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Old March 9th, 2004, 10:02 PM   #1
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Default An idea to bridge the gap....

Hope this proves to be interesting.

If I were to make changes to the new Galactica, they would be changes that would take place over time, not overnight.
Such changes would be...

1. Relationships: Adama and Lee would grow into the relationship that their classic counterparts had. Lee would ultimately understand where his father is coming from.
Starbuck would shed some of the arrogant side of her self-assured nature, and perhaps even come to respect certain officers: namely Colonel Tigh. Also, I would completely, and consciously avoid anything beyond an "I got yer' back" relationship between Apollo and Starbuck. No romantic interludes.

2. Search for Earth: Adama truly believes there is an Earth, and elected to tell President Roslin otherwise...perhaps for her benefit because she is dying of cancer...or perhaps because Adama does not entirely know who to trust.

3. Boomer's unconscious secret: I would make Lt. Valerii a case for salvation. She seems to have been such an asset to the Colonial fleet, and she is clearly unaware that she is a sleeper Cylon. Somehow, should it become discovered that she is a sleeper Cylon, the Colonials (most especially Apollo and Starbuck) would try to find some way to save her, and to keep her from falling to her potential fate. Chief Tyrol and Boxey could even become involved in the salvation effort. "Boomer, don't lose your humanity."

4. Terminology: The Cylons invent alternate terms for timeframes...terms like "centon", "micron", and such. Such terms do not need to represent concrete measures of time. A micron could actually represent two minutes as opposed to one. The terms are used to further throw the humans off if they are intercepting Cylon communications. Their usage is somewhat successful in actually pummelling the humans. The humans do catch on, and eventually, by rote, start adopting the terms, at first in a military capacity, and then, through habit in day-to-day conversation.

5. Mythology: Let's say that for some reason or another, the Egyptian symbols and representations that the Colonials could eventually come upon are something that actually has adverse significance to the Cylons. Something about the Egyptian representations repulses, or perhaps even trepidates the Cylons...and the Cylons were aware of the representations before the humans were. Perhaps the Cylons are secretly superstitious. The Colonials use this to their psychological advantage in battle. (It doesn't make the Cylons tuck tail and run, but somehow it does irk the Cylons.)

6. Classic Cylons: They would come back into power. Perhaps the walking toaster ovens resent their position as "tools and uses", and even revolt against the humanoid Cylons. Perhaps the humanoid Cylons would eventually realize that they are outclassed, and may even seek a long term, reluctant alliance with the real humans, since the mechanoid Cylons will seek to kill humans (whether real or synthetic) with extreme prejudice. The classic Cylons would probably form an alliance with the newer model mechanoids...thus The Cylon Alliance. (There could perhaps even be a power struggle amidst the two mechanoid factions.)

7. Technology: The Classic Cylons would be the ones to produce "energy based" sidearms. This would seem to give them a temporary advantage over the humans during possible boarding actions, or ground campaigns. Somewhere down the road, the humans manage to actually capture a laser rifle from the Cylons, and learn how to replicate the technology. Taking it one step further, the humans could attempt to develop energy weapons for the Vipers. Now this could make for a very interesting story arc. The development of fighter based laser weapons could be risky...perhaps even life threatening to test pilots. A couple of Viper pilots could lose their lives in the course of experimental runs. As corrections are made to the design, Commander Adama decides that he will be the test pilot for the next run. During his flight, a problem could emerge, but he manages to weather and correct the problem. The Viper laser cannons become operational..and eventually get mass produced to retrofit the other Vipers. Then the humans at some point start developing capital ship scale energy weapons, to augment the railguns and close in weapons. Over time, the Cylons would adapt technology to create space based energy weapons. The arms race and the war escalates.

Of course, I would also tone down any sexual content. I wouldn't make cheesy romantic relationships, but they wouldn't be explicit, soap-themed material either. The language, well, even my Dark Exodus story (TOS based) has some language in it, but I would tone it down for episodic television.

What do you guys think? Do I have what it takes to be a series writer that could help try to bring in the Classic Galactica fans? What do the truly classic Galactica fans think? If any of you show writers see this, what do you think? Is it workable? Could the gap between classic Galactica and new Galactica be truly bridged, and wounds healed?

