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Old March 23rd, 2003, 03:39 PM   #1
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Default Simple explanation, I come in peace.


I guess I was the first one responsible for the mess created over e-mail from David Eick.
First- There is no secret in his message, this is all he said and it was brief like he was in a hurry.

" The Michael Faries person on the forum is spreading alot of bull. Please
tell everyone that all is well with the new production and it goes as planned. "

I don't know if he was more forthcoming with the others he responded to.

I feel good being able to like both versions and if some think I am a traitor for having freewill, then Too bad!

I have tried to promote peace on the new forum and the majority of the people there are very nice.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 04:45 PM   #2
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The majority of the participants on this board are people who watched Galactica when it aired in 1978. We drew countless pictures of Vipers, Raiders and Cylons in our notebooks while our teachers blabbed some Algebra nonsense. We dreamt about piloting a Viper and blowing Cyclons to kingdom come (or whever they go when they're scrapped). Then we received word that the show was coming back, 25 years later! Many of us looked at it as a time to relive our childhood and God knows how precious and rare of an opportunity that is. The boards were alive with fans buzzing about Galactica, it was very cool. But suddenly that was taken away and I'll tell you, it hurt us. And as you may know, it angered many. I think the main problems lies in the fact that many of us can't understand how a new crop of fans can be so passionate about a show that they have never understood or appreciated and in some cases may never have actually seen! There appears to be this "unnatural admiration" for Ron Moore and a script that's clearly not his best work.

We'd just like our show to be done the right way, after all we've waited 25 years for it. Can you say the same?
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 04:45 PM   #3
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Default Never Shoot the Messenger


I welcome you in peace. Michael is a good guy and never one to shoot the messenger nor am I. Thanks for trying to clarify the situation and if you haven't posted here before let me be the first to say welcome. I'm sure he appreciates your efforts.

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Old March 23rd, 2003, 05:16 PM   #4
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Default I have posted here and at scifi.

I watched the show the first night it was on with my late husband. Our son and daughter thought I was nuts for going to Dragoncon when I heard the trailer was being shown by Richard Hatch. I loved the original show, but I loved the story of survival and the search for Earth. I've written to NBC and CBS when they were the only hope for the original after ABysmal Broadcasting Network back in 79.
When I first heard about the remake, I was distressed as I hoped Richards continuation would win out in the end. But after reading the script and seeing some of the casting, I decided to enjoy the remake and hope the story is presented well and with depth. I own all the vhs tapes and the dvd and all the original novelizations. My husband even bought me the Monogram Battlestar and Basestar models as gags ( to him) but I treasure them and I hope you can understand that I will always love the original, no matter how much I enjoy or dislike the new version.

So, all I have left to say is there are more important things going on here on Earth.
Beth(who posts as bluespringbelle at the " new bboard " has a family member on their way to the War. Let's not let some people that post just to cause trouble make us all lose.

I still hope for a separate continuation movie with Richard Hatch's vision.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 05:21 PM   #5
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Siress I feel for all of those who have relatives in or on their way to the Persian Gulf. I can only hope that this all ends quickly and with minimum loss of life.

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Old March 23rd, 2003, 05:24 PM   #6
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Default Re: Simple explanation, I come in peace.

Originally posted by siress13
"The Michael Faries person on the forum is spreading alot of bull. Please tell everyone that all is well with the new production and it goes as planned. "

"I don't trust Universal and TPTB to tell us the truth, they seem to be playing divide and conquer with the true fans."

Siress, welcome aboard. I checked out your first dozen posts and was surprised at what I read, such as the quote above. I'd like to ask a question that I hope you don't take the wrong way: what happened in the last two moths to change your attitude 180 degrees? Eick is obviously a Power That Be, after all. Also, you were overwhelmingly against Moore to the point of calling him a Moore, Ron. Please know I'm not disapproving of your opinions, I'm just curious what caused the huge change.


Woops, I guess you were answering before I could even finish posting the question.

