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Old December 20th, 2011, 08:19 AM   #1
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Default Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen


As I write this, we near the end of 2011 and mark more than a decade since the Tom DeSanto/Bryan Singer Galactica effort failed. Over this time, I've learned far more about you than I ever cared to know and you, by contrast, have aggressively followed every word I've written. For reasons that confound me, you've also made me a center-piece in your endless campaigns of hatred. Surprisingly, you seem to be under the impression that your angry words do some level of harm to me. As I've said, they don't. Nor, to the best of my knowledge, do your lies about others bother them. They only serve to illustrate your immaturity and unwillingness to act like a reasonable adult. You can proclaim otherwise but be assured that your writings and insults do not harm anyone other than yourself.

I repeat, I harbor no ill-will towards you Andrew, nor do I write anything with the intent of making you feel worse about yourself than you already do. As I said, I truly would like to hear that you've shaken off the problems that have mired you for so long and are on a path to a better life. I pity you, for the suffering and alienation you create all around you. I don't justify self-destructive behavior but I do find it unfortunate.

I used to wonder why you responded with such venom towards folks who tried to deal with you reasonably. The best answers are contained in the FBI's manual on hate groups, which states: "Hate masks personal insecurities. The more insecure a person feels, the larger the hate mask." A bit later it states: "Insecure people try to create a sense of self-worth by relegating a person or group of people to a lower status."

Later, in the psychological breakdown of "The Hate Model", your regular process is clearly identified. According to The Hate Model, those who engage in hateful activity driven by their own insecurities start with an act of aggression. If the target reacts in anything other than a submissive manner, the hater believes (wrongly) that the target has acted aggressively against them. They then feel they are on the defensive and must retaliate, even though the hater was the initial instigator.

The FBI manual provides the illustration with an example detailing a case where a skinhead, with a swastika tattooed on his cheek, walked into a jewelry store to buy a ring for his girlfriend. The skinhead became incensed when the Jewish clerk treated him poorly. The skinhead later commented that if Jews treated him with more respect he would not hate them so much. The skinhead clearly saw himself as a victim, although he openly displayed a provocative symbol of hate on his face.

Does this pattern sound at all familiar to you? If not, it should.

Equally important to this style of hater is that the insecure person feels a strong need to enlist others to join in their hatred. The manual states: "They feel compelled, almost driven, to entreat others to hate as they do. Peer validation bolsters a sense of self-worth and, at the same time, prevents introspection, which reveals the personal insecurities the hater is desperate to avoid."

It goes on to explain that irrational haters go to extraordinary lengths to try to justify their causes when their own personal shortfalls are very intense.

Does that sound familiar? It may not, but it also should, especially for a man who has written several books trying to convince others there is a vast conspiracy by Universal Studios against anything and everything and then created fabricated accounts on Amazon to try to convince others that his outlandish claims somehow have some sort of validity. Further, you've used your faked accounts to provide confirming testimony that the insanity of your books is somehow based on some sort of truth, even though everyone (and I do mean everyone) knows they're only your fabrications.

Personally, I'd call your actions "extraordinary lengths".

In your case, the hatred is at least two-fold as you hold the same irrational hatreds against all Republicans. I'll not argue with your political beliefs. I mention this simply to illustrate that in this arena, you've also shown the exact same pattern and the same out of control perspective.

Although you've displayed you disproportionate responses before, of key note is your "sincere wish" that Stallion die an uncomfortable death through serious health issues. You sincerely wished he would suffer tragic medical conditions because of your perception that he didn't dislike a television series (GINO) as much as you thought he should. That's a level of unrestrained hatred that most would find quite bothersome no matter what the cause. When its married to preferences over a television series, its very troublesome. For you, it should have been a strong indicator that some things were horribly wrong with your thinking and approach. It may be worthwhile to ask yourself why you weren't shocked and ashamed by your own behavior because every single normal person on the planet would have been. Harboring that level of hate towards anything is worrying, especially when sparked by a mere media production.

Again, I think most would call your declarations going to "extraordinary lengths".

I wonder when you are going to admit to yourself that your Universal Studios conspiracy theory is beyond laughable. You can spend another ten years making senseless declarations about stealth marketers and claiming that those you don't like are somehow involved in a grand scheme against a television series but let's be honest, -- its nothing more than your mechanism to rationalize your own uncomfortable feelings not address the real issues in your life. If you think the rest of us don't see this, its screamingly obvious.