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old March 10th, 2004, 09:28 AM   #2
Count Iblis
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Originally Posted by martok2112
Hope this proves to be interesting.

If I were to make changes to the new Galactica, they would be changes that would take place over time, not overnight.
Such changes would be...

1. Relationships: Adama and Lee would grow into the relationship that their classic counterparts had. Lee would ultimately understand where his father is coming from.
Starbuck would shed some of the arrogant side of her self-assured nature, and perhaps even come to respect certain officers: namely Colonel Tigh. Also, I would completely, and consciously avoid anything beyond an "I got yer' back" relationship between Apollo and Starbuck. No romantic interludes.

2. Search for Earth: Adama truly believes there is an Earth, and elected to tell President Roslin otherwise...perhaps for her benefit because she is dying of cancer...or perhaps because Adama does not entirely know who to trust.

It's a noble jesture..........I for one appreciate that. There is some merrit to the ideas you bring, but frankly, the new mini has already gone beyond the point of being able to do many of those suggestions to "Bridge" without becomming a muddy water mess.

It is obvious to this TOS fan that the new producer and his associates had a vision in mind for BSG03 that they felt they needed to persue (Right Or Wrong) to have success in the TV market of today. The BSG03 Pilot has already established the direction and creative intrepretations needed to establish the show as a "Stand Alone"/"Re-invisioned" production.

There is still a chance that in the future a Movie will be made with the actual "Intent" of re-making TOS with it's core "Heart" still intact, better melding old ideas with modernizing/updating to the industry standards capable today.

3. Boomer's unconscious secret: I would make Lt. Valerii a case for salvation. She seems to have been such an asset to the Colonial fleet, and she is clearly unaware that she is a sleeper Cylon. Somehow, should it become discovered that she is a sleeper Cylon, the Colonials (most especially Apollo and Starbuck) would try to find some way to save her, and to keep her from falling to her potential fate. Chief Tyrol and Boxey could even become involved in the salvation effort. "Boomer, don't lose your humanity."

4. Terminology: The Cylons invent alternate terms for timeframes...terms like "centon", "micron", and such. Such terms do not need to represent concrete measures of time. A micron could actually represent two minutes as opposed to one. The terms are used to further throw the humans off if they are intercepting Cylon communications. Their usage is somewhat successful in actually pummelling the humans. The humans do catch on, and eventually, by rote, start adopting the terms, at first in a military capacity, and then, through habit in day-to-day conversation.

5. Mythology: Let's say that for some reason or another, the Egyptian symbols and representations that the Colonials could eventually come upon are something that actually has adverse significance to the Cylons. Something about the Egyptian representations repulses, or perhaps even trepidates the Cylons...and the Cylons were aware of the representations before the humans were. Perhaps the Cylons are secretly superstitious. The Colonials use this to their psychological advantage in battle. (It doesn't make the Cylons tuck tail and run, but somehow it does irk the Cylons.)

6. Classic Cylons: They would come back into power. Perhaps the walking toaster ovens resent their position as "tools and uses", and even revolt against the humanoid Cylons. Perhaps the humanoid Cylons would eventually realize that they are outclassed, and may even seek a long term, reluctant alliance with the real humans, since the mechanoid Cylons will seek to kill humans (whether real or synthetic) with extreme prejudice. The classic Cylons would probably form an alliance with the newer model mechanoids...thus The Cylon Alliance. (There could perhaps even be a power struggle amidst the two mechanoid factions.)

7. Technology: The Classic Cylons would be the ones to produce "energy based" sidearms. This would seem to give them a temporary advantage over the humans during possible boarding actions, or ground campaigns. Somewhere down the road, the humans manage to actually capture a laser rifle from the Cylons, and learn how to replicate the technology. Taking it one step further, the humans could attempt to develop energy weapons for the Vipers. Now this could make for a very interesting story arc. The development of fighter based laser weapons could be risky...perhaps even life threatening to test pilots. A couple of Viper pilots could lose their lives in the course of experimental runs. As corrections are made to the design, Commander Adama decides that he will be the test pilot for the next run. During his flight, a problem could emerge, but he manages to weather and correct the problem. The Viper laser cannons become operational..and eventually get mass produced to retrofit the other Vipers. Then the humans at some point start developing capital ship scale energy weapons, to augment the railguns and close in weapons. Over time, the Cylons would adapt technology to create space based energy weapons. The arms race and the war escalates.

