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Old June 18th, 2009, 09:28 PM   #31
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Okay, I figured I'd get down some of what caught my attention, and get the rest down later. I'm pulled in a lot of directions right now. But I'll plow ahead, even if it's in drips and drabs.

Nahuatl-Related language and dialects. Of Nahua people. Means 'a good clear sound'. (could probably work with Nahua)
Nochtli-Fruits of a Nopal cactus.
Toltec-Originators of all culture. (Something to look into when I get to Toltec mythology. Or if someone else does first. Volunteers anyone?)
Tollan, Tolan-Toltec capital of Tula (I guess we now know where Larson got the name Tolan from in 'Living Legend)
Tula-central eastern Mexican town.(Maybe Tula can be of use)
Chalula-Town and Largest manmade pyramid in the world.

Five suns-Creation myth (Could be used to create new religion. Probably not everyone subscribes to the Book of the Word as Adama did.)
Nanahuatl-Full of sores(Smallest and humblest of gods transformed into the sun
Mictlan-Lowest (ninth) level of the underworld
-Warriors who died in battle
-people who died when hit by lightning
-women who died in childbirth
(You know. With this reference to nine I'm thinkingperhaps the new planet the expedition finds becomes part ofa system of nine. Although it would not have Earth in it.)
Xolotl-Associated with lightning and death
-aided in journey to after life
(Colonial name could be Xol)
Atlacoya-Goddess of drought (Colonial name-Lacoya or Coya)
Atlatonan-Goddess of the coast (Colonial name-Latonan or Tonan)
Ayouhteotl-Goddess of mist, fog, vanity and fame (Figured I could get a Youh Nebula out of this or something. Or maybe it could be called a 'Youh' as a navigation hazzard)
Comaxtli-God of hunting, war, fate and fire(Colonial name-Comax)
Centeotl[Cinteotl]-Lord of days (Colonial name-Cente or Cinte)
Toci-Goddess of Earth (Probably a good name for a lunar sattelite)
-Alternative I.D.:Tlazolteotl[try saying that three times fast:On second thought don't bother.]-Goddess of purification, steambaths, midwives, filth and patroness of adulterers. (Toci could be a better used named.)

More to come later. But now you can see why I decided to just leave the wiki page. So many names. So many gods.

And perhaps so much potential. Maybe others can see some possibilities here that I'm missing.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old June 18th, 2009, 09:29 PM   #32
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And in case anyone was wondering, these were from the Aztec page where I took some notes.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old June 18th, 2009, 09:31 PM   #33
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I'm really feeling like this right now.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old June 19th, 2009, 10:08 PM   #34
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A few more from Aztec:

Tiazolteotl:Goddess of letchery and unlawful love. Inspired vicious desires and forgave and cleaned away the defilement of sin. Caused sexually transmitted diseases if they indulged in forbidden love.
(This sounds like it would make a good IL series Cylon. Perhaps it could be called Tiaz.)

Tlazolteteo-Goddess of love and desires. Usually called upon to cure an 'uncleanliness' as well as a steam bath and rite of purification.

(Sounds like an arch foe to Tiaz. Perhaps a name that could be done is Tlaz.)

Tezcalipoca-Invisible, omnipresent, sees everything. Presides over confession.

(Possible lead 'god' in proposed 'Book of the Sun')

Huehuecoyotl-Trickster, indulges in pranks. Associated with drums and coyote.

(Colonial name-Coyo? Maybe another name for an IL?)

Itzli-God of sacrifice and stone knives

(Colonial name-Izli?)

