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Old March 22nd, 2003, 04:39 PM   #31
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Default i pPickeD tHe tOP tHree

no thANX to yoO gUYs
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 04:47 PM   #32
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Default Can you get

Moose Drool Ale where you are...

By far and away the best Ale I've EVER had.

It's bottled up in Montana, and it rocks.

Also, if you like Red Wine, there's Vlad Dracula Wine, excellent!
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 04:56 PM   #33
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Default Lord

I've heard (and read) a lot about Moose Drool. I will have to look for it at my local warehouse. I have a recommendation for you, try to get ahold of Hobgoblin by Wychwood Brewery (England). Check out wychwood.com and you'll see the great label designs. I've sampled a few different ones, none have disappointed me.

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Old March 22nd, 2003, 04:58 PM   #34
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Hey folks,

Please be careful with general comments.

There are some of "us" here that grew up with and appreciate Star Trek. Namely, me. Hence, my handle. While my love for the original BSG has been well documented on this and the Sci-Fi forums, my love for Star Trek goes back just a bit farther, to 1971, when I was introduced to ST with the episode: "Mirror, Mirror".

This having been said doesn't mean that I am a Moore-worshipper. Nothing could be farther than the truth. Hell, there were writers on the original ST that could write better scripts while asleep, D.C. Fontana, for one. The original ST was, IMHO, the best of the bunch. The stories had to rely more on true acting ability, expressions, lighting, etc, since sophisticated special effects were still years away.

So, in this particular scenario, I may possibly have something in common and a certain comradeship with the members of Milton's forum.

That, unfortunately is not the case with BSG. I do not agree with them regarding Moore's plans/script and if it remains as it has been written thus far, I never will.

Keepin' the faith,

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Old March 22nd, 2003, 05:02 PM   #35
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Default AMEN BST

However, I'm afaraid some of the Moore Zealots are making Star Trek fans look bad.

I agree with you about other Star Trek authors. It saddens me to think what Gene Roddenberry would think of the actions of his "apprentice".

No Worries, there is definetly a distinction between Star Trek Fans and Moore, Ron Fans
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 05:58 PM   #36
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Default You people should know .....

that the Neos read these boards as well

BSGBH has already dedicated a thread of his own based on what is being discussed here.

Retros are wonderful
Twenty five years of wait and the ability to identify us as "trekkie scum" shows the true character of all Retros. Thank you Xantos because your words are encouraging.
Old March 22nd, 2003, 06:03 PM   #37
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Default Well, I guess

I've already got a bit of a "Get outta jail Free card" on that score Scooter.

According to BSGBH I am the Incarnation of Satan. A Mindless, Brutish, Thug, Nazi, Zombie.

Oh, I also forgot Heretic, Heathen, and Hypocrite, as well as I'm ugly, and I dress myself Funny. AND a Troll, A Senile Old Fart, a Psychotic Moron.

And Mean, too... We can't forget that one.
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 07:05 PM   #38
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Default LordStarFyre1 asked What is the Big Secret,About the David Eick email?

Does David Eick’s clandestine mysterious truly authentic but select retro eyes only message exsist or is it a bogus email exist only in the import's minds? Those retro’s wave it around like Moses coming down the Ten Commandments, they religiously believe in this classified document from St. Eick, except for one retro ring leader Milton James the atheist, who probably does believe in The Prime Directive & Vulcans.

Btw: LSF congratulations is this really you?
Originally posted by LordStarFyre LordStarfyre you Incarnation of Satan. A Mindless, Brutish, Thug, Nazi, Zombie, Heretic, Heathen, and Hypocrite, as well as I'm ugly, and I dress myself Funny. AND a Troll, A Senile Old Fart, a Psychotic Moron.And Mean, too... We can't forget that one.
Raoul_Duke, summoner, BSGBH and the rest of the Retro Star Trek/BSG lite crowd are posting esoteric propaganda from some mysterious bboard about an alleged email from David Eick with THE TOP-SECRET INSIDER TRUTH/BOTTOM LINE story of what is really going to happen, but they cannot tell anybody. This email is more mysterious than the Shroud of Turin, I wonder if it is yet another fabrication by the imported Trekkies to hush everybody up by saying it came from the clandestine HQ of BSG lite?

