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Old October 3rd, 2005, 02:57 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Damocles
Not likely.

Exotic matter; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_matter

Wormholes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wormhole

Tylium would not be matter as we understand it to work.

We wouldn't even see it.

Instead it would most likely correspond to dark matter;


That explanation(visualization of how it works by analogy) is just(barely plausible)within the realm of real physics.

Hope that helps
Yep....This does no real violence to the Alderson Drive approach(that's the name given to the Niven/Pournelle drive)...I'm more concerned with the strategic and tactical effects, and trying to rationalize what we see on the screen...
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 03:14 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by peter noble
Yes, but what happens if they reverse the polarity of the neutron flow?
You die.
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 03:25 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Damocles
Bussard: Eeewwwwww I never cared for the ram-scoop concept...

I think VASMIR is pretty interesting, though, and a lot more practical than something like NERVA...I have this "thing" about steam rocket exhaust that got excited by pumping it over uranium honeycombs blasting through the local planetary airspace.

OTOH, I think VASIMR might be a good basis for Viper propulsion...
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Old October 4th, 2005, 09:08 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by WarMachine
BSG Tech Manual site,
Is there a link to this site available?
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Old October 4th, 2005, 09:47 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by warhammerdriver
Is there a link to this site available?

That is the Babylon 5 Tech siite.

Also maintained is this;


which is the companion Battlestar Galactica Technical site.

Note that there is no GINO at the Battlestar Galactica Tech site. This site is strictly classical Galactica.

If you want details about that, you'll have to go elsewhere, as frankly the site administrator feels that the science in GINO is just not credible and won't touch it.

Or you could ask me privately off this site(I respect the CF ban.). I don't think GINO's science is any more valid than it's fiction, either.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 07:07 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Tabitha
Anyhow, in theory, the ions were so excited that they gave off some wierd kind of pulsing that they wernt sure about, which is why it never saw the light of day, but they think it may have been the first sign of gravity being thrown off from the furnace. If that was true, then that might be the first gravity drive. Wouldnt that push the Gal faster than light speed, since grativons are faster than light, as gravity takes effect before the light or sound of a singularity effects another?

I just reread this. The problem with a gravity-wave drive coming from the Gal is, what does it do to the rest of the RTFF? I think the rust-buckets of the fleet would get crushed the instant the Gal went to lightspeed.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 05:09 AM   #37
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Seriously though, I read in Popular Science about a type of propulsion that NASA had considered, it used nuke drives fed with some kind of ion particles that would create more thrust than just a series of nukes.
I think it was something to do with helium ion or something because the gas was stable and all until it broke down in the nuke furnace, then it became terribly dynamic.

Anyhow, in theory, the ions were so excited that they gave off some wierd kind of pulsing that they wernt sure about, which is why it never saw the light of day, but they think it may have been the first sign of gravity being thrown off from the furnace. If that was true, then that might be the first gravity drive. Wouldnt that push the Gal faster than light speed, since grativons are faster than light, as gravity takes effect before the light or sound of a singularity effects another? Im not sure, I read the stuff, but honestly, Im usually more interested in Cosmopolitan than Cosmology.

Brief answer;
Nobody KNOWS the speed of gravity with absolute certainty but we can predict tides to the second, based on the assumption that gravity is an influence that propogates at the speed of light. There is a big gaping hole in cosmology right now and a big fat problem-either the stars are too old or the universe is too young. Something is wrong and we need to understand gravity a lot better if we are going to fix it.(Complicated-involves apparent violations of conservation of angular momentum by rotating galaxies, fouled up red shifts, lots of missing mass and cosmic background radiation showing as clustered signal distributed in a screwy way-right in the direction of the Earth's poles-generally Galactic north/south when the radiation should be a uniform glow across the sky!)


I just reread this. The problem with a gravity-wave drive coming from the Gal is, what does it do to the rest of the RTFF? I think the rust-buckets of the fleet would get crushed the instant the Gal went to lightspeed.

Even briefer answer:
Inverse square law applies to all forces that influence across a field, which includes gravity. Beyond a few thousand meters from your(now collapsing into the hypermass) "alligator" the effect is minor. Plus to generate gravity waves powerful enough to move the ship, you need a few trillion ton hypermass the size of a golfball. OOPs, the hypermass can't move. Its too massive!

