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Old August 30th, 2009, 05:57 PM   #691
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by peter noble View Post
As this thing is going to be a reimagination, I'd like to see:

* A retention of the original mythos: the Egyptian motif, brothers of man, Earth as the 13th colony, etc.
* A retention of the core values of family, love, the power of the human spirit, and hope in the face of hopelessness.
* Robot Cylons who were developed by a reptilian race.
* A compelling story that exists on the same plane as the special effects.
* Some kick-ass action, to include space battles and hand-to-hand human/cylon combat.
* Any character named Starbuck will have a dick!

I think there's loads of wiggle room there for the creatives.

I think the recent Star Trek picture is a good guide of where to go with this project.

If this would be the show... I guarantee that my behind would be in a theater seat!!

I do hope that they use Patrick Macnee's intro.... maybe even having him re-do it.

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Old August 30th, 2009, 06:14 PM   #692
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


Was my previous remark unclear?

When I said that I wanted this thread back on topic that is EXACTLY what I meant... not a back-alley brawl.

I know damn well that I'm not exercising my best diplomacy here and that is only because it's not the first time between you and D.

If you and Damocles have issues, take it to PM.

Consider this the FINAL warning. One more post by either of you that is not DIRECTLY related to the topic gets that poster a vacation.
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Old August 30th, 2009, 06:18 PM   #693
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

It was on topic!!!

Personally, if its a little warm, tough you know how open i've always been. Caution him too if your so fair, cos i seem to remember his last one lamblasting me and Sandy/TwoBrainedCylon without you quote him neither.

Oh and...

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Old August 30th, 2009, 06:34 PM   #694
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Lord Kingjason View Post
It was on topic!!!

Personally, if its a little warm, tough you know how open i've always been. Caution him too if your so fair, cos i seem to remember his last one lamblasting me and Sandy/TwoBrainedCylon without you quote him neither.

Oh and...

Consider this the FINAL warning. One more post by either of you that is not DIRECTLY related to the topic gets that poster a vacation.
When it gets "warm" is the time that a Moderator or an Admin will get involved and it's up to us to determine if there is a good reason for it getting "warm".

The warning is directed at Damocles as well and at anyone else who wants to use this thread to have a verbal pissing match.

For the record, Jason, I am very interested in your thoughts and ideas, regarding this new movie as well as anyone else who wishes to participate.

What folks need to remember and this is to ALL, is that when we share ideas, we open them up to critique. Not everyone is going to have the same idea... if we did, we wouldn't need to be at places like this, having conversations and sharing ideas.

What folks also need to remember, however, is that when critiquing another idea, it needs to be done in a point-counterpoint fashion. Don't slam the original idea but, if it is not quite sound then, offer an alternative and tell why it would be better than the original idea.
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Old August 30th, 2009, 08:39 PM   #695
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


I don't feel lamblasted. If I did, I'm quite capable of returning a few fire blasts myself. I think I've demonstrated that once or twice.

In truth, I'm not sure what has caused what I read as a fairly combative feeling from you. As a friend, I ask you to step back a bit and remember that you are a friend among friends.

Regarding "warning" or contacting folks to tell them what we want, ... I think that's a bad idea.

I offered something similar to Ron, in a very supportive way, when GINO first was developing. He was appreciative but explained that it wouldn't be helpful. When he illustrated why, I agreed with him. He asked a great question that put me on the defensive .. namely, "How do you pick the group who decides what should and should not go into a production?" As I said above, even the Fleets membership could never agree what constitutes "Battlestar Galactica".

I caused a lot of turmoil a couple years back when I referenced (without naming it) the 14th Colony project. I noted then, and still believe, that John Roger's concepts were effectively GINO 2.0. For me, they essentially urinated all over the original series. John was very proud of them and felt they were the core of "Galactica". John is certainly as passionate (or moreso) a fan as I am. He has the same loyalty, the same desire to see the franchise revived, and all the rest. Yet, we badly disagree on what we think is a "good" interpretation and what is a spitting in the face.

