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Old December 27th, 2003, 09:45 PM   #1
NeilGartner's Avatar
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Default Crossover Fanfiction


Sorry but I wasn't sure where to put this post. I'm a fanfic writer and for the past year I have been doing this epic story involving a massive crossover with characters from Battlestar Galactica, Farscape and Stargate SG-1. The background for this story is set in the Farscape universe. For example, the Colonial fleet has the misfortune of having to cross through the Uncharted Territories or with Scorpius kidnapping a member of SG-1. Which is why this story is called, Farscape: The Lost Warrior.

I started this story out of boredom and it exploded with a life of its own. The First part simply involves Sheba meeting the crew of Moya and John Crichton. Second and Third part which I'm writing right now is much more epic in scale. We’re talking about Colonial Vipers dogfighting against Peacekeeper Prowlers or The Galactica slugging it out with Peacekeeper warships and a Command Carrier.

On a side note, I live up in Canada and I still haven't seen the BSG mini but I am reserving judgement until I see it for myself. However, with all the positive feedback my story has received, some of the nicest comments came from people wishing I were the one writing the BSG mini instead of Moore.

I went out of my way in trying to tie all three shows together in some form or another. For example, the Colonials use a mineral that they process into a fuel called Tylium. Well, the folks at the SGC call it by another name, Naquadah. Also, the people of Earth are called the Tau'ri, which I made into the name for the mysterious 13th Tribe the Colonials were seeking for so long.

In this story, events take place in an alternate reality. Scorpius’ neural chip failed to retrieve the wormhole information that didn’t spark the confrontation between Crichton and the Scarren hybrid that happened after ‘Fractures’. Instead, this allowed Moya to be in the right area to rescue Sheba a couple days afterwards. For SG-1, a few weeks had elapsed after saving the Earth from the giant Goa’uld asteroid in ‘Fail Safe’. For the Galactica crew, 2 years has passed since the episode, ‘Hand of God’.

I enclosed a chapter or two for your reading pleasure. If you wish to read more, then please follow the link. On my website I’m working on creating some artwork and I have even put together a music video.

Also, I live for feedback; so if you enjoy my work, then please let me know.


Oops!!! Thanks for the heads up BST


Last edited by NeilGartner; December 28th, 2003 at 07:09 AM..
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Old December 27th, 2003, 09:52 PM   #2
Snowball, My Angel Baby
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Welcome to Colonial Fleets!!

Your sense of direction is right on target -- Creativity is the right place for fan-fic!!

But, where is the link??

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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Old December 27th, 2003, 09:58 PM   #3
NeilGartner's Avatar
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Chapter Five: The Galactica VS The Peacekeepers

The wailing alert klaxon sounded throughout the Galactica as Commander Adama hurried onto the bridge, which glowed a dim red hue from the battle lights.

"Report, Colonel Tigh."

Galactica's executive officer and second in command stood close to Omega as they both viewed incoming data, at the main bridge station. Colonel Tigh turned towards Adama as he approached them.

"Our patrols have detected three incoming ships heading straight for us," he reported. "According to scans, the three ships are heavy cruiser class and their markings show them to be Peacekeepers. When they get closer we should be able to perform a more detailed scan to see what type of armaments they have."

"Peacekeepers?" Adama stared at the computer images of the three oncoming cruisers.

This would be their first serious run in with the Peacekeepers. They heard much about this race of aliens called Sebaceans, who outwardly looked very much like Humans. This species was reputed to consider themselves superior to those who are not of their own kind, and for behaving much like intergalactic bullies. The similarities between Humans and Sebaceans hadn't helped the Colonial fleet much either. Adama routinely sent out small scouting missions to inhabited worlds they pass near to purchase or to trade for needed supplies. Unfortunately, the Human scouts on one world were mistaken for Sebaceans who were deeply hated there, and a crazed mob descended upon them. The scouting team had to race back to their shuttle using their blasters to clear a path and stun their pursuers. The scouts had just barely escaped with their lives. After that, Adama had restricted any planetary scouting missions until they cleared Peacekeeper territory.

He studied the tactical data on the screen. "How much time do we have before intercept?"

"Forty-five microns." Omega reported.

"Incoming communication, commander. Visual and audio. Translators are online." Omega announced.

Adama took a deep breath and sighed. From what little information they had gathered on the Sebaceans, he feared that this meeting could only go badly. He drew himself up straight and readied himself. Any signs of weakness here could be fatal.

