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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:47 PM   #1681
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Top Signs Captain Kirk Went to Cal Poly

1. His "redshirts" keep getting vaporized!
2. Saved those whales, man.
3. Always telling perfectly contented people why they should be unhappy.
4. Doesn't care about the color of people's skin. Heck, he doesn't care if the women are green!
5. No doubt his mistrust of machines began with his Tele-Bears experiences.
6. After Telegraph Ave., weird alien species seem old hat.
7. Has people wearing red shirts minding the phones and doing maintenance work.
8. Spock's and Kirk's uniforms: blue and gold!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:48 PM   #1682
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Top Ten Plot Twists in the "Clinton on the Enterprise" Episode

1. Bill is watching "Hee Haw" and discussing his experiences as a Rhodes scholar with some friends. The fabric of the universe can't take this juxtaposition of the idiotic with the intelligent and Bill is technobabbly transported to the Enterprise.
2. Picard is stunned into utter speechlessness by Clinton's hair.
3. Shares "war stories" with Riker. i.e. "And then her husband walked in!"
4. Thanks to replicator, all food is FAST food! Clinton's in hog heaven!
5. Dr. Crusher politely tells Bill, "with our medical technology, we can correct that overbite."
6. Clinton learns from Star Fleet how to eliminate the US budget deficit -- get rid of money!
7. Bill & Will save Enterprise from hostile aliens by playing a rather bad duet on Sax and Trombone.
8. Advances in genetic engineering can eliminate problems from inbreeding. Clinton brings the technology home to Arkansas and becomes a hero!
9. Clinton makes the transporter an intregal part of his universal health care plan.
10. As he leaves the Enterprise, Clinton closes his goodbye with "I still believe in a place called Hope." Data responds with, "There are exactly 143,452 settlements with that name in the geographical records."

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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:49 PM   #1683
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The Top twenty surprise plot twists in upcoming TNG episodes

20) Worf signs his son Alexander up for ballet lessons

19) Data swears

18) Guinan removes her hat, revealing that she is a Saturday Night Live style Conehead

17) Picard beams down

16) All of Geordi's lines are in words of two syllables or less, with no pseudo-scientific double-talk

15) Troi runs amok with a machete

14) Barclay is really the Captain; Picard is just an ensign, and all of his "command" has been a holodeck simulation

13) No guest stars are relatives of Tasha Yar

12) Geordi gets a woman

11) Riker doesn't get a woman

10) Data states that he cannot use contractions after using one in the previous scene, and the fabric of the universe, unable to withstand the continuity error, is rent asunder

9) Picard wakes up muttering "there's no place like home"

8) Riker accepts command of another starship, the U.S.S. ZZ Top

7) Ten Forward is turned into a strip-joint, with its lead act being Beverly Crusher as "The Dancing, Disrobing Doctor"

6) Tired of not being sure whether he is a lieutenant or a chief petty officer, O'Brien beams the entire bridge crew into a black hole and assumes the rank of Captain

5) Picard fires the phasers

4) "Prime Directive" is the word of the day, entire crew goes "Aaaaahhhhh!!" at the top of their lungs whenever it is mentioned

3) Data's cat, Spot, is revealed as a Romulan spy

2) Wesley is affected the same as the rest of the crew, and a no-name security guard saves the ship

1) Picard switches from Earl Grey to Nestea Instant Tea Mix; does "Nestea Plunge" into swimming pool on holodeck
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:49 PM   #1684
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Top 10 reasons why the Federation will never win

1. The Prime Directive.
2. They spend all of their time designing uniforms.
3. These new troublesome aliens keep popping up.
4. No Indian or Chinese engineers on board.
5. Still haven't designed a decent shuttle craft.
6. People like Jean-Luc insist on playing by the rules.
7. Worf never gets to win a fight.
8. They have thousands of people on board their starships, but only the bridge crew knows how to do anything.
9. Picard had to go and tick off the Q.
10. The Klingons have ALWAYS had better looking ships.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:50 PM   #1685
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Top Ten Reasons why the Federation doesn't use cloaking devices:

1. Test vessels keep disappearing and are never seen again.
2. Head of Starfleet has Bugblatter Beast Syndrome and thinks that if the enemy can't see us, we can't see them.
3. Insurance company won't cover accidents involving two cloaked ships colliding into each other.
4. Afraid it would make it too easy for Kirk to steal another ship out of the docking bay.
5. It wouldn't help anyway, Q would still find them.
6. Don't want anyone to find out what _*really*_ happened to Pulaski.
7. External shots of the ship would be extremely dull.
8. Don't want to admit that for once, Klingons had a really good idea.
9. Mike Okuda and Rick Sternbach can't find the model they made of the cloaked Enterprise.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:51 PM   #1686
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The Top 10 reasons to be concerned about the USS Voyager: by David Letterman.

1. The crew are big fans of the HMS Bounty.
2. Prime Directive? We don't need no stinking Prime Directive!
3. It will be revealed that the new captain is one of Mudd's women.
4. The original script named the captain Ginger, and the first mate Gilligan.
5. Delta Quadrant, there goes the neighborhood.
6. Its just another warranty claim on the Starfleet ship yards.
7. The new first officer (native American and former terrorist) just found out the Captain is a descendant of Custer.
8. The holographic doctor is a leftover from the Clinton healthcare plan.
9. They might get home. Remember what happened the last time a craft named Voyager came home (it spawned a terrible movie).
10. The defense systems are controlled by a Pentium processor. (cha-ching)
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:52 PM   #1687
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What if the Borg assimilated the Nanite culture
(they are an intelligent life form packing lots of tech, the Borg should be interested).

Ten results:

1. Borg ships the size of softballs.
2. Borg ships with the power output of a 30W light bulb.
3. Borg assimilation of tricorders and hand phasers becomes a real annoyance for Starfleet.
4. Borg get massacred by Packleds.
5. Ferengi discover that a trash can with a Borg cube in the bottom never has to be emptied.
6. Borg endangered by felines playing with their cubes.
7. The Borg scout cubes are found to be the advance over the Swiss Army knife that the Boy Scout knife wasn't.
8. Borg cubes make a great substitute for bricks.
9. Borg space heaters.
10. Borg Hockey!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:56 PM   #1688
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Top 10 things we really wanted to see in 'The Chase'

1. Eric Luenville come in at any point and start off by saying "Dr. Auschlander..."
2. Picard drop that relic (or throw it in a fit of rage)
3. Worf just smile smugly when the Iridian ship blew up and say "OOPS"
4. Riker hit on that Cardassian Captain
5. Picard roll metal balls in his hand when Crusher and Troi were talking to him
6. Two words: The Borg
7. More interaction between Data and the Klingon Captain
8. The Romulan away team being led by Sela, just so we can see her screw up again
9. After the message playing, everyone who saw it saying in unison "That's it?"
10. Right after the message, the sound of a Ferengi saying "D'oh!" from behind a rock
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:58 PM   #1689
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Top 10 ways commanders Handle Pressure Situations.

The situation :

The Enterprise is under attack and various commanders have only enough time for one last order. How is this tense situation handled by different characters ?

Scotty : "Why, ya lilly livered poor excuse for a silly puddy potato head, I oughta blastya t Ceti Alpha Six !"

McCoy : " I'm a Doctor, not a solider !"

Geordi : " Reroute the phase inducers and heterodyne the frequency of the warp coil!"

Worf : " yopwaHHomwIj yISop, romuluSngan ! " ( Eat my shorts, Romulan !)

Spock : (Raises eyebrow)

Data : " Romulan commander ! your actions are most unnecessary and are not in keeping with the established treaties. May I advice you of the current political situation which threatens the very continuity of the principles involved. A corollary I might point out would be that of ....."