Apply this same concept to the general audience and you quickly have a nightmare. I hated the changes in GINO but if they had brought about smart stories and good storytelling, I'd have been OK with it. The same still holds true. If this film is wildly different but very clever, I'll see it as a good thing. Someone like Eric will see it as an abomination. Even if we both hate it, my fiancee will probably like it.

Should she be kicked aside because Eric and I are "the authorities"?

With this in mind, who would we warn? Who would we say we represent? What authority do we have to tell any studio how they should make a film? We vote with our opinions and ticket money but to think that any of us represent some element that a studio element MUST listen to is folly in the extreme.

Some should have learned that the first time around.

Is there anyone who seriously thinks Tom DeSanto or someone else is going to put the brakes on a production because a guy named "King Jason" or "Two-Brained Cylon" on an Internet board doesn't like their ideas?


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Old August 30th, 2009, 09:30 PM   #696
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


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Do we understand each other?

Check your email.


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Old August 30th, 2009, 09:44 PM   #697
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


I guess that I've been quiet on this long enough. Since KJ first formulated his proposal and directed it at the forum staff for us to use Fleets as a platform for it, I've read it over and given it some thought.

Just from a personal perspective, I think that the idea of attempting to dictate terms to writers, producers or directors on a project that's in development isn't going to gain much attention, nor have a measurable effect on the final product. When you consider what the BSG fanbase is today, compared to what it was back when Richard was proposing his BSG idea, or Tom and Bryan were working on their series for Fox, it's much, much smaller and more fractioned off during the time that has passed since then. We just don't have the numbers to even attempt such an effort and everybody's got their own ideas on what they like and what they don't. You can't create something by committee - generally, when that method is used, everyone assumes that they have creative control and that all ideas should be considered. It's just not practical or possible to get people to agree on what they want, or even to expect someone else that's footing the bill, to take those ideas onboard.

When JJ Abrams was remaking the Trek universe for his film, do you think that they consulted the Trek fanbase and asked them what they wanted, or do you think that they came up with their own plan and then cherry picked what they wanted to include from the original so people would still recognize it as Trek? However they crafted the film, or how some people felt about the finished product, the result was considered a box office success - enough of one to greenlight a second film while the first film was still running.

If people use Abrams "formula" for creating a new BSG film, don't expect them to turn to the fanbase for ideas of a picklist of what to have in it. I think that with the people involved that we're aware of at this point, they already know what the TOS fanbase would like to see. That fact doesn't automatically mean they will use it as a blueprint either.

In the end, it will be all about what gets made, how people feel about the final product, whether they will go see it and how many dollars will it make.

It's a grand idea to think that we have some kind of pull in terms of creativity, but I really don't think that's the case. As Sandy very intelligently pointed out, being overtly aggressive about what BSG fans will "accept", is more likely to get any such consideration to be completely ignored or dismissed out of hand, merely because of the assumption that fans control the creative process.

(puts Mod hat on...)

As for the other issues between forum members - I know that it's been a long time since serious discussion has taken place on this board, but you might want to review the forum rules that you agreed to when you signed on with Fleets. Part of those rules addresses how people talk to each other on the open forum. Name calling, insults, or personal attacks aren't part of the standard of communication. If you can't restrain yourself from being angry at someone, take it off the board to PMs or whatever. As Pete pointed out already, it's not up to the individual to make the call as to whether it's warranted or not. The board is privately owned and funded, so when people start talking about their rights to what they can or will say, I refer them back to the forum rules for clarification on that point.

At this point, the off topic discussion for this particular thread most pointedly, needs to stop. If Damocles wants to carry on about how he hates Trek, there's about half a dozen other threads that he started on that particular subject, so if he needs to talk about that, go back to those threads. As for Dragonball Z or whatever, it's fine to use that property as a referent for discussion, but if that topic is the focus of a discussion, start another thread and talk about it there.

This topic is about the BSG film that's in development, which is a pretty great topic. Let's not muddy the waters - this thread has had more than enough sudden left turns as it is during the past few months.