Last edited by dvo47p; March 22nd, 2003 at 08:03 PM..
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 07:44 PM   #39
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Wouldn't surprise me.
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Old March 22nd, 2003, 10:12 PM   #40
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steve w,
i care what they say, they are fans of a sort. they want the new series to move forward for many reasons. many of them have been very kind to me at that bboard. for that reason only i will listen to thier reasons. even though i disagree with them and want to see a continuation.

i sent mail to scifiguy76 explaining how unfair i thought it was for him to come down on you. you were only defending your self, i feel you did nothing wrong and hope that he got the point.

i know that bsgbh has singled you out. for what reason i dont know. i have posted a message for capt. james about bsgbh last topic, retros are wonderfull. that topic was started after capt james' topic about "Ceaserfire to all Hostility" in which he says

" Therefore I will implement a "zero" tolerance policy on verbal assualts from either side on this forum. I am instructing both my moderators to implement this strict policy and if they feel the need to ban a member, I will support them in their decisions.

i will see if there is any action taken.

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Old March 22nd, 2003, 10:24 PM   #41
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Default Nightscape

...It appears Junior has responded, exactly as expected...
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 04:34 AM   #42
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All I know is a house divided will fall and the RDM crew has employed
tactics I will never agree with. I don't go there so let them spout,
I still don't care what they have to say as long as they spew venom, it is counter produdctive to out cause
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 10:34 AM   #43
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Default For Nightscape - Be Warned - A Rant


You are as forgiving as I used to be. After the third time of being labeled a Nazi, etc. for asking proof regarding lies posted about me personally, my desire to deal with the group as a whole is gone. I'm certainly beyond trying to defend them. Few of them are sincere IMO and most of those who do seem up front couldn't explain why they feel what they feel other than quoting that their friend Milton devised their beliefs for them.

Regardless of the details, what's clear to me is:

Ron Moore introduces himself to the BSG crowd with an interview filled with lies and spends the rest of the time attacking the fans he was supposed to please. When he doesn't get the reaction he wants he starts attacking Michael Faries and FilmJerk and then many others and resorts to using his promotional voice to jab his finger in the eye of the real fans.

Milton came on the scene trolling and lying. He promised to "win at any cost" and declared that if he didn't get his way, he'd mire the production down in so many lawsuits that it would never hit the screen. He later says we should ignore the lying and hostility because he's truthful now and we should believe his later statements and ignore his earlier ones. He and the Neos are engaged in active rewriting of history to portray themselves as innocent victims who were waylaid by the evil retro regime. They conveniently ignore the fact that they burst in on the fanbase with no other intent than to cause trouble and force their Ron Mooreism down everyone's throat.

Raoul Duke later came on the scene trolling and lying but now wants everyone to recognize his new qualities. The Neos regard him as something of a hero for the trouble he caused attacking the Retros (me being chief among them).

BSGBH lies and attacks folks. He whines that he's a victim while simultaneously patting himself on the back for his higher moral stance. He makes declarations of crimes the Retros have caused but can't back up his statements. When called on his attacks, he tries to misdirect the conversation or reword his earlier statments. To his benefit, when he is caught, SciFiMan76 and Milton come to his aid and clean up the board so there's no record of his conduct. He then tries to alter the situation and complains that he's being picked on by all the Retros and spouts some dribble about just defending himself.

A slew of Trek folks only speak to voice how the Retros should all burn in Hell for various percieved crimes. They declare that if the Retros desires are pushed aside they'll be "laughing their ass off" and promise "victory". Somehow, Ron Moore's Hugo is repetatively brought up like some mandate from God even though none of the BSG fans can see any of the talent that earned him the Hugo in the draft script he leaked. They shout "fight on Klingon Warriors" and other such idiocy and in the next sentence say "Its just a TV show" and lay some statement about "maturity" when they start to loose a debate. To me, they are a confusing element to this already distasteful lot of folks.

