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Old February 9th, 2004, 02:24 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by martok2112
BTW, where is BST. I needs to talk to him. BST, where you at, mang?

Respectfully to all, LONG LIVE BOTH GALACTICAS,
I'za here Mon Generale! What can this most humble servant assist you with today? (Care for a while you're thinkin'? )

Give me a holler or send a PM (I finally cleared my mailbox - sheesh, I had some messages in there that were older than dirt!!)

Oh yeah, I forgot, you can also e-mail me at BST@colonialfleets.com

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Old February 9th, 2004, 03:00 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Fedaykin
Oh hang on this program is on comercial TV so I doubt the BBC would pick it up.

But here in the UK the Discovery channel shows the American version of Scrapheap Challenge as well as repeats of the UK version. Maybe Discovery will do the same on your side of the pond.
Ya mon, we get that stuff here. Discovery Channel sounds right.

These are all just spin-offs of Trillion Credit Squadron though.
May've been the losing side. I'm still not convinved it was the wrong one.
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Old February 10th, 2004, 05:57 AM   #123
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Nice post Fedaykin. Thanks for the analogy from across the pond.

I know for a fact there are a ton of people that love the new mini. I for one had a part in it as most well know here. I did some of the FX for the show and quite frankly there are parts of it i like.

I'll try to explain a bit about why there's been such an uproar from the original series fans. Actually there's a couple that burn me. First off, Galactica's original run had alot of holes. In fact there were some really really bad episodes in that first season but in today's televison that's almost a given now. Enterprise for a matter of fact still is having first season blues but it has gotten better. Maybe not enough to save it but it's better. Funny thing is they've gotten 4 years to improve it and it's gone basically nowhere. Galactica never had that chance. Probably one of the best produced episdoes of Galactica (The Hand of God) was unfortunately the last. Although some believe that it's a great thing that Galactica was reimagined never seen the Nielsen ratings back then. Galactica, even with it's bad eps, was continuely in the top 10. Today that would be a MAJOR hit. Back then you had to be there just to stay on tv in most cases. All we had back then were the big 3. Basically no sindication and nowhere else for Galactica to go. Once it was determined the cost was just to great the show was dropped. Having realized after the fan outcry did ABC rethink it's stance. By then it was to late. The Bridge had already been destroyed. Do you realize folks that portions of the bridge are still buried on Universal's lot's? It was DeSanto's vision to dig this stuff back up and actually see if he could ressurect some of the old pieces. What a guy. But that's the number one thing here. Galactica gave a incredible showing it's first time around and the premis and look needed to be just honed. Not torn down and reimagined. Fix it and bring it to todays' standards and this show would be spectacular. Like i said, we were 30 days from seeing this happen until Hammer got her hands on the property. So much for that.

Then there's scifi and the guys like Ron Moore. In most cases why would you not reach out and listen to the fans about anything? Alot will say he stayed true to the original concept but in essance he tore the house down. I want dramatic in my scifi, not silence. Space combat realistic is fine but this is science fiction, i don't want it to make sense. Some will double analyze that and rip it apart to combat that analogy, but it's scifi. Escape escape escape. I've said it before and i'll say it again, i do not watch science fiction for realism. Once you bring realism into the picture it becomes fiction. Who cares if it wouldn't work that way? I want heart pounding music, laser effects, explosion and thrusters! Not dead silence. I'll turn off the tv if i want silence. I want an explosion that will rock my mind and rock my tv. I don't want this popcorn fart of an effect tickleing my mind and my tv speakers. Give me dramatic every day. It's why i go to the movies. That's why movies like Lord of the Rings are so dynamic. Isn't that what David Eick tried to portray? If he was he severly missed.

I want the Galactica, not something that looks like your next "ribbed for your pleasure product". I want what alot of fans wanted and chance to expand on what was, not start over and attempt to build the franchise again from the bottom up. It will be very difficult for scifi to accomplish this. There out for a dollar, they have none at the moment and are finding it difficult already to accomplish there goals of a series. If the dedication was there it would have been a done deal already. I find it disturbing for the mini fans who have to rely on the scifi channel to lead this new show. If Scifi cannot find the right amount of dollars to accomplish this now what does that say for the future of Galactica at all? Will budget cuts and lack of money once again undermine what Galactica could be? Can you honestly say it would be worth it to the present new fanbase to only have 6 new episodes? What would that accomplish? Nothing. It would once again leave every Galactica fan hanging for answers just like the original fans have been for almost 30 years.