Riker : " Shields UP ! Red ALERT ! Captain to the BRIDGE !"

Picard : " Open hailing frequencies so that I can cower and plead !"

Troi : " I feel, I feel, uhhhhh ! "

Kirk : " FIRE !"
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:59 PM   #1690
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Top 10 least known Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

10. If a sign says 'buy one, get one free' only get the free one

9. Always give the pizza guy bad directions to your house so you can get it for free if he is late

8. Unless something is damaged, its in "mint" condition

7. If it is damaged, then its "near mint"

6. If there is a limit per customer, bring a friend and come back every 10 minutes to buy more

5. Its cheaper to bribe a stock boy than the manager

4. Consequences schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich

3. No matter what you steal from the Federation, the Romulans will always pay top dollar for it

2. Only sell to civilizations dumber than you are

1. All those rules apply to other people--not you
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:00 PM   #1691
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The Top 19 Things You're Not About To Hear on The Enterprise

19) Worf: Klingons do *not* play tiddlywinks!

18) Picard: No, please, Mr. Data, do go on. I find your list of synonyms for 'extinct' fascinating...

17) Picard: It's too bad we don't live in an enlightened, civilized era like they had in the twentieth century.

16) Picard: Good work, Counselor. If you hadn't told us those aliens had hostile intent, we would have been completely fooled by their plan"

15) Geordi: Did you hear Wesley almost got kicked out of the Academy again? They caught him smoking pot!

Data: (looks puzzled) Pot? (brightens) Ah. Marijuana - a narcotic obtained from the hemp plant. Cannabis. Weed. Mary Jane. Grass. Reefer. Panama Red . . .

14) Crusher: Jean-Luc, since the ship is in no danger at all, and we're not about to die, there's something I want to tell you...

13) Troi (to someone she is counseling): You've obviously mistaken me for someone who care! Now get out!

12) Geordi: The... doohicky... has gone all... funny, making that gizmo light up...the one that means the warp engines are... ya know... all messed up.

11) Worf: Ouch! I got a paper cut!

10) Picard: Captain's Log, Stardate... damn. What's the date? Number One, what's today? No, I know it's Tuesday, what's the date? The STARdate!!

9) A Starfleet Admiral: Don't worry about it, Picard, there are plenty of other ships in your quadrant.

8) Picard: Tea, Lemon Zinger, iced.

7) Riker: Not tonight -- I have a headache.

6) Worf: Klingons do NOT wear frilly underwear... at least not on duty.

5) Worf: Do we have to beam down right now? The Smurfs are on subspace TV!

4) "Prime Directive? We don't need no steenkin' Prime Directive!"

3) Geordi: We've modified the warp coils be reversing the polarity of the inverse geometric phase integrator and adding a broad-band neutrino generator to the hyper-magnetic field controls.

Riker: What will that do?

Geordi: Not a damn thing, but it sure as hell *sounds* impressive!

2) Worf: The aliens are locking their weapons on us... firing... a miss. Shall I open hailing frequencies so you can laugh in their faces?

1) Picard: Ah, what the heck. I'm bored. Screw the hailing frequencies, fire at will.

"Dr. McCoy, would you do me the very great honor of eating my shorts?"

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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:01 PM   #1692
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91 Things that never happen in Star Trek

1. The Enterprise runs into a mysterious energy field of a type that it has encountered several times before.
2. The Enterprise goes to check up on a remote outpost of scientists, who are all perfectly all right.
3. The Enterprise comes across a Garden-of-Eden-like planet called Paradise, where everyone is happy all the time. However, everything is soon revealed to be exactly as it seems.
4. The crew of the Enterprise discover a totally new lifeform, which later turns out to be a rather well-known old lifeform, wearing a silly hat.
5. The crew of the Enterprise are struck by a strange alien plague, for which the cure is found in the well-stocked sick-bay.
6. An enigmatic being composed of pure energy attempts to interface to the Enterprise's computer, only to find out that it has forgotten to bring the right leads.
7. A power surge on the Bridge is rapidly and correctly diagnosed as a faulty capacitor by the highly-trained and competent engineering staff.
8. A power surge on the Bridge is fails to electrocute the user of a computer panel, due to a highly sophisticated 24th century surge protection feature called a 'fuse'.
9. The Enterprise ferries an alien VIP from one place to another without serious incident.
10. The Enterprise is captured by a vastly superior alien intelligence which does not put them on trial.
11. The Enterprise separates as soon as there is any danger.
12. The Enterprise gets involved in an enigmatic, sting, and dangerous situation, and there are no pesky aliens they can blame it on in the end.
13. The Enterprise is captured by a vastly inferior alien intelligence which they easily pacify by offering it some sweeties.
14. The Enterprise is involved in a bizarre time-warp phenomenon, which is in some way unconnected with the 20th century.
15. Somebody takes out a shuttle and it doesn't explode or crash.
16. A major Starfleet emergency breaks out near the Enterprise, but fortunately some other ships in the area are able to deal with it to everyone's satisfaction.
17. The shields on the Enterprise stay up during a battle.
18. The Enterprise visits the Klingon Home World on a bright, sunny, day
19. An attempt at undermining the Klingon-Federation alliance is discovered without anyone noting that such an attempt, if successful, "would represent a fundamental shift of power throughout the quadrant."
20. A major character spends the entire episode in the Holodeck without a single malfunction trapping him/her there.
21. Picard hears the door chime and doesn't bother to say "Come."
22. Picard doesn't answer a suggestion with "Make it so"!
23. Picard walks up to the replicator and says, "Coke on ice."
24. Counselor Troi states something other than the blindingly obvious.
25. Mood rings come back in style, jeopardizing Counselor Troi's position.
26. Worf and Troi finally decide to get married, only to have Kate Pulaski show up and disrupt the wedding by shouting, "Did he read you love poetry?! Did he serve you poisonous tea?! He's MINE!"
27. When Worf tells the bride officers that something is entering visual range no one says "On screen."
28. Worf actually gives another vessel more than 2 seconds to respond to one of the Enterprise's hails.
29. Worf kills Wesley by mistake in the holodeck, (pity this wasn't done in "Deja Vu" then we could have seen it 5 times without rewinding the tape).
30. Wesley Crusher gets beaten up by his classmates for being a smarty pants, and consequently has a go at making some friends of his own age for a change.
31. Wesley saves the ship, the Federation, and the Universe as we know it, and EVERYONE is grateful
32. The warp engines start playing up a bit, but seem to sort themselves out after a while without any intervention from boy genius Wesley Crusher.
33. Wesley Crusher tries to upgrade the warp drive and they work better than ever.
34. Beverly Crusher manages to go through a whole episode without having a hot flush and getting breathless every time Picard is in the room.
35. Guinan forgets herself, and breaks into a stand up comedy routine.
36. Data falls in love with the replicator.
37. Kirk (or Riker) falls in love with a woman on a planet he visits, and isn't tragically separated from her at the end of the episode.
38. The Captain has to make a difficult decision about a less advanced people which is made a great deal easier by the Starfleet Prime Directive.
39. An unknown ensign beams down as part of an away team and lives to tell the tale.
40. Spock or Data is fired from his high-ranking position for not being able to understand the most basic nuances of about one in three sentences that anyone says to him.
41. Kirk's hair remaining consistent for more that 1 consecutive episode.
42. Kirk gets into a fistfight and doesn't rip his shirt. (Or even, Kirk DOESN'T get into a fistfight...)
43. Kirk doesn't end up kissing the troubled guest-female before she doesn't sacrifice herself for him.
44. Scotty doesn't mention the laws of physics
45. Spock isn't the only crew member not affected by new weapon/attack by alien race/etc.!! due to his "darn green blood" or "bizarre Vulcan physiology" and thus he cannot save the day.
46. The episode ends without Bones & Kirk laughing at Spock's inability to understand the joke, and he doesn't raise his eyebrow.
47. Some of the crew visits the holodeck, and it works properly.
48. The Captain has to make a difficult decision about a less advanced people and decides to blow it off and go fishing.
49. Commander Riker and Geordi decide to pull a practical joke on Wesley and beam him into the women's gymnasium shower room.
50. The Enterprise goes to visit a remote outpost of scientists, and gets hopelessly lost in the wrong star system.
51. The crew of the Next Generation sit around for an entire episode and watch reruns of the original Star Trek.
52. Data gets too close to a hair-dryer and spends an entire episode walking around flashing a well known Vulcan hand sign and saying "live long and prosper".
53. The Enterprise crew is captured by a vastly superior alien intelligence which puts them in a galactic cubby hole and forgets about them.
54. The Enterprise successfully ferries an alien VIP from one place to another without his luggage.
55. An enigmatic being composed of pure energy attempts to interface to the Enterprise's computer, only to be destroyed because it is the wrong polarity.
56. A power surge on the Bridge is rapidly and correctly diagnosed as a faulty capacitor by the highly-trained and competent engineering staff. The part however has not been available for 200 years.
57. Over a period of two months, the entire crew of the Enterprise become infected with genital warts.
58. The Enterprise encounters a vastly inferior alien intelligence, which they spend an entire episode belittling and embarrassing.
59. The Enterprise breaks down in deep space and has to be towed back to a star base by a garbage scow.
60. Guinan reveals that on her home planet, all she ever did was work at a McDonalds.
61. The Enterprise develops a bad case of 'space rust' and spends most of an episode at dry-dock with painters wondering how to get the paint to dry in outer space.
62. Captain Picard walks off the job for most of an episode in a dispute over vacation and medical benefits.
63. Dr. Crusher receives a letter lost in the mail for 15 years from her late husband telling her he has been having an affair and is leaving her.
64. The warp engines start acting up a bit, and Geordi gets blown to bits when he drops his visor in an engine while fixing it.
65. Wesley Crusher goes on a weekend jaunt with 'The Traveler' and comes back 40 years older.
66. Counselor Troi tells Worf that he really is an evil rotten person deep inside.
67. Data falls in love with a woman on a planet he visits, and stays behind to get married and raise a family.
68. Scotty anticipates the situation and has everything working at peak performance before it is needed.
69. While walking down a corridor, one of the crew remarks, "I think we're lost. These corridors all look the same."
70. The Enterprise decides to leave a dangerous sector before there are signs of danger.
71. Picard visits the sickbay and requests the cure for baldness.
72. After meeting the hostile inhabitants of a planet, the Away-Team's phasers are more then adequate for their defense.
73. A redshirt sneaks down a deserted corridor, turns a corner, and suddenly has a surprise birthday party.
74. A redshirt manages to avoid the thrown knife, phaser shot, arrow, or whatever.
75. McCoy says, "On second thought, maybe I'm a carpenter and NOT a doctor after all."
76. The deflector shields hold through the duration of the battle.
77. Kirk meets a woman whom he's known for years but never had sex with.
78. Sulu and Chekov get to do something interesting.
79. Kirk says, "Uhura, I'm frightened."
80. Kirk gets Court-martialed for violating the Prime Directive.
81. A Klingon says to a companion, "Hey, I like you."
82. Harry Mudd manages to turn a healthy profit selling something legal.
83. An android race turns out to be completely friendly and not threatening or menacing in any way.
84. Some patient of McCoy's who's NOT a central character lives.
85. Riker manages to avoid seeming like a William Shatner clone.
86. The crew of the original Enterprise disperse, Sulu gets his own ship, and nobody suffers major emotional trauma.
87. A major character dies and isn't resurrected.
88. The mysterious a giant threatening object is on a direct course for some world other than Earth.
89. Somebody says, "You know, the Enterprise-D looks really stupid! What is it, a `Close Encounters' reject???"
90. Artificial intelligence and android technology make human exploration of the galaxy obsolete.
91. McCoy says, "He'll live, Jim."
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:02 PM   #1693
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