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Old August 30th, 2009, 11:44 PM   #698
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post

I don't feel lamblasted. If I did, I'm quite capable of returning a few fire blasts myself. I think I've demonstrated that once or twice.
As applied to the Singer project, this is why Liddell Hart is more appropriate than Ulysses Grant.^1

In truth, I'm not sure what has caused what I read as a fairly combative feeling from you. As a friend, I ask you to step back a bit and remember that you are a friend among friends.
..............................lp0 on fire................................

Regarding "warning" or contacting folks to tell them what we want, ... I think that's a bad idea.
As noted; below.

I offered something similar to Ron, in a very supportive way, when GINO first was developing. He was appreciative but explained that it wouldn't be helpful. When he illustrated why, I agreed with him. He asked a great question that put me on the defensive .. namely, "How do you pick the group who decides what should and should not go into a production?" As I said above, even the Fleets membership could never agree what constitutes "Battlestar Galactica".
In the old days the tool was market research to establish what the audience tolerance limits were. Where the mean was (the middle of opinion distribution), that was where the production aimed.

I caused a lot of turmoil a couple years back when I referenced (without naming it) the 14th Colony project. I noted then, and still believe, that John Roger's concepts were effectively GINO 2.0. For me, they essentially urinated all over the original series. John was very proud of them and felt they were the core of "Galactica". John is certainly as passionate (or moreso) a fan as I am. He has the same loyalty, the same desire to see the franchise revived, and all the rest. Yet, we badly disagree on what we think is a "good" interpretation and what is a spitting in the face.
A good example of niche myopia, or letting one's personal taste overwhelm what is established as the referent "art" or "story" is that example. There is what is recognizable "Rococo" or "Battlestar Galactica" and there is what is not. The Jupiter II is not "Battlestar Galactica". Most of us can agree in principle that there are recognized limits we see......Starbuck for example is a limit.

Apply this same concept to the general audience and you quickly have a nightmare. I hated the changes in GINO but if they had brought about smart stories and good storytelling, I'd have been OK with it. The same still holds true. If this film is wildly different but very clever, I'll see it as a good thing. Someone like Eric will see it as an abomination. Even if we both hate it, my fiancee will probably like it.
As an example of this: I had trouble, huge trouble with "Starbuck 1.5" as "Starbuck 1.5", but I reference The Hand of God again. That "Starbuck" was actually one of the reasons that I liked that episode. Character and PLOT, mixed with "Human values" of courage, loyalty, hope, optimism, intelligence, and growth was centered on that character. Starbuck 1.5's character growth was the key B plot to the Tylium asteroid A plot element and it worked to reinforce a good story.

Should she be kicked aside because Eric and I are "the authorities"?
No. Opinion is valid as long as it is well formulated and has a reasonable basis. As to authority; not hard to define that term based on copyright and trademark ownership is it? Who can pull the plug or juice it up? That would be the "authority". That would be the money.

With this in mind, who would we warn? Who would we say we represent? What authority do we have to tell any studio how they should make a film? We vote with our opinions and ticket money but to think that any of us represent some element that a studio element MUST listen to is folly in the extreme.
Disney had an answer for that. PROFIT and stability.


Some should have learned that the first time around.
I did.

Is there anyone who seriously thinks Tom DeSanto or someone else is going to put the brakes on a production because a guy named "King Jason" or "Two-Brained Cylon" on an Internet board doesn't like their ideas?
Not unless he is a Universal shareholder with boardroom clout:

Make public and private contacts with those who have industry influence, communicate calmly a vision of the desired product both privately and publicly, refrain from demands and ultimatums, instead be suggestive and helpful
Not me: unless it is to help^2.

^1: that is work around the obstacles we encounter instead of smash into them head on.

^2: encourage desired trends.

With respect.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:47 AM   #699
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I can understand where everyone is coming from. We're on the precipice of something big. We've all been there before. If you'll forgive the term, I think what a lot of us are feeling is a sort of impotent loyalty.

