Episode 4-5
Title: "First of His Name"
Directed by Michelle MacLaren
Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
Original Air Date -- May 4, 2014
Tommen is crowned king. Meanwhile, Cersei meets with Margaery, Tywin, and Oberyn, hoping to sway them to her advantage in the coming trial against Tyrion. In the Vale, Petyr takes Sansa to the Eyrie, where she is to pose as his niece. Petyr is then pressured to marry Lysa Arryn that same day. While hospitable at first, Lysa quickly grows suspicious of Sansa, who she fears is attempting to seduce Petyr. In Meereen, after Jorah Mormont informs her about the fallback to slavery of Astapor and Yunkai, Daenerys decides to postpone her invasion of Westeros in order to bring order to Slaver's Bay and pronounces herself queen. On the Kingsroad, the Hound catches Arya practicing her water dancing, and he angers her by saying how that fighting style and her teacher Syrio Forel are worthless. On the road, Brienne finds out that Podrick has no practical skills as a squire. However, she is impressed with the fact that he killed a Kingsguard in order to protect Tyrion. Beyond the Wall, Jon's group attacks the mutineers in Craster's Keep. Locke attempts to kidnap Bran in the confusion, but is killed by Bran using Hodor's body. Bran and his company then continue their trek north while Jon kills all of the mutineers and burns down Craster's Keep.