"On screen," he ordered.

A very human looking Sebacean appeared on a console monitor. He appeared to be middle aged in appearance with dark slowly greying hair. He stared at Adama in surprise, mistaking him for a Sebacean and demanded aloud, "This is Captain Patrell of the Peacekeeper patrol squadron seventeen. Identify yourself and your fleet!" Adama kept his voice low and direct. "My name is Commander Adama of the Colonial fleet. We don't mean harm to you, or anyone else. We are merely passing through your space."

"Colonial?" Patrell said in puzzlement. "Commander, I don't recognize any ship configurations in your fleet."

"That's because we're not from this part of the galaxy. We're Human." Adama informed.

"Human!?" Partell laughed. "Like that troublemaking fool John Crichton? Strange, I had thought that his people were nothing, but backwater primitives. Obviously that information was gravely incorrect. No matter, Commander Adama surrender your fleet and prepare to be boarded."

"No," answered Adama firmly.

The Peacekeeper leaned closer to the screen, eyeing Adama darkly. "What was that Commander?"

"You heard me. I'm not looking for a fight, but I will not surrender the fleet. Any attempt to seize our ships will be repelled with force."

“Commander, our sensors have determined that your vessel is the only warship in your fleet. We outnumber you three to one.”

Colonel Tigh was checking some of the scans made on the Peacekeeper cruisers. He went to Adama's side and whispered carefully. "They have defence shields and some sort of chemical powered energy weapons. They might have us outnumbered, but we have them outgunned. Their shields can't hold up against our turbo lasers and heavy solonite missiles."

Adama welcomed that bit of information with a nod before focusing on the Peacekeeper Captain again.

"I advise you against taking any hostile actions towards us. This vessel you are facing is a Battlestar Class warship, and it is called that for a very good reason."

The Peacekeeper captain was unimpressed. "We shall see." Then he terminated communications.

Omega watched his sensor board and said quickly. "They are launching fighters and powering up weapons and shields."

Adama swung in action issuing battle orders. "Positive shields! Arm turbo lasers and launch all fighters!"


The three smaller Peacekeeper cruisers moved forward to engage the much more massive Galactica. They brought their frag cannons to bear as waves of their Prowler fighters moved up into defensive positions.

Captain Patrell ordered his three cruisers to open fire upon the Galactica as they came within range. He also ordered all ships to ready their secondary weaponry for use against the fighters that the Battlestar was launching, if any should get through their own fighter screen.

However, the Peacekeeper Captain wasn't too concerned as he watched the bridge main tactical screen. The Humans looked undisciplined as he observed over one hundred and fifty small one-man type fighters moving in to engage the one hundred and twenty Prowlers shielding his ships. The Human scattered formations were laughable, compared to the orderly deployment of his Prowler pilots. His forces would make short work of them.

"Captain! Our frag cannons are refusing to lock on the Human warship."

Captain Patrell turned to face his Gunnery Officer. "Then make them lock on. They're obviously using a sensor jammer, break it!"

The gunnery officer feverishly worked the controls. "I'm trying, Captain. It is just too powerful."

Patrell didn't want to hear any excuses. "If you have to, get someone to visually aim down the barrels."


"Blue squadron form up!" Captain Apollo ordered as he took point. "Red squadron, hold back until we can punch a hole for you, then engage the cruisers. Silver Spars, flank the fighters on the right, Bronze Spars, focus on the left."

"First, the Cylons, then the Goa'uld, and now the Peacekeepers." Starbuck complained. "Ever get the feeling that the universe has it in for us?"

"We're not dead yet." Boomer said, as he moved up just off Starbuck's port wing. "We didn't start this, but lets be the one's that finish it."

"I'm all for that." Starbuck agreed.

The Peacekeeper Prowler and the Colonial Viper were each the main attack fighter for either side. The Prowler had superior armor and maneuverability, while the Viper had greater speed and heavier firepower. So when the shooting started, the odds were about even between them. The tiebreaker would down to which side had the better pilots.

Blue squadron were on full turbo as they engaged the Prowlers. The two opposing forces ripped into each other in a wild and heavy exchange of weapons fire.

Captain Apollo locked on to one Prowler from behind and fired a volley of laser torpedoes. He watched the laser fire disintegrate the entire tail section before the craft was engulfed in a massive explosion.

"That's one," he muttered.

Moving in above one Prowler, Starbuck dropped down for the kill, striking it in the middle section with a hail of laser fire, splitting it in half before it exploded. He peeled away from the dying Prowler searching for another target.