I know I feel like its time to get out there in the public eye and make a show of support. A lot of us who are working on this costuming club are trying to do exactly that, combining a love of one aspect of fandom with a goal of promotion and gathering "the faithful" as we are so often referred to internally and externally.

We've been given joyous news, and yet we've also been dealt more than enough shots to put us all well on the defensive.

I can see where KJ is coming from, I can see where Damocles is coming from...and I can certainly see where the mods and everyone else are coming from. This is big. A lot bigger than anything else that has come our way in a long time. Of course emotions, opinions and concepts for forward momentum are going to run equally big.

We've tried appealing to the suits. We know they don't care that we exist (until its time for us to reach for our wallets). I think if we want to make a show of support, this time around we need to consider how to become a more visible and effective group of fans?

Some people are just here to enjoy their favorite show. I think that is great!!! I think we are a dynamic enough group of people that we can celebrate Battlestar Galactica and grow.

The tough part is knowing that unlike other fandom, we will meet resistance. I also think its worth it. When we make ourselves visible, others come calling. I think a lot of us don't because we get slammed down.

Our biggest asset and tool for showing "them" what we want is simply being fans! Celebrate this stuff if you love it. To Hades with the naysayers...give the Star Wars and Firefly fans a run for their money. Gift some Battlestar dvds, have viewing parties, go to conventions and run amuck with those awesome T-Shirts Jim just found online!!! Have some fun again!

I know this much...we don't deserve a Battlestar Galactica movie if we can't even enjoy each others company. Its not going to be all peachy all the time but we're used to that. This movie won't make all of us happy. In truth, I'm taking away more than just what I hope will be a good movie from this. I'm taking away a sense of victory.

Even just knowing that somewhere in an office this year, someone was fighting to get Battlestar into theaters in a bit more recognizable sense and they finally said yes...that is a big deal!

I'm a bit of a freak. I enjoy the fight. Not the arguments mind you. I enjoy the fight to show our support and this thing made. I enjoy showing people that we exist simply because so many people have said we don't.

I read the ignorance spewing from the mouths of some punks in the talk back sections of the announcements that say no one wants to see this and I think of all of you. I want to tell them that we do exist, and that what my friends here have to say is a hell of a lot more interesting and meaningful than they're throwing around.

I know it sounds ridiculous. We're fans of a television show for cryin' out loud, but I honestly feel like what any of you have to say is worth twice as much as anything they've said on their best day as a fan of anything. Notice I'm not putting that on Gino fans either.

I've met a few of you in person. I meet a lot of people. More than most. This place has something about it. I could have picked John (Kronus) out of a crowd as a good guy even if we had never discussed Battlestar at all. I could go on and on about people I've met here! There is a reason this place has sort of been the center of a lot of attention.

The suits know about this place...specifically. I know that for a fact (as in not just "I know it in my heart"). Our collective voices do ring a bit truer than the rest...even when they're not as loud. Let it be a positive voice that inspires others to see what is so great.

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Old August 31st, 2009, 08:07 AM   #700
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

The thing to remember, folks, is that in the end, this is all about entertainment.....there's nothing to be taken from personally about this whole matter. It's just a movie. It's just a TV show. We have no control over the outcome of an artistic endeavor any more than a sports fanatic has control over whatever game they're watching. The only voice really to be had is in voting with the wallet. If you don't like it....don't support it. If you love it, throw money at it in the hopes of future production.

But don't take it personally if it doesn't turn out to your exact specifications. There's more than one fan out there that any entertainment endeavor out there attempts to please, but at least most have the foresight to realize that they're not gonna please everyone. As Russell pointed out, you can ask five different folks what they think the core concepts of Galactica are, and you're gonna get five different answers. If those answers don't jive, well, then Galactica (or insert your favorite franchise here) has wide reaching appeal and diversity.

But no movie studio is going to be dictated to....no matter how long anyone has waited for whatever they see as the "true" representation of whatever it is they loved.