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Old October 24th, 2005, 06:15 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Damocles
Brief answer;
Nobody KNOWS the speed of gravity with absolute certainty but we can predict tides to the second, based on the assumption that gravity is an influence that propogates at the speed of light. There is a big gaping hole in cosmology right now and a big fat problem-either the stars are too old or the universe is too young. Something is wrong and we need to understand gravity a lot better if we are going to fix it.(Complicated-involves apparent violations of conservation of angular momentum by rotating galaxies, fouled up red shifts, lots of missing mass and cosmic background radiation showing as clustered signal distributed in a screwy way-right in the direction of the Earth's poles-generally Galactic north/south when the radiation should be a uniform glow across the sky!)
Hyper-dimensional physics:

A turning gravitational and electro-magnetic field will pull energy from a hyper-dimensional massless eather (remarkably similar in chracteristics as Star Trek's subspace and by extension Super String physics subspace really, although those fools are still trying to turn subspace in tiny smaller than microscopic disconnected swirls conveniently rolling up in the lower dimensions). Stars and planets thus pull energy from this eather at certain angles (sunspots, the eye storm on Jupiter, etc. etc.), producing heat, and a redshift that is not acounted for in established physics.

This effect is comulative

Result: Angular momentum is one of the major components of the energy production. A stars production of energy isn't just from the Star, but the planets that orbit it as well; the total angular momentum of the entire solar system is what draws energy from the stars hyperdimensional (subspace) field. This effect will affect a system's lower dimensional propeties; accounting for galaxies nor right Angular momentum.

Sadly, the physics explains pretty much all the holes, makes one re-evalute some old held truths, is nowhere near finished, will undoubtedly bring up whole new questions and holes and problems (yeah! More stuff to find out!), will revolutionize pretty much everyting on and off planet; it is also however sadly ignored by established science and doesn't get the funding required to do proper research to get the proof. It's also been around since mid last century, and there are indications that Tesla understood it.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 08:24 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by 3DMaster
Hyper-dimensional physics:

A urning gravitational and electro-magnetic field well pull energy from a hyper-dimensional massless eather (remarkably similar in chracteristics as Star Trek's subspace and by extension Super String physics subspace really, although those fools are still trying to turn subspace in tiny smaller than microscopic disconnected swirls conveniently rolling up in the lower dimensions). Stars and planets thus pull energy from this eather at certain angles (sunspots, the eye storm on Jupiter, etc. etc.), producing heat, and a redshift that is not acounted for in established physics.

This effect is comulative

Result: Angular momentum is one of the major components of the energy production. A stars production of energy isn't just from the Star, but the planets that orbit it as well; the total angular momentum of the entire solar system is what draws energy from the stars hyperdimensional (subspace) field. This effect will affect a system's lower dimensional propeties; accounting for galaxies nor right Angular momentum.

Sadly, the physics explains pretty much all the holes, makes one re-evalute some old held truths, is nowhere near finished, will undoubtedly bring up whole new questions and holes and problems (yeah! More stuff to find out!), will revolutionize pretty much everyting on and off planet; it is also however sadly ignored by established science and doesn't get the funding required to do proper research to get the proof. It's also been around since mid last century, and there are indications that Tesla understood it.

String theory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

String theory is a model of fundamental physics whose building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects (strings) rather than the zero-dimensional points (particles) that are the basis of the Standard Model of particle physics. For this reason, string theories are able to avoid problems associated with the presence of pointlike particles in a physical theory. Study of string theories has revealed that they require not just strings but other objects, variously including points, membranes, and higher-dimensional objects.
(Read the article...D.)
As you finish the article, you should understand two things,

1. those micro-wormholes that I said would take a Jovian mass of negative matter to inflate; are the extra dimensions that "those fools" struggle to visualize and those dimensions are necessary to cobine the four binding forces in string theory-and thus actually predict the suspected inflationary force and also predict WIMPS.

2. that we are still putting together the al;gebra that is robust enough to handle N^N/-N actions over up to 26 ordinate variables. If we could graph it we could solve the theory with Feynmann diagrams or light trees, but we can't graph it. We have to use polynomial differential equations to solve for the results.

We have the computers. What we lack is the mathematicians as yet to build the proof sets and reduce the complex algebra to a managable toolkit of equations to solve such p/d problems. From what little I can understand; it will take the geniuses about a century to plow through the proofs and make a workable algebara to do this.

In the meantime, the suggestions that there is a hyperspace(misunderstood concept) which is some kind of energy reservoir that leaks into our universe is nonsense.


Vacuum energy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space even when devoid of matter.

Field and particle theories
Quantum field theory considers the vacuum ground state not to be completely empty, but to consist of a seething mass of virtual particles and fields. Since these fields do not have a permanent existence, they are called vacuum fluctuations. In the Casimir effect, two metal plates can cause a change in the vacuum energy density between them which generates a measurable force.

Some believe that vacuum energy might be the "dark energy" (also called quintessence) associated with the cosmological constant in general relativity and thought to be similar to a negative force of gravity.