=== Top ten reasons Star Trek TNG was canceled ===

1. · Writers discovered that plots were left out of 156 episodes.

2. · Worf discovered to be half-Irish.

3. · Toy Geordi visors causing rash of traffic accidents across country.

4. · Discovered that after all these years concept of Starship Enterprise actually upside down

5. · Poor sales of Capt. Picard skinhead wigs.

6. · Series so politically correct, causing epidemic of nausea across North America.

7. · Faulty Intel processor causes Data to occasionally scream obscenities at fellow cast members.

8. · More profit in crummy "Star Trek" movies.

9. · Ran out of new "poses" for Fider character.

10. · Patrick Stewart refused to have another Borg implant operation for sequel.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:04 PM   #1694
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Reasons why Kirk is better than Picard
>Why Picard is better than Kirk
>> Why Sisko is better than Picard and Kirk
>>>Why Janeway is better than all three!

100. Kirk is a leader, not a follower.
> Picard is a lover, not a fighter.
>> Sisko is a leader AND a fighter.
>>> Hostile aliens surrounding her, half the crew are spies, the nearest help is 75 years away, and she's still kept the ship together.

99. Kirk never really got into that kinky "Jumpsuit" look.
> Kirk could never really fit into that kinky "Jumpsuit" look.
>> There's nothing kinky about Sisko's jumpsuit.
>>> Janeway has a better jumpsuit than all of them.

98. Kirk has sex more than once a season.
> Sex with Picard is worth waiting for a whole season.
>> Sisko is still in mourning for his wife, which neither Kirk nor Picard would know anything about.
>>> Had sex with a crewmember and "might have initiated it."

97. One Word: Hair.
> One word: sex appeal (OK, two words).
>> Sisko has both but needs neither.
>>> Three words: Lots of hair..

96. Another Word: Pretty-good-looking-can't-see-the-weave-WIG.
> Another word: Damn-good-looking-don't-need-a-weave!
>> Sisko has hair and it's REAL.
>>> More hair than all previous Star Trek commanding officers combined

95. Kirk can beat up a Klingon bare-handed.
> Picard can beat up a Klingon bare.... (heheh) ;->
>> Sisko can beat up the Jem'Hadar!
>>> Janeway could've beaten the Nausicaans at dom jot without rigging the table.

94. Picard is a French man with an English accent.
> Kirk doesn't have a sexy accent at all.
>> Avery Brooks and Sisko are BOTH American.
>>> Has a more manly voice.

93. Kirk would date Beverly Crusher -- and damn the consequences!!
> Kirk would date anything claiming to be female (see 69).
>> Sisko has his urges under control.
>>> Janeway has decorum and has a significant other back home.

92. Kirk never drinks tea. Ever.
> Kirk obviously has a bladder problem.
>> Sisko drinks raktajino.
>>> Drinks coffee, not that sissy "Earl Grey" stuff.

91. Diplomacy for Kirk is a phaser and a smirk.
> Diplomacy for Picard is a red bow tie and a smile (and nothing else).
>> Diplomacy for Sisko is collapsing the wormhole.
>>> Janeway says "I don't like you!" to her enemies instead of trying to convince them to behave better.

90. Kirk would personally throw Wesley off his bridge.
> Picard would personally throw Kirk off his bridge. Wesley Crusher would have been running the Enterprise had Kirk been his captain, and Kirk would never have known.
>> Sisko hates Picard. HATES him. And he doesn't care about Kirk.
>>> 45 episodes and Wesley has yet to save the ship.