Mextli-God of war and storms

(Colonial name-Mex)

Few more still to come. After that I'll see about moving on to the next mythology on the list.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old June 20th, 2009, 10:41 AM   #35
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And now to wrap up Aztec:

Chalchiuhtlatonal-God of Water (I'd be hard pressed to come up with a name out of this)
Chalchiuhtecolotl-Night Owl god(Or this. Although the idea of a 'Night Owl' is a good one for a warrior, or Cylon, that operates in darkness)
Chalchiahtlicue-Jade skirt. Goddess of lake streams and birth. Consort of Tlaloc.(Really have to work on the name for this one. But the idea of a woman in a jade skirt by a river is quite a beautiful image in my mind. Maybe I can use it, but the name would need a lot of tweaking. Plus she would have a boyfriend in order to keep with the myth.)
Tlaloc-Rain, fertility and water. Also sent hail, thunder and lightning. Associated with caves, springs and mountains. He also demanded child sacrifices. (Good visuals or rain, fertility and water [especially if he has a hot woman by his side to emphasize the fertility part]. The part about child sacrifices.....VERY iffy.)
Chalchiuhtotoliq-God of pestilence and mystery
Chalmecatecuchtlz-God of the Underworld (Could be another IL but would REALLY need to work on the name.)

Now that I think about it the term 'Chal' could be used as a name for a Cylon resistance cell as the term is placed in front of several gods in the Aztec Mythology. Something to think on later.

Chalmecatl-The Underworld (Base for the Chal?)
Chantico-Hearthfire, personal treasure, & volcanoes
Chicomecoatl-New Maize and produce
Chiconahui-Domestic fertility goddess (Name 'Nahui'. Possibly combine name with the goddess in the Jade Skirt)
Chiconahuiehecatl-Associated with creation. (Possible name-Conah. Maybe a lead creation god in the book of the sun. Called Conah because REAL name....is unprenounceable.)
Cipoctonal-God of Astrology and the calendar
Citalicue-Creator of the stars. (Perhaps the name Cita or Cital could work here.)
Coatlicue-She of the serpent skirt. (Colonial name-Coa. Serpent could be associated with House of Iblis. Could also make for a great human villain. Plus put woman in Jade skirt with woman in Serpent Skirt, and you could get a catfight. [I know, I know. Cheap entertainment. But it could bring in some readers.])
Ehecatl-God of wind. Creator of heaven, earth and humanity. (Maybe a name 'Eheca' would work. Or 'Ehecal')

But with all these names and all these gods, you can probably understand why I stopped here with Aztec (especially with so many being hard to pronounce). Maybe I'll revisit this page again. But there are other mythologies on the list that need to be addressed. I will admit though that some of the names here have given me some other story ideas. Perhaps they have inspired other writers as well.

I guess the Mayans are next.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old June 20th, 2009, 08:49 PM   #36
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Before I begin work on the Mayans I just wanted to get another thought down on a possible BSG Continuation idea. Hope you don't mind if I jota few things down from time to time.

I've been watching some of the Japanese Transformers episodes, and how each one has a separate title under the main Transformers banner. They had Headmasters, Masterforce, Victory, Beast Wars II, Beast Wars Neo, etc. America followed with Generation 2, Beast Wars, Robots in Disguise, Armada, Energon and Animated.

I'm guessing if there's a new continuation series done it will probably have to have a new series name to go along with the Galactica name, much like Transformers has done. Perhaps it could be called 'Generation Beta' or 'Neo Conquest' or maybe just 'Galactica II', 'Ark of Adama' or even 'Neo Genesis'

Something to think about and consider as research continues. I may want to look into aspects of rebirth and resurrection for a new companion title.

It's amazing what people come up with in distant countries. In the meantime...back to the Mayans.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 10th, 2009, 07:01 PM   #37
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Got a bit from the Mayan page.

Popol Vuh-Book of the council:Book of the community
Hero Twins-Hunuhpu(Junajpu) and Xbalanque(Xb'ulanke)[geez, and I thought I was done with unpronounceable names after the Aztecs. Although the story of Hero Twins sounds like a good one.]
Vucub-Caquix(Seven-Mancaw) Bird Demon pretending to be the sun and the moon. [Could be good names for a pair of IL's?]
Itzumna-Creation God
Haub-18 months of 20 days each
Mani-City, name of Martial Art, peanut
Ixchel-Aged Jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine. Earth, Rain and Moon(Colonial name-Chel)
Landa-Punjabi Script
The symbol is also one of the Jaguar. Something for the helmets maybe?
Yax Chilan-Major City. Means 'green stones'.
Copon and Quirigua-South Eastern Kingdoms
Dresden Codex-Contains Astronomical Tables
Olmec-Pre Columbian Culture
Kinich Ahau-Sun god
Bolon Dzacab-Lightning
Palenque-Temple of the Foliated Cross
Tikal, Copan-Names of Cities
Kan-Ancient Mayna City
The religion also had requirements of covenants to their higher powers.

