Well folks, here it is, my rebuild of the Galactica, still using iClone 4.2 PRO.
Keep in mind, iClone is NOT really a modeling program, but there are ways to work with it to make it close enough.
I think she turned out miles better than my first build. Thank God for Hi-Def cameras and hyper-accurate miniatures from Konami.
Because of certain shape limitations in iClone, I had to take a couple minor liberties, but I think it worked out for the best. I even decided to get a little Star Trek-ish, and put the Galactica's name on the aft landing bays as well as the sides of the ship. (It's a fanboy thing...LOL!)
I still have some minor touches to do...like the animated landing bays, but that's soon in coming.
Using my Hi-Def video camera, I took multiple shots of my Konami Pegasus miniature, and piece by piece, managed to map them onto my mesh. I think the results turned out beautifully. For a simplistic model, this one really rendered well. Because of the nature of the mappings, I was able to create the Galactica, Pegasus, Columbia, Atlantia, and Rycon.
I hope you like
Humbly submitted for your perusal and (hopefully) approval,
Steve Dunlap