Hell, when the new Star Trek movie came out, I hadn't realized how long I had waited for THAT particular Trek film. Why? I guess I just didn't really think about it or let it get me all hot and bothered.

It is thus with Galactica. Of course, I've always been a fence rider, so I really don't find myself pining for any iteration of Galactica. If and when it happens, then bless the day. If it doesn't happen....well....life goes on.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:44 PM   #701
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WTF? Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Since the topic of the Larson/Singer BSG TOS film and fan films has come up, it's worth sharing this...

A few yahren ago, as Galacticon 2003 approached and my tenure in full-time BSG webmastering was coming to a close, I was spearheading an effort to produce a bookend to the BSG TOS series.

It was intended to be a short film which gave closure to the original series. It also incorporated heavy elements of Richard Hatch's "The Second Coming" project. (The events of "Galactica 1980" were ignored.)

Various folks were signed to non-disclosure agreements. (Which I'm null and voiding right now.) I wrote a script, did extensive storyboarding, and talks with some of the original cast about possible participation.

It was purely a non-commercial, not-for-profit fan film to give BSG TOS fans some sort of closure. The greatest source of inspiration had come from my late friend, Johnny Byrne, who wrote "Message from Moonbase Alpha" -- a short film which gave closure to fans of the 1970s "Space: 1999" TV series (and left the doors open to revisit that universe again). I wanted something professional, polished and able to satisfy those whom had celebrated the original BSG series -- and those whom had supported its return (and had their hopes crushed with the Eick/Moore series).

Money, health and needing more family time were to blame. I could not channel the energy or resources into making it a reality. And put bluntly, I became severely burnt out when the GINO show appeared. "What was, and what could have been" -- well, it simply wasn't.

Thinking forward as the Larson/Singer project fires up, I would love to see this project restarted anew. Realistically, it would need to happen with a massive fan effort of PROFESSIONALS, not fanboys.

This also reminds me of the "Bojay introduces the Scarlet Viper" documentary short that was almost produced by me (with Jack Stauffer reprising his Bojay role) around the same time. Same issues as the other effort, except I was closer to actually filming it. (As others have said, I was doing too much. A price was extolled.)

So, where's the latest information about the Larson/Singer BSG film? I wanna know!!!

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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:49 PM   #702
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Thumbs up Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by martok2112 View Post
The thing to remember, folks, is that in the end, this is all about entertainment.....there's nothing to be taken from personally about this whole matter. It's just a movie. It's just a TV show. We have no control over the outcome of an artistic endeavor any more than a sports fanatic has control over whatever game they're watching. The only voice really to be had is in voting with the wallet. If you don't like it....don't support it. If you love it, throw money at it in the hopes of future production. (...)
That entire post made my day. Beautifully summarized -- and so VERY true.

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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:58 PM   #703
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Please, start a new thread and elaborate and share your ideas Michael !

Jack and I were in touch by e-mail sometime ago, when I was starting my site (www.battlestarfanfilms.com) and he sent me the Scarlett Viper short film synopsis. It still seems something, although not that adventurous, that we could produce as 'firststeps'.

Should any of your ideas progress, be assured of my site's support (hosting and showcasing your work).

Although the Singer movie could be a great chapter in this fanbase's story, I still feel that a stunning fanfilm could really put us on the map.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 02:42 PM   #704
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by martok2112 View Post
The thing to remember, folks, is that in the end, this is all about entertainment.....there's nothing to be taken from personally about this whole matter. It's just a movie. It's just a TV show. We have no control over the outcome of an artistic endeavor any more than a sports fanatic has control over whatever game they're watching. The only voice really to be had is in voting with the wallet. If you don't like it....don't support it. If you love it, throw money at it in the hopes of future production.
That is the measure of the audience. In the meantime, what can we do to prevent niche myopia. I would be interested to read suggestions so that we do not get this:


But don't take it personally if it doesn't turn out to your exact specifications. There's more than one fan out there that any entertainment endeavor out there attempts to please, but at least most have the foresight to realize that they're not gonna please everyone. As Russell pointed out, you can ask five different folks what they think the core concepts of Galactica are, and you're gonna get five different answers. If those answers don't jive, well, then Galactica (or insert your favorite franchise here) has wide reaching appeal and diversity.