I guess Mesopotamia/Sumer is next
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 11th, 2009, 09:15 PM   #38
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These questions popped into my head. Could be useful for character development.

"What do you fight for?"

"What do you believe in?"

Reminds me a little of Straczynski's 3 part question puzzle:'Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want?' Then he added a fourth question at the end of 'Sleeping in Light' on B-5:'Where are you going?'
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 11th, 2009, 09:17 PM   #39
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Another thing to think about:You know how they always said 'For Sagan's sake?' I'm wondering if perhaps some might do 'For Dresden's sake'. Make use of the Dresden name since it is referredto the Dresden Codex.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 21st, 2009, 04:08 AM   #40
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I've been writing a crossover fic for five years now. (maybe you've seen some of my old posts here at one time?).

Anyway, I've struggled with some "issues" on legitimizing TOS (especially having been bashed myself by NBSG folks on how unrealistic or cheesy my love of TOS is).

Don't get me wrong, I'm pro TOS all the way, but even when I was a kid I had some issues that remained unresolved till adulthood when I could sit down and rationalize some things.

In my fic the "Pegasus" ended up in the Freespace2 Universe from the blind jump, and ended up coming through the Gamma Draconis "Jumpnode" connected to Capella (lots of unstable circumstances).

Now please don't be offended by this, the following is only my own personal opinions and thoughts I wanted to share with you to enhance your effort. (should you also find them viable):

Using TOS episodes as a guide (and highest Canon), BSG Caps can only go 1C or 1LY max speed. The C.O.R.A viper can slightly exceed that, but that's unique.

For a 20 year round trip, your target planet can only be 10LY away from the Colonies.

The crew could go into BSG "stasis" for 10 years and go to LS on auto pilot and wake up at the planet's system and then return same way. They hardly age for a 20 year round trip.

However, no BSG ship will ever get to a new "Galaxy" in the lifetime of a crew. Their stasis tech is simply NOT that good.

Now I have resolved this glaring and unavoidable conflict by exchanging the word their use.

Whenever they say "Galaxy" (and I mean almost every single time) they are actually MEANING: "Galactic Arm".

TOS takes place over 2 years. In that time they left their own local star systems, traveled across a "great void" (the space between "arms" where Kobol is a rogue system there), and entered a new arm.

Cyrannus was the name of their local "arm".
The entirety of TOS takes place in the MW Galaxy and (at most) across three spiral "arms". G-80 never takes place (it never existed and travel ends at episode 24 "Hand of God" for my purposes, the Galactica's story is left unfinished.

Not to argue or cause problems but for example one of our "nearby" Galaxies is Andromeda and is 300 years away IF we could go 20 times the speed of light.

The closest star system to Earth for example is in our local "arm" and is 4 years away at light speed.

This also works with TOS as the Colonials did have colonies and know of other planets/races, but really were not spread that far out. "Carilon" was known to them but so far away they never followed up on reports and believed it was a barely useable mining planet. (the unofficial "back story" is that BALTAR helped discover it on an exploration mission and suppressed knowledge of the Ovions as well as the planets true output potential and thus the Cylons were able to operate there freely for quite a while. this also made Baltar very rich.)

The only extra solar colonies found or known about in the series were of Colonials who travelled very far to escape war, persecution or were pirates or prisoners themselves.

While some were scattered pretty far, over 1000 years of war, exploration and keeping in touch with these far off outposts became impossible or a low priority.

None of my points and solutions I used for my fic is meant as anything but that.

If you found any of this useful, than my purpose was achieved.

