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Old September 29th, 2005, 08:12 AM   #1
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Default So, You're A Producer

You are a producer.

You've just been given the green light to develop the next Battlestar Galactica Series.

It is now 30 years after the end of the original show (and you can pretend that GINO never happened).

Your missions, should you choose to accept it, is to let us know how you would do your continuation or do-over (you can choose which).

Which actors/actresses would you bring back, if any? Which actors/actresses would you use?

If it's a continuation what has happened in the last 30 years to the fleet? Where are they? Have they gotten any closer to finding Earth?

Be imaginative and have fun!

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Old September 29th, 2005, 08:58 AM   #2
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Ever wonder what would happen if the Gal ever turned around and decided to take the colonies back now that the Cylons have moved on searching for the Gal?

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Old September 29th, 2005, 09:33 AM   #3
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I'm going to be honest, although it probably won't lead to much discussion. All the original cast, updates to ships and Stu's music back.

Improve the writing perhaps, but my primary aim would be to focus on giving the fans what they want. I would indeed pretend GINO never happened. I would also pretend GAL80 never happened, with the exception of 'The Return of Starbuck' which I consider canon.

I'd do what we dream of.....
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Old September 29th, 2005, 10:01 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by ernie90125
I'm going to be honest, although it probably won't lead to much discussion. All the original cast, updates to ships and Stu's music back.

Improve the writing perhaps, but my primary aim would be to focus on giving the fans what they want. I would indeed pretend GINO never happened. I would also pretend GAL80 never happened, with the exception of 'The Return of Starbuck' which I consider canon.

I'd do what we dream of.....
I would also include The return of Starbuck and have it Start off with Commander Apollo in the celestial dome thinking about the last time he was there with his friends in the last episode (The Hand of God) And he would be having some flashbacks of what took Place over the last 25 Yarhens or so.

It would sound something like this


Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old September 29th, 2005, 10:08 AM   #5
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Ever wonder what would happen if the Gal ever turned around and decided to take the colonies back now that the Cylons have moved on searching for the Gal?
Girl you hit it on the head for me. This is really the only true logical course of action. In fact if you listen to Tom DeSanto's version he does have the Galactica and it's fleet turning around and going back. In his writing he actually has the fleet going in the wrong direction. Earth is actually back through the heart of the colonies and the cylon empire.

If i was given a green light to produce? Actors back would be Starbuck, Boomer and Tigh. Having Tigh for me would be a key but that's just me.

Great post and question lady!

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Old September 29th, 2005, 11:08 AM   #6
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OWD, I have indeed listened right the way through your audio continuation and enjoyed it.

I've been meaning to write a Continuation update to 'Return of Starbuck' for a while, which I will now make a point of getting to. I feel that we can take this episode a bit further in a very constructive way. I'll get back to people shortly.....
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Old September 29th, 2005, 11:26 AM   #7
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Default My Take....

Wow, thought provoking post.

Here's "my take":

Original actors to use:

Richard Hatch - Commander Apollo
Dirk Benedict - Colonel Starbuck
Herb Jefferson - Lt. Colonel Boomer
Laurette Spang - Chief Medical Officer
Terry Carter - President Tigh
Noah Hathaway - Lt. "Boxey" Troy (or Orin if you go towards DeSanto's vision)

Special Guest Stars:
Jack Stauffer - Chief Tech Trainer Bojay
Malcolm McDowell - Baltar
Anne Lockhart - Commander Sheba (in a returning recurring role of the Pegasus)
Jane Seymour - Angel of Light

New Stars:
Pamela Hensley - Lt. Commander Athena

My vision:
Somewhat borrowed from Hatch and DeSanto, yet I'd have Apollo lost for the last 2-3 years in battle (missing in action), and his "redemption" in the form of the ships of Light and Jane Seymour's character, to bring her back as a guest star into the series. Lt. Commander Athena is in charge, with Colonel Starbuck as her "right hand man." The series would be set 25 years in the future, and feature new mechanized Cylons, Baltar in a recurring role back with the Cylons.....

Would also feature Richard's Crimson vipers as well as the new Cylon raiders seen in his trailer.