Vacuum energy has a number of consequences. For one, vacuum fluctuations are always created as particle/antiparticle pairs. The creation of these "virtual particles" near the event horizon of a black hole has been hypothesized by physicist Stephen Hawking to be a mechanism for the eventual "evaporation" of black holes. The net energy of the universe remains zero so long as the particle pairs annihilate each other within Planck time. If one of the pair is pulled into the black hole before this, then the other particle becomes "real" and energy/mass is essentially radiated into space from the black hole. This loss is cumulative and could result in the black hole's disappearance over time. The time required is dependent on the mass of the black hole, but could be on the order of 10100 years for large solar-mass black holes.

(Read the rest of the article...D.)
Vacuum energy is REAL within our space and is part of it. It alone could account for the weird things in the cosmos I described earlier. For that to be, though, not only would it have to be a component in string theory that leads to spatial inflation; it would also have to be an impeding force which on the macro-scale would account for those red shift discrepecencies giving us a younger universe than we would expect given the stars we see and it would account for the whacky mismatch between galactic rotation and apparemnt angular momentum. Call it the negative tidal effect-a repulsor as opposed to a tractor force.

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Old October 24th, 2005, 11:00 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Damocles
As you finish the article, you should understand two things,

1. those micro-wormholes that I said would take a Jovian mass of negative matter to inflate; are the extra dimensions that "those fools" struggle to visualize and those dimensions are necessary to cobine the four binding forces in string theory-and thus actually predict the suspected inflationary force and also predict WIMPS.

2. that we are still putting together the al;gebra that is robust enough to handle N^N/-N actions over up to 26 ordinate variables. If we could graph it we could solve the theory with Feynmann diagrams or light trees, but we can't graph it. We have to use polynomial differential equations to solve for the results.

We have the computers. What we lack is the mathematicians as yet to build the proof sets and reduce the complex algebra to a managable toolkit of equations to solve such p/d problems. From what little I can understand; it will take the geniuses about a century to plow through the proofs and make a workable algebara to do this.

In the meantime, the suggestions that there is a hyperspace(misunderstood concept) which is some kind of energy reservoir that leaks into our universe is nonsense.
No, it isn't nonsense, and it isn't hyperspace, it's subspace, but it's hyper-dimensional in nature; aka beyond our three visible dimensions. And it's not an energy reservoir; nor does it 'leak'. Just because a certain action can draw energy from a place, doesn't make that place a reservoir, nor is there any 'leaking' going on.

The simple cold hard fact, is that Super Sring physics is nothing but fancy mathematics, that doesn't do anything: it's never predicted anything, it's never proven anything; nothing of the sort; except possibly one: that there are more dimensions than the three we can see. Amazingly instead of looking for signs of these they continue to write more equasions in order to try and roll these up and make them disappear. They're not trying to 'visualize' these dimenions and the next question are there signs, can we see these dimensions or the effect thereof be seen or shown or found experimentally; no they're trying to make a nice equasion that has them disappear in our 3 dimensions. "Scientists" these days; more like priests following their little indictum: there's nothing beyone the obvious, there will never be anything beyond the obvious, any kind of interstellar FTL travel is most assuredly impossible, and even if our very own physics says there is stuff beyond the obvious, there is still nothing beyond the obvious, we will ignore anything beyond the obvious, preferably create an equastion that will make that beyond the obvious disappear. Of course, this obviously means they are hopelessly wrong.

Vacuum energy is REAL within our space and is part of it. It alone could account for the weird things in the cosmos I described earlier. For that to be, though, not only would it have to be a component in string theory that leads to spatial inflation; it would also have to be an impeding force which on the macro-scale would account for those red shift discrepecencies giving us a younger universe than we would expect given the stars we see and it would account for the whacky mismatch between galactic rotation and apparemnt angular momentum. Call it the negative tidal effect-a repulsor as opposed to a tractor force.

There is nothing beyond the obvious, there is nothing beyond the obvious, and when we detect and see stuff beyond the obbvious, it's lumped in with the obvious.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 11:21 AM   #41
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1. One of the things superstring theory predicts is negative matter.
2. One of the other things superstring theory predicts is that gravity is the primary common operant among the binding forces. Other theories make the same prediction but string theory makes a stab at describing how. Its over my head to try to describe it; but it boils down to speculation that gravity is the common influence over which all the other binding forces' bosons operate. That is that gravity is the field that is space

Whether that is the mundane or the obvious, I leave to others to judge. I find it bizarre in the extreme to regard gravity as equivalent to the tensor of space itself.

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Old December 20th, 2005, 03:01 PM   #42
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*Shameless bump*
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