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Old February 10th, 2004, 11:37 AM   #124
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With hits like Survivor, the Aprentice, and that Paris Hilton masterpiece on Fox that cost next to nothing to produce shows that have costly special effects and a real cast will always be expensive, viewed by a fine toothed comb by accountants, and one season away from cancellation. If it wasn't for the fact that shows like Star Trek TNG and Voyager are still making good money in sindication I doubt a new Battlestar would be made. Since NBC is taking over SCIFI supposedly I do think the smart thing would be to run new Battlestar episodes on prime time on NBC and then send it for rebroadcast as reruns on SCIFI on a different day of the week at primetime. Between 22 TOS episodes 4 hours of the mini and now 13 new episodes coming you have a perfect one hour prime time show to run on SCIFI when people are actually home to watch it. How about one hour each Monday night either before or after the Stargate Monday. I like Stargate but I can only watch so many episodes of anything in a row.

I fail to understand why SCIFI puts TOS on so early in the day now. I haven't seen a TOS episode except on a holiday marathon in the last two years on cable television.
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Old February 10th, 2004, 12:00 PM   #125
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I think you have a good Point Antelope. Well said.
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Old February 10th, 2004, 04:11 PM   #126
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Okay, lemme see.... (takes deep breath... - this'll be my first major comment on TOS vs. the mini - apologies in advance if I appear to tread on any toes )

I consider myself to be something within UK Galactica fandom (OK - just a small something, I've been a member of the 'Thirteenth Tribe' fan club for 5-6 years and have met the proprietors several times.) Unfortunately, the mini debate has virtually bypassed the club's newsletters (due to none being published during filming of the mini & the period leading up to and after the mini's US transmission). Anyhoo, on speaking - last October - to Vicky, the club's current leader, I was given the impression that the beating heart that drove the original Galactica had been replaced with something (while not altogether dissimilar) which has made the new show different enough to alienate longstanding fans. Some of the Sci-fi media, however have taken something of a different view - Perhaps, seeing the mini as a necessary update.

From my personal view-point, I feel that I must reserve true judgement until I actually see the mini - I have downloaded the script, seen clips, read articles and discussions, but I need to observe the mini's style - its feeling - its atmosphere - will it have the drive - the fire - the excitement - the humanity of its forebear, to entice me into it's universe. Maybe it will - Maybe it wont...

Only time will tell....

All the best,
Ian W359

PS - Sky, who are showing the mini in the UK is now running trailers. It appears that the mini is the lynch-pin of the 'Intergalactic Week' next week - and has created a CGI logo for the 'week' complete with Vipers coming out of launch tubes contained within!

Take a look at this, Sky's look at the mini - https://www.skymovies.com/skymovies/a...121064,00.html
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Old February 11th, 2004, 09:02 AM   #127
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Hello IAN_W359,

Nice to see a fellow Brit! I suppose it's indicative of the Situation in Britain amongst fans that I didn't realise that there is a UK fan club and the UK fan club didn't realise/care that there was a new mini series!

You have backed up my point of view that you want to see it before passing comment , I must admit Sky's advistising campaign has been made to look so exciting that I have been slightly pre influenced. Whilst I have red synopsis and watched clips from the new series I have avoided reading any scripts as I feel often whats on paper is very different from whats on screen.

Talking of Sky TV are you surprised that they are showing it on Sky Movies 2 instead of Sky 1 thus barring alot of subscribers from seeing it unless they have the correct package (I'm lucky as I pay for all the channels).

In an earlier post I made a sweeping statement saying that there wern't really any UK based BSG conventions (fan club get togethers don't count). If there are could I have some more info.

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Old February 11th, 2004, 12:26 PM   #128
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Hello there Fedaykin!

It was nice to read your reply to my post, I agree that after watching the mini - I'll be more qualified to respond to the ideas for any further continuation/re-imagining projects. But on hearing about the news of an order for 13 RDM episodes - I don't feel any special emotion - except an unease at ideas for re-vamping episodes of the Original Galactica, plus maybe another attempt at getting Original cast members to appear as cameos.....

As for the fan club 'The Thirteenth Tribe', the news has not been so good of late (the last year or two). Demands away from fandom have meant that there is less time to work on the newsletters, so I have been told, also there is less material (news, reviews, cast sightings in other shows, fan fiction and artwork) coming in from members - the general cause of the second problem is said to be the rise of internet fandom (such as our beloved Colonial Fleets - no offence Don & Tom you guys are the best!) Vicky did tell me last year that she was possibly looking to hand over the helm of the club to another member in the future. (I have not heard any more since - I'm overdue to send her an e-mail as it is!).

