Originally Posted by Laura
Battlestar Galactica may be fiction but sometimes fiction inspires us to think about real things.
I'm not going to get into this discussion (suffice it to say I find faith to be a deeply personal thing that means different things to different people and it is too easy to offend those who are easily offended), but, Laura, this statement is a Great Truth that applies not just to BSG but to science fiction (for that matter, fiction, period) as a whole.
The most beneficial use of science fiction to society is to speak to certain aspects of society. The best example of this is Star Trek, which address matters such as gender equality and racial equality long before we as a society had come to grips with those questions (and we still have trouble with them occasionally). In BSG, too, there were minority and women actors in roles of equal authority and camaraderie - and were treated no differently than anyone else. These were ideals to strive for, in both cases, and the fictional setting allowed us to look at what could be in a very comfortable way.
It's one way we teach our children our values - I think another name for them are "parables".
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