As we come to the end of the decade year, its probably worthy to look at your track record. How many books have you authored that have no role other than to declare the things you hate? What purpose do they serve other than to exactly fulfill "The Hate Model" that the FBI uses to understand the irrational acts of Skinhead groups? What purpose has all of your Internet postings had other than to isolate you from all the things you fear? Do you sincerely think there is a single person other than yourself that regards the words you write with anything other than mockery?

To repeat, if you think you're somehow harming everyone with your outrageous claims, you're not. Nobody fears that you might write negatively about them. They laugh at you when you do it. If you think otherwise, you're misguiding yourself badly. Increasing your hate and venom doesn't make your targets more vulnerable. It only makes you appear more juvenile and more ridiculous.

As I believe knowledge is the first step, let me add to the above with the following, clear declarations. Deep down, you know these are true. Its well beyond time you ended your pathetic charade and came back towards reality.

1. There is no "conspiracy against Battlestar Galactica" by Universal Studios or anyone else. The studio executives made some poor decisions as to the best direction to take the property. These execs aren't "at war" with anyone. They are simply trying to make a profit in the manner they think best. I disagree with their decisions, as do you, but the execs aren't making their choices with the intent of smearing anyone. To continue to believe otherwise is sheer folly.

2. Russell Sanders and Stallion Cornell are nothing more than fans who liked the original Galactica and disliked GINO. We do not carry these preferences to the point of allowing them to become barriers between ourselves and others who feel differently. To do so would be unhealthy and would rob us of some good relationships that we value. Your repeated insistence that I and Stallion are "stealth marketers" only makes you look more and more foolish. Nobody on Colonial Fleets are has any intent other than to be a mere fan and act in that capacity.

3. Nobody -- and I repeat NOBODY -- is engaged in "stealth marketing" for GINO. A few paid folks were but that effort is completed. The series is over and done with. Caprica also has passed into history. There is no stealth marketing for Blood and Chrome as there is no marketing being done whatsoever. The studio and network can't decide how and why they might show the thing. If there is stealth marketing related to Bryan Singer, it certainly isn't taking place on Fleets, which has shown an increasingly negative view of Singer's effort. The only entity engaged in any stealth marketing is you. You have authored all of the positive reviews of your own books under faked Amazon accounts. At best, this undermines your "outrage" that others have performed stealth marketing when you engage heavily in it yourself.

4. The DVD set for the original Galactica series wasn't intentionally issued as a poor product. It was simply be the best product the distributor could create with the time and resources they had available.

5. Ron Moore didn't engage in any sinister plot. He intentionally varied his series from the basis and themes of the original but he did so with the sole intent of enhancing his own career. His concern was making his own personal mark in television not engaging in some larger conspiracy supervised by Universal Studios. Further, he never asked me to do anything to promote his series, nor did he asked the same of anyone I know. In my case, he was disturbed by my overwhelmingly negative responses, something you intentionally ignore in your fantasy that I have tried to promote the GINO franchise. Further, he never attempted to sway my opinions one way or another, even when they bothered him. Your claims are wholly false and you know this, but I understand that according to "The Hate Model", you need to maintain these lies or your entire house of cards falls. (But really, isn't the fact that you have to maintain your illusions with what you know are lies the real point? Again, if you think you're convincing someone else that your lies are true you aren't. You're simply shouting "Andrew Fullen is an idiot" to everyone that reads them.)

6. Bonnie Hammer isn't engaged in any conspiracy to destroy science fiction or trash the reputation of Battlestar Galactica. She didn't understand the basic content of the network she ran and was focused on recruiting a female audience. I believe she made poor decisions but poor decisions do not equate to outright malice. Again, the only one showing outright malice has been you.

7. You are only harming yourself! You should read this point over and over. You are only harming yourself. I understand you have a lot of personal issues that you are trying to avoid but your conduct isn't making your personal situation any better. For more than a decade you've been immobile, frozen in a circle of hatred, while all the rest of us have moved onward. By Stallion's accounting, you are living with your mother, spending the majority of your time weaving hate conspiracies against Universal Studios and Republicans, and going absolutely nowhere either with the basic advancement of your life or your own personal development. You are entrapped proclaiming you're a victim and target by people who don't know you exist. Universal isn't worried about you because they could give a damn what you write. You're one of several million outrageous voices on the Internet. In your case, your rants are so over the top that even those who would support your basic views find you poisonous. After more than a decade of effort, you've had absolutely zero effect against any of the causes you are trying to campaign against but you've caused yourself a lot of strife and I suspect, a fair amount of emotional harm. It confounds me that you won't change your ways and shift towards a path that is more constructive and better for your own well-being. Based on your responses in the past, I suspect you feel that changing your approach is letting your enemies win but in truth, there is no enemy you are confronting. You are all alone and the only enemy you need fear is your own self-destructive conduct.