On the subject of Sky, have you seen how complex their pricing structure is? https://www.sky.com/skycom/allpackages
Sky Movies 2 (formerly known as Sky Movies Max 1) I guess is regarded as their second tier movie service (along with Movies 4,6 & 8 - The first tier being 1,3,5,7 & 9) - The mini may be repeated on the other channels at a later date.

Finally conventions - I do not think there has ever been a UK Galactica convention, although cast members have appeared at events over here - Dirk Benedict at Memorabilia (Birmingham N.E.C.), also with Herb Jefferson Jr. at Cult TV 2002 - Southport, and Richard Hatch at Cult TV 2003 - Weston Super Mare (I think his first UK con appearance was Convergence 1999 - Bristol) - A lot of these appearances are driven by fan demand (and obviously ticket sales - RH's appearence last year was sponsored by a London fan group, boosting the chances of him coming - unlike the year before when he was pulled off the bill a month or two before the event). The best site IMHO for UK convention listings is ConUKopia at Cult TV - https://www.cult.tv/ - Select 'Infocentre' then 'ConUKopia Events Diary'.

Whoa! This has been a long post! If you need any more info on 'The Thirteenth Tribe', please ask, but I recommend sending a letter first - to get an idea on the current status of the club.

All the best,
Ian W359
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Old February 11th, 2004, 03:51 PM   #129
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There is much wisdom in live and let live.
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Old February 11th, 2004, 04:20 PM   #130
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Glad to see Colonial Fleets is up at least in limited form for the time being. I only joined in around the time the new series was coming out, and found a forum that I really enjoyed being on, without much of the personal attacks that I see going on in forums all over the web (amazing how people can act when they feel safe behind their computer screens). I was delighted to find Colonial Fleets, and was saddened when it went down.

I hope the site does return, but if not I will have fond memories of the discussions that went on here.

Long live Galactica!
-Jonah Lee

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Old February 12th, 2004, 10:31 AM   #131
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welcome to the fleet Jonahlee I love your moniker.
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Old February 12th, 2004, 10:43 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by shiningstar
welcome to the fleet Jonahlee I love your moniker.
Thanks. Well it is my name actually. Jonah Lee Walker. I have been using jonahlee since I fist went on BBS's 20 years ago.
-Jonah Lee

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Saphoo that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion." -Piter de Vries

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Old February 13th, 2004, 03:39 PM   #133
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Sheesh. I have really been busy the last 1-1/2 months so I haven't had a chance to visit. Was I in for a shock when I clicked on my CF link and hardly recognized the board.

I've been quickly skimming and browsing various posts here and from reading in between the line, I guess I can figure out what happened. Although I haven't figured out all of the details.

Regardless, I'm glad that Colonial Fleets still is a viable BSG site.

Like many here, I have always been a TOS fan. And up until the mini aired, I was very anti-mini because I wanted TOS to return. But after the watching the mini, I found that I could enjoy it for what it was. And as many of the TOS supporters here have noted, TOS wasn't without it's holes and weaknesses. No different than the mini. So I call myself a fan of both.

I have also thoroughly enjoyed Aaron Douglas/Tyrol and his posts here. Especially since he himself was a TOS fan. But, he got a chance to act/star in the min and he did an excellent job. And then he goes out of his way to communicate with us the fans, here on Colonial Fleets. I really appreciated that.

Anyways, I will continue to visit CF time permitting and hope that whatever the problems, they are behind us.

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Old February 13th, 2004, 03:48 PM   #134
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welcome to the fleet Baafan ............ Love the Moniker
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Old February 13th, 2004, 04:05 PM   #135
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Welcome baaaaaack Baafan!
(Sorry for the joke, couldn't resist!!!

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Old February 13th, 2004, 04:37 PM   #136
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Thanks for the welcome baaaaack Muffit and Shiningstar.

The irony is that I never really left. Just a short hiatus.

Looking forward to some more lively and fun discussions and debates.

And that's the whole point of the moniker, so no-one gets the wrong idea from my alias name. :laugh:
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Old February 14th, 2004, 06:33 AM   #137
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I saw Aaron in "Final Destination 2" last night , Deputy Sherrif .
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Old February 16th, 2004, 10:35 AM   #138
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welcome to the fleet rotarykid. I love you nickname!
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Old February 16th, 2004, 07:46 PM   #139
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Default Ronald. D. Moore hack

Originally Posted by Titon
"ribbed for your pleasure product".
Ronald D. Moore set out to re-do science fiction, with a prophylactic?