Costuming changes: I would have red squadron wear crimson Colonial Warrior jackets with the "normal" CW uniform, and blue squadron would wear navy jackets. If you had a Gold Squadron, then those warriors would wear mustard colored jackets, etc.

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Old September 29th, 2005, 11:38 AM   #8
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Thank you, Titon, sweety! I'm glad you liked the question.

I wanted to get to some nice gritty little BG discussions - they say it's all been discussed well - some of it I HAVEN'T seen... and we have people here who may not have given their ideas before.

I'll answer this myself this evening.

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Old September 29th, 2005, 11:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by LadyImmortal
You are a producer.


Your missions, should you choose to accept it, is to let us know how you would do your continuation or do-over (you can choose which).

Which actors/actresses would you bring back, if any? Which actors/actresses would you use?

Step 1: Assemble a good core team that understands and respects the material upon which the continuation is based. Make sure that the team is able to work well together and is highly motivated towards making the project a success. Those merely seeking a paycheque need not apply.

Step 2: Determine the level of interest and availability of the original cast members. The presence or absence of a particular cast member should not determine the availability of the character. Recasting roles, if necessary, should be expected going into the project.

Step 3: Using your core team, determine the boundaries of any overall story. Determine which stories need to be told, and which stories can be told. If you have assembled a good team, then you should be able to step back and trust them to come up with good ideas.

Step 4: Approach the fan base and ensure that the fan base is on your side. Take lessons from Firefly's approach in generating a strong group of fans. This will, of necessity, mean reaching out to and embracing the new series fans, but there will be a very high degree of territoriality among any group of fans. Witness the bashing of original series Trek by TNG fans, or the internecine conflict between Season1 and Season2 fans of Space 1999. Treat the fan base like nitroglycerine--dangerous if shaken, productive if treated with care.

Step 5: Plan, plan, and re-plan everything. Plan for failure. This is a one-shot, pass/fail exam with very harsh and immediate consequences for failure. There is an old joke about television projects being greenlit:
Executive: What's the show about?
Producer: About half the cost of your typical episode of [insert name of show]
Executive: Sounds great. Start shooting tomorrow!
The project must be profitable to be successful. Proper planning, cost control, and preparation for the stresses of shooting can keep cost overruns to a minimum, and increase the likelihood of a profitable and lengthy run. Your producer's best friends should be your lawyers and accountants--especially those who can navigate licensing and merchandising deals and make them happen.

I think that should be enough to get started.
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Old September 29th, 2005, 11:59 AM   #10
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Another ten years from now, I'd really would consider it too late for a continuation. Thus it would have to be a re-make. I would keep it very close to the original though; I would make it grittier with a few flawed characters, but keep the hope beyond destruction vipe; would keep the names be the actual names; and I would first build a distinct culture for every colony world as well as multiple religions. Lay down in grand lines how they think, and how they emerged, and how the colony worlds joined together. The gist of their languages (have a languist ready when a line needs to be created) and say they are speaking something along the lines of esperanto, an artificial language created to facilitate easier communication between different colonies (although it'd be conveniently translated to english via every tvs buit in universal translator of course - unless I feel very bold and we'll ACTUALLY do it IN Esperanto and translate it with subtitles.) Each culture/world would have their own distinct look, but with several recurring similarities. I'd have a basic description of how the 1000 yahren war started, and how it went. The Cylons would of course be robots fully, but there'd be different colors, models, and camouflage for centurians. They'd also be faster, and deadlier - I think I'd have the old style slow tin cans at the very beginning of the 1000 yahren war, and we'd see flashbacks or old footage we'd see them, and notice how they improved themselves to effectively fight the humans. The destruction of the colonies would be more graphic, and expounded upon on all the 12 planets, and allow us to see the different philosophies in building - see similar traits in the ships fleeing from the planets.

The fleet would actually have the full number of ships somewhere between 200 and 500, and have each ship designed up front; a good number would be decided upon up front what they are.

The beginning would be tough; some of the religions might clash especially as some won't have a church or equivalent and want to use another's for their stand in. We'd get to see quite a bit from all of the fleet ships continuously.

Over the course of the series, as elections are held, the rich fools will be voted out, as the stark reality will remove any of their standing and their smiling faces can easily been seen through. After a while the Quorum of the Twelve would just be manned by capable people, who listen very well to the military. In most of the cases they overrule the military they'd be either prove right, or proven wrong but will have let the militry prepare for that eventuality.