89. Two words: Shoulder Roll.
> Two words: Picard Maneuver Two more words: Well endowed
>> Sisko prefers to beat people with the butt of a phaser. And he would never be so desperate as to warp into a Ferengi vessel!
>>> Three Words: Very Well Endowed

88. Kirk doesn't wear dresses when admirals arrive for lunch.
> Admirals don't WANT to lunch with Kirk.
>> Sisko wears the same uniform everyday, regardless of who drops by.
>>> Janeway doesn?t have to deal with admirals at all and looks a lot better in a dress than the rest of them

87. Kirk once said: "I've got a belly-ache -- and it's a beauty."
> Picard (on the SoL) says "I've got a great crew - and they're all beauties!"
>> Sisko would never get a belly-ache; he loves Cajun food. And you want to talk about beauties? Check out Kira and Dax!
>>> Janeway is a beauty.

86. Kirk would never sing to children in a crisis.
> Kirk has no singing voice, that's why they don't bother asking him to sing.
>> Avery Brooks can sing just fine; he's worked in musicals before. On the other hand, Shatner sang "Mr. Tambourine Man."
>>> To comfort children, Janeway cares for them in a loving motherly way. Picard sings a song...in French...about a monk...who can't wake up for morning bells.

85. Kirk can almost drive a stick shift.
> Kirk drives his *own* stick shift; Picard can ride a horse! :-)
>> Sisko has more important things to do than driving automobiles and ride horses. (BTW, Kirk can ride a horse too)
>>> When you?re trying to get to a home 70 million light years away, who has time for cars and horses?

84. Kirk, almost single-handedly, re-populated the Earth's whale population.
> Kirk secretly wanted to father Earth's whale population.
>> If Sisko went back in time, he would have had enough sense to replicate some MONEY first!
>>> Janeway did go back in time and remembered to replicate money first.

83. Kirk says "Prime Directive? What Prime Directive?"
> Picard says "Kirk? What Kirk?"
>> Sisko ignores the PD and doesn't know anything about Kirk. Plus, he HATES Picard (that's worth saying again).
>>> Acknowledges freely when she breaks the Prime Directive instead of trying to weasel her way out of it with philosophical ramblings.

82. Kirk knows 20th Century curses.
> Picard has enough brain cells to think up more creative insults.
>> Kirk was just a parrot when it came to profanity, and Picard swears in French. Sisko has O'Brien, and he says "bloody."
>>> Has mastered facial expression understood by all to mean, "Boy, Paris, are YOU ever stupid."

81. Kirk was NEVER infiltrated by the Borg and used against the Federation.
> Picard NEVER acted like a horse while some midget rode him.
>> Kirk would have needlessly destroyed the Enterprise trying to fight the Borg. Picard once pretended Comdr. Riker was his daddy.
>>> Commanded ships blown up: Picard: 2 Janeway: 0

80. Kirk ate little colored cubes and still remained relatively healthy.
> Picard knows how to use chopsticks for more than walrus imitations.
>> Sisko can actually COOK real food like jambalya.
>>> The high point of Enterprise cuisine were scrambled eggs that only Worf could stomach.

79. Kirk made do with obviously low performance technology.
> Kirk *was* low performance technology...
>> Sisko makes do with ALIEN technology.
>>> Janeway makes do without the Federation helping her all the time.

78. Kirk never pretends to be a barber in order to gain a tactical advantage.
> Picard never pretends to be a bum to get a date. Kirk doesn't have the acting skill.
>> Sisko actually needs a barber once in a while.
>>> None of them could never act like a prostitute to gain a tactical advantage.

77. Kirk wasn't shy about taking his shirt off--even around those pesky Yeomans.
> Picard isn't shy about taking his pants off--even around those pesky Cardassians.
>> Sisko doesn't have any pesky yeomen. And the only time he takes off his pants for a Cardassian is to have them MENDED!
>>> Janeway doesn?t have any pesky yeomen or any pesky Cardassians.

76. Kirk would never waste a holodeck on something stupid like Dixon Hill.
> Starfleet would never waste a holodeck on someone like Kirk. Kirk would waste a holodeck on green Orion slave girls to be at his beck and call.
>> Sisko uses the holosuites to outsmart the enemy AND fish.
>>> Janeway's holo-characters fall in love with her. Picard's holo-characters want to kill him.

75. Kirk never once stood up and had to straighten his shirt.
> Picard never once stood up and had to suck in his gut.
>> Sisko's uniform hides his gut AND doesn't ride up.
>>> She doesn't need to straighten her uniform every time she stands AND she doesn?t have a gut, AND her uniform doesn?t ride up.

74. One Word: Velour.
> Three words: Stretch velour jodhpurs
>> One word: Turtleneck
>>> Three words: Form fitting uniform

73. Kirk can beat a Vulcan at Chess.
> Picard's counselor can beat an android at chess.
>> Sisko can beat a 300-year old Trill at chess.
>>> Who has the time for Chess?

72. When Kirk was Picard's age, he retired from Admiral and took to climbing rocks.
> Spock shoulda let him fall.
>> Sisko won't retire before his 65th birthday like Kirk did.
>>> Janeway definitely won?t retire before her 65th birthday either and she?ll look better than all of them when she is.

71. When Picard was 37, he was only Captain of the lowly freighter, Stargazer. When Kirk was 37, he was Captain of the flagship Enterprise.
> Kirk slept his way to the top. Picard earned it.
>> Sisko may only be a Commander, but his job is incredibly important, more so than the captain of any starship. Plus, he has a warship, not a family-laden starship.
>>> Janeway is a woman and the Captain of a cool starship.

70. Kirk liked a good belt of liquor every now and again.
> Picard likes a good glass of wine every now and again.
>> I said it before, I'll say it again: raktajino.
>>> Janeway knows enough to stay sober.

69. One Word: Iman
> One word: Kamala
>> Five words: Nana Visitor and Terry Farrell
>>> Who the hell are they?

68. Kirk looks good with a ripped shirt.
> Picard looks good with NO shirt (or pants).
>> Sisko takes better care of himself and his uniform.
>>> Janeway would look... no, they can't do that on network television.

67. If Kirk ever met a Ferengi, he would rip off its head and felgercarb down its neck.
> Picard has better things to do with his time.
>> Sisko exploits Quark's abilities for his own use.
>>> Janeway can get anyone to help her.

66. Kirk says "Shoot first and wait for retaliation."
> Picard says "Think first and you'll always discover a sensible solution."
>> And while they argue, the Defiant could destroy them BOTH.
>>> Picard tells alien cultures, "I hope our two cultures will one day come to a greater understanding." Janeway threatens them with "the deadliest of force."
65. Kirk's first officer NEVER tells him to stay on the bridge.
> Kirk's first officer was trying to get rid of him.
>> Sisko's first officer is intelligent, sexy, and can kick ass!
>>> Janeway doesn't need her first officer's permission to blow up her ship.

64. Kirk never leaves the room to bawl somebody out.
> Kirk just leaves the room to bawl.
>> Sisko's crew doesn't do stupid things that provoke bawling.
>>> Janeway?s crew is smarter than Sisko?s crew.

63. Kirk doesn't rely on the wisdom of some dumb old janitor to get him out of intergalactic scrapes.
> Picard doesn't rely on weak over-acting to get him out of intergalactic scrapes.
>> Sisko's mentor is now a hot, young lieutenant.
>>> Janeway?s mentor is a Vulcan.

62. Two Words: Funky Sideburns.
> Three Words: No Funky Bellbottoms.
>> Sideburns? No bellbottoms? Sisko's your man.
>>> Sideburns? No bellbottoms? Janeway's your WOMAN.

61. Kirk never asks his bartender for advice.
> Kirk never asked his Chief Medical Officer to be bartender.
>> Sisko's bartender can break high-level Cardassiansecurity codes.
>>> Janeway doesn?t have a bartender, so her crew is sober.