Why for his resume, certainly not our viewing pleasure.

Do read Ron Moore’s synopsis, Call it:
"Naturalistic Science Fiction." or "Taking the Opera out of Space Opera".

CLICK HERE TO READ NOW > www.filmjerk.com/nuke/article353.html

RDM: “This idea, the presentation of a fantastical situation in naturalistic terms, will permeate every aspect of our series”: Pray tell where, Ron?

RDM: “Our goal is nothing less than the reinvention of the science fiction television series. We take as a given the idea that the traditional space opera, with its stock characters, techno-double-talk, bumpy-headed aliens, thespian histrionics, and empty heroics has run its course and a new approach is required. That approach is to introduce realism into what has heretofore been an aggressively unrealistic genre.”

The show on Scifi is not so much science fiction but a soap opera set in that genre, but why? I’ll tell you why, so Universal could maintain the Battlestar Galactica franchise. Why did Universal farm it out to “Aces & Eights”, CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP & CHEAP…………….

1.) Ron’s Galactica light fits into Scifi’s MOTIVE OPERANDI, less scifi Action as in, few Space Ships, Battles in Space, and not much else Space in Space based show, go ponder this, I have but why?

2.) What really bugs me the most is this show has no vision. I find this hard to put into words, say camaraderie, oh a Marine would say Simper Fi, and everybody knows what he means. Not on Galactica lite, “We are at war” whoopee sh*t, Sherlock, just who don’t know that, Commander Husker?

3.) Athena had history with Starbuck, Cassiopeia had a reputation and Starbuck, Apollo had Serina & Boxey, Adama had what had survived of his family and the remnants of The Twelve Original Colonies of Man on his shoulders. But Adama had a vision rooted in faith, the Colonials followed, sometimes flawed with the shortsighted Council of the Twelve, & say a Sire Uri, to bear.

4.) Way no joint concern for the future of civilian’s on the run, packed on ships like cattle? What civilians? What other ships, zip, nada just a few faces like Trek, gee whiz I wonder how he…..................

5.) No Colonial Movers, any other ships but Galactica, why not? CHEAP CHEAP did I mention CHEAP?

6.) ST: TOS had humor, ST: TNG had humor, ST: DS9 had humor, Star Wars I, II ,III, IV, V had humor
all three Indiana Jones had humor, Battlestar Galactica TOS had humor, so what happened to humor Ron?

7.) The mythos of Earth isn’t a legend, it’s a The Garden of Eden joke/fairy tale, told by the President the Sec. Of Education over heard?

8.) The CG dogfights that Ronnie “eschewed” look like a cheap video game, designed by dyslexic guys on cheap hardware with Atari software, (sorry Ken) Come on was there anyway to figure out what was really happening in those dogfights besides the ones where Baltar’s sex chip fixed fight, please tell me!

9.) Apollo what a leader, I’d follow him only to resign my commission, he inspired squat!

10.) Kara, other than screaming in her cockpit & ramming Apollo’s Viper? What did she do other than get missed by slow motion missiles, in the oddest space battle ever put on tape?

11.) Sex, hell sex is OK Boomer jumping Chief Tyrol’s bones was almost great, Boomer is a Cylon, get it!

12.) Notice all the heavy breathing was with a Cylon?

13.) Romance, flirting, love triangles, cute kids like Boxey, death grief, triade, Chamilion, Boomer hot wiring cars, Beings of light, Babes for Starbuck to save/rescue, Sheba kissing Apollo on the last episode, oh my

14.) The Real Adama was inspirational & thoughtful whereas Husker was just what?

15.) Call it "Naturalistic Science Fiction." Bullsh*t, nope call it CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP & CHEAP

Originally Posted by Ian_W359
On the subject of Sky
Ok on Sky, remember The Brian Singer/Tom DeSanto version of Battlestar Galactica was canceled because The Fox Network dropped out, the reason Galactica lite received that damned 'greenlight', is because it was picked up by Sky TV is a partner, spreading the financial risk unlike that ill fated Fox version.
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Old February 16th, 2004, 08:52 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by jewels
OH, G80 bikes, photo online on Ken Larson's website. try looking up Ken or Kenneth Larson on google. He's a Universal Hartland alumn, was a model maker for them.
Ken, Chris, Kenneth Larson, whatever I emailed the guy a few times, he has a Christian oriented sorta website? Michael Faries did a thing with him a while back on bsg.com?