If not then please disregard.

Good Luck with your project!
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Old July 21st, 2009, 04:13 PM   #41
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Very useful. And I'll see what I can do about incorporating it.

I am saddened that with GINO a sense of empowerment among haters is perceived. As if they believe hating Galactica is some sort of righteous thing to do, as well as hating its fans. Telling them it was cheesy and campy (some of it was but not all of it) as if they have to knock it down in order to glorify GINO.

Anyway, working on Mesopotamia and Sumer. Very interesting subtopics can sprout from this involving the Akkadians and Babylonians too. I'll post what I've got soon enough.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 21st, 2009, 04:43 PM   #42
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Mesopotamia/Sumer (plus maybe a little Akkadian and Babylonian)

Mesopotamia means 'Land between the rivers'. The rivers being the Tigris and the Euphrates. Considered the Cradle of Civilization where humanity was believed to have first emerged. Is now Present day Iraq.

Limmu lists-Compiling historical events.
En-Chief Priest
Lil-God of Air and Storms
Enlil-temple of Lil-changed to E-kur when it became Mesopotamia. Also called Nippur.
Enki-God of water and fertile Earth.
Erida-Earliest city in Southern Mesopotamia.
Ki(Ninhursag)Mother goddess representing the Earth. Represented at Esagila temple.
-Dedicated to Marduk-Protector god of Babylon
Marduk-'Solar calf' Patron deity of Babylon. Son of Ea.
Ashur-Main god of Assyria
Ninlil-(Nillina) Goddess of air and wife of Enlil.
Inanna-Goddess of love and war. Sexuality and fertility.
Urak-Ancient Sumerian (Babylonian) city. Responsible for shift from Agricultural centers to Urbanization.
Nanna(Suen in Sumerian)(Sin in Akkadian)-God of the moon.
-E'hursag temple of Ur and Harran
Ur-Sumerian City. Centralized irrigation
Harran(Carrhae)-Where Abraham lived before he reached Cannan, Also where Adam and Eve set foot after being expelled from the Garden of Eden.
Utu-(Tutu-Akkadian. Also Shamash in Akkadian)-God of the Sun. Babylonian God of Justice as well.
Sherida-Mother goddess and consort of Utu. Developed into Akkadian deity Aya. Consort of Shamash.
Ninurta-(Lord Plough-Sumerian)-Solar deity
Sheda-Human/bull monster. Helps people fight evil and chaos. Also called Lamassu. (Could be a good ally civilization).
Nergal-Solar deity. God of the desert and fire. Negative aspects of the sun and the Underworld.
Igigi-King of the Akkadian Empire. Also a god in heaven.
Tiamat-Goddess of the sea. Monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos. Killed by Marduk. Also called Thalatic-Greek for sea serpent or dragon.
Kingu-Unskilled laborer
En-hedu-ana:Akkadian princess. High priestess of Nanna the illuminator. Also assisted in merging Akkadian Ishtar with Sumerian Inanna.
Domkina(Damgalnuna)-Consort of Enlil. Mother of Marduk.
Sargon of Akkad-King of the Akkadians.

Their legacy lies in civilizations of the Babylonians, Akkadians, Hurrians and Hittites.

One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 24th, 2009, 08:54 AM   #43
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Took down a few tidbits about Stonehenge as there isn't exactly a mythology around it. There are a few theories though, and I picked up a few tidbits there.

One is that it was built by Merlin and was transported from Mount Killaraus, a mountain in Ireland that was said to be the source of the stones.

Another was that it was called 'The Giant's Round'. It was believed Giants from Africa had brought the stones to Killaraus to pour baths and heal the sick.

Another is that it is a Roman temple to the god Caelus. The personification of the sky in Roman mythology and Latin poetry. Equated with the Greek god of the heavens. (Hmmm, sounds like a good name for an Apollo type warrior. Or someone to fit that mold). Another point I would like to point out is that Caelus is also associated with Aquarius on the Zodiac (So this character may come off as an Aquarian instead of a Caprican).

Other names I got.

