINO was unleashed on us and that it was best for me to scale back involvement to keep having one way of enjoying Galactica as I knew it.

I'll agree that there is a lack of enthusiasm for "raising awareness". I think that boils down to the fact that the period of 2004-05 was a time when it seemed as if *decades* of hard work and fighting the good fight to raise the profile of Galactica just seemed to go up in smoke overnight, and suddenly every last little lie and every last little piece of disinformation about the series that we spent all those years combating was given a new aura of legitimacy. How many times did any of us in some forum somewhere get fed up having to hear someone invoke the themes of (1) Galactica was a ratings flop or (2) the show that gave us the silly daggit every week? I know I did. I ended up in a LOT of acrimonious discussions at non-Galactica outlets like the Film Score Monthly Message Board because it seemed like this was coming up over and over because some fawning media critic in a newspaper praising the other show would invoke it, and someone would repeat it etc. etc. over and over. And then the ultimate final straw was the Dynamite Comic book disaster which seemed to cement once and for all the fact that people in positions of influence didn't give a damn about the original series fanbase, so why bother even trying to do something big any further? Contracting myself to a narrow fanfic group which does read and appreciate each other's work was a much easier solution ultimately. It saddened me to see outlets like Battlestar Pacifica, which I was a co-moderator of, suddenly disappear in the dead of night, but I understood how the zeal was gone and I could hardly blame the old-timers because even with the end of that other show, how can you summon the will to start from the bottom again when all the years you spent beforehand came to naught?

Goodness knows, if there is something to the Larson rumor I'd watch it with interest and hope for the best, but I have to count myself among those who are past the point of signing petititons or contributing money because I just have never had the sense that the effort is appreciated by those who have the power to do something. This is one time I'd like to be proved wrong, but for now, the whole Larson thing is starting to sound like a case of Yogi Berra's "deja vu all over again" expression in action.

That said, I do think Galactica fans (and I include myself in this since I should better acquaint myself than I have with others creativity) should make better use of the *large* outpouring of creativity there's been over the years. How many are aware of the largest Galactica fanfic site on the net that's been going strong since 1995? You'll find a lot to occupy your time here from many years worth of diverse contributions and I've seen few TV shows that ever matched this level of output.


I think at times there's been a tendency to underestimate just how anxious so many have been over the years to explore further the continuing storyline that was interrupted. But if one looks at the output, I think that can offer some level of comfort if the project we all wished for never happens, and I do think those who have a similar gift of creativity should keep at it, because while sometimes the feedback level isn't enough, I think it *is* appreciated a good deal.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 05:45 PM   #147
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Sandy -

First off, I'd like to thank you for your response. You characterized part of it as a rant, but I never found it so. I've seen your rants before, so if this was indeed a rant, you're mellowing.

I'm not directing what I said soley at you as "the wet blanket", nor anyone else either. When you wrote your post last night, I read it and responded with one of mine and at the time I wrote the post, I understood what you meant and I was able to just roll with it. It's just that the majority of the posts from the original crowd seem quite wary and almost unwilling to consider the announcement (or whatever it was) that Larson was going to make a BSG film.

When I see how some folks are getting excited and wanting to contact someone, or make some kind of effort to get their attention and let them know that we're still here and still behind the idea of a film project, I can't help but be excited by that. There's so little in the BSG community to get excited about these days and now that the Skiffy series is coming to an end, it feels very timely. I really do understand where folks are coming from. People like you have created websites, done CGI work, made their own audio productions and a slew of other tributes to the original series and nobody's expecting you to do any more than you're doing now. You're right, there are too many people sitting around waiting for someone else to do or say something. Lord knows if I could do CGI, or if I could write a story, or anything of value that would contribute, I'd definitely be doing it. I would never criticize anyone for the efforts they've made in the past.

I'm not attempting to shame anyone into doing anything at all, I was just voicing some feelings I was having inside at the moment. If those were misconstued as finger wagging, I'm sorry as that wasn't my intention.

I do have an open mind about Larson making a film and I know that there's little to go on at this point and I can afford to be patient until there's more to hear - if at all.

I guess what I'm really missing is those days when the TOS BSG community was still a community, even if we all didn't agree with each other all the time. I feel that there are still good times to be had as a community, even if we don't have something specific to focus on.

Just call me the "mopey one", I guess.

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Old March 4th, 2009, 05:46 PM   #148
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I agree that sometimes feedback to work is not in the number the artist hopes it would be. However that does not mean it isn't being enjoyed. I've found in business too often people speak up for negative responses and rarely speak up for compliments. Luckily the group here is generally supportive. Yes, the topic may not go on at the top of the list forever, but it does seem appreciated.

While I would love to see more done for the fans, by the fans... I have not exactly been hearing the crickets either. Just looking through this site there are a number of people creating things through their enjoyment of BSG and being a fan.

A quick current look brought this (and these are single instances of a larger amount of work)

Titon's recent vid

Taranis' models and renders.

The amazing modeling by Folkrm

Cylon Helmet and backpack plans

Lt Donovan's models and renders

animaniacs models and renders

Shane's World Cylon Artwork

fretslayer2's intro for project

Peter's Encounter (that sounds dirty)

Merlins designs and models

Starship's fighter model/design

Apollo COTG's work

And there's the work at https://www.battlestarfanfilms.com

There's the talented modelers at foundation3d.com.

The Fanfic of Eric and many others.

The work of the 14th Colony (whether completed or not, it shows interest and desire)

And as a fan from day one, I can attest to my contributions (and not doing this to brag or blow my own horn(that's what she said) but I know me rather well and what I have done). Now I know these are not up to standards of some, but I did them as a fan, for fans, and I completed them. (As have many others with their work.) I've also had the pleasure of seeing people sharing parts of them on youtube and hearing responses from people not of this site or our immediate community. So in some ways my sub-par work has done some bit to remind others of what the original show was and raise awareness.