Whatever Glen's kids live in/on Dad's stuff and friends. I would not put much into what that guy says.

Btw: Did you see Glen A. Larson with a DRINK in hand @ the Galacticon? Not soused just a drink, color me curios, ok.
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Old February 17th, 2004, 07:13 AM   #141
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DVO ..........I couldn't have said it better myself.

Well done ..............well done
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Old February 17th, 2004, 04:04 PM   #142
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Quick test
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Old February 17th, 2004, 04:41 PM   #143
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Who shot him?
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Old February 19th, 2004, 03:40 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by dvo47p
Who shot him?
Who shot who?
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Old February 19th, 2004, 04:27 PM   #145
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Hi All,

You probably already know but the new BSG has been given the green light for production. Here's the post on the Sci-Fi channel web page...


SCI FI Channel has greenlit production on the Battlestar Galactica franchise as a new original weekly series. Based on the top-rated December miniseries event of the same name, the one-hour drama is slated to begin production on 13 episodes in Vancouver next month.

All principal cast from the mini will reprise their roles for the series, including Edward James Olmos (Commander Adama), Mary McDonnell (President Laura Roslin), Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) and Tricia Helfer (Number Six), among others.

Ronald D. Moore (Carnivále, Mission: Impossible 2) returns as executive producer as well as writer. The project will be produced exclusively for SCI FI, in association with Sky One. The series will be distributed by USACE, where David Eick, an executive producer of the miniseries, serves as Executive Vice President.

An edgy reimagining of the 1978 television series, the SCI FI miniseries became the highest-rated cable mini in 2003 — delivering more viewers and higher ratings than HBO's Angels in America. The Battlestar Galactica series is an intriguing take on the classic adventure of a ragtag fleet of humans, the sole survivors of a devastating nuclear attack by the robot Cylons. Faced with an unwinnable battle against a deadly enemy, they are forced to flee under the protection of their one remaining warship, the outdated Battlestar Galactica. Pursued by the Cylons — some of whom have now taken human form — Commander Adama (Olmos) and President Roslin (McDonnell) lead these last remnants of humanity in search of a new home ... a planet called Earth.
P.S. I'm afraid you will have to wait till next week for my U.K. review of the new mini. I managed to watch the first episode which I really enjoyed but my video failed to record the second episode - may it rot in video hell!!!!! I will have to wait till Sunday when it's repeated before I can compose a suitable review please have patience my fellow galacticans!
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Old February 19th, 2004, 04:35 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by Fedaykin
Hi All,

You probably already know but the new BSG has been given the green light for production. Here's the post on the Sci-Fi channel web page...


SCI FI Channel has greenlit production on the Battlestar Galactica franchise as a new original weekly series. Based on the top-rated December miniseries event of the same name, the one-hour drama is slated to begin production on 13 episodes in Vancouver next month.

All principal cast from the mini will reprise their roles for the series, including Edward James Olmos (Commander Adama), Mary McDonnell (President Laura Roslin), Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) and Tricia Helfer (Number Six), among others.

Ronald D. Moore (Carnivále, Mission: Impossible 2) returns as executive producer as well as writer. The project will be produced exclusively for SCI FI, in association with Sky One. The series will be distributed by USACE, where David Eick, an executive producer of the miniseries, serves as Executive Vice President.

An edgy reimagining of the 1978 television series, the SCI FI miniseries became the highest-rated cable mini in 2003 — delivering more viewers and higher ratings than HBO's Angels in America. The Battlestar Galactica series is an intriguing take on the classic adventure of a ragtag fleet of humans, the sole survivors of a devastating nuclear attack by the robot Cylons. Faced with an unwinnable battle against a deadly enemy, they are forced to flee under the protection of their one remaining warship, the outdated Battlestar Galactica. Pursued by the Cylons — some of whom have now taken human form — Commander Adama (Olmos) and President Roslin (McDonnell) lead these last remnants of humanity in search of a new home ... a planet called Earth.
P.S. I'm afraid you will have to wait till next week for my U.K. review of the new mini. I managed to watch the first episode which I really enjoyed but my video failed to record the second episode - may it rot in video hell!!!!! I will have to wait till Sunday when it's repeated before I can compose a suitable review please have patience my fellow galacticans!
Thanks for the information
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