Roman: Greek:
Tellus Gaia
Saturn Cronus
Ops Rhea

Also there was a reference to Oceanus. This was believed to be the world ocean in classical antiquity. His wife is Tethys.

Also pointed out was the Mithraic Mysteries. A religion popular among the Roman military. Maybe something someone can look at later.

It was also said to be a temple for Druids, who held cultural repository of knowledge in oral tradition. They combine the duties of priest, judge, scholar and teacher. They were also believed to carry out human sacrifices. Another thing to look at later.

The theories of secular calendar and Burial Site were thrown around as well. People were buiried at Stonehenge in the past apparently. So maybe it was a multi use site. Burial site, healing and pilgrimage site, Secular Calendar, and it could also have been a Celtic creation.

Probably a lot more could be covered about Stonehenge, but I still have a list to work through. Next up are the Hittites.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 24th, 2009, 05:51 PM   #44
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One name of possible use for Babylon: Amaroaka (or Amaroka): Sea Goddess/Wisdom

Yah she was a SG-1 alien killed by the Goa'uld, but it's a cool name.
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Old July 24th, 2009, 08:19 PM   #45
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Thanks Star Dragon. If you have any other mythological contributions to give, feel free to post them. They can help set the setting.
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Old July 25th, 2009, 02:33 PM   #46
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Wanted to add some sections regarding alphabets. The pages seemed too in depth for note taking. Figured I might as well post links for the pages.

First: Proto-Canaanite alphabet


And something that is the History of the Alphabet

One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 25th, 2009, 08:05 PM   #47
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Keeping a link for myself.


May come in handy.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 29th, 2009, 05:33 PM   #48
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Hittite information:

Hattusa-Hittite capital in the Bronze Age. Located in Central Anatalia
Anatalia-Asia Minor(means sunrise)
Heth(Het_Reconstructed leter of the Proto-Caananite alphabet
syllabogram-italic lowercase
Akkadograms-italic uppercase
Adana-Capital of the Adana Province in Turkey
Achaeons (Danaan, Danoai, Argives)Famous for building and using chariots
Nesili-referencing their language. Another term-Kanesili
Rhyton-Container in which fluids were drunk
Pithana-Hittite Bronze Age. Conquered Kanesh
Anita-Son of Pithana. Conquered Hattusa
Hatasilil(Labarna)-Another king
Constitutional Monarchy-Monarch acts as head of state within parameters of a written, or unwritten, constitution
Mythology influenced by Mesopotamia
Tarhunt-God of Thunder
Illyanka-Serpentine dragon (maybe another name for an IL)
Hebat-(Mother of all living.)
Arinna-Sun goddess (Good name for a heroine)
Sarruma-Son of Hebat. King of mountains. (Colonial name-Sar)
Teshub-Weather god
Telepinu-Son of Tarhunt. God of farming
Inara-Daughter of Tarhunt. Goddess of Wild Animals
Hannahannah-Grandmother goddess
Ishara-Goddess of the oath
Kumarbi-Bit off genitals of Anu, spit them out and created three new gods.
Elkurirsa-Goddess of fertility. Husband-Aserdus
Asherah-Queen of heaven
Pihassassa-Origins of animals like Pegasus
Hawasi Stones-Stones of Worship
Ellel-God of sky. Protector of oaths
Sutech-God of Sky and Storm
Hutena-Goddess of fate
Istanu-God of the sun. Also god of judgement. (Colonial name Tana)
Pirwa-Male/female god. Revolved around horse. (May be useful if I want a transvestite character.)
Rundas-God of the hunt and good fortune. (Symbol is an eagle with a hare in each talon).
Zababa(Astabis)-War god
Tilla-Bull god
Warrukatte-National war god.
Upellari-Dreaming god (Ubelluris)
Shaushka-Goddess of fertility, war and healing
Lelwani-Goddess of the underworld
Ereshkigal(Sumerian)-Great lady under Earth. Also called 'Irkala'
Karumsepa-Goddess of healing, medicine and magic. Could be a good name for a medical doctor.
Arunna-Her son.
Jarri-Plague and Pestilence. Lord of the bow. King's protector.
Khipa-Tutelary deity
Kaskuh-God of the moon
Hazzi-Mountain god of oaths
Hanawasuit-Throne goddess of kings
Hasomeli-God of metal workers and craftsmen
Halki-God of grain and beer
Arinniti-Sun goddess. Wife of Terhun (Thunder god) City Arinna
Alalus-Primordial, preceding formation of cosmos.
A'as-God of wisdom. Keeps tablets of fate.