Where is most of the audience again?

But no movie studio is going to be dictated to....no matter how long anyone has waited for whatever they see as the "true" representation of whatever it is they loved.
But they can be persuaded. It took very little time to try to steer a new Trek direction once Berman was thrown off the lot, or to junk New Coca Cola, when market forces took hold.

Hell, when the new Star Trek movie came out, I hadn't realized how long I had waited for THAT particular Trek film. Why? I guess I just didn't really think about it or let it get me all hot and bothered.
CREF above and below about "juice".

It is thus with Galactica. Of course, I've always been a fence rider, so I really don't find myself pining for any iteration of Galactica. If and when it happens, then bless the day. If it doesn't happen....well....life goes on.
Shrug. Here I discuss TACTICS. We may not get the "Galactica" that most of us expect, but there is a very good chance that this "Galactica" will be a good one. I can get behind a good "Galactica" even if it is different. Its the tactics to encourage quality that I try to address.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 02:58 PM   #705
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
Please, start a new thread and elaborate and share your ideas Michael !
Yes, please elaborate. Would love to see your storyboards.

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Old August 31st, 2009, 06:48 PM   #706
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I for one Would LOVE to see Bojay introduce the Scarlet viper!

I definately think this is somethign we could get done if we were to get thigns rolling again.

But you are right, it has to be done professionally!!!

Michael, if there is anything Blackstar Squadron can do to help (501st like costume group that has just been started) Do not hesitate to ask sir.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 07:21 PM   #707
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by peter noble View Post
As this thing is going to be a reimagination, I'd like to see:

* A retention of the original mythos: the Egyptian motif, brothers of man, Earth as the 13th colony, etc.
* A retention of the core values of family, love, the power of the human spirit, and hope in the face of hopelessness.
* Robot Cylons who were developed by a reptilian race.
* A compelling story that exists on the same plane as the special effects.
* Some kick-ass action, to include space battles and hand-to-hand human/cylon combat.
* Any character named Starbuck will have a dick!

I think there's loads of wiggle room there for the creatives.

I think the recent Star Trek picture is a good guide of where to go with this project.
Yes, that would be a great start. I would retain the names based on our mythology, too. Also the hints to common roots imbedded into the designs: triad's similarity to a Mayan game, the Egyptian helmet motif, the Hindi good fortune mandala in the Galactica squadron patch. The ships are just as classic as a SW star destroyer or the Enterprise: not much if any fiddling required with the exteriors. (I'm noting that even George Lucas retained his star destroyer design back into the clone wars era, so even he kept classic designs in use in current productions.)
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Old August 31st, 2009, 09:01 PM   #708
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by michaelfaries View Post
That entire post made my day. Beautifully summarized -- and so VERY true.


Thanks, Michael.
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Old August 31st, 2009, 09:29 PM   #709
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by michaelfaries View Post
That entire post made my day. Beautifully summarized -- and so VERY true.
Michael -

I would have to agree with you there. Steve's post is one of the most sensible things in terms of summing up things as simply and honestly as possible. A lot of common sense there.

Well done Steve!

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Old September 1st, 2009, 12:31 AM   #710
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Gemini1999 View Post
Michael -

I would have to agree with you there. Steve's post is one of the most sensible things in terms of summing up things as simply and honestly as possible. A lot of common sense there.

Well done Steve!

Thanks, Bryan.

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Old September 1st, 2009, 01:04 AM   #711
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I agree with a lot of what you're saying Steve. Its true, when this comes out it will only be a movie. Absolutely! Things are only what we make of them. I will say that I disagree on one aspect. The only thing that anyone can take from it is something personal.

It will absolutely be "just a movie" much like the original was just a television show. Hamlet is just a play, the White House is only a...well house, and at the end of the day Indy's Ark of the Covenant is just a pretty piece of plastic. Things only become something more when we allow them to become something more to us. They can become things of great joy, things we gain quite a bit from. Of course sources of great joy have a tendency to open the doors for the possibility of the opposite. If it means something to a person, the juice is worth the squeeze.