"That's two," he sang over his comm unit.

Another Prowler pilot tried to keep up as their tight and orderly formation began coming apart. The Human fighters were just too fast. They were everywhere! His onboard computer screeched an electronic warning that a enemy targeting sensor locked on to his fighter. He threw his Prowler into a sharp half S turn to try and shake off the lock. Much to his horrified surprise, as he finished his maneuver, he found himself going nose to nose with another Viper.

The combined speed between the two opposing fighters charging at each other was alarming, as they quickly devoured the distance between them. The Peacekeeper opened fire, but the Viper's pilot gingerly swerved, avoiding his shots. The Viper then returned fire with a single solonite missile. The lethal warhead found its mark, despite the best efforts of the Peacekeeper pilot to dodge the tracking missile.

Boomer smiled in satisfaction with another kill. "That's three!"
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Old December 27th, 2003, 10:00 PM   #4
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Captain Patrell watched as the humans almost blew right through the formations of his Prowlers.

These humans flew like madmen!!

If the Peacekeeper Captain had known anything about the Colonial Warriors and their history, he would have known that they were used to fighting in loose combat formations and were trained to fight independently. It was the only way to out fight the robotic and complex combat formations of the Cylons.

Now, the Colonials used that know-how against the well-disciplined formations of the Peacekeepers. As the waves of Vipers hit their lines at full turbo thrust, the Prowler pilots found themselves hopelessly outclassed and reacting blindly to the almost crazed and chaotic behavior of the Colonial Warriors.

Within the first few minutes of the battle, Patrell's forces had lost nearly half of their fighter cover while the humans were suffering mere token losses. He had to regain control of the situation.

"All cruisers! Close range on the Galactica immediately and engage it with visual targeting. Destroy that ship at all costs!"

If they could eliminate the Galactica, then their fighters would have no place to rearm and refuel. They would be easy meat. It was his only hope to regain control of the battle.


The Galactica's turbo laser batteries opened fire on the approaching Peacekeeper heavy cruisers. Unlike the Peacekeepers, the Colonial weapons had little trouble in locking on to the three warships and raining hellfire upon them.

Bit by bit, the secondary batteries of the Galactica were wearing away the cruisers protective shields, but unfortunately, as the cruiser drew closer, the more accurate their own weapons fire became.


"Peacekeeper cruisers are still firing on us," Omega reported as the Galactica shuddered from their weapon's impacts. "I'm registering hits across our hull. Outer plating is holding."

"Continue to return fire," Adama ordered. He was hoping to lure them in closer before using their big guns, but he couldn't afford to let the Galactica to suffer any unnecessary damage. "Standby on main laser cannons. When I give the order, fire on the cruiser off of our port bow."

"Main laser cannons locked on target," reported Omega.



The Galactica's bow mounted twin turbo laser cannon that were her biggest anti-capital ship guns. They fired and the two powerful energy beams touched the Peacekeeper cruiser's shields for only a second before the doomed cruiser's defense field collapsed under the intense bombardment. The beams then impacted on the hull causing it to buckle and rupture as they sawed the cruiser in half.


Patrell stared in utter shock and dismay at the complete destruction of one of their cruisers in mere moments. The firepower of the human vessel was enormous! At the same time, the human fighters were completely routing his Prowler squadrons. He had to retreat and come back with reinforcements, perhaps a Command Carrier preferably.

"Signal all vessels to retreat." Patrell shouted. "Initiate a distress beacon for any Peacekeeper vessel to respond at once."


"They're retreating." Colonel Tigh said with relief.

"I'm picking up a transmission from the lead Peacekeeper cruiser." Omega said. "I think they might be signaling for help."

"Jam that signal," Adama ordered. "Continue pursuit, target their weapons and engines. We can't afford to let them escape. They'll just return with more ships."

The two remaining cruisers fled at high speed with the Galactica close behind, but the mighty Battlestar was struggling to keep pace. The Peacekeeper vessels had more powerful faster than light drives, and less mass to push. The cruisers easily outpaced the pursuing Vipers, and now they were outdistancing the Galactica herself.

Adama could only watch helplessly as the Peacekeepers stretched the widening gap between them. The Peacekeepers would be out of weapons range soon.

"Laser cannons recharged!" Omega barked out, with his finger over the fire control.

Adama glanced for a second at Omega's board. They would only have time for one more shot before the Peacekeepers would clear their fire zone.


