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Old September 11th, 2006, 07:35 AM   #1
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Default CF Production Company?

In today's world I am seeing many quality low budget fan films that have great production value. I am also seeing excellent writing. Recently we have seen the fruits of combined labors when people like Sandy put together a high quality, well written, audio drama with the help of others. I also know that we want a continuation film of which I believe (and I hope to be wrong) will never happen.

So, my thought is this. What about joining forces with all the BSG out there that miss the original and make a continuation....set in a next generation setting. Who knows the travels they have gone through. 50-80 years down the road, earth could still be elusive.

This solves some practical issues. Costumes and ships can be completely re invented to make budgeting a whole heck of a lot easier. It also allows the freedom to create two variants on the scripts. One can be the full on no holds barred version and the other one can be a version that is slightly less obvious to avoid copyright issues. When the script is finished...a quality script...we pitch it to the powers that be that own the movie rights to the name...the rights only get sold to them if there is a contractual obligation to have a film in production by x amount of time. If there is no bite, we take the thinly veiled one that is still true to the story and produce the darn thing.

Yes, I know there are a lot of pipe dreams here and a lot of other considerations, but I look at the budgets and creative funding ploys of the creators of the Pink Five series and movies like Clerks and other indie films and I have to wonder if such a thing is possible.

ST:TNG lasted longer than the original and still held true to the universe it was created in despite the lack of original actors. This is not a re invention, this is a continuation...set far in the future.

I dunno, just a pipe dream, perhaps, but it may not be any more or less realistic than a real continuation by Larson/Desanto.

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Old September 11th, 2006, 08:39 AM   #2
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See www.battlestarfanfilms.org to start, and look for links to Sept. 17th's 14th colony project. Some have already begun.

:edit--corrected URL, I knew it just couldn't type it, aaaaiiiieeee! ::
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Old September 11th, 2006, 08:53 AM   #3
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Wonderful, something I can easily get behind! Thx Jewels.

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Old September 11th, 2006, 08:58 AM   #4
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The link for the 14th Colony is https://www.battlestarfanfilm.org. We have a trailer up and are working pretty hard behind the scenes on the full-length episode. We've been very fortunate to have a lot of good people supporting us in this.
On September 17, 1978, there were those who believed that life here...began out there...

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Old September 11th, 2006, 09:23 AM   #5
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Outstanding attention to detail and production quality on the trailer! Where do you shoot?

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Old September 11th, 2006, 09:48 AM   #6
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Live action shooting will mostly be done in Oklahoma with some shooting also done in Florida. Right now besides being distracted by the first time home buyer thing, I’m trying to work costume issues by using volunteers. That is not really working well. I would like over these next two weeks try to work a deal with a couple of Battlestar costume suppliers. Loan me what I need and I promote their business heavily with the film. I don’t craft letters well or quickly, any body wants to take a crack at the letter?
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Old September 11th, 2006, 11:43 AM   #7
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I would like to take a crack at it.

Can you tell me anything else that might be attractive to the letter.

Original cast or production crew endorsements?

Media attention?

Fan film events or contests or expo interest?

Anything that will let them know the plug for costumes will be seen by more than just the fans of BSG.

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Old September 11th, 2006, 12:06 PM   #8
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I’ve been told “people” are aware but no endorsements. There are conventions interested.

We are featured at: https://www.cliffordhoeft.com/home.html

The film has been covered by Fan Films Quarterly: https://www.lulu.com/Noble

The preproduction trailer has been seen almost six thousand times so far on Youtube.

Look for a PM.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 08:51 AM   #9
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Well you know KJ's wishing you all the best with this excellent fan project Sept17! Perhaps just like Sandy Collora's Batman Dead End you'll get your fan movie project in a magazine like Cinescape. Like that famed previous issue that covered both Batman Dead End and Bryan Singer's unproduced Galactica with info on the umade series and revamped Cylon design by Vincent Guastini (Dec/Jan 04 issue #74).