60. Kirk never once said "Abandon ship! All hands abandon ship!"
> Picard never destroyed his own ship on purpose.
>> Sisko was willing to go down with the Saratoga.
>>> Episodes before surrendering the ship: Janeway: 41 Picard: 1

59. Kirk is not politically correct.
> That's O.K., Kirk's not correct on much else, either.
>> There's no time for P.C. in the Gamma Quadrant.
>>> There's no time for P.C. in the Delta Quadrant, yet Janeway manages to be anyway.

58. Kirk never got "dumped" by a woman for an intergalactic busy body named after a letter of the alphabet.
> Picard never got dumped by a woman who would rather chase whales.
>> Sisko punched out said busybody, which Picard never had the guts to do. And Sisko would have found his own whales.
>>> Said busybody asked Janeway to run away with him and she refused.
57. Kirk never wore green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest.
> Kirk wouldn't look good in tights. Especially at midseason.
>> Kirk wore a ridiculously tight uniform. Sisko doesn't put up with Q's antics like Picard did
>>> Janeway has never worn green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest. However, if she did, she would look fantastic!

56. If there was ever a Klingon on Kirk's bridge, Kirk would likely be dead.
> Picard can reason with Klingons.
>> Sisko can outsmart Cardassians.
>>> Janeway can make an alliance with the Borg

55. Ever hear of a bar shooter called "Make it so?" No? How about a "Beam me up Scotty" then? See the difference?
> Picard's Chief of Engineering has more important things to do than run the transporter.
>> Chief O'Brien can do just about anything. Plus, he's got real eyes and 10 fingers.
>>> B?Elana can do just about anything, plus SHE?S half-Klingon

54. One Word: Miniskirts.
> Two words: Bicycle shorts ;->
>> Two words: Unisex uniforms. Kirk abused his yeomen and Picard let Troi walk around in a bunny suit.
>>> Three words: Completely unisex uniforms.

53. Kirk's girlfriends always look good in soft light.
> Kirk's girlfriends look better in no light.
>> DS9 is really dark. All the time.
>>> Voyager doesn?t get power outages.

52. Kirk never went anywhere without a whole bunch of guys in red shirts.
> Picard takes responsibility for his actions.
>> Sisko doesn?t waste his time on pointless away missions.
>>> She doesn't have any pesky Federation Admirals to get in her way.

51. Kirk's first officer didn't play some wimpy instrument like the trombone.
> Picard's first officer doesn't play some wimpy instrument like a harp.
>> Major Kira is a freedom fighter, not a musician.
>>> Janeway has a First Officer with a tattoo.

50. Kirk had more dates than his first officer.
> Picard is man enough not to kiss and tell.
>> With a little luck, Sisko could actually sleep with his first officer. If Kirk or Picard tried that, I'd vomit!
>>> So could Janeway, as for Sisko and Kira? I don?t think so!!

49. The extent of Kirk's knowledge of Klingon vocabulary can be roughly translated as "GO F*CK YOURSELF."
> Kirk couldn't learn a second language if he wanted to.
>> Sisko doesn't need another language. Even the Gamma Quadrant races speak English.
>>> She doesn't waste time learning foreign languages. All lifeforms in the Delta Quadrant speak perfect English.

48. If something doesn't speak English -- it's toast.
> Kirk always was a little too obsessed with food.
>> See number #49
>>> See number #49

47. Kirk wasn't some prissy archaeology fan.
> Kirk wouldn't know a 20th Century knife if it Bobbit'ed him
>> Sisko owns stuff from Africa. Picard has a stupid head filled with tiny figurines. And Kirk's apartment was full of clocks.
>>> Janeway has dogs and a significant other, not some damn fish!

46. Picard's middle name isn't tough or awe-inspiring like Tiberius is.
> Picard doesn't rely on a middle name to be tough or awe-inspiring.
>> Sisko's first name is tougher than Jim or Jean-Luc.
>>> She has both a tougher first name and last name than all of them!

45. If Kirk finds a strange spinning probe, he blows it up.
> Is that what you call a blow job?
>> If Sisko saw a strange spinning probe, he'd cloak and let it go away.
>>> If Janeway found a strange spinning probe then she?d find a way to use it against the enemy,

44. Picard never met Joan Collins.
> Picard has much better luck.
>> Sisko would not have screwed up enough to require a visit to 1930.
>>> Janeway met Automated Unit 3947, the evil twin brother of Twiggie from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

43. Picard flunked his entrance exams to Starfleet.
> Kirk cheated on his final exams at Starfleet Academy.
>> Sisko graduated just like everyone else. At least he didn't get stabbed through the heart awaiting his first assignment.
>>> Janeway graduated just like everyone else and is smart enough to have a Vulcan officer.

42 Picard hasn't fathered any children; Kirk -- probably millions.
> Picard is smart enough to figure out how to use birth control.
>> Sisko has the one son, and he didn't get butchered by Klingons or genetically altered by crazy Ferengi.
>>> Janeway is smart enough to figure out how to use birth control. And she never has to worry about meeting a son she never knew she had.

41. Kirk has a cool phaser -- not some pansy Braun mix-master.
> Picard has cool touch pads -- not some clickety-click buttons.
>> Sisko has a massive space station AND a super gunship --not some flimsy saucer-and-two-nacelles starship.
>>> Three words: Compression Phaser Rifles AND her ship has neat-looking folding warp nacelles

40. Two Words: Line Delivery.
> Two Words: Over Acting Two words: Rescue 911
>> Four words: A Man Called Hawk
>>> Two Words: Line Delivery

39. Picard grew up on a quaint little French vineyard, squishing grapes with his toes, while Kirk slung bails of wheat and hay in Iowa to put himself through school.
> Picard is cultured. Kirk wouldn't know a salad fork from a dessert fork.
>> Sisko grew up in New Orleans, which is a helluva lot tougher than France and Iowa put together.
>>> Who cares where you grow up, what matters is what you can do, and Janeway can do all.

38. Kirk emphasizes his orations with pertinent hand gestures.
> PSEB knows how Picard emphasizes the important orations.
>> Sisko uses his hands for cooking and fighting; his speech needs no supplements.
>>> Janeway can use her hands to fix things.

37. Kirk once made a cannon out of bamboo, sulfur, potassium nitrate, charcoal and then fired diamonds into the hearts of his enemies. (Need we say more?)
> We know all McGyver-isms are full of felgercarb.
>> Sisko made a bomb out of old rocks.
>>> Janeway knows batter than to get herself in those types of situations.

36. Kirk is not put off by green skin.
> Kirk would have sex with *anything*. Picard was never put off by intelligence.
>> Picard balked for years with Beverly. Sisko has a son to raise.
>>> Janeway doesn?t need it.

35. Kirk knows how to deal with peace loving hippie goofs.
> Picard knows how to deal with war-mongering Cardassians, greedy Ferengi, and bloodthirsty Klingons -- without people dying.
>> Sisko deals with all of that on a daily basis, plus belligerent Jem'Hadar and unruly Maquis.
>>> Janeway deals with all of the above plus a couple of races that the others have never met.

34. Kirk once fought a Greek god. And won.
> Picard IS a Greek god. 'Nuff said.
>> Sisko destroyed a valuable wormhole to save the quadrant. Kirk killed Apollo to save himself. Picard nearly destroyed humanity.
>>> Janeway is a Goddess, and we all know that the Goddesses are the ones who held the power.

33. Kirk barely asks for suggestions. And if he does, he asks Spock only.
> Picard knows the value of advice. Many minds are better than one.
>> Sisko can ask cool people like Garak, Dax, Odo, and Gul Dukat.
>>> Doesn't need her psychiatrist next to her when making critical decisions.