The major events / red line through the series I'd probably plan out on beforehand. They'd meet other species, and the occasional human settlement of people having decided not go all the way to Earth or the colonies in earlier times. The species would know of the humans no doubt, and think of them in different ways. Some as fools for having the stupidity to stand up against the Cylons, and see what happened now, with the Cylons only stronger after the 1000 yahren war. Some would consider them heroes; but are too afraid to help. Others would help, but only in hiding, very few willing to TRULY stand up to the Cylons fully. A few individuals of those species might decide to join the Galactica.

We'd get to see Cain of course - a true living legend and commander. The big three would remain men: Adama, Apollo and Starbuck - and they will NOT be callsigns. I can see myself adding in more women, but they probably wouldn't get the names of beloved characters of the original; they'd be new names, new characters, with new stuff to do.

Iblis would be in there somewhere, and the lights (which aren't humans or the lords of Kobol). We'd get to meet the higher power they'd be working for as they claimed/would claim - a protector god, a counterweight to Iblis. We find he is bound by rules from the others of his kind - he can't just destroy Iblis. Iblis first arrival and manipulations would have vast consequences, especially religiously) throughout the fleet in episodes in the aftermath. The arrival of this god the same way, making humans question their believes, some deciding to reject them, others to keep them, again others to start whole knew ones in honor of the great beings - there'd also be atheists that shake there had at the whole deal. At the gods later return he'd probably request people stop worshiping him or something.

I'd end the series in them finding not Earth, but Star Trek Federation like organization in which Earth is a part somewhere in the future, but a smaller part - not the dominant super part as in Star Trek. But an organization that values Earth membership, having rejuvinated the organization upon their joining. The ships will be vastly more advanced than the Galactica, FTL battle capable. And Earth would not be the 13th colony, but to be revealed the mother Earth, the fleet would be 'welcomed home'. The reason why the name 'Earth' was known before the thirteenth tribed ever got there, was because the name was already given long before by the very same people. Humanity left Earth for some reason, settled on Kobol, the star was going boom, the 12 tribes were relocated to a nearby system with 12 planets some of which needed terraforming and artificial heating. Then the thirteenth tribe figured where they would be going, and decided to take their chances by going back to Earth. The time before Kobol on Earth was lost to the tribes.

This federation and Earth government would partially be radically different. If they wish to join the tribes would have to except the mixed species government above their own - they would have many different options including dismantling their entire governmental system, simply settling on Earth. Thus we'd have quite a bit of 'lively debate' and story lines on what to do. Of course the Cylons won't listen to reason, wanting to destroy this entire Federation and we get to see a final devastating war / battles / massacre as we watch the Cylons' reign be ended finally once and for all.

The End.
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Old September 29th, 2005, 12:25 PM   #11
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Wow, that's really good and very well thought out. I love the different religions (as long as it's treated with respect ::smiles:.

Very impressive!

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Old September 29th, 2005, 02:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ernie90125
OWD, I have indeed listened right the way through your audio continuation and enjoyed it.

I've been meaning to write a Continuation update to 'Return of Starbuck' for a while, which I will now make a point of getting to. I feel that we can take this episode a bit further in a very constructive way. I'll get back to people shortly.....

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have said this before but I feel I need to say it again, If it wasn't for Darrell, it would have only been about 20 minutes long because I was going to take the easy way out but he stepped in and said we should do a whole production and in 3 parts. Many of the things done were his Idea's because I guess you can say he had the Directors chair for the most part.

The voice talents was awesome too with Bill (Commander Taggart) Emerita , Amberstar and of course Darrell him self. Plus there was my wife Linda as the on line computer for Troy and Dylan.

I'm going to eventually add to it with other well known fans that have already contacted me and want to be apart of the production team in the future but I'm not sure what story I want to do first. I sort of have one in mind that has been picked over a bit but doing an episode about the Cylon home world and maybe a real cylon who isn't under the control of the Machine but is acting like he or she is long enough to free the real Cylon Lizards and create a Civil war.