David Eick comes on the scene and apparently covertly tells the Neos that everyone else is lying and he is sharing the real story but it shouldn't be shared with anyone else. According to the claims, this "professional" uses his position to slander folks but isn't man enough to come public anywhere. It certainly is worth his time if he's writing private e-mails to attack the Retros. As far as I'm concerned, if the claims of the Neos are true and he has written such e-mails, Eick only proves himself to be a total loser and a coward. Even BSGBH posts statements in public. Eick is even less of a man than that if he has done what the Neos claim he has done. (I haven't totally made up my mind on this as I have with Ron Moore because the claims that Eick has taken these actions are being presented by folks who have themselves been proven to be liars).

I'm told by SciFiMan76 that I would be banned from Milton's board unless I posted messages recognizing the Retros "shameful" behavior.

The Neo crowd as a whole watches all of this happening and concludes that the problem is the Retros.

At this point, I can't see any reason to try to meet this crowd halfway. People who base their existience on lying, deception, and a statements that lack all sincerity don't hold much value for me. I'm fed up with sifting through the sewer water to find the incredibly rare nuggets of gold. There are some good folks there and dismissing the entire group involves some throwing the baby out with the bath water but the core of Milton's board is made of folks who aren't worth any consideration for all the reasons I've mentioned above. You can only find common ground with folks who are sincere and honest. Neither of those words meets the most outspoken in the Neo crowd (Summoner notwithstanding). Summoner is one of the gold nuggets buried in the sewer water. There are others but I'm not inclined to sift through the garbage to find them.

As much as this crowd whines that the SFC board is a sewer, they don't recognize that it wasn't 1/3rd of the sewer it became when they arrived. Milton's higher moral order and flameless board sure seems to abandon all of its principles as soon as someone posts an anti-Retro slam but jumps on their tenants of peace as soon as someone who has been attacked wants proof. As I write this, BSGBH is continuing to write attacks. Again, no sincerity there especially since Milton took the time to announce his "zero tolerance policy". I personally find it interesting that there was never such a desire to clean up the board when BSGBH ranted anti-Retros crap for a week but as soon as he was challenged to prove his statements and shown to be the liar that he is, the board was cleaned up within two hours because demanding proof for BSGBH's statements violtated their no flame policy. I can only read this as a policy that says you can flame all you want as long as you don't criticize a Neo or the holy ones, Ron Moore and David Eick.

IMO, these folks make Langy look like a saint. I've had it with them. As far as their lurking, I couldn't care less. I'd write the same thing on their board, the SFC board, in a private e-mail, or anywhere else. My words are the same no matter where I post them. That's part of being sincere. If someone is lurking here and gets offended, I'll apologize the moment someone shows me that I've posted something that's not truthful or accurate. If that happens I'll post an apology and a correction. If they're just offended, perhaps they should look at the conduct of those around them. If they did that, they'd not be so easily embarassed.

As always, Neos and lurkers, feel free to quote me anywhere you wish.

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Old March 23rd, 2003, 11:18 AM   #44
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Default David Eick Has Not Answered My E-mail

A few things here, right now the power grab over this production makes talk and debate between camp "A" and camp "B" very much about Battlestar Galactica.

I await the answer to my e-mail for David Eick, I will not hold my breath.

As for lurking Neo's/Moorerons/MiltyMinions they are not Battlestar Galactica fans. They are fans of Ron Moore's script which is not yet Battlestar Galactica. When compromise means accepting everything they want in a new production I can come to only one conclusion. They are not Battlestar fans, this new show could be called Space Above and Beyond, Lost in Space, Hogan's Hero's, the Flinstone's, SeaQuest DSV, and the only difference would be the original fans they would piss off. Take that to Milty's board and flame me, I don't care so the conversation there matters not.


Perhaps when Bonniestar 90210 tanks quickly Universal will sell the property for food stamps to Hatch or DeSanto. When they need to raise cash to film Galactica they'll have 25 years of fans who can write small checks.


Last edited by Sept17th; March 23rd, 2003 at 11:20 AM..
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 12:16 PM   #45
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Default Here Here Sandy

Isn't this what I've been saying, like a Parrot on Crack since Ronnie the Terrible popped his mug up from the trenches months ago?