32. Kirk doesn't let the doctor tell him what to do.
> Picard already *knows* what the doctor wants him to do!
>> Sisko's doctor has his own Estrogen Brigade.
>>> Janeway mutes the doctor when the doctor gets out of line.

31. One Word: Fisticuffs.
> One Word: Cro-Magnon (Kirk, that is...
>> Sisko can fight just as well as drugged-up Jem'Hadar!
>>> One Word: WOMAN.

30. Kirk's name is hated throughout the galaxy.
> Picard's name is respected throughout the universe.
>> Sisko's name is known in the Gamma Quadrant.
>>> Janeway?s name is known, respected, AND feared throughout the Delta Quadrant.

29. Kirk appreciates Shakespeare, but he doesn't let it show.
> Kirk probably believes Shakespeare was a Klingon.
>> Sisko appreciates baseball!
>>> Hasn't quoted Shakespeare -- yet.

28. You can never lock up Kirk for very long.
> Some men *like* to be tied up...oh! You said "locked"...;>
>> Sisko doesn't get locked up in the first place.
>>> Janeway doesn?t get locked up in the first place.

27. Kirk's eulogies can actually make you cry.
> Picard's eulogies make women swoon.
>> Sisko doesn't do eulogies. He doesn't have to.
>>>After all that Janeway?s gone through, she?s made very few eulogies.

26. Kirk plays god with lesser cultures, and then exploits them for resources.
> Picard *is* a god and doesn't need to exploit...
>> Sisko's job does not allow such leisure time.
>>> Janeway?s job does not allow such leisure time. They still have the Federation to back them up.

25. Kirk's son would never drop out to become a musician.
> Picard's son would never do science using unethical methods.
>> Sisko's son can disable a Runabout, write poetry and play dom-jot.
>>> Janeway never worries about meeting a son she never knew she had.

24. Kirk can climb up a Jeffries Tube and fix anything.
> Kirk tries to climb up any tube he can!
>> Sisko disabled the station's reactor before a meltdown. Kirk played with the main deflector dish.
>>> Janeway doesn?t get her ships into situations where afterwards they need to be fixed.

23. Kirk never hired an engineer with punk glasses.
> Picard never hired an engineer with a drinking problem.
>> Sisko's engineer's accent is authentic. And he drinks coffee.
>>> Her engineer does not wear a banana clip over her eyes.

22. The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender -- until they met Kirk.
> Woman didn't have a word for shallow -- until they met Kirk.
>> The Bajorans didn't have an emissary -- until they met Sisko.
>>> No one had a word for beautiful - until they met Janeway.

21. Kirk's bridge is not beige.
> Polyester and Formica don't come in that color.
>> The Defiant's bridge doesn't have a stupid railing in the way.
>>> Voyager just has a cool bridge.

20. Two Words: Crane Shots.
> Two Words: Butt shots.
>> Two words: Wormhole shots
>>> Two words: warpdrive shots

19. Picard likes wimpy violin music -- and coerces Data into playing it.
> Picard is sensitive enough to realize that love of music is a human strength, not to be belittled.
>> With a Jem'Hadar invasion coming any day now, who has time for music?
>>> Trying to get to a home 70 million light years away, who has time for music?

18. Picard allows cats on board, while Kirk beams away even really cute things, like Tribbles.
> Cats *like* Picard. Kirk only beamed the tribbles away after he found out he couldn't have sex with them.
>> Cute things are often deadly, see "The Abandoned (DS9)"
>>> The only cute thing on Voyager is the baby.

17. Kirk is a cultural icon -- Picard is just some guy who's really nice.
> Picard knows he is a really nice guy -- Kirk just thinks he is a cultural icon.
>> Sisko is still on the air. Kirk and Picard are lost in reruns.
>>> Janeway?s still on the air and she gets better ratings.

16. Kirk specifically ordered a swivel LA-Z-BOY for the bridge.
> Clearly showing that he is both LAZY and a BOY.
>> Sisko stands at attention in Ops.
>>> Slouches in her chair even in critical life-threatening moments.

15. Kirk would never touch SYNTHAHOL.
> Picard *never* serves Romulan Ale at a diplomatic function.
>> Sisko could cater a diplomatic function.
>>> Janeway doesn?t do diplomatic functions.

14. Kirk looks distinguished in reading glasses -- and nobody dares to call him "four eyes."
> Picard looks distinguished in or out of anything - and nobody dares to call him baldy.
>> Sisko has hair and 20/20 vision.
>>> Janeway has more hair than all three combined AND has 20/20 vision.

13. Kirk can infiltrate Gangsters, Nazis, and even the Pentagon --easily.
> Picard can infiltrate Romulus and Qo'Nos...easily.
>> Sisko infiltrated Cardassia Prime...twice!
>>> Janeway infiltrated the toughest prisons in the galaxy.

12. Picard likes painting nudes, for art's sake.
> Picard can get nude models easily; Kirk -- well, maybe he could use a mirror.
>> Sisko studies the culinary arts.
>>> Janeway studies what she should, the universe.

11. When Kirk doesn't trust the Romulans, he fires at them. When Picard doesn't trust the Romulans, he gets fired at.
> When Picard doesn't trust the Romulans, he sends Troi over to kick some butt.
>> Sisko had a Romulan work for him.
>>> The Borg are much worse than the Romulans and Janeway got them to work for her.

10. Kirk never once, ever, wore a wiener wrapping Speedo banana hammock on shore leave.
> Paramount knew no one would watch the show again if he did. There *is* a God.
>> Sisko never takes off his communicator...even on vacation.
>>> Voyager doesn?t have time for shore leave. And Jane way looks better in a swim suit anyway.

9. Kirk never gets his command codes locked out by some pimply acting ensign.
> Starfleet never trusted Kirk with command codes in the first place. Picard would never let some Irish-ballad-singing Lieutenant order hot fudge sundaes for the entire crew.
>> DS9 has never contracted the Psi 2000 virus. But when Lwaxana made the entire crew horny, Sisko brushed it off.
>>> Voyager?s main computer has bio-processing, far superior to what the others had.

8. Kirk doesn't test the engines -- he just fires them up.
> This is exactly why the Enterprise, under Kirk, spent most of its five-year mission either without warp drive or adrift.
>> DS9 just waits and lets the action come to it.
>>> Voyager?s engines can go 9.7 sustained warp.

7. When Kirk says "Boldly Go," he MEANS it.
> When Picard says "Boldly Go," all the women in the audience collapse in a smoldering heap of estrogen. When he says "Come," they do!
>> Sisko has boldly gone after the Founders, and he found them!
>>> Janeway heard the words "boldly go where no man (er, woman) has gone before" and took them to the extreme.

6. Three Words: Flying Leg Kick
> Three Words: Take me now. ;-> Three More Words: Chest-Revealing Bedwear
>> Does Sisko ever sleep?
>>> Janeway looks better in sleepwear.

5. Picard's crew would never ever think of him as a sexual object.
> Wanna make a bet? The Looooooooooove Ship is fighting for time with him... BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> Dax thought of Sisko as a sexual object.
>>> Janeway can be a sexual object when she wants to be, she just seldom needs to be.

4. Kirk traveled through The Great Barrier, met God, and wasn't even impressed.
> Neither was God.
>> Sisko met Q and punched him.
>>> Picard, a mere 1,000 light-years from home, got down on his knees and begged Q to get the Enterprise out of its mess. Janeway, 40,000 light-years from home, didn't.

3. Kirk's bedroom is a passion pit with electric sheets.
> Picard's bedroom is a passion pit WITHOUT electric sheets.
>> Sisko is solely responsible for raising his son. That is his #1 priority.
>>> But Sisko still has time to sleep with Captain Bates.