And that is why I bother to write any of this. I call on you look at the past decade with an honest review as if you were evaluating an investment strategy. Think of it as if you were judging the payoff for real money you invested. In this case, the price is actually higher as its years of your life you can't recover.

With this in mind, look at the poor results you have garnered. You've ruined your reputation among those you have wished to have dialog with. You've embraced anger and hatred so completely that they are now your only companions. You've driven yourself to seek revenge against people who never wished you any harm and you've attempted to slander others for the singular purpose of hiding your own insecurities. None of this has enhanced your life in any way. It has completely failed for more than ten years. I'm amazed that you think somehow the result may change if you keep doing the exact same thing with ever-increasing passion. (I'm not totally amazed because as I noted, it is in line with "The Hate Model").

Concurrently, if only for the point of a mental exercise, think about all the things that you might have achieved had you directed your energy differently. You've expended a lot of effort over the past ten years. If you'd have written a serious chronicle about Battlestar Galactica, spending your time on doing actual research rather than attempting to support your emotional outbursts, you would likely have been able to claim authorship of a successful book that people would actually want to read. You could have become a master of media or graphics or earned a college degree in any field you chose. You could have learned modeling or painting or sculpture. You could have learned woodworking or auto repair. The range of your lost opportunities are nearly endless.

Instead, you've spent more than ten years screaming about all the people you hate -- people you don't know and have never actually spoken to. In truth, you aren't fighting real people but the images in your own mind. I'm not sure you realize that or recognize that combating those images is something that has eaten away at you without having any ill-effects on your targets. Stallion isn't any worse off because Andrew Fullen hates him. I certainly haven't felt any harm from your childishness. I really wonder how long it will be before you finally open your eyes and realize that. We aren't high school kids. Just because you operate on that level of immaturity doesn't mean the rest of us do. Until you understand that, I doubt you'll ever find anything that you'll find satisfying.

Most people want far better for themselves. It amazes me that you don't. Truthfully, how old are you? When are you going to attempt to act like it? I don't say this to be harsh or mean but to ask you an honest question in the hope that you'll someday think about how foolishly you've been acting.

I've no doubt you'll initially respond to this with another series of rants intended to be more hateful than anything we've read before. Hopefully, when you recognize how useless those reactions are, you'll reread this again and then take a very long, very hard look in the mirror. We all know that self-assessment is long, long overdue for you.

I hope that despite your track record, ultimately you'll make the right decision. Trying to make others responsible for your own insecurities isn't the solution to your problems. Your masks of aggression only fool yourself. They don't make you sound tough and confident, just wildly off-balanced. They make you easy to mock and encourage the rest of us to laugh at you but in the end, I know they don't serve you well and I doubt our reactions to you have been helpful either.

All my best,

I respect French maids for their minds.

Last edited by TwoBrainedCylon; December 20th, 2011 at 11:10 AM..
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Old December 20th, 2011, 12:05 PM   #2
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen


I read your response. It was precisely what we all knew it would be.

If you ever opt to stop playing the fool, come back and reread this thread.

Until then, it won't help you as it was written for an adult, not an immature little brat. I know you want everyone to engage you in your childish games but I think its fair to say that at this point, everyone in fandom has tired of your antics and feels that its well beyond time that you grew the Hell up.

When you look in the mirror, do you see the reflection of someone who is any more than 14-years old? If so, you have a serious mismatch in maturity between your looks and your personality.

That should probably be your focus of attention rather than worrying about your next Internet dispute.

See you next year -- or next decade -- or whenever.

Filled with pity for you,

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Old December 20th, 2011, 01:00 PM   #3
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post
4. The DVD set for the original Galactica series wasn't intentionally issued as a poor product. It was simply be the best product the distributor could create with the time and resources they had available.
Err... the DVD set actually won an award as I recall. I think it was Best release of a vintage TV show or something.

Note, when the DVD boxed set was released, Vivendi still owned Universal. Since then, with new owners, no vintage TV series has received the same care as the BG DVD got.

IMO point #4 is complete felgercarb.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 01:52 PM   #4
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The DVD set has long been Lang's claim, not mine.

