I found a Battlestar on my front doorstep last night...
They've finally arrived...!
I ordered the Moebius Galactica and Viper kits from an online retailer and they showed up yesterday. I'm pretty excited about this - mainly because I haven't built a BG model since 1979 when I built the Revell/Monogram Viper kit released back then.
I looked the kits over - the Viper is a slightly larger size than the R/M release, but it has a clear cockpit with a pilot, controls, etc. The assembly looks pretty much the same. It also has landing gear, which is a nice touch.
What I'm really jazzed about, is the detail on the Galactica kit. I was suprised by the size of the box, because it was smaller than expected. The box is just jam packed with parts. This will look much better than the poorly crafted Revell/Monogram kit - I still have that unbuilt in the box because I knew I would never be happy with it. I know that this kit will provide a satisfactory result.
Just to clue you in - I'm a box stock kind of guy. I don't have the skill to add lights, or weather a model properly without muddying things up. I can manage a "fresh from the factory" look and still be happy with it. When I get these two built and finished, I'll be happy to post the results.
It's so exciting to build a new BG kit after all these years...!
"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"
"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly