Episode 3-8
Title: "Second Sons"
Written by Michelle MacLaren
Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
Original Air Date -- May 19, 2013
King's Landing hosts Tyrion and Sansa's wedding. Cersei intimidates Margaery in the Sept of Baelor, and Joffrey walks the bride down the aisle. At the wedding feast Tyrion gets drunk and causes a scene. In their bedroom, Tyrion tells Sansa they will not consummate their marriage until she wants to. The Hound reveals to Arya that they are heading for the Twins to ransom her to her brother. Stannis releases Davos. Melisandre and Gendry arrive at Dragonstone, where she seduces him and extracts blood from him with three leeches. In a magical ritual, Stannis casts them into the fire naming three usurpers: Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy and Joffrey Baratheon. Daenerys finds out Yunkai has employed a mercenary company called the "Second Sons". One of the lieutenants, Daario Naharis, kills the other leaders and pledges his and the company's loyalty to Daenerys. Sam and Gilly are attacked by a White Walker, whom Sam unexpectedly destroys with the help of the dragonglass dagger.