Truth be told, I did find he packaging to be a bit problematic. I cracked one disc removing it and had to send off for a replacement. Since then, I've kept the discs in other DVD cases. This was a poor design IMO but its hardly "evidence" of some nefarious, intentional plan.

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Old December 20th, 2011, 01:57 PM   #5
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

I cracked one disc removing it and had to send off for a replacement.
Perfect example of the legitimate need to be able to back up personal copies of copyrighted media.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 02:00 PM   #6
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Amazon replaced it without any questions.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 02:38 PM   #7
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post
The DVD set has long been Lang's claim, not mine.
Indeed. And another example of why Lang is cooked outside the bird.

Langy's been ignored by fandom for about seven to eight years, the only time he gets any attention is in threads like this.

Something to think about everyone.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 02:57 PM   #8
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Originally Posted by peter noble View Post
Indeed. And another example of why Lang is cooked outside the bird.

Langy's been ignored by fandom for about seven to eight years, the only time he gets any attention is in threads like this.

Something to think about everyone.

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Old December 20th, 2011, 04:00 PM   #9
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No idea who this andrew fella is, guess it's times like this that I'm glad I stay confused, it's easier that way.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 04:52 PM   #10
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Originally Posted by BST View Post

The best way to extinguish a fire is to remove the oxygen.

Indeed....the best way to kill a snake is to cut off the head...the best way to choke a chicken.....er.....neverrrrr mind. (runs...hides)
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Old December 20th, 2011, 06:47 PM   #11
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I'll admit, -- after my tour in Iraq, I've been more fond of the potential for reconciliation between disagreeable parties than I used to be. Since then, I've held a small but continued hope that there was some part of Andrew that could be reasoned with. Since then, I've spot checked him about once a year, -- always with the same unfortunate results. When he was identified in the "Big Screen" thread, it coincided with the general timeframe for the next spot check.

From what I read of late, Andrew seems to be floundering more than in the past. He's more intently followed a few folks and been more focused on all their activities. My impression was of a child standing in the snow, looking through the window at friends sitting around the fire, wondering why he has to stay out in the cold.

Part of me hoped that some rational dialog might be laid with Andrew but it isn't the time. He's still a rabid dog that knows nothing more or less than how to froth at the mouth. Admittedly, part of me finds it difficult to understand how any man of his age can consistently act like a child throwing a temper tantrum but I sometimes underplay his serious mental challenges. I'm not a mental health professional and that's what he needs if he is to ever be anything other than a venom-spitting maniac.

My intention for this thread was never to go beyond the initial post and the follow-up. I certainly didn't think it would turn into a running dialog. However, now that it has, its probably as good a place as any for the group we call fandom to decide if we are truly going to write him off forever or not. If so, I'm good with that. Given his decade of unrestrained hostility towards everyone and every thing, I wouldn't shed any tears if he was designated a permanent exile and I'd be as willing as any to cease all communication towards him and about him. If the consensus is to ignore him completely, I'm as game as any for that. He's certainly asked for it for a long time and its truly what he deserves.

As I said, I'd hoped part of him could be reasoned with but even if that eventually proved true, I doubt there's much value any of us could gleam from him. I don't harbor any bad feelings towards him but at some point, I guess we do all have to recognize the obvious.

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Old December 20th, 2011, 07:04 PM   #12
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Although your hope for him to "breathe the free air" is admirable, realizing that it is quite likely never going to happen is probably the best thing that could happen.

By the same token, I don't think that having that hope is wrong either. It's really a personal matter and is one of choice. If you hold a hope that Andrew will someday be "rational", who am I to sit in judgment of you?

In the end, though, you're likely to abandon that course of action when you feel that the time is right and that it serves no useful purpose to continue it.
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Old December 20th, 2011, 07:20 PM   #13
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

This kind of makes me think of Nathan Proia... I remember the days when he was in charge of BSGClub.com, but in recent years, seemed to go off the deep end and never wanted to come back. It was a sad thing to see, especially when I consider that the original BSGClub.com and Nathan's newsletters were a vital link to between me and the original Battlestar Galactica.

I remember when I first joined CF and Cylon.org and I was exposed to the likes of our Andrew Fullen. Not a bad guy, but no matter how much you thought you could reason with him, he just wasn't to be reasoned with. He's just so "out there" doing his own thing in his own inimitable way. It is interesting that he's stayed connected with certain people...but from a great distance. I suspect that's how he wants in and what he's comfortable with. Some people feel safer being on the outside and looking in. When you're just the observer instead of a participant, there aren't any expectations or disappointments, so you can't feel hurt when things don't turn out as you would have them happen. You can't fail at something if you don't do it, or acknowledge that you want to do it...

