Here is another installment of my attempt to make Galactica 1980 palatable. It is debatable as to how successful that effort was.
I still stand by my position that within the mess that G1980 was, there is a gem of a good idea. It is with these edits that I hope to find it. To that end, I have made the following changes for this episode:
1) Inane dialogue reduced. Galactica 1980 is so full of bad dialogue and horrible acting that it is hard to identify the bad from the really bad. But I did cut out the worst of the worst...I think.
2) Dr. Zee zapped. What the heck were they thinking when they made this character? Were they TRYING to destroy the series from the starting gate? Fortunately, this incredibly superfluous character really doesn't add much to this episode, and he won't be missed.
3) Padding deflated. Gone are those tedious scenes where we learn about the planets (done earlier and better in Schoolhouse Rock) and the airline hijack. (The only thing missing was Sonny Bono asking for the "second bomb on the right.)
So here is part one. Part two to come.
Part one -
Part two -
Part three -
Part four -
Pearls of Wisdom - "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Ben Franklin