2. Kirk would never let his Chief of Security wear a ponytail.
> Kirk's redshirts/Security Chiefs never lived long enough to grow one. Picard doesn't need a new Chief of Security every episode.
>> One word: Odo!
>>> Janeway's Security Chief is smarter than their Security Chiefs. And her Security Officer would never drink prune juice.

1. One Word: Guts.
> One Word: Guts.
>> Not only does Sisko have guts, but he's bald too!
>>> Janeway doesn?t need them.

[Note: I did not write all these, so don't think I'm a freak.]
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:06 PM   #1695
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Star Trek TNG Meets Microsoft


Mr. LaForge, have you had any success with your attempts at finding a weakness in the Borg? And Mr. Data, have you been able to access their command pathways?


Yes, Captain. In fact, we found the answer by searching through our archives on late Twentieth-century computing technology.
Geordi presses a key, and a logo appears on the computer screen.


[puzzled] What the hell is Microsoft?


[turns to explain] Allow me to explain. We will send this program, for some reason called Windows, through the Borg command pathways. Once inside their root command unit, it will begin consuming system resources at an unstoppable rate.


But the Borg have the ability to adapt. Won't they alter their processing systems to increase their storage capacity?


Yes, Captain. But when Windows detects this, it creates a new version of itself known as an upgrade. The use of resources increases exponentially with each iteration. The Borg will not be able to adapt quickly enough. Eventually all of their processing ability will be taken over and none will be available for their normal operational functions.


Excellent work. This is even better than that unsolvable geometric shape idea.
. . . . 15 Minutes Later . . .


Captain, we have successfully installed the Windows in the Borg's command unit. As expected, it immediately consumed 85% of all available resources. However, we have not received any confirmation of the expected upgrade.


Our scanners have picked up an increase in Borg storage and CPU capacity, but we still have no indication of an upgrade to compensate for their increase.


Data, scan the history banks again and determine if there is something we have missed.


Sir, I believe there is a reason for the failure in the upgrade. Apparently the Borg have circumvented that part of the plan by not sending in their registration cards.


Captain, we have no choice. Requesting permission to begin emergency escape sequence 3F!


[excited] Wait, Captain! Their CPU capacity has suddenly dropped to 0% !


Data, what do your scanners show?


[studying displays] Apparently the Borg have found the internal Windows module named Solitaire, and it has used up all available CPU capacity.


Lets wait and see how long this Solitaire can reduce their functionality.
. . . . Two Hours Pass . . .


Geordi, what is the status of the Borg?


As expected, the Borg are attempting to re-engineer to compensate for increased CPU and storage demands, but each time they successfully increase resources I have setup our closest deep space monitor beacon to transmit more Windows modules from something called the Microsoft Fun-Pack.


How much time will that buy us?


Current Borg solution rates allow me to predict an interest time span of 6 more hours.


Captain, another vessel has entered our sector.




It appears to have markings very similar to the Microsoft logo...
[over the speakers] This is admiral Bill Gates of the Microsoft flagship MONOPOLY. We have positive confirmation of unregistered software in this sector. Surrender all assets and we can avoid any trouble. You have 10 seconds to comply.


The alien ship has just opened its forward hatches and released thousands of humanoid-shaped objects.


Magnify forward viewer on the alien craft!


My God, captain! Those are human beings floating straight toward the Borg ship - with no life support suits! How can they survive the tortures of deep space?!


I do not believe that those are humans, sir. If you will look closer I believe you will see that they are carrying something recognized by twenty-first century man as doeskin leather briefcases, and wearing Armani suits.
Riker and Picard, together [horrified]: Lawyers!!


It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening.


True, but apparently some must have survived.


They have surrounded the Borg ship and are covering it with all types of papers.


I believe that is known in ancient vernacular as red tape. It often proves fatal.


They're tearing the Borg to pieces!


Turn the monitors off, Data, I cant bear to watch. Even the Borg doesn't deserve such a gruesome death!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:07 PM   #1696
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Star Trek light bulb jokes

Q: How many BORG does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: All of them.

Q: How many CARDASSIANS does it take to change a lightbulb ?

A: Four, because THERE...ARE...FOUR...LIGHTS...!!!

Q: How many VULCANS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Approximately One Point Zero Zero Zero Zero .......

Q: How many FERENGI does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: None of your business, huu-mahn !!!

Q: How many CARDASSIANS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: We don't need a light bulb, but if we did, we could take it from you !

Q: How many BAJORANS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: The filthy Cardassians took our light bulb !

Q: How many KLINGONS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Burned out light bulbs have NO honor. And a true Klingon Warrior is not afraid of the dark !

Q: How many TRILLS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Both of them.

Q: How many BORG does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Light bulbs are irrelevant. Changing them is futile.

Q: How many BETAZIODS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: I sense it has already changed.

Q: How many ROMULANS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: We have been gone for a while, but we have returned to change it.

Q: How many FEDERATION SHUTTLE PILOTS does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Ooooops ! I dropped it !

Q: How many Q's does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Here, now, Wouldn't you rather have this Super-Nova ?

Q: How many ODO's does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: I will change in to the light bulb.

Q: How many HORTAS does it take to change a light bulb ?


Q: How many TRIBBLES does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: 1,561,772 .......uhh,62....,ummm,63......64......

Q: How many TREKKIES does it take to change a light bulb ?

A: Okay, so ,y'know, like, in that episode where Spock gets attacked by those vomit looking things, and, like, he starts doing weird stuff, like, he takes over the ship and it gets Kirk really mad, so they find out that they can use this super-bright light, but it was bogus, 'cause McCoy used the wrong kind of light, and it makes Spock blind ,so, like......what kind of light bulb are you talking about ??

Q: How many VULCANS does it take to change a light bulb?

A: 2. One to change the lightbulb and one to ask what?s so funny!

Q: How many FERENGI does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Two: one to do it and the other to sell the broken one to an unsuspecting customer.

Q: How many BETAZOIDS does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Two: one to do it and the other to moan "darkness, I sense darkness!"

Q: How long does it take COMMANDER RIKER to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Nothing, Riker's too busy screwing other things.

Q: How many ROMULANS does it take to change a light bulb?

A: 2, one to change it and one to kill the other and take the credit.

Q: How many BETAZOIDS does it take to change a light bulb?

A: No, no. no. The light bulb has to _want_ to change first.

Q: How many FIRST OFFICERS does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Normally one, but if that is Riker it then it takes 2, Riker to pose while the other changes the light bulb

Q: How many TRIBBLES does it take to change a light bulb?

A: 2. One to change the light bulb and one to sit on Kirk?s head!!

Q: What do KLINGONS do with the dead bulb?

A: Execute it for failure.

Q: What do they do with the KLINGON who replaces the bulb?

A: Execute him for cowardice.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:08 PM   #1697
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Fifty Ways to Kill an Ensign

(music stolen from Paul Simon)
The problem is something 'bout your clothes, she said to me
The red shirt and the stripeless sleeves yell, "I'm Security!"
And when you get down planet-side with Kirk, you'll get to see
There must be fifty ways to kill an ensign
He takes a landing party down to find what's going on
A couple of the bridge crew, and some extras come along
And then before you know it - the `expendable' are gone
There must be fifty ways to kill an ensign
Fifty ways to kill an ensign
Just step on a rock, Jock
Get thorns from some plants, Lance
A Horta can spray, Ray
Just listen to me
Clouds drink up your blood, Bud
Computers can kill, Bill
You could lose all your salt, Walt
Kirk gets away free...
She said it grieves me so to see you with such nerves
Not ev'ryone who goes with Kirk will suffer from this curse
But then of course, you must recall - they sometimes suffer worse
There must be fifty ways to kill an ensign
Just tell him, "I'm not stupid and I'm not expendable
I'm not going!" Tell him that he's a Denebian slime devil
And he's overbearing, swaggering, and dictatorial
He'll find a new way to kill an ensign
Fifty-one ways to kill an ensign
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:10 PM   #1698
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End of the Borg

parody of End of the World by REM

adapted by Trollus of Borg (That's we!!!)