Last edited by RGrant; March 23rd, 2003 at 05:28 PM..
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 06:58 PM   #7
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Welcome to Colonial Fleets. I read your reply and can see that you are speaking from the heart. What "distressed" me a bit was the line:

But after reading the script and seeing some of the casting, I decided to enjoy the remake and hope the story is presented well and with depth.
I, personally appreciate your honesty and candor, but at the same time also see this as, unfortuantely, giving HammerMoore exactly what they want. They are hoping the "Continuation Crowd" will ultimately tune in, only because we haven't seen an original BSG episode/movie in 25 years. It really pains me to say that those 25 years can grow to 30, 40, or 50 years and if what they show what is currently contained in the script, I WILL NOT WATCH IT! Universal/SciFi, et al, will not earn 1 solitary penny from me.

I realize that I am just a grain of sand on the beach, but so be it, I will not compormise my principles. I am sorry that this comes out sounding heavy-handed, but I am that passionate about the original series' theme and premise. It was, and still is, a wonderful story that DOES NOT need to be re-told. (That is a waste of resources). It needs to be continued. Of course, I do not mean a re-play of the 70's.
What I mean is to:

1) Keep the characters in their SAME gender.
2) Keep the theme as "the survival of the Human Race."
3) Keep the premise as the Galactica on its journey to that "shining planet known as Earth."

What does not need to be done:

1) No need to change characters gender. It serves absolutely No purpose.
2) No need for 'gratuitous' sex. This is what poorly written scripts do to add time to a show. Sex would be very appropriate, in this show, if done in a thoughtful way, as a normal part of an otherwise healthy relationship.
3) No need for additional names and call signs. As with the first item, it serves absolutely No purpose.

There is 1 item that I have mellowed on, however, and that is with Mary McDonnell as the new President of the Colonies. A parallel storyline featuring her and Commander Adama through times of cooperation and also through times of confrontation, could arc through, certainly, an entire mini-series and possibly an entire weekly series, if BSG ever gets to that point. Who knows how this drama could ultimately play out. A good writer would jump at the opportunity to develop this type of storyline.

[So, if anyone is keeping count, I have found 2 possible redeeming qualities about the HammerMoore venture, the other being better special effects.]

In closing, I truly do want to welcome you to the forum and I 'electronically' extend the hand of greeting and friendship. You may notice that I only debate Issues, not Personalities. I do respect you for your opinion, you are entitled to both. I look forward to seeing you here on the forum and having the opportunity to talk about the past, the present, the future, whatever.

Take care,


Last edited by BST; March 25th, 2003 at 02:45 PM..
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Old March 24th, 2003, 05:52 AM   #8
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Over the years, Michael has always been honest and even-tempered. Why would he now "start spreading a lot of bull"? What's the motivation? Michael doesn't profit from his Galactica web sites. He's not going to suddenly receive gobs of cash if a continuation gets made.

After all that Michael has done to keep the spirit of Galactica alive, it's extremely upsetting that he is now being called a liar by very man that has been given the job of producing the new Galactica.

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Old March 24th, 2003, 09:39 AM   #9
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Default I commend Siress


Eick isn't striking me as a fellow to listen to either but Siress at least came over and said, "here's the deal", which I thought was pretty commendable.

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Old March 24th, 2003, 10:17 AM   #10
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Siress as one who knows Michael I must concur with warrior, if Micheal is wrong he will admit it. I would not trust RDM or Eick period.
If they would name it something other than BSG most of the anger would go away. Anything less than 100% support for our kids in the ME
is not acceptable.
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Old March 24th, 2003, 12:11 PM   #11
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Originally posted by dah66
Over the years, Michael has always been honest and even-tempered. Why would he now "start spreading a lot of bull"? What's the motivation? Michael doesn't profit from his Galactica web sites. He's not going to suddenly receive gobs of cash if a continuation gets made.
Amen, Dave. There are no jobs lined up for me, regardless of how what "Battlestar Galactica" television or motion picture production is made. In fact, I pay out of my own pocket for the web sites, their associated costs and some upcoming special multimedia projects.

"Show me the money!" Well, there is none. In fact, there are other webmasters, including the 3DGladiators.com owners who spend their own $$ on servers, domains, bandwidth, software and maintenance from their own pocketbooks. To them, I say thank you!.