I may want to look more into the primordials at some point. That gets my mind turning on other matters.

I'll look on the list to see what's next.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old July 29th, 2009, 05:36 PM   #49
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Next up:the Welsh.

I'm halfway through the list, and I even came across a few mythologies that weren't even on it.

Don't know if I'll pursue those immediately, as I don't want overanalysis to keep me from writing my story. Once I'm finished with what's on the list I want to begin story writing. Other mythologies can wait another time, or someone else can look them up.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old August 6th, 2009, 05:12 PM   #50
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Another continuation note I want to leave.

I thought of this as I was thinking about the Dynastic rule of Ancient China. I thought this might be a good way to maintain a connection with a distant continuation project and the original Galactica.

Essentially the connection would lie in 'the Dynasy of Uri'. I was listening to a YouTube reviewer saying how he would have loved it if Adama and Uri had a little more political struggle between them. Well I was figuring that after a major Cylon attack Adama would have been killed and Uri would rise to power. He would find a world to settle and Uri would be regarded as a savior to the Colonial people.

Over the years a Dynasty would form where an heir to Uri would take the presidency, even though there is a council in place. And history would be rewritten to where Uri and his family would be regarded as heroes while suporters of Adama would be looked at as old fools. It would be that way until the Cylons return. Then the descendants of the original Colonials, or the family of Adama, would do what they could to save the Colonies and resume the trip to Earth.

Another thought to get down. I hope to look at Welsh mythology more tonight.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old September 12th, 2009, 08:50 PM   #51
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Completed Welsh research a few weeks ago. Kept the notes on hand. Time however has been topsy turvy though.

Anyway a main story in Welsh Mythology is the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, with the life of the main hero Pryderi being the common thread in this story. He's the only character to appear in all four stories. He is considered the son of Pywll and Rhiannon and is the King of Dyfed. He is married to Cigfa.

Llyr-Father of Bran, Brnwen and Manawydan. Imprisoned by Euroswydd. Has two sons:Nisien and Efnisien (Twin Brothers)

Nisien(Nissyen)-Tranquil and Generous
Efnisien (Efnysien)-Vindictive and Destructive
Pwll-Prince of Dyfed
Arawn-Ruler of the underworld called Annwn
Rhiannon-Horse Goddess
Gwawl-Man Rhiannon was forced to marry
Llwd-Seeks revenge for treatment of Gwawl. Turns pregnant wife into mouse
Teyrnon-Pryderi's foster father. Real parents are Arawn and Rhiannon
Branwen-Married to the King of Ireland. But the marraige does not bring peace.
Bran the Blessed(Bendigerdfran)-Giant and King translates as crow. Offers Matholwch a magic cauldron which restores the dead to life. (Bran-Noman?)
Gwern-Son of Branwen and Matholwch. Killed by uncle
Dyfed-Preserved county of Wales
Math-Son of Mathonwy who needs to rest his feet in the lap of a virgin unless he was at war.
Goewin-Math's foot holder, virgin and later wife.