When I first saw this thread, I thought that if our Mister Fullen is seeking attention, he's definitely getting it. It's been many years since those of us that have had a first hand experience of his presence, but now there are people that don't even know the name like someone's posed the question "Who's John Galt?" and all the mystery that goes with it. The only difference is that people that don't know him are now wondering who Andrew Fullen is and why so many long term members remember him the way we do.

It's like a big Christmas gift to someone starved for attention that we've given. Like it or not.

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Old December 20th, 2011, 07:49 PM   #14
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Guess I never interacted with Andrew, though I do remember that whole Nathan mess over at the old BSG club.
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Old December 21st, 2011, 06:55 AM   #15
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Lo these many years of mockery, I have attempted several times to make some kind of human contact with our friend Mr. Fullen. It is not to be. I didn't see where he wished me dead recently, but that's certainly not outside his purview. He's done so many, many times before, with pointed verbal assaults aimed at my wife and my children as well. He's not a nice person, but he's not really functional, either, so I've learned not to expect rational human behavior from him.

One thing that concerns me is that, according to public records, his mother is a rather aged woman. What shall happen in the not-so-distant future when our dear manchild Andrew is finally left on his own and forced to fend for himself?
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Old December 21st, 2011, 08:02 AM   #16
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My reference to his wishing you horribly dead was from a while back. I don't know of any recent declarations of that sort.

And as we're giving him attention, I got curious and followed up on a previous question that was asked regarding his book sales on Amazon. According to the tracking, each of his books has sold less than 1 copy per 1000 days. The ranking numbers indicates this is closer to 1 copy in 2500-4000 days. I know that you, Stallion, purchased one of his early books as a memento but the available tracking data shows that zero copies have been purchased throughout the measured time frame of two years. This includes his political books and werewolf tales. I find the latter a bit disappointing as the werewolf tales is Andrew's only attempt to do something creative and it also seems to have totally failed.

The other sales beyond your purchase were automatic purchase orders from the "Super Book Deals" and "All New Books" distributors. Each made single purchase auto orders of the books "Universal Studios Vs. The 1978 Battlestar Galactica Series: The Common Sense Manual" and "The Too Inquisitive Neighborhood Kids: Plus Other Spooky Stories For Young People". Seemingly, both immediately placed those copies back up for sale on the used section listed in "Like New" condition. They've remained unsold ever since. For all Andrew's rants about GINO taking up unsold DVD shelf space, his books are doing the same for the two distributors that bothered to check them out.

It seems likely that in total, Andrew has sold less than 8 copies of all his books combined. As he's written 17 books, he's sold fewer books than he has written.

As I said to him, if he bothered to look at his life as an investment strategy, he'd see that his campaigns are definitely not working. He's only harming himself in the process but perhaps on some subconscious level, that's his real goal. In some ways, he must feel he deserves the mockery or he wouldn't continually strive to bring it on himself.

And you're right, he's not a nice person but I wasn't either a few years ago. Afterwards, when I taught divorce recovery at the church, I realized the hard truth behind the phrase "People who are hurting want to hurt other people". Given this guideline, for Andrew to act as he does, his personal situation must be pretty abysmal. I think this is proven in the fact that he's had to exist in a fortress of lies just to maintain some acceptable sense of prestige (in his own mind).

I find that a very sad situation.

Rightly or wrongly, I've always seen Andrew as the dysfunctional step-child of the Galactica fandom family. Like a child, he's screaming for attention in a wildly entertaining manner but I've always felt that deep down, his real meaning has been "I'm hurting. Can someone please help me?"

None of us are responsible for him and he's physically an adult (even though mentally he's still a young teen). The most any of us can do is inspire him to stop acting like a complete moron and think about the way he's conducting himself. In my mind, that meant showing him that his textual assaults don't have the harmful impact he seems to think they do and showing him that his idea that he can "win" by becoming ever more hateful is wrong-minded and self-destructive. Unfortunately, it appears that he's too far gone for even those basic thoughts to have an impact.

There's also a point where you simply tire of his antics and with Andrew, I can only find enough charity in my heart to make any attempt about once a year.

Admittedly, I'm a slow learner and the rest of you are correct. It is probably best just to put him on permanent IGNORE and divert the energy to people who are more deserving. There's no shortage of idiotic sideshows on the Internet and this one has been running for a decade with absolutely no change in its format or presentation.