There is a reason why people say a great song or a good book changed their life. It did. People always like to argue about the "did it really?" or the "you're making a mountain out of a mole hill" stuff.

I take a lot of personal gain from Battlestar. It has brought friends into my life, helped me to view things a little different, and all things considered been a positive bit of storytelling that has stood a small test of time.

Anyway, I know thats not exactly what you were getting at and I don't mean to assume anything about how you may view such things. Your post just got me thinking.

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Old September 1st, 2009, 07:43 AM   #712
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Those are indeed some good thoughts there, amigo. And I can see where you're coming from on that aspect.

Indeed, that's not quite what I had in mind as far as the "taking things so personally" part. No, there's definitely sentimentality that goes along with something that's beloved in that sense.

Certainly, one's life could probably be affected by a show, or a book, or a song, or whatever medium. My life was affected by Star Trek The Next Generation. Worf was actually someone I looked up to. While I was saddened by how his character was pretty much reduced to comic relief by the time of the last two Star Trek Next Gen movies (Insurrection, Nemesis), I couldn't let that affect me so personally and get me so mad that I wanted to "dictate terms" as to what I expected of Paramount if and when they decided to do another Star Trek movie, especially in the way of handling the honorable and noble Worf. (I didn't let it destroy my overall enjoyement of the films...and indeed, Nemesis is my favorite of the Next Generation movies). Life went on, and I remembered Worf in the manner which I described. Indeed, the recent Star Trek movie, reimagining the origin story of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the gang and the Enterprise in a way that made sense while honoring the original, turned out being the Trek movie I'd unconsciously waited for ever since I was a toddler watching classic Trek on a hand me down black and white TV.

But I've always been one who (when it comes to TV shows/movies) was interested in seeing different folks' takes on certain properties. I didn't overly endear myself to one particular version by putting all my eggs in one basket. (I'm probably one of the few who actually enjoyed the "Lost In Space" movie that was released in the late 90's.)

WARNING: This is going to turn into a long introspective post, possibly a multi-poster...so skip if anyone's disinterested.

(sigh.....breaking my own ruling here) (text removed to maintain forum rules

END PT. 1.....
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Old September 1st, 2009, 07:47 AM   #713
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


(text removed to maintain the rules )
Now....video games....that's another matter for another thread....LOL!
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Old September 1st, 2009, 10:16 AM   #714
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Whoa! Thats a good one...it deserves more attention than I can give to it on a break at work. I'll have to come back tonight! lol

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Old September 1st, 2009, 06:12 PM   #715
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by peter noble View Post
As this thing is going to be a reimagination, I'd like to see:

* A retention of the original mythos: the Egyptian motif, brothers of man, Earth as the 13th colony, etc.
* A retention of the core values of family, love, the power of the human spirit, and hope in the face of hopelessness.
* Robot Cylons who were developed by a reptilian race.
* A compelling story that exists on the same plane as the special effects.
* Some kick-ass action, to include space battles and hand-to-hand human/cylon combat.
* Any character named Starbuck will have a dick!
Exactly!! I'd also add "Colonel Tigh will be a black man!"

I get nervous when Hatch starts talking about making this film be to BSG what the new Star Trek movie was to Star Trek. The Star Trek film was a total disaster and completely raped the franchise, retaining NOTHING from "Star Trek" besides the names. It was as much of a bastardization of Star Trek as RDM's bastardization of BSG. I realize that most of you guys might not be Star Trek fans, so you're not fully aware of just how much the new movie f*cked up Star Trek, but as a TOS Purist of the original Star Trek, let me tell you...it was like watching RTD's BSG all over again. Except with Star Trek.

Let's hope they DON'T make it like the latest Star Trek movie, otherwise we'll get yet another bastardized "Battlestar" rendition that is BSG in name only.
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Old September 1st, 2009, 07:18 PM   #716
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Apparently a reminder to ALL is necessary.