I guess when some folks lack facts, they start hurling insults. How wonderfully mature, eh?

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Old March 24th, 2003, 12:21 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Warrior
Know what's funny? I get info, as do others that post here, that *confirm* much of Michaels info, and when Micheal has been wrong before, he's admitted it.

I'd rather trust that than someone that has a *vested* interest in their product. (...)
Well said, Darrell.

Oh, how this forthcoming week... and next... ought to get VERY interesting. Official information should start coming out, then additional twists and turns may happen. It's a stalemate at the moment. Someone will blink soon. Question is: Who?

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Old March 24th, 2003, 12:43 PM   #13
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Default Re: Simple explanation, I come in peace.

Originally posted by siress13
" The Michael Faries person on the forum is spreading alot of bull. Please tell everyone that all is well with the new production and it goes as planned."
If only Mr. Eick would step forward and address what's really happening. But that's spin-doctoring for you. I guess he'd have to cite specifics of what's happened... and happening.

"all is well with the new production and it goes as planned" -- Methinks that's a severly abbrieviated version of events. How's the resubmitted script being received? Y'know, the one which your associate had to turn in (again).

"New production", eh? Is that what it's being called now?

Whichever way this production turns out, Mr. Eick ought to have realized something about his work: As a producer, you engender and foster support from potential fans and future viewers. You don't expect them to eat whatever you serve them. You communicate with them. You bring them aboard, just as "Babylon 5" did, just as "Andromeda" did, just as "The X-Files" did, etc. al.

I forget: THOSE producers understood their core audiences.

If he "wins", all the best to him. Sadly, I know he doesn't wish the same for many of us. (Try not to mouth off where people can hear you, like your associate does, too.)

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Old March 24th, 2003, 04:28 PM   #14
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My opinion is that a slap in the face of Michael Faries is a slap in the face of Galactica fandom. I hope some one is keeping track of the slaps that we are getting because it has almost been a year now and I have lost track.

It's almost like spending 25 years to build your dream home while that guy waits at the bottom of the hill for it to get finished. Then when it looks perfect to move in, that guy at the bottom of the hill shows you that he has the deed and kicks you out. Then you have to sleep outside while he turns your dream home into a whore house.

I'm not sure who reads this awesome forum but to David Eick, if you are reading this then I say to you sir, to call Michael Faries a liar, is to call the fandom in general , liars.

We didn't just band together 6 or 7 months ago and we are fighting for Battlestar Galactica. Is it so hard to understand why we would be fans of a show and not like something that uses its name only?

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Old March 24th, 2003, 05:04 PM   #15
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Ditto to everything you just said OWD, Ditto!!!
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Old March 24th, 2003, 06:40 PM   #16
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At least Joss Whedon and the cast of Firefly were willing to communicate with the fans via the Firefly forum over on the FOX site. When the show was in trouble, Joss was honest about it. I've just about lost all faith in Sci-Fi and Universal at this point. Kinda makes me wonder about Lee Majors' lawsuit against Universal. If he's owed money, I hope he takes them to the cleaners. Just my $0.02 worth.
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Old March 25th, 2003, 08:24 AM   #17
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Default The simple equation

Ok, I'll be moore plain.

Siress = Good
Eick = Jury still out but its not looking favorable

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Old March 25th, 2003, 10:34 AM   #18
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Default Re: The simple equation

Originally posted by TwoBrainedCylon
Ok, I'll be moore plain.

Siress = Good
Eick = Jury still out but its not looking favorable

I'll add this: Siress = passer on of info (as in don't shoot the messenger for the message. True, false or somewhat nebulous: they're just passing it on)

Eick = IF he has repeatedly bad-mouthed one of the mainstays of fandom for the show he wants to bring back: that is just FOOLISH. Only word for it. Ego over common sense = foolish.

We'll just see what becomes of it all. It ain't over yet. Keep the faith. (Yet is my current, least favorite word, anyone else? )
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Old March 25th, 2003, 10:49 AM   #19
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This get's funnier every day.


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