One thing is for sure though, any future audio production will be done quicker because Return of a hero was a launching board for new voices to take center stage and when you have to go through all the samples from the original and try to make them gel for a story, it takes a long, long time rather then when you can just write a story and Give the voice actors their parts.

The down side of the Return of a hero is that it didn't always Gel and just like one fan told me, if your a big fan, then you can pick the parts out so it would be best to use samples from Streets of San Francisco for Richard Hatch and The A team for Dirk. I can get the A-team stuff but Streets might be a little more difficult.

Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old September 29th, 2005, 06:44 PM   #13
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Well... this thread is "So, You're A Producer".

This previous thread makes you the writer

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Old September 29th, 2005, 08:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Warrior
Well... this thread is "So, You're A Producer".

This previous thread makes you the writer

I guess I should open my eyes more, then I would have seen that thread.

Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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Old October 2nd, 2005, 09:05 AM   #15
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Default Rebirth of Empire: The Cauldron Tapped, Pt 1

Originally Posted by LadyImmortal
You are a producer.

You've just been given the green light to develop the next Battlestar Galactica Series.


Be imaginative and have fun!

Hi All,

This is the prologue for a non-BSG game that I'm still tinkering with. Because it is too close to BSG, I'll probably have to rewrite it, but it works here quite well.


Rebirth of Empire: The Cauldron Tapped


Handwritten note from the Captain-General: Bill, consider this a verbal auth.: have an ISST black-bag Glen Larson's house in LA - if he was 'channeling' when he wrote BSG, I want those notes! I'm not kidding -- the last damned thing we need is the Colonial Fleet showing up, and a Lorne-Greene-look-alike talking about a "shining planet"... Moi

Translated into English from the Book of An'un'ki, completed on Day 137, 2013CE, by the Office of Information Recovery and Historical Research, Imperial Archival Service:

From a note attached to the Book of A'n'un'ki by Chief Librarian Hr'yam, Royal Archives of Hjalik, At'Landa, c.1824CE:

"...It is with great regret that we cannot locate any copy of The Book of the One Jewel anywhere in our records. We beseech the Throne to extend all efforts to locate a copy..."

"IT IS WRITTEN that in the days of the Reign of the Zepto Piton, the Great Smoking Mountains did lay great destruction upon the Home of Man, called T'Rah.

And amid the Chaos, the Warriors of the T'Rah did many great and heroic deeds, saving many, many multitudes; and the multitudes blessed the Warriors.

And the Warriors of the T'Rah did bear these Multitudes of Man by their great starships to a place called Far Home, and there did place them into safety.

And it came to pass that the Aten, he who held Kingship over all of the other Kings of Men, did from His Throne at Far Home divide the Multitudes of Man into the Twelve Tribes of Man.

And to rule over these Twelve Tribes, the Aten did place the Sixty Families, Husband and Wife, over each Tribe, and there were Five Families to rule over each Tribe.

And of the Sixty Families, Husband and Wife, the names of the twelve most honored were: Ad'am, No'tah, At'r'us, Da'v'ud, M'oy'say, M'B’ng, Chi', Am'r't'su, 'Han, Prin', Bel, and S'ing. And these Twelve Families did lead the Tribes of Man at Far

And of the Twelve Tribes of Man, so each was divided thrice into the Warriors, the Workers, and the Learners.

And in all of the Tribes of Man so divided thrice, the proportions of the Multitudes were one Warrior to every two Learners to every five Workers; and thus were the Tribes of Man of T'Rah divided.


"...And hence, after many multitudes of years had passed, the Warriors of Man, called among themselves the Seraphim, did grow restless in peace. And thus did they quarrel with the Aten, the fifth who had ruled since the coming to Far Home of the Tribes of Man of T'Rah.

The Warriors did demand of the Aten, "Let us return to our True Home, green T'Rah, for our hearts ache to see that verdant land."

And the Aten bade the Warriors to have patience, saying thus, "The Great Smoking Mountains may have become quiet since our leave-taking, but the skies and waters will not yet have cleared. Be patient, and in time, we shall return Home."

And the Warriors did take this counsel, but in their hearts of hearts, the Warriors still yearned to see T'Rah.