I know you're looking to use Eric Melson's Cylon in your BG movie. And possibly build a few DeSanto style Cylons. But don't forget, Vincent guastini's got his website were he can be reached. Maybe he'd give you his blessing to use his galdiator style Cylon (my personal favorite revival Cylon design by the way) in your Galactica movie/episodes.

And knowing how you've talked to the fans in the fanbase for years, you'd know exactly the kind of things fans would want to see action and storywise. And i'd just know, like Batman Dead End, the 14th colony project will probably have the attitude and updated concept theories of advancing the better aspects of the Galactica universe. Fans have wished to see in a revival of some kind.

Yeah i suppose managing the budget and getting the right props is murder, but you know a slight touch of your own designs seen in there wouldn't be too bad ya know? Don't rely too much on a strict "must have" original BG look if your project is a continuation of sorts. I'd like to see what else fans have envisioned a futuristic Galactica would look like in their own minds eye etc.

Also if you don't mind any ideas for future stories coming from the fanbase. I have a rough outline concept for an original story in my head. If you want it, can i pm you some time?


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Old September 12th, 2006, 09:03 AM   #10
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Nice. Is this available in shops or must you get this online per se? Hmmm brings up the Emo Rangers fan movie which i've seen and a whole bunch of other fan projects i'm surprised to hear of to be honest. interesting, VERY interesting! gotta take a gander at this sometime.

Do any of these issues talk about Starship Exeter? Kinda wondered whats up with their lateness of several episodes lately.

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Old September 12th, 2006, 10:04 AM   #11
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Tux.....a man after my own heart. But I fear any movement will not happen so publically, but will be more like a behind the scenes effort...and suddenly something's happening.

I wouldn't give up on a continuation. But I will say this.....those in the industry who want to bring the Big G back...haven't given up and are still trying...just not every attempt makes the forums. I firmly believe things will be achieved sooner or later.

Until then Tux....learn an animation skill...loan your voice to Exodus....fund a fanfilm short.....help with the 14th Colony....there are many things to be done that will help.......

Daniel (Ernie90125)
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Old September 12th, 2006, 01:40 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ernie90125
I wouldn't give up on a continuation. But I will say this.....those in the industry who want to bring the Big G back...haven't given up and are still trying...just not every attempt makes the forums. I firmly believe things will be achieved sooner or later.
Well Ernie hope a major revival is on the cards from folks besides DeSanto's camp, and other big players in Hollywood do give a crap about the original series. Cos Battlestar Galactica's got another big anniversary in the next 2 years and if another revival attempt isn't timed to go along with it, with say like announcements of a film franchise being greenlit etc. Realistically fans wouldn't be crying out again for a major revival effort in another 10 years time when most of the original cast are in or nearing their 70's. Not even a spin off from the classic series would be smart if the originals didn't have enough "bulk" of further adventures after the TV series ended in 79 to justify a "TNG" style spin off movie series in the cinema.

We're passionate alright, but surely we're not crazy to that extreme!

And to truly think we'd get a continuation in the next 10 years plus would be very unrealistic then. We're at the now or never point people! Guess thats why Larson and DeSanto tried to make their Galactica versions seem quite different in their subtle approaches to create a continuation of BG in some other format etc.

So yeah unless something is done soon by those with the power to make something happen for everybody out there wanting a BG continuation. Fan projects of Galactica is all we may ever get out of all the campaigning within fandom!

But with 14th Colony's trailer out there. I ain't exactly complaining though! A fandom future where fans produce professional quality work to compete with hollywood's big boys, certainly seems like the right alternative in a small way. We dislike what they've given to us on TV so much, that fans needed to go out and produce the REAL version of this epic space saga themselves and especially for everybody else out there that wanted it so badly!

I ain't giving up on a continuation, but i've got my own realistic "bowing out" time within the next 4 or so years time. Beyond 2010 do you really think TPTB would give people what they crave after 30 plus years? If they did it'd be a first, especially for a one season show with such a huge following like Battlestar Galactica.