Of course, I would also tone down any sexual content. I wouldn't make cheesy romantic relationships, but they wouldn't be explicit, soap-themed material either. The language, well, even my Dark Exodus story (TOS based) has some language in it, but I would tone it down for episodic television.

What do you guys think? Do I have what it takes to be a series writer that could help try to bring in the Classic Galactica fans? What do the truly classic Galactica fans think? If any of you show writers see this, what do you think? Is it workable? Could the gap between classic Galactica and new Galactica be truly bridged, and wounds healed?

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Old March 10th, 2004, 09:55 AM   #3
Mike Wright
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I doubt anything will win some of these guys over. Ron Moore could turn around, drop the mini idea and start working on the Desanto project again, and they'd still hate him. Some people just can't let it go.
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Old March 10th, 2004, 10:19 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Mike Wright
I doubt anything will win some of these guys over. Ron Moore could turn around, drop the mini idea and start working on the Desanto project again, and they'd still hate him. Some people just can't let it go.
I disagree, Mike. If he were to do something like that we wouldn't hate him. Not trust him, perhaps, but not hate him.

But since it's not going to happen in this lifetime......

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Old March 10th, 2004, 10:48 AM   #5
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I like the concept of creating a bridge for both sides. I think I may have a solution. I am working on a short fanfic that will provide a backstory to the mini that will connect things back to TOS. I will submit my story to the CF Library in the hopes that it can bring peace of mind to those that don't want Moore to trample on the original characters and leave room for any Continuation efforts.

In a nutshell what I propose is that the mini is set in the future approximately 8-9,000 years in the future after TOS. The history of the colonies is more legend than known. The TOS cylons annihilate themselves in an internal conflict. The humans on the 12 colonies develope anew from a nearly neolithic level. Thousands of years later during the first years of space flight for Caprica an ancient underground military complex (kind of like Cheyenne Mountain) is discovered by archeologist. Little can be used but a minor miltary data base is eventually deciphered. The data base is an in depth warbook containing the schematics of most Colonial and cylon military weapons from the 1,000 yahrn war. Since the technology is beyond current colonial technology they copy as best they can the newly found designs of what they believe are their ancestors to include "their robot army" called cylons. As such they have no idea of the true origins of the cylons. The rest of the story is evident by the mini.

Such a scenario explains the "we created them", backwards technology slide (bullets versus lasars), and the cultural changes.

I hope such a concept could help unite our fractured Battlestar community.
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Old March 10th, 2004, 11:58 AM   #6
Count Iblis
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Originally Posted by Mike Wright
I doubt anything will win some of these guys over. Ron Moore could turn around, drop the mini idea and start working on the Desanto project again, and they'd still hate him. Some people just can't let it go.
Mike/ "hate" is a very strong word. I for one don't take that position. I was disappointed with RDM's direction and focus in the new production. Quite frankly it seemed like he took the opportunity to make BSG03 in "His" artistic/creative re-invisioned way. I think he jumped at the opportunity because it allowed him to interject his own creative ideas which he was not allowed to do with B&B over at Paramount.

In my humble opinion you don't take the "Heart"/"Core" out of any original/past show, and call it a remake. The basic things I read/hear from most TOS fans as to why they didn't like the new BSG production breaks down into 4 basic reasons.

1. Unnecessary Character Changes
2. Unnecessary Storyline Change From 1978 Film/Series
3. New Fictional Timeline (Difficult To Meld With Any Past TOS Concepts)
4. Removal of Icons/base concepts from TOS.

That covers a lot of ground and overlaps into much of the Controversy we have over the new production. I don't think any realistic TOS fan expected or wanted everything to remain as it was from 1978. I'm not missing "Muffet". I expected modernizing and updating for todays television market, but I also hoped that RDM was going to try harder to bridge or find more middle ground in the mini.

I happen to respect RDM and salute his many accomplishments in the Industry. He's one of the hardest working, most imaginative SFI-FI guys around. I loved his work on Star Trek and Carnival, and like some of what he's done with BSG03, but not all of it. You can't please all the people all of the time, but you should at least try to please "Most Of The People" most of the time when you're remaking an idea that already has an established fan base. JMO.

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