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Old October 2nd, 2005, 09:06 AM   #16
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Default Rebirth of Empire: The Cauldron Tapped, Pt 2

Rebirth of Empire: The Cauldron Tapped


"...And it came to pass, that the sixth Aten to rule Far Home came to a vision of the Great Design that he named the Precious Jewel. This vision claimed that the many Gods that the Twelve Tribes worshipped were but shadows, or different facets, as are the facets of a diamond, of but one God, and further, that the worship of many Gods should be replaced by the worship of the One God by all of the Multitude. And he did write this vision down as the Book of the One Jewel.

And while the majority of the multitudes welcomed this view, the vastly greater number of the Warriors and many of the Learners as well, were most wroth, and made great imprecations and threats against the very life of the Aten.

And verily did the people tremble in fear, for the Warriors were powerful and terrible in the ways of battle, and none of the leaders of the Tribes, nor any of the Sixty Families, Husband and Wife, were able to ausage the rage of the Warriors.

And it came to pass, that as disaster loomed - for the people, and yea, even the Aten, feared that the Warriors would seize power - a Warrior Commander of the House of Ad'am stepped forward with a solution.

Standing before the other Commanders of Warriors, he did most strongly chastise them for their wroth, saying that they should be humble and not proud of their skill in destruction, for destruction neither created nor maintained any thing of value.

But the Warrior Commanders Tiamat and Marduk, who had been chosen to represent the Warriors, and their Warriors - who watched from afar through their far-seeing plates - although humbled, were unrepentant. They said, "This is intolerable! We will not give up the worship of those Gods who Light our way! And, yet, the Aten will neither yield! Yea, verily, are these evil times! Come, Brother, let us unseat this Usurper - who would most evilly change our Society so!"

But the Warrior Commander C'in replied thusly, "It is YOU who should be unseated for your profanity and treason! But, if you truly are at odds with this ruling of the Aten, then as free-will people, you have no choice but to withdraw yourselves from the Body of the Multitude. Take thee then hence, you and all those who would follow you, and harm not the Body of the Multitude, for verily, you have abandoned your own Tribes and would make violence against them. You are no longer of the Twelve, but have become, all of you together, a Thirteenth Tribe. Go ye then Home, if it please you, for you have made no place any longer for yourselves here."

And the Warriors rejoiced at this admonition saying, "Let us hence away from here, and return to that Place we all desire, and be quit of those who would spurn us so!"

And verily did ninety and five of every one hundred Warriors, and four of every ten Learners, and two of every ten Workers did board ships of the stars to bear them home to T'Rah. And the number of all of these was three hundred and seventy thousand, with all of their goods and animals.


And it came to pass, by and by, that the Great Fleet of ships did return to T'Rah.

And from on high, they did see how much had changed on T'Rah, for the destruction wrought by the Great Smoking Mountains had created new coastlines and seas where none had been before. Verily, even the beautiful valley north of the great inland sea of the northern hemisphere was flooded as a sea unto itself.

And the Warriors and Learners and Workers of Man, now called the Thirteenth Tribe, did resettle T'Rah, in many places.

And on a verdant island opposite the great inland sea, did the greater part of this Thirteenth Tribe place their capitol, and it was called At'ln.


And great were the accomplishments of the Thirteenth Tribe. Among these was the Great Ark, which completely changed travel to other stars.

And the Thirteenth Tribe did prosper as they rebuilt T'Rah, and verily did they exceed even the greatness of their ancestors, who had fled to Far Home. And the Thirteenth Tribe did rejoice in their success.


And many were the colonies of the Thirteenth Tribe, verily forty and eight in number. And the jewel among them was called At'Landa, and it was twelve light-years from T'Rah.

Great were its shipyards, and great were its cities.


But the jealousy of Man did come upon the children of the Thirteenth Tribe.

After many multitudes of years, the Lord En'Ll, who was Chief among the Learners, did come before the leaders of the Thirteenth Tribe, who were called the Council of Thirteen, and spake thus, "Lo! I have viewed the Heavens above and verily have I seen a great destruction that comes upon us! We must take ship and flee from this world, or we will surely die!"

But the Council of the Thirteen scorned the Lord En'Ll, saying thus "Your vision is addled and clouded by Ambrosia! Return ye home to sleep!" And the Lord En'Ll was so shamed in public.