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Old September 13th, 2006, 11:09 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lord Kingjason
Well you know KJ's wishing you all the best with this excellent fan project Sept17!

I know you're looking to use Eric Melson's Cylon in your BG movie.

And knowing how you've talked to the fans in the fanbase for years, you'd know exactly the kind of things fans would want to see action and storywise...the 14th colony project will probably have the attitude and updated concept theories of advancing the better aspects of the Galactica universe. Fans have wished to see in a revival of some kind.

you know a slight touch of your own designs seen in there wouldn't be too bad ya know? Don't rely too much on a strict "must have" original BG look if your project is a continuation of sorts. I'd like to see what else fans have envisioned a futuristic Galactica would look like in their own minds eye etc.

Also if you don't mind any ideas for future stories coming from the fanbase. I have a rough outline concept for an original story in my head. If you want it, can i pm you some time?
Thank You Sir.

Our film will have some of its own updated look but stay very true to what we all want to see. Think of it looking some thing like between TOS one end and DeSantostar Galactica on the other.

Very true, a continuation not a reimagination.

If the film rallys fans together to make another one I'm up for doing someone elses story. If not this will be my last Battlestar film and I'll have to move on.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 05:11 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Sept17th
If the film rallys fans together to make another one I'm up for doing someone elses story.
Well if you're serious. I'll pm you 3 outlined of my Galactica stories in a few days time. Although my BG tale avoids the A-typical cliches of the series and goes for the mythology angle of Galactica much akin to elements seen in the 14th Colony trailer. And i realise, you have to keep the budget down seeing as this is a fan made movie. But you know me, i'm an imaginative person and i prefer alot of things to be larger and epic in scale. Maybe next time you attend a sci-fi convention where the original stars of Battlestar Galactica hapen to be. You could convince several of them to participate in your project? I don't see why not, Walter Koeing of Star Trek got involved in a Star Trek fan produced episode didn't he.

Make a fan film to challenge Batman Dead End in terms of quality and production values and i'd say you've got yourself a sure winner. I have no doubt you'll make your project epic enough, now if you were to make any sequel stories and you choose several of mine. I'd write "killer" visual moments that would have 'jawdropping' stuff to have everyone's head swimming with joy and excitement hopefully. Don't worry, i'd keep it all "low key" somewhat as i know a full paid stunt crew would cost you tons of money? But lets just say i'd give you all a moment akin to the Alien vs Predator in Batman Dead End on looks and visuals alone without no explosions. So yeah, get that Eric Melson Cylon suit ready and build a Vincent Guastini Bryan Singer styled 'gladiator' Cylon suit too, and prepare some blue/green screen for a few CGI additions. Cos i'd write up and include things we only dreamed and talked of, far as Galactica's story and action is concerned!

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Old September 13th, 2006, 05:15 PM   #15
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I had some better written stuff to pass on and post but the board glitched and i lost it all?

Sept17th i'll pm you later about what i really wanted to say per se!

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Old September 14th, 2006, 04:34 AM   #16
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If the film rallys fans together to make another one I'm up for doing someone elses story.
This is a great thing to say. If you do indeed proceed along these lines, I offer your my support and enthusiasm....and my site as a download mirror regardless of bandwidth requirements. In other words what I'm doing for The 14th Colony all over again !!!!!!
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Old September 18th, 2006, 04:46 PM   #17
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A fan film I'd like to recommend is Broken Alliegance. A Star Wars fan film.

I picked it up when I was in Vegas last month. It also had some behind the scenes features into how the fan film was put together.

If you need a guide to producing a fan film Broken Alliegance is one I'd recommend, especially if one wants to do it inexpensively(their budget was only $5,000 and that was reportedly for the catering). I'm going to be letting a friend of mine use it in hopes of getting a Star Trek fan film together.

And if the Star Trek fan film takes off I may have a guide of my own to doing a BSG fan film.
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