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And now, a quick translation, from ME.

This thread was posted to announce a NEW Battlestar Galactica movie, that will apparently be based on the Original mythos.

This thread was posted to encourage discussion about the announcement, about the players - both potential cast and crew - as well as about what we would like to see in the movie.

This thread was NOT posted to discuss Moore's version of Battlestar Galactica, at all. Period.

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FYI - The thread will remain open so, please continue posting. For now, though, the thread will be under review by me.

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Old September 1st, 2009, 07:26 PM   #717
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Ah, fair enough. I thought we'd be able to bash it, but no discussion at all is fine of course, especially since dem's the rules.

But my point remains...the "Star Trek" movie was a bastardization of the original TV show. Let's hope that the new movie DOESN'T follow suit, despite what Hatch says.
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Old September 1st, 2009, 07:28 PM   #718
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Promus View Post
Ah, fair enough. I thought we'd be able to bash it, but no discussion at all is fine of course, especially since dem's the rules.

But my point remains...the "Star Trek" movie was a bastardization of the original TV show. Let's hope that the new movie DOESN'T follow suit, despite what Hatch says.
Thanks for understanding.

To allow bashing and no defense would not be fair and similarly, to allow praise (or thoughtful re-collection) without alternative opinions would not be fair.

That was the intent when we ended ALL conversation about the show.
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Old September 1st, 2009, 08:56 PM   #719
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Promus View Post
Ah, fair enough. I thought we'd be able to bash it, but no discussion at all is fine of course, especially since dem's the rules.

But my point remains...the "Star Trek" movie was a bastardization of the original TV show. Let's hope that the new movie DOESN'T follow suit, despite what Hatch says.
I would also request that you watch your language in the future - keep it PG, and please try to avoid the use of symbols rather than letters to get past the word filters.

As a fan of BSG, I've waited 30 years for a faithful return to that universe. Knowing what I know about Bryan Singer and how he felt about the show, and knowing what I know about how Glen Larson felt about his show, I am cautiously optimistic about what this movie might bring to the table. I'm realistic enough to know that if it is a remake it will not be locked in step with the 1978 version, and if it is a continuation of the show it will be a more complex and darker tale - but as long as it's recognizable as the universe Larson & company created in 1978 it will be BSG.

I am a purist, I suppose - I want my Adama to be a warrior-priest, my Starbuck a ladies-man rogue with a heart of gold, and my Apollo to be a straight-arrow-do-what-is-right noble soul. I want them fleeing an alien robotic menace that had been created by a dead non-human race. I want time measured in centons and microns, and costumes that don't scream Los Angeles, California.

And where it might diverge from my ideal comes in the era we live in - it's the 21st Century, after all, and our expectations of our entertainment are different than they were in 1978. And that is acceptable.

And as a purist, one who not only watched BSG first-run (and 2nd run, and 3rd run), I also watched the first Star Trek. I watched it first-run and re-runs and re-mastered and the movies and the sequel series (all of them) - and I found the newest entry into the franchise to be quintessential Star Trek. All the elements are there, but with a very Star Trek-like twist; time travel and temporal interference has been a hallmark of Trek since the beginning. So I fail to understand the venom some have spewed at Abrams and Paramount, when I see so clearly that what they have done is, indeed Star Trek.

(BTW, this thread is not the right place for a full-blown discussion about the Star Trek movie.)

I am concerned that if and when Singer and Larson make their BSG movie we're going to see similar hate and discontent spewed at them if they don't toe each and every line. Even if they do make Battlestar Galactica. I suppose there will be disappointments, but nobody is consulting me (or anyone else on these boards) as to specific story points or characterizations. If those disappointments come within what is indisputably the BSG universe, those will be minor disappointments and we should be well satisfied.

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Old September 1st, 2009, 08:58 PM   #720
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Like I said, I was breaking my own ruling, and I apologize, wholeheartedly. I can strike my post if you wish. (And have done so....)
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