All my best,

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Old December 21st, 2011, 10:29 AM   #17
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

I think I purchased his books - yes, books plural, since I bought "The Too Inquisitive Neighborhood Kids" and one of his political books with a title I don't remember - on lulu.com, not Amazon, so they wouldn't register as sales over there. I've only bought ebooks, and I've never paid more than 5 bucks for them. I doubt anyone has ever bought a physical copy.

I was talking to some friends of mine the other day and mentioned Languatron, and someone asked who he was. "He's Jim's archenemy," one of my friends said, and we all chuckled heartily at that. How fun is it to have an archenemy, especially one that is terrified to ever bump into you in the real world?

Langy has seeped into my personal zeitgeist in all kinds of ways. There's even a character named Langy in my latest, unpublished novel. The fact that this strange, furious man I've never met has made such a dent in my life is hard to explain, and it probably says more about me than it does about him. I don't take delight in mocking him anymore - it's sort of like kicking a wounded puppy. For all his antisemitism/homophobia/whiteknuckled hatred of the human race, there's something refreshingly innocent about Lang, and I truly hope he can salvage some semblance of a life from what I'm sure is a miserable personal circumstance.

This is the closest we will ever get to actually communicating with him. I doubt he'll ever post on a forum that allows feedback from others, because maintaining that kind of anger requires isolation from people, information, and facts.
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Old December 21st, 2011, 03:31 PM   #18
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Originally Posted by StallionCornell View Post
Maintaining that kind of anger requires isolation from people, information, and facts.
Probably the best summary of the situation anyone could ever devise.

Jim, your wisdom shines through again.

All my best,

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Old December 22nd, 2011, 04:19 AM   #19
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I gave this some thought overnight and pondered some of the wise words written here.

I've realized Andrew is determined to wallow in his falsehoods because that's the fortress of comfort he's built for himself. Who am I to say he should act in a sane or rational manner? Who am I to say that he shouldn't act like a 14-year old? Trying to sway him was likely an act of arrogance on my part. I felt I was in such a position as he's spent such a focus on me and follows all I do on the Internet. Part of me hoped that meant he'd heed my words a bit more than some random guy simply telling him he was a crazed nutcase.

After a few days of thinking this over now and again, I recognize the ineffectiveness of my own efforts. Just as I've asked Andrew to look at his actions as an investment strategy, I have to do the same with my own. In dealing with Andrew and trying to get him to come around to a more reasonable stance, I've garnered a 100% failure rate. I'm not going to waste any more time or effort on the hope that interactions with him might improve.

I intend this to be the very last time I acknowledge Andrew in any way. It was wrong to consider him part of the Galactica fanbase as he's truly an element all on his own.

I leave him to his dementia and delusions.

My apologies to everyone else for this misstep.

All my best,

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Old December 22nd, 2011, 05:19 AM   #20
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I don't think there's anything wrong in trying to bring someone back into the fold, but with Langy, he's never focussed on the joy Battlestar Galactica may have brought him.

Now he's just an object of ridicule and any point he might have made now falls on deaf ears.

They made a place for him at Frackheads, but he never realised that he became a forlorn animal in a cage who occasionally was poked through the bars with barbs for the amusement of other members.

We're all better off without him.
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Old December 22nd, 2011, 06:29 AM   #21
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Default Re: Russell Sanders 2011 Message to Mr. Andrew Fullen

Originally Posted by peter noble View Post
I don't think there's anything wrong in trying to bring someone back into the fold, but with Langy, he's never focussed on the joy Battlestar Galactica may have brought him.

I echo this. Regardless of the success rate, there is nothing wrong with the attempt.

Having watched it yesterday, helps me to recall a line from King Caspian, in the latest Narnia movie, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. When offered the opportunity to cross over to Aslan's country, Caspian ultimately declines it, stating that, "...all this time, I've been more concerned with what was taken from me, instead of what was given......".

I tend to think of Langy that way. He has never focused on what he could have done, to help effect a return of the original show, in some form or fashion. He was always too busy, pointing fingers at someone who he thought had done him some injustice. Even if he hit the mark, with folks like Moore and Hammer, our acknowledgment that it happened and that it was a business decision out of our control, somehow made us co-conspirators, in his delusional mind.

He is a pitiful case but, has been given much, much more than his "15 minutes of fame". We really need to move on and let him fade into the shadows.
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