But two Commanders of Warriors and one Councilor, who were the Warrior Commander Marduk, the third child of the Marduk of the Great Trek, Warrior Commander Tiamat, fourth child of the Tiamat of the Great Trek, and the Lord En'Ki'i of the Council of the Thirteen did hear the words of the Lord En'Ll and did take heed of them.

And these three leaders did prepare their own Houses and Commands for the Great Destruction to come.


And the Seven Mountains crashed down from the sky, and verily all but one crashed into the seas.

And the seas did boil, and the skies darken, and much woe and torment was visited upon the Thirteenth Tribe of Man. And many, many places, great and mean, were laid waste by fire and dust and water.

And the Great Fleet of the Thirteenth Tribe saw this destruction being wrought, and cried out most piteously, saying "Vile Fates! We are struck down! We are doomed!"

And the Warrior Commanders Tiamat and Marduk and Atreus did go among the Warriros of the Fleet and did spake words of comfort to them and heard their piteous cries and calmed them.

And the Warriors of the Great Fleet did many great and heroic deeds in those dark days, and saved many lives.


And it cam to pass, as T'Rah healed itself from the Crashing of the Great Mountains, the Warrior Commanders Tiamat and Marduk did quarrel with each other, and their quarrel was most wroth with vile insults.

And Tiamat did spit upon Marduk and curse him for a fool and turned her back on him, a great insult.

And Marduk, in his rage, did draw his Blade and struck Tiamat most cruelly in the back, and she fell, mortally wounded.

But as Marduk stood over the fallen Tiamat and gloated in his triumph, Tiamat, who was not yet dead, did strike Marduk with her Staff of Thunder, and he was mortally wounded.

And the Warrior Commander Atreus, coming upon this evil scene, was horrified, and tried to save the life of Tiamat, who still lived, but her wound was too great and she died in his arms.


And Atreus strove mightily to keep the other Warrior Commanders of one mind, but his arguments fell on deaf ears, and the other Warrior Commanders - chief among them Os'rs, Ba'al, Ash'k, Kw't'zk, and Ch'n - soon fell to warring amongst themselves.

And great and terrible were their wars, for there were none to restrain them. And the wars continued, for the Warriors fought not for land or food or power, nor even glory, but for the sheer love of battle.

And Atreus saw this and wept.


And Atreus gathered together those of his followers who survived, and journeyed to At'Landa, to settle there while T'Rah healed itself.

But forces of Os'rs did pursue him to that place, and although Atreus was victorious in the Heavens, the forces of Os'rs did terrible things to the world of At'Landa.

And Atreus, until the end of his days, renounced the Sword Way, even to the extent of disabling his starships, until his descendants learned a better Way.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 12:48 AM   #17
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
I'm going to be honest, although it probably won't lead to much discussion. All the original cast, updates to ships and Stu's music back.

Improve the writing perhaps, but my primary aim would be to focus on giving the fans what they want. I would indeed pretend GINO never happened. I would also pretend GAL80 never happened, with the exception of 'The Return of Starbuck' which I consider canon.

I'd do what we dream of.....
Totally this.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 07:57 AM   #18
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

