September 21st, 2009, 05:27 AM
Viper Pilot
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Original BSG uniforms
I broke down and just purchased a warrier uniform from
to go with my jacket.
My jacket was custom made "or" supposidly custom made by a lady I met through ebay...
I had her make the jacket from real suede and she did do a pretty good job with it.
The jacket was done so well, I hired her to build my uniform. But four years later, she has yet to finish it or return any of my emails.
She moved at some point and I have no other way to contact her. She does have an ebay store.
But again she will not return any of my emails through her online store or through her email.
Just curious if anybody else has ever used her to make their costume or purchase any props through her.
I would like to be able to contact the lady and find out what's up.
Her first name is Kathy.
She still has my $150 deposit.
September 21st, 2009, 10:42 AM
Warrior ACE!
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Man, I'm sorry to tell you this but you are not the only one to have gotten caught by Kathy. She has done this to other people. Honestly, you might be very lucky to ahve gotten the jacket from her.
I'm going to be ordering a Full warrior uniform from BSG.org. and that would be my recommendation. You can still get in touch with Kathy through her ebay store, but I think short of starting legal acton against her, you're just going to have to keep waiting, if she ever delivers
Sorry sir.
September 21st, 2009, 03:03 PM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Thanks for the heads up. I should of went with my guts the first time I dealt with her.
Only reason I got my jacket was because I knew were she lived and I drove to her house a few times. At the time she lived about an hour from me.
I pretty much had to bug her to finish it.
She has moved since... I'm still trying to track her down.
I really can't understand her... She delivers on the prodcuts she sells on ebay, but does not do the same on her costumes.
I think we should ban together and do some general lawsuit on her or something.
Oh well... I ordered my uniform from BSG.org today... Should arrive in a few days...
Atleast that guy responds to emails and delivers. I puchased my first jacket from him. It was ok. It was made of valore.
I met Kathy and she said she could make it from suede, which I much prefered. So I had her make one. Like you said, I was lucky I got it.
Regarding boots, I can't afford custom boots right now... So I may go for Moose Racing ATV boots.
They are more modern looking, have a hint of brown in them, and are in my price range.
I already have a gun belt, holster, and a customized gun. It has a sound card and flashing light... So when you pull the trigger it makes that awesome baster sound from the 70's and the flashing light is pretty bright.
There is a hidden 9v battery in the handle.
September 21st, 2009, 03:32 PM
Shuttle Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Huh! I ordered two sets of trim from her ebay store and got the items within DAYS! It was maybe two or three days after I paid for the derned things.
Considering all, and I do mean ALL of the negativity I have heard concerning this woman, I am not going to hire her to make a jacket or uniform for me anytime soon.
I am waiting on Mieal and Monolith21 to finish up their Colonial Warrior pattern. The last I heard, Mieal had finished it, and sent it to him for pinning it up.
She also delivered her newest recruit, and moved into a new house, so she's going to be busy for a while with the baby, the rest of the family, sleep deprivation (LOL!), and all that postpartum stuff before she will even WANT to think about the project again.
As for Monolith, he's the one currently in possession of the mockup. If the pattern gets finished before next year's DragonCon (which I went to this year, and it was a BLAST!), I plan to make my own costume.
It'll probably suck eggs, seeing as how I'm not that great of a sewer, but I'm going to give it my darndest.
Remember the good old days when you could order one off of the back of the big black and white comic books? For adults and kids alike?
Only they called 'em "Star Warrior" jackets, in order to avoid any kind of lawsuits from the TV people.
I think I still have a couple of those issues buried somewhere in the storage facility.
I'll see if I can dig one of them up, or get something from evilbay.
September 21st, 2009, 06:19 PM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
I'll agree... Kathy will ship out stuff from her ebay store, but I would not recommend her for making costumes...
Like I mentioned earlier... I had to bug her in order to get my jacket. It took almost a year to get it. For someone like her who was experienced in that sort of thing, had all the equipment(cause I saw it first hand), and says she does that for a living. I didn't expect to have to wait almost a year.
She had promised me that the jacket would be done in two months, and it took eight.
As for my uniform... She also promised two months, but it's now almost four years.
I would just buy the accessories from her and and have someone else build the costume.
If anyone is able to get ahold of her... Let her know I'm still waiting for my order.
In the meantime I purchased one from BSG.org. It will be here in time for my buddies costume party and I have someone to tailor it if needed.
Here is a link to they type of boots I will get, since I can't afford the Full Bore ones right now.
Last edited by Matador; September 21st, 2009 at 06:22 PM..
Reason: Adding link.
September 21st, 2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Yeah, I have found her ebay purchases reliable, but I think that has more to do with Ebay keeping her in line. the minute she gets some breathign room, I hear bad things.
Matador, Sounds like you are well on your way to having a great costume. Stop by Blackstar Squadron, we'de love to have you over there!!!
September 21st, 2009, 08:32 PM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
September 21st, 2009, 08:39 PM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Matador, Sounds like you are well on your way to having a great costume. Stop by Blackstar Squadron, we'de love to have you over there!!![/QUOTE]
How do I find Blackstar Squadron?
September 21st, 2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
sorry about that, I should have left the link as well
I saw you post in the informational thread, but the group is actually off the Fleets her, but most of us do hang out here as well
Looking forward to seeing more
GREAT blaster! would you be willing to do more of them?
September 22nd, 2009, 07:01 AM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Sorry, I didn't make the blaster. I found it on Ebay about 4 years ago and I havn't found another one sense.
