My COmp Was Not Infected.....
Hey all.
Normally I would not shout this, but A rarity has occurred in the
Space time FLux Capitulence reaction equation.
My COMP was not infected? All the crap I was dealing with and experiencing was a DRIVER????? $81.00 For a driver update?
Damnit, I got a notice to update my Driver for a GTX 570 that was BRAND new.
After the update all my gFX was glitchy and crashy. so I rolled back driver.
Tech said when I picked it up , I told him this, and he said that explains everything. What rollbacking a driver is Taboo?
Well, my comp was using adedicated GFX card , and I guess windows was saying it was the wrong something.
any way, render is still slow, but I can ty7pe text as you can see.....
Cheers, from a slightly intoxicated Thunder....
-ever get that feeling from a movie trailer you cant wait to see it-
that is what it does to me.
So much to learn , so little time, and so many ideas with so little knowledge and so much to discover with so many things to try.