  • Hire GOOD writers - maybe Joss Whedon or Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad). People that know how to write character-driven stories without getting wrapped around the axle with minutia.
  • DO NOT hire Bryan Singer. He has had his chance and failed epically. He's teased the fanbase and pulled out far too many times to be treated seriously. The second-to-last time, pulling out in favor of a "Munsters" reboot sealed his fate (at least with me) and gave everyone a good idea of his "priorities". Tom DeSanto, maybe, but NEVER Singer.
  • Hire GOOD scientific advisers. Understand what "light speed" really means, relativistically. No more confusing of terms like "universe", "galaxy" and "star system". Such things imply nothing more than lazy writing and an unwillingness to understand the reality of cosmology. Rationalizing it away by wanting it to come from the mouths of non-Earth Humans is a bullsh!t cop-out. If this were true, they would have invented new terms for them, like yahrens for years, centons for minutes, etc. Instead it just sounds brain-dead and continues to minimize the property as nothing more than a "cheesy kids show". Hell, there are third graders who know the difference between these things. Adult writers of science fiction should have these distinctions tattooed under their bloody eyelids!
  • The CG artists who did NuBSG should be re-used. I know there are a lot of "GINO" haters here, but that should be pointed solely at the show-runners. Plus, that show is done - time to let it go and move on. The VFX they did in that show under Gary Hutzel and Doug Drexler was stunning and the talent should be reused, without question. They are clearly fans of the original, as they even took many opportunities to insert nods towards TOS in hundreds of scenes throughout the series (and Caprica and Blood & Chrome) and, in particular, Cylon designs. My only caveat would be to stop the shaky-cam cinema verite nonsense. It's not trendy or edgy and it only severs to give people headaches struggling to follow the action. Live action footage should mandate this as well.
  • And yes, of course, hire all the original cast who are willing (and still alive) to participate and fill in the gaps with a "new generation", where needed. Boxey as an adult plus offspring from Starbuck and Cass should also be added. Funny how, prior to the existence of NuBSG, I always envisioned Starbuck's daughter to look and behave exactly like Katie Sackhoff did, emotional baggage and all, just with longer hair.
  • The return of Commander Cain - played by JEFF Bridges. He can do it - he's even starting to look more like his dad now-a-days, and he's not afraid to pick up genre work like this as an actor. Beau Bridges would also work as a secondary - also a veteran of sci-fi genre shows and film.
  • Make the show more realistic than the original without making it a weekly fate-is-going-to-kick-these-people-in-the-balls show like NuBSG. A healthy medium between the two would be good and, again, serve to move it away from the kiddie label. Give the characters hard and realistic challenges but also give them a more tangible and solid reward for surmounting the odds. That's why God invented the denouement!

None of this, of course, will ever happen. But it is nice to dream...
ಠ_ಠ Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9.

Last edited by 137th Gebirg; September 27th, 2013 at 08:22 AM..
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Old September 27th, 2013, 09:16 PM   #19
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

Originally Posted by 137th Gebirg View Post
  • Hire GOOD writers - maybe Joss Whedon or Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad). People that know how to write character-driven stories without getting wrapped around the axle with minutia.
  • DO NOT hire Bryan Singer. He has had his chance and failed epically. He's teased the fanbase and pulled out far too many times to be treated seriously. The second-to-last time, pulling out in favor of a "Munsters" reboot sealed his fate (at least with me) and gave everyone a good idea of his "priorities". Tom DeSanto, maybe, but NEVER Singer.
  • Hire GOOD scientific advisers. Understand what "light speed" really means, relativistically. No more confusing of terms like "universe", "galaxy" and "star system". Such things imply nothing more than lazy writing and an unwillingness to understand the reality of cosmology. Rationalizing it away by wanting it to come from the mouths of non-Earth Humans is a bullsh!t cop-out. If this were true, they would have invented new terms for them, like yahrens for years, centons for minutes, etc. Instead it just sounds brain-dead and continues to minimize the property as nothing more than a "cheesy kids show". Hell, there are third graders who know the difference between these things. Adult writers of science fiction should have these distinctions tattooed under their bloody eyelids!
  • The CG artists who did NuBSG should be re-used. I know there are a lot of "GINO" haters here, but that should be pointed solely at the show-runners. Plus, that show is done - time to let it go and move on. The VFX they did in that show under Gary Hutzel and Doug Drexler was stunning and the talent should be reused, without question. They are clearly fans of the original, as they even took many opportunities to insert nods towards TOS in hundreds of scenes throughout the series (and Caprica and Blood & Chrome) and, in particular, Cylon designs. My only caveat would be to stop the shaky-cam cinema verite nonsense. It's not trendy or edgy and it only severs to give people headaches struggling to follow the action. Live action footage should mandate this as well.
  • And yes, of course, hire all the original cast who are willing (and still alive) to participate and fill in the gaps with a "new generation", where needed. Boxey as an adult plus offspring from Starbuck and Cass should also be added. Funny how, prior to the existence of NuBSG, I always envisioned Starbuck's daughter to look and behave exactly like Katie Sackhoff did, emotional baggage and all, just with longer hair.
  • The return of Commander Cain - played by JEFF Bridges. He can do it - he's even starting to look more like his dad now-a-days, and he's not afraid to pick up genre work like this as an actor. Beau Bridges would also work as a secondary - also a veteran of sci-fi genre shows and film.
  • Make the show more realistic than the original without making it a weekly fate-is-going-to-kick-these-people-in-the-balls show like NuBSG. A healthy medium between the two would be good and, again, serve to move it away from the kiddie label. Give the characters hard and realistic challenges but also give them a more tangible and solid reward for surmounting the odds. That's why God invented the denouement!