The twin beams lashed out again, striking the trailing cruiser in its aft section. The shields collapsed and the beam burrowed deep into the ship like a knife piercing flesh. Its aft section was then engulfed in a powerful blinding explosion that worked its way forward consuming the length of the ship until it encompassed the bow of the cruiser in a flaming chain reaction. A heartbeat later, the heavy cruiser had completely ceased to exist.

Unfortunately, there was still one Peacekeeper cruiser left and it was now out of range of any of their weapons.

Colonel Tigh murmured angrily. "As soon as they get clear of our jamming they'll call down every available Peacekeeper warship upon us."

"Commander? Colonel?" Omega said urgently. "I have one... No, two vessels on a fast approach vector. They are registering as..." He stared in disbelief as to what his console screen was telling him. "Our sensors are registering them as space going life forms. One of the vessels are hailing us. Visual and audio."

At least it's not another Peacekeeper vessel, Adama thought. "Lets see it."

One of the darkened monitors flashed to life and all three men found themselves staring at a face that they never dreamt that they would see again.

"Sheba?" Adama was all that he could manage to get out.

On the Galactica's small monitor, the young Colonial Warrior was standing in a golden chamber with curved walls. A strange grey skinned female alien with dark eyes stood beside her. As Sheba spoke directly into the monitor, the alien female cocked her head to one side and grinned awkwardly, realizing that she was in the picture too.

"Galactica. This is Lieutenant Sheba of Silver Spars, do you read? I'm on one of the two approaching Leviathan ships. We're coming to help, do not fire!"

Adama paused for a second to absorb all that was happening. Sheba was back, and was now charging to their rescue?

"We read you, Sheba. By the Lords of Kobol, where have you been?"

Sheba laughed and her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Commander Adama! It's so good to hear your voice! I'll gladly explain everything, but only after we deal with that Peacekeeper heavy cruiser."

"Yes, the cruiser is out of range. Can you assist us?"

"Not to worry, Commander." Sheba said. "Talyn will deal with it, but you better back off a little. That gunship ahead of us might be small, but he has a mean steak a mile wide."



It sounded like a death knell to Captain Patrell, as his gunnery officer shouted from his station.

And it probably was, for them.

He had read all the current data on that Peacekeeper and Leviathan hybrid ship, and he knew what that monstrosity barreling directly at them was capable of.

With Talyn in front and the giant human ship trailing just behind, there was nothing much that Captain Patrell could do was except for the obvious.

"Bring all cannons to bear on that Leviathan and fire!"


The cruiser fired every weapon it had at the gunship, but Talyn wove through the glowing energy projectiles launched at him with gracefully ease. He drew in closer, so he could strike for maximum effect.

In the command area, Crais focused on helping Talyn achieve that goal.

"Watch those bow guns. Angle your attack vector to six degrees. Good. Talyn, I recommend that you concentrate on the bridge and the engines to blind and cripple the cruiser. Do you concur?"

Talyn gave his reply to Crais through the transponder that he wore at the base of his neck.

Crais smiled slightly. "By all means then, fire when ready."

Talyn swooped down on the heavy cruiser like a bird of prey on a fat rabbit, firing a massive volley to collapse the ship's defensive field. When the shield failed, Talyn prepared and launched a second volley.

On the cruiser's bridge, Captain Patrell had only a moment to see Talyn firing a second energy salvo directly at his view screen before the blast consumed him and his entire bridge crew.

Hugging close to the hull of the dying cruiser, and under its guns, Talyn flew onward until he had completely passed the length of the ship before turning his turret back on the Peacekeeper ship and firing once more. The cruiser engines exploded, but several seconds later, a secondary explosion erupted through the ship and the entire cruiser was ripped apart.

There was relief on the Galactica and Moya that the Peacekeepers had been prevented from successfully broadcasting for help.

On Talyn, Crais sighed to his gunship Leviathan. Talyn was not pleased with his performance.

"It's all right, Talyn, do not be angry with yourself. You did your best. Disabling a vessel's engines is not easy. Just remember your error and learn from it."

Talyn replied. Crais smiled again.

"Yes. I have every confidence that you will do better next time. Now, Talyn, lets go and introduce ourselves to... Ahem... The Humans."


Like what you have read so far? Then follow the link to my website...

LINK: https://www.mnsi.net/~tower/ftlw/main.htm
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Old December 28th, 2003, 04:03 AM   #5
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Wahoo... All my favourite shows in one place. Great!
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