Amen Sandy.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 06:11 PM   #46
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Can we hold off on posts made solely to lurking members of other boards? This forum is for us, for discussion of our show, not for aggrivating a schism between sites.

Thank you.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 07:30 PM   #47
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Default Micheleh the ST:BSG people are dealing from the bottom of the deck

Micheleh unfortunately it works 90% the other way, posts are copied edited and taken out of context from say CF. When called on it the posts disappear (what post?) from a forum setup only to push the Moore/Eick version of BSG.

Originally posted by Micheleh Can we hold off on posts made solely to lurking members of other boards? This forum is for us, for discussion of our show, not for aggrivating a schism between sites.Thank you.
Here is a current example of an underhanded shot @ fans of BSG:TOS. By BSGBH:
I don't equate you with the wonderful loving crowd at Colonial Fleets. I consider you a good person who sees no point to this stupid one sided conflict where people like you and I are told to bite our tongues by the wonderful people there. Who are we to question such wisdom from whatever those guys worship? Their compliments are inspiring and the way they congratulate one another is extraordinary.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 07:49 PM   #48
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Default Re: David Eick Has Not Answered My E-mail


Originally posted by Sept17th
I await the answer to my e-mail for David Eick, I will not hold my breath.

Bonnie 'sex sells 90210', has made from a third tier cable channel to I think the 17th ranked one out of about 50 plus cable channels with ads, Universal will give her a big raise to keep her @ Scifi.

Btw: Scifi was in the top 10 during 'Taken'.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 07:56 PM   #49
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This is exactly the reason I made the post about discouraging Cross-posting to other boards!

You have all brought this drama over here by continuing to stir up mess on other forums and comeing back here to brag about it and tell people about how aweful they are "Over there".

From now on i dont want to see anymore posts about
"continuing the fight" on the sci fi board, or abut how much "miltons board sucks" and I dont want to see anyone mentioning people from those other places unless they are regestered here as well and you are adressing them directly.

If i see it anymore I will close the thread and move it out of here.

I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government....
~ Dr. Martin Luther King ~

I can hear God saying to America: “You are too arrogant! If you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power!"
~ Dr. Martin Luther King ~
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 08:07 PM   #50
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You got that right, Hito.

"Micheleh unfortunately it works 90% the other way, posts are copied edited and taken out of context from say CF. When called on it the posts disappear (what post?) from a forum setup only to push the Moore/Eick version of BSG."

So? That's their forum, and apparently it isn't run very well. Because they do something ten times, does that justify us sinking to that level once?

Enough is enough. This forum is for us, for BSG, not a "Milton's Latest" or "Slander of The Month Club".

If the posts there are insulting, hurtful, and infuriating, I have a good solution- don't go there. Otherwise it's the same as kicking something and complaining because it hurt.

Excuse me while I run out and buy a new kyebaord.

Last edited by Micheleh; March 23rd, 2003 at 08:12 PM..
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 08:50 PM   #51
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This is exactly the reason I made the post about discouraging Cross-posting to other boards!

You have all brought this drama over here by continuing to stir up mess on other forums and comeing back here to brag about it and tell people about how aweful they are "Over there".

From now on i dont want to see anymore posts about
"continuing the fight" on the sci fi board, or abut how much "miltons board sucks" and I dont want to see anyone mentioning people from those other places unless they are regestered here as well and you are adressing them directly.

If i see it anymore I will close the thread and move it out of here.

I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government....
~ Dr. Martin Luther King ~

I can hear God saying to America: “You are too arrogant! If you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power!"
~ Dr. Martin Luther King ~
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 09:45 PM   #52
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"So what is it?"

"I believe it's a time hole!"

"A time hole?"......
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 09:52 PM   #53
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We just stepped into the twilight zone
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 09:55 PM   #54
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LOL! I just watched that episode while I was eating supper (dimension jump, my favorite), and then I noticed your post up twice... I couldn't help myself, my bad.
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Old March 23rd, 2003, 10:01 PM   #55
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Yeah i dont know how that got there.
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