None of this, of course, will ever happen. But it is nice to dream...
BRAVO!! This, EXACTLY this, nothing but this!!!!
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Old September 28th, 2013, 07:05 AM   #20
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

Originally Posted by 137th Gebirg View Post
  • Hire GOOD writers - maybe Joss Whedon or Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad). People that know how to write character-driven stories without getting wrapped around the axle with minutia.
  • DO NOT hire Bryan Singer. He has had his chance and failed epically. He's teased the fanbase and pulled out far too many times to be treated seriously. The second-to-last time, pulling out in favor of a "Munsters" reboot sealed his fate (at least with me) and gave everyone a good idea of his "priorities". Tom DeSanto, maybe, but NEVER Singer.
  • Hire GOOD scientific advisers. Understand what "light speed" really means, relativistically. No more confusing of terms like "universe", "galaxy" and "star system". Such things imply nothing more than lazy writing and an unwillingness to understand the reality of cosmology. Rationalizing it away by wanting it to come from the mouths of non-Earth Humans is a bullsh!t cop-out. If this were true, they would have invented new terms for them, like yahrens for years, centons for minutes, etc. Instead it just sounds brain-dead and continues to minimize the property as nothing more than a "cheesy kids show". Hell, there are third graders who know the difference between these things. Adult writers of science fiction should have these distinctions tattooed under their bloody eyelids!
  • The CG artists who did NuBSG should be re-used. I know there are a lot of "GINO" haters here, but that should be pointed solely at the show-runners. Plus, that show is done - time to let it go and move on. The VFX they did in that show under Gary Hutzel and Doug Drexler was stunning and the talent should be reused, without question. They are clearly fans of the original, as they even took many opportunities to insert nods towards TOS in hundreds of scenes throughout the series (and Caprica and Blood & Chrome) and, in particular, Cylon designs. My only caveat would be to stop the shaky-cam cinema verite nonsense. It's not trendy or edgy and it only severs to give people headaches struggling to follow the action. Live action footage should mandate this as well.
  • And yes, of course, hire all the original cast who are willing (and still alive) to participate and fill in the gaps with a "new generation", where needed. Boxey as an adult plus offspring from Starbuck and Cass should also be added. Funny how, prior to the existence of NuBSG, I always envisioned Starbuck's daughter to look and behave exactly like Katie Sackhoff did, emotional baggage and all, just with longer hair.
  • The return of Commander Cain - played by JEFF Bridges. He can do it - he's even starting to look more like his dad now-a-days, and he's not afraid to pick up genre work like this as an actor. Beau Bridges would also work as a secondary - also a veteran of sci-fi genre shows and film.
  • Make the show more realistic than the original without making it a weekly fate-is-going-to-kick-these-people-in-the-balls show like NuBSG. A healthy medium between the two would be good and, again, serve to move it away from the kiddie label. Give the characters hard and realistic challenges but also give them a more tangible and solid reward for surmounting the odds. That's why God invented the denouement!

None of this, of course, will ever happen. But it is nice to dream...
You left out the most important idea. Minimal to None LENS FLARES!
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Old September 28th, 2013, 05:44 PM   #21
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

Hire good writers/ I'd hire the folks who wrote some of the greatest fanFic. FAR above what alot of those "professional" sort churned out.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 09:26 PM   #22
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

All great ideas. If it ever came to pass, I'd be in line for tickets. Guaranteed.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 07:12 AM   #23
137th Gebirg
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Default Re: So, You're A Producer

Originally Posted by PaulGTweed View Post
You left out the most important idea. Minimal to None LENS FLARES!
LOL! I don't think we'll have to ever worry about that until we start hearing rumors of JJ Abrams' involvement.
ಠ_ಠ Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9.
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