Second page to come later.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old September 18th, 2009, 08:33 PM   #52
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Page 2 of my Welsh notes:

Gilfaethwy-raped Goewin. Nephew of Math. Turned into deer, bear and wolves for his crime.
Arianrhad-As a test of virginity gives birth to two sons
Dylan-takes to the sea
Lleu-Bright or Deft hand(Lleu Llaw Gyffes)
Granwpebr-Hunter who plots to kill Lleu with Granw
Macsen Wledig-Emperor of Rome (Magnus Maximus)
Conanus-Rebelious nephew of Octavius
Brittany-Little Britain (Don't know why I put this in)
Elen-Woman in Maximus's dream
Coraniaid-Demonic people that can hear everything (possible Alliance ally)
Olwen-Daughter of giant Ysbaddaden. (Possible name for a female Noman)
Culwhch-Counter of Olwen
Einion-Story of 'Einion and Olwen'. A goat herder who travels to other world to court Olwen
Mabon ap Modron-Divine son
Gwythyr ap Greidawl-Rival of Gwyn ap Nudd. They fight over maiden Creiddylad
Creiddylad-Maiden Gwythyr and Gwyn fight over. Alternate name:Cordelia
Arianrhad-Denies Lleu three aspects of masculinity: a name, arms and a wife unless she gives it to him
Nuada-First king of Tuatha De Denann
Nodens-Healing, sea, hunting and dogs

Part 3 will be coming soon. Busy day tomorrow.
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old October 1st, 2009, 06:12 PM   #53
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Sorry this is taking a while. Pulled in a lot of directions. Even jotting down notes can be a chore.

But at any rate here's part 3. Areas that seem to lead to the Arthur legend.

Owain-Lady of the fountain. A follower of Arthur who played a dangerous game. (Another name Yvain)
Rhonabwy-Searches for a brother of the prince and has a dream of the game between Arthur and Owain
Cai-Arthur's advisor (Kay)
Geraint and Enid-Story that proves Enid's love and Geraint's fighting ability.
Taliesin-Bard, sung at court of kings.Ceridwen-Enchantress who swallows her poet to be reborn through her as Talesin
Bala Lake-Largest body of water in Wales.
Creirwy-Daughter of Ceridwen
Morfran-Ugly son of Ceridwen. Offered knowledge of the future but it went to Talesin instead.
Peparddun-Wife of Llyr (means Chief beauty)
Children:Bran, Branwen and Manawydan
Nisien-good man
Efnysien-conniving troublemaker
Caratacus-Led British resistance to Roman Conquest
Arawn-King of the Otherworld realm of Annwn. Death lord (IL)
Afallach-Derived from word 'afall'-apple
Cyhyraeth-Ghostly spirit. Disembodied voice that sounds before a person's death.
River Towi(Tywi)-Longest river in Wales
Gwen Teirbron-Invoked for women's fertility
Llefelys-King of France. Helps destroy the Coraniaid
Lludd Llew Eraint-Rids 3 plagues in Britain with help of Llefelys of Gaul

Part 4(and final part of Welsh mythology)coming soon as soon as time permits
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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Old October 14th, 2009, 07:45 PM   #54
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Fourth and final page on Welsh. Next will be Scottish.

Modron-Divine mother, fertility and harvest. Possible prototype for Morgan Le Fay.
Mobon-Son of Modron
Cigfa-Wife of Pyderi (Probable Colonial name Ifa or Iva)
Pwyll-Lord of Dyfed
Cadar(Cadwr)-Arthur legend. Duke of Cornwall
Trystan(Tristan)-A knight who consumes a love potion and falls for Iseult
Esylt(Iseult)-Lover of Tristan
Myrddin Wyllt (Merlin)
Urien-King of Rheged. One of three great battle leaders of Britain
Cyhyraeth-Death Spirit (Cyraeth-Sounds like a death weapon or a personal ship?-Cywraith?)
Morgens-Water spirits
Gwyllion-Kind of spirit
Ysbrydion0Spirits that contact humans on a spirit night
Plentyn Newid-Welsh take on a changeling
Y Dyn Hysbys-Wiseman
Gwiddonod-Witches that take the form of a hare
Y Diawl-The Devil-(Hardened black faced shepherd leading pack of dogs)
Cwn Annwn-Hunting Dogs of the Otherworld
Ceffyl Dwr-Water Horse

Again-Scottish is next
One day, I shall come back, yes I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.-William Hartnell, Doctor Who-The Dalek Invasion of Earth
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