I wish I could say that I built it... But I'll search around to see if I can find another one for you.
September 22nd, 2009, 03:08 PM
Shuttle Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Those boots look great, but they're not girly enough for me! LOL!
I plan to get a pair of equestrian/walking boots for my costume.
I have the trim, now all I need is a pattern for the costume!
Oh Monolith! How's the pinning coming on the mockup?
BTW, I managed to get a hold of a vintage EERIE magazine with the ad for the Star Warriors jacket and pack on it. I should be getting it in a few days, give or take a few.
I'll be sure to post a pic, assuming that I can get a decent scan of it!
Wouldja believe that back in the 80's an adult jacket only cost about $35 American?
September 22nd, 2009, 04:48 PM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Just got an email from BSG.org... Says that the uniform is on backorder. Can you believe my luck...
He says I have to wait about three weeks. I can't seem to cut a break with the uniform. I must be cursed.
At least I got my jacket I guess.
I guess I'll wait to order the boots.
Here's a picture of me and Herb at comicon five years ago.
September 22nd, 2009, 04:55 PM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
[QUOTE=Captain Chirri;293821]Those boots look great, but they're not girly enough for me! LOL!
I plan to get a pair of equestrian/walking boots for my costume."
Equestrian sounds great for a lady... accents the legs.
So do you know how the launch control girl did her hair? Trying to talk my wife into it.
September 23rd, 2009, 06:57 AM
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
The boots are nice, but I think it has too much of the plastic protective gear on it.
I picked up a pair of these a couple of years ago -
The plastic shin guards and other pieces were sewn onto the boots, so I carefully cut it all off, leaving just the leather boot behind.
I'm going to send the boots to a friend of mine who does leather work and have him modify the boots, changing the buckles fromt he plastic ones to leather straps with either roller lock buckles (if he can find some) or center bar buckles.
He's going to add about 6 of them, replacing the 4 plactic buckles.
then of course he'll repaint the boots using leather paint to the correct cordovan brown color.
September 23rd, 2009, 05:29 PM
Shuttle Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Too bad about the uniform being on back order, dude. But don't worry, you'll have in plenty of time for Hallowe'en.
It's too bad that there aren't more people out there doing costumes of their own. We'd have more to choose from that way.
September 23rd, 2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
BTW, Rigel's hair was definitely a wig.
To have braids that fussy, a girl would need hair down to her knees, and let's face it, no one grows their hair that long anymore without major split ends! LOL!
September 23rd, 2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Originally Posted by Captain Chirri
BTW, Rigel's hair was definitely a wig.
To have braids that fussy, a girl would need hair down to her knees, and let's face it, no one grows their hair that long anymore without major split ends! LOL!
Actually, in Lost planet of the gods, Rigel did let her hair down so to speak and it WAS down to her knees, or there abouts.
this was the 70's after all lol.
It might still have been a wig, but they did back up the hair lol
September 24th, 2009, 05:09 AM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Originally Posted by Reaper
Actually, in Lost planet of the gods, Rigel did let her hair down so to speak and it WAS down to her knees, or there abouts.
this was the 70's after all lol.
It might still have been a wig, but they did back up the hair lol
Yes, I remember that one... She actually stands up to walk over to another station... I think it's the only time you get to see her moving around.
She was so hot. I have her "Launch when ready" voice on my computer when it boots up.
So Hot. Of course I was about 10 when the show aired, but still, I wished they would have develped her character more.
Didn't Starbuck want to ask her our once? I think he mentioned something about it when he was coming in for landing once.
September 24th, 2009, 06:15 AM
Shuttle Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
Now I'm going to have to watch all of my DVD's just to check and see if he DID!
I personally, while I like having long-ish hair, do NOT like having it that long. Not everyone is meant to have Princess Leia/Rapunzel type locks you know.
Long hair like that is a pain to wash, condition, dry, and style. Not to mention carry off.
You might not think that hair as a rule doesn't weigh a lot, but it does. Really long hair can get quite hefty, especially if it's down to a woman's knees.
My great-grandmother, who came from a time when women didn't cut their hair except for when they were ill or in mourning, cut it ONCE, in her entire life, and that was to pay for her husband's funeral.
After that, it grew back and reached down to the FLOOR!
Get this: she was 4'9" tall, maybe 85 to 90 lbs. soaking wet, was married to a man of 6'4", had six kids, and lived through more crap than anyone does in several lifetimes.
She used to do her hair in braids, pile it on top of her head like a crown, and wear two inch heels to give herself some added height.
She'd give any of those whiney Siresses a run for their money, as well as a slap upside the head if she thought they deserved it.
But, getting back to the costume....
September 24th, 2009, 11:21 AM
Viper Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
I"ll have to watch the DVDs myself and make sure I was not dreaming the episode.
I heard someone mention the belts and gun belts were black, but I thought they were more a navy blue.
The gun belt I have I got from that Katarra woman, and according to her site the original color was blue to match the background color of the patch?
I'm impressed to hear about your grandmother.
September 24th, 2009, 02:04 PM
Shuttle Pilot
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
The reason the belts look black is because of the lighting.
Thank you for the kind words.
September 24th, 2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: Original BSG uniforms
The Acutal screen used belt color is a steel grey. it was a custom dye job on all the belts. Neither Black nor Blue are correct. Depending on the lighting, the belts did appear blue or black. (admittedly more often blue then black)
Just like the boots are actually a dark brown color (Cordovan brown is the best match) But more often then not look black in pictures and screen caps.
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