It's great it started with the Q shake.

Borg and space and Enterprise but Jean-Luc was not afraid.

In a heap a trouble listen to your stomach churn.

They serve they're own needs spreading out they're metal weeds.

Speed it up to warp speed show no weakness

The clatter was the matter with a Borg flight turned fight

Borg conspire to a fire represents they're evil games

but no one was for hire for this combat site.

Enterprise coming in a hurry with the Furies breathing down they're neck

Team by team scientists travel trunk flying clunk look through that plane

Fine then uh oh overflow population problem

Borg come back to duel save yourself serve yourself

Borg serves it's own needs listen to your last heartbeat

Tell me that the Feds are and the Enterprise are on the right path.

The electronic symbiotic slam fight might right feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the Borg as we know it and I feel great

Wolf 359 don't get caught foreign powers

Sliced and burned return listen to your stomach churn Locutus in his uniform

And ship-burning blood-letting every moment worse fate

Borg ship incinerate light a candle in memorial

Sisko's wife stepped down watching her crunch crush

Uh oh this mean much fear the cavalier 3 of 5 steer clear

Turn him on and Turn him in and turn them into files.

This one solution offers me one alternative so I decline

It's the end of the Borg as we know it and I feel great

The other night I had a nice necessary talk to find

independence through the collective and Hugh.

Let him go. Let him free. Into Lore's plot.

Crashed the party piece of cake Lore's plan boom

Symbiotic electronic not the same right? right!

It's the end of the Borg as we know it and I feel great
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:11 PM   #1699
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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Neelix: Actually, Captain, I'm not really familiar with the chickens in this system. But, if you can catch it, I can cook it.

Riker: I don't know why, but I know how: with pleasure, sir.

Worf: I don't know. KLINGON chickens do NOT cross roads.

HoloDoc: How should I know? No one tells me anything around here. I didn't even know we added chickens to the crew. All I know is that it would have been nice, BEFORE the chicken went off to the cross the road, if it had remembered to turn me off!

Dr. Crusher: If there's nothing wrong with the chicken, there must be something wrong with the universe.

Dr. Soran: His heart just wasn't in it. (Scenes of chicken torture with nanoprobes have been edited out.)

Scotty: Because she couldna take much morrrrrre.

Odo: I don't know, but I'm sure it must be Quark's fault.

Quark: Who, me?

Charlie X: Because it didn't want to STAY...STAY...STAY...

Kirk: You chicken bastard, you killed my son...YOU chicken BASTARD, you killed...my SON...you CHICKEN bastard....you killed my...son!

Troi: I feel the chicken's pain!

Kira: It was probably being chased by those cursed Cardassians.

Bones: Dammit, I'm a doctor, not an ornithologist!

Data: The chicken, in observing that it was on the opposite side of the 20th century Terran paved roadway, was aware that its immediate goal should have been to traverse the distance without interception by an kind of combustion-propelled personal transport vehicle, but I am unclear as to why any kind of domesticated fowl should desire to perambulate upon a conveyance normally reserved for the usage of...yes, sir.

Dr. Bashir: It probably heard about my amazing medical skills not to mention my sexual prowess and came to get some pointers.

The Borg: Crossing the road is irrelevant. The chicken will be assimilated.

Hugh the Borg: Maybe it just needed a big hug!

B'Elanna: I'm sure it felt suffocated by all the bleeping regulations of bleeping Starfleet and just couldn't stand it any longer!

Picard: There are four lights!

Q: Wouldn't you like to know? Too bad your puny human brain wouldn't be able to comprehend the answer.

Uhura: Shall I open hailing frequencies so you can ask it, sir?

Tasha: That depends...was it fully functional?

Chekov: It must have been on its way to assist in saving my life for the billionth time.. did I scream this time?

Khan: With my last breath I spit at the chicken...

Harry: I don't know, it's my first mission.

Paris: Well, I think that...say, that's a lovely shirt you're wearing.

Harvey Mudd: Chicken? I don't remember any chicken. No no no, there's been a terrible misunderstanding.

Janeway: Its primary goal was no doubt to get back to the Alpha Quadrant...and it probably misses its dog.

Nurse Chapel: Oh, Spock!

Lwaxana: Oh, Jean-Luc!

Spock: Fascinating, Captain.

V'Ger: To join with the Creator.

The Grand Nagus: Stupid chicken! You don't cross the road all at once! You sneak across it quietly, without anyone noticing!

Gul Dukat: Well, that's a very interesting question...I'm sure we can work out some kind of arrangement to obtain that information that will be to everyone's satisfaction.

Kes: It was remembering back to the times when its ancestors crossed roads all the time! They lost those abilities because they stopped using them!

O'Brien: No problem, Commander, I'll get right on it.

Wesley: I'm not sure, but I can figure it out if I reroute these systems and reconfigure the warp field and run a complete internal whootchacallit on the computers and...

Sisko: It was seeking deeper meaning. Jake, do you see what we've learned from all this?

Jake: Check out the babe that just came off that transport!

Geordi: Well, wherever it's going, I'm sure it'll have more luck with women than I do.

Sulu: Don't call me Tiny!

Sarek: Sometimes logic fails me where chickens are concerned.

Mr. Homn:

Dax: To get to the other side. Kurzon might have disagreed with me, Tobin I'm sure wouldn't have had a clue, and then there's...

Tuvok: That's not a question we'd prefer to hear from a senior officer. It makes the junior officers nervous.

Gene Roddenberry: To boldly go where no chicken had gone before.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:11 PM   #1700
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Everything I need to know, I learned from Watching Star Trek

Seek out new life and new civilizations

Non-interference is the prime directive

Keep your phaser set on stun

Humans are highly illogical

There is no such things as a Vulcan Death Grip

Live long and prosper

Having is not so pleasing as wanting; it is highly illogical, but often true

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

Tribbles hate Klingons (and Klingons hate tribbles)

Enemies are often invisible- like Klingons they can be cloaked

Don't put all your ranking officers in one shuttle craft

When your logic fails, trust a hunch

Insufficient data does not compute

If it can't be fixed, just ask Scotty

Even on our own world, sometimes we are alien

When going out into the Universe, remember: "Boldly go where no one has gone before"
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:13 PM   #1701
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Misc. Star Trek Jokes

Why did Worf change his hair color?

It was a good day to dye.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:14 PM   #1702
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Have you heard the new Klingon army motto?

Join the Klingon army.

Visit exotic planets, meet interesting people, and kill them!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:14 PM   #1703
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Tribbles are sweet...

...but they can be bitter if you overcook them.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:15 PM   #1704
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He's dead Jim...

...I'll get his tricorder, you get his wallet.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:16 PM   #1705
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She's dead Riker...

...but you still need a tire-pump.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:16 PM   #1706
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Visit Odo's gym...

...get into shape. ANY shape!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:17 PM   #1707
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We are Microsoft!

...You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:17 PM   #1708
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

What is Data's favorite song?

"I Left My Head in San Francisco"
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:18 PM   #1709
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Did you hear that the Star Trek Doctors from The Next Generation, The Original Series and Deep Space Nine are setting up their own medical practice?

They're going to call it "Crusher, Bones and Bashir."
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Old April 17th, 2009, 06:18 PM   #1710
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How do you know if you're facing Captain Picard?

Because you are blinded by the reflection off his head.
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