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Muffit April 14th, 2004 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by braxiss
my grandmother passed away and the funeral is in the morning, so i'm just trying to keep my mind busy

Thinking of you and your family Braxiss.. I know the feeling all too well... (((hugs)))

kitty April 14th, 2004 10:38 AM

Kitty tip toes in, feeling sad for Braxis :(
But still manages to take the thread.

holodoc2000 April 14th, 2004 10:44 AM

:hershey: :oreo: :cookie: :milk: :rose: :heart:

kitty April 14th, 2004 10:46 AM

Did kitty see some milk?

holodoc2000 April 14th, 2004 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by sorrell
Did kitty see some milk?

tee hee! :D

*fixes some :milk: for kitty* :D

kitty April 14th, 2004 11:51 AM

Kitty thanks holodoc for the milk. :)

bsg1fan1975 April 14th, 2004 12:23 PM

braxiss sorry to hear about your loss. I am there with you in spirit!

Rowan April 14th, 2004 03:01 PM

ZZZZOOOOOOMMMMMMM Rowan comes in to claim the thread!!!;) :D

Bombadil April 14th, 2004 03:33 PM

When Rowan drops the thread, I'm right here to catch it.

Rowan April 14th, 2004 03:56 PM

unless you miss it like you must have because I still have it!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;) :D

kitty April 14th, 2004 04:29 PM

Kitty is up past her bedtime, naughty kitty,
to nab the thread. :D

Rowan April 14th, 2004 04:43 PM

Go take a cat nap little kitty and I'll watch the thread for you...;) :D

holodoc2000 April 14th, 2004 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by sorrell
Kitty thanks holodoc for the milk. :)

tee hee! Thought Kitty would like the :milk: :D

Bombadil April 14th, 2004 05:50 PM

Hey, Holodoc, lookit!
I got me a
squirt gun!!! :devil:

shiningstar April 14th, 2004 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil
Hey, Holodoc, lookit!
I got me a
squirt gun!!! :devil:

And you're aiming it at the KITTY? :erk:



Rowan April 14th, 2004 05:54 PM

SPLAT oops! sorry about that Mr. Bombadil! didn't mean to break the squirt gun!;) :D

I have the thread~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

shiningstar April 14th, 2004 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
SPLAT oops! sorry about that Mr. Bombadil! didn't mean to break the squirt gun!;) :D

I have the thread~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You'had'~~~the thread~~~;)

shiningstar April 14th, 2004 06:13 PM

Gotta go it's bath nite for the kids

so here's ~~~~~~ the thread ~~~~~~ to play with


holodoc2000 April 14th, 2004 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil
Hey, Holodoc, lookit!
I got me a
squirt gun!!! :devil:

tee hee! You may have a squirt gun Thomasb, but I have a SUPER SOAKER!

*pulls out Super Soaker, aims at Thomasb, & fires!* :duck:

Bombadil April 14th, 2004 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
SPLAT oops! sorry about that Mr. Bombadil! didn't mean to break the squirt gun!;) :D

I have the thread~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ack! That brings back a painful memory (LOL!) Eighth grade. Squirt gun craze. Got me a new squirt pistol Easily concealable. Took it to school in the morning. Friend sees it, covets it, asks to borrow it. I say "OK". He disappears down the corridor. Moments later he is quick-stepping back, gun tucked under his armpit. Gives it back to me. Teacher is following him. Confiscates the gun. And I NEVER GOT TO EVEN SHOOT IT. :cry:
So you're MEAN, Rowan.

But I am prepared!!! I got another one!!!

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