Here's my years in bsg (not including drawing vipers in school... although I may have to scan and share some at some point)

Started with doing artwork to learn 3d programs. Some early stuff here. This really introduced me to the online fandom.

Sentinels Comic

Sentinels Trailer (plus exerpts from the re-edits at this site)

Fan Edits of Saga, LPOTG, GOIPZ, WOT, LL, EIT, HOG, Return of Starbuck and a crossover episode I edited together combining BSG and Space 1999 (9 fan edits total).
The BSG/1999 and a few other things can be found here https://www.youtube.com/battlestar1999

There are two different trailers doing crossovers of BSG with Apes and V (also at above youtube page)

Continuing artwork which can be found at Renderosity and here under titles "Worlds of Battlestar Galactica"

Now working on animated story and have the teaser and artwork in progress here at CF.

I wish there was more done, I'm sure any fan would. But as a fan I have not heard crickets either. Eric is right, there is a large gathering of creativity from over the years, and I think people exploring the series can find a great deal here and elsewhere. To say no one has been doing anything is a disservice to the people who are creating things in their personal time for BSG and sharing them. And anyone with that creative spark should keep at it, whether the response is what was hoped for or not. If you enjoy it then stay at it... and I bet you someone else will enjoy it too. Of course there will always be those who tell you how it should have been different, but maybe that will get them to go and create something themselves.

If it wasn't for the sharing of creativity in the BSG community I doubt I would have done anything near what I listed above.

So be a fan and enjoy it! I think doing that is what inspires the creativity in many. There will always be the ones who will argue, but after 5 years of GINO and losing DeSanto's version, on the whole that fight is long over, and those remaining do so because they love the show.

My 2 cents.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 06:10 PM   #149
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Gemini1999 View Post
I guess what I'm really missing is those days when the TOS BSG community was still a community, even if we all didn't agree with each other all the time. I feel that there are still good times to be had as a community, even if we don't have something specific to focus on.

Just call me the "mopey one", I guess.



You're not the only one being mopey and with good reason. We share the same feelings and loss about the TOS community. That might contribute to my aversion at anyone screaming that we should take up the sword and fight, yet again, for what is a fruitless cause ... convincing blindly hostile people that they should be more appreciative of the original series and its fans and trying to get the attention of TPTB who clearly don't care.

I never felt you or anyone was pointing any fingers, nor was I trying to do so myself. I was only trying to illustrate that as a group, at times, we're a lot like a group of drunks at the bar vowing that as soon as they finish the next round, they're going to figure out why they're all becoming alcoholics.

Perhaps in that vein, combining the response to Malkyte about why I'm not doing any more Galactia projects was a misstep. It wasn't meant as an attack but merely a "State of the Fanbase", ... or at least for those wishing that something would have been made for the 30th anniversary.

Also, in the interest of total disclosure, there's probably a lesson from Iraq here, although some won't really like it because it sounds too much like surrender to some.

I think its probably time for almost everyone here to return to the Skiffy board and engage with the fans there. I see the end of GINO a lot like the Iraqi reconcilliation. There's a lot of ugly people there but the rules aren't the same as they used to be. Civility is militantly enfored (usually - sometimes its ignored). I think positive interactions there is probably a good idea, not because I think that we're going to sway anyone but because I hope it will start to restore a sense of unity.

They're a fractured lot as well and in many ways, in the same vein as we were a few years ago.

I also think that there's some good friendships to be made there. I know I have. I think some representation from the more reasonable of us can only be a benefit.

Eric, I didn't know you were still writing. I read the first few pages of the Baltar story. Good stuff. With some polish, it could make for a good audio production if you could get someone to produce it. I think your mastery of the Galactica story would be a pretty good foundation for a continuation via audio -- just a suggestion.

Jason, I look forward to seeing what you do with the DVDs.

For myself, expect two more episodes of "GINO - The Audio Production" and then I'm done with Galactica in every fashion except for checking out other folks productions and making occasional posts on the boards.

I respect French maids for their minds.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 06:42 PM   #150
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

A Lot of good points have been made.

Eric, I think you hit the nail on the head.

So many of us, through the years, have dedicated countless hours, weeks, etc. pushing for, debating, fighting for, and putting out lots of energy for something that, in the end, seemed to vanish before our eyes.

The object of our drive was taken away by RDM and his followers, and turned into something that while named BSG, resembles very little of what we had fought for.

We have been ridiculed by the supporters of RDM, as well as RDM himself, ignored by the Suits, and had 4 years worth of Jiggling, former Playboy Bunny "Cylons" presented as "superior" to what we had fought for. We have heard the same arguments, over and over from the ginoids for years, berating TOS, in their frantic effort to bolster their RDM version, and downgrade the TOS.

After all of that, many of us, myself included. fell away. Hope for a return of the TOS, either as a Continuation, or in any shape manner or form we wanted seemingly gone.

However, all that being said, something about the Larson rumour was enough to bring more than just a few back.

Why is that?

Now, what Sandy has said may be spot on. Larson may "sell us out" to the Suits. Or, the rumour may just simply be the dying career gasps of a 73 year old Producer, who admittedly has seen his best efforts long in his rear view mirror.

But still, even if the odds are long against us , both in the rumour even being true, or us having any impact at all, have we all gotten so skeptical, jaded, or worse, resigned to the idea that BSG, as we could even hope for is completely dead in the wake of RDMs thing?

If we really have resigned ourselves to that, then what is it that brought people back?

Was it maybe, just maybe, that for the briefest of moments, before the old battles, old efforts, bad memories of defeat came welling back, we had hope again?

In light of that, can we honestly say that it's dead?

It may very well be.

But, is it?
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