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Old August 20th, 2009, 07:24 AM   #571
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by peter noble View Post
Battlestar Galactica De-Imagined

Eric Chu wrote the article. His "facts" need a little perspective:
I don't have the Neilsens in front of me but I remember 1978-79 Battlestar's lowest point was around 23 million viewers. I think that was the one re-run episode, though I could be remembering the lowest first-run number. Cancellation was due more to cost and complexity of making a weekly show with space battles, than it ever was ratings. It simply wasn't a manageable production schedule. ST:TNG would come 8 yrs later and still have some limitations on how much effects there was time to accomplish per episode—hence lots of ship-bound stories/holodec episodes.

The RDM miniseries top night was 4.3 million if I'm remembering correctly, with "33" coming in around 3.9 or so nearly a year later. It hovered around 2 million viewers its last 2 half seasons, but I'm not sure Nielsen hadn't started combining the rebroadcasts or DVR views within 7 days into the numbers. In 1978-79 most people could only afford to watch a show when it aired, VCRs and Betas were rare.

I just have trouble with the "wildly popular" characterization 23 million trumps 2 (comparing low to low). Popularity with critics: RDM has them for the present. There just isn't any comparison to just how popular (general populace) the original was, or to its cultural impact. We wouldn't still be discussing "Battlestar Galactica" if those weren't true.

Singer and Larsen know they hold golden potential in their hands. Waiting to see what wonders will come of it. They've got a high standard to reach: production values of the original, the general audience success of J.J. Abrams Star Trek (XI). I hope they soar to that goal. If achieved, this won't stop at one movie. If achieved there will be a Battlestar that suits everyones' tastes: regardless of the variation an individual may like best.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 07:51 AM   #572
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Eric Chu wrote the article.
He did the art as well. He's been going through various SF properties and doing "What would it look like now?" pieces. Looks like he's doing the Cylons next month.

The ones for UFO were pretty good too.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 08:12 AM   #573
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I have no idea what the original UFO ships looked like, but those are very nice looking ships. His Cylon and viper illustration was also very good.
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Old August 20th, 2009, 08:13 AM   #574
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Eric is a truly great guy. I have dealt with him personally and give him very high praise. He was completely alienated by the anger from folks like us, especially since he only tried to do the best job he could while contracted for GINO. I don't think he's well-versed in the background and history, and he's likely tainted a bit because he was a big fan of GINO (at least as far as S2 is concerned), but at least up to the time I dealt with him, he was nothing but respectful to everyone.

Plus, he's got remarkable artistic talent.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 08:45 AM   #575
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

You're right: Eric is incredibly talented as a designer. Right up there with the best in the business. I may be reading too many sour grapes into his article. I just have trouble with the "stats" that bloggers and entertainment newsites have been pushing. Eric's hit me in that regard.

There is still more general cultural memory in the population of the original show and that is a valid thing to return and revisit. Critics are rarely right about Sci-fi shows in general.
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Old August 20th, 2009, 10:29 AM   #576
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Erik Chu may be wrong on a couple of points. First, just as Larson seems to have had little say in the DeSanto and Moore efforts, there's no guarantee that he'll have much of a say this time around either. What he did have was theatrical rights - he may have just lent or sold them to Universal for the purposes of this film, and simply collect a paycheque. Secondly, there's no guarantee that this is going to be a mythical continuation. Although the original Singer concept was close to a TNG-styled continuation (where most of the actors were dead, set many years in the future), and a lot of fans were interested in a "30 years plus" motif, Singer's template may wind up being something more along the lines of Superman Returns, which very well could have been retitled "Superman 2.5" because of its heavy borrowing and reliance on the best elements of the first two Superman films, although a nominal remake.

Anyway, I'm not sold that this will be what people expect it to be, nor even a guarantee that this will ever be "greenlit." But Singer's approach to other franchises gives me some level of confidence that it will be a good product.
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Old August 20th, 2009, 10:44 AM   #577
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Lord Kingjason View Post
Captain Tux

Yeah we know each other from a few years going back. You had the lovable Linux Penguin as an 'Avatar' right? (no not the upcoming movie, the computer thingy?)

Nice to see you kicking about on here! We'll talk soon in the future hopefully now that you're back.
Yep, that was me with the penguin. . These days I have returned to the ministry, I go to missions trips to Haiti once a year, and I have started a youth outreach. It's good to be back. I stumbled across the news of the new movie a few days ago on google and the sheer excitement of the possibilities drew me to this thread. Cannot wait to see how the details pan out.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 10:56 AM   #578
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
Captain Tux...I like you man. Your post put a bit ol' smile on my face. The hope and community of this place keeps me coming back. I've made some great friends here and I'm looking forward to adding you to that list.
Thanks, Monolith,

The feeling is mutual. Actually, I did not post here too often back in the day. Most of my time was spent at the Cylon Alliance forums. But there was a lot of crossover of people on both forums back then. The community aspect of BSG fandom has always been special to me. It brought me back to the days when I was in grade school and me and three friends would talk about last week's episode of BSG in school. To be an adult and share the experiences and memories and so forth on a deeper level is awesome.

No matter what becomes of this movie (I have high hopes again, though), it is good to see people sharing, dreaming, and talking about the possibilities with enthusiasm again. Heck, if the movie news develops into something positive, I think it would be a grand idea to have as many of the people here as possible meet in common theaters to share it together. I'd be willing to drive to different parts of the midwest to see the movie with some friends, take pictures, and post them here. It could be a fun night.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 11:00 AM   #579
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Sarika View Post
Captain Tux, lovely to see you my friend, once again docking with the Fleets!
I love what you say here, and I couldn't agree more. Indeed the heart of BSG continues within every one of us here that have formed a wonderful community and circle of friends of like-mindedness on a common ground and passion!
Ahhh the possibilities are infinite in the potential of new adventures and worlds, characters and thier lives of Battlestar!
And how is my favorite Serene Highness doing these days?

I agree with you, my dear friend. It's so wonderful that the movie has created an air of excitement, mystery, and wonder here among friends. It is fun to read the theories and the dreams.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 11:03 AM   #580
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
So when this movie does premier how many of you can I expect to see at the Chinese theater in Hollywood?
I doubt I would trek to the West Coast to see this, but I like the idea of as many people as possible gathering at theaters in their regions. I know Jewels and JJ are close enough to me, I do not know who else is from the midwest here.


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Old August 20th, 2009, 11:38 AM   #581
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I heard back from MrsRon (Terry Moore) and she answered a few queries of mine and gave me permission to quote her. The short of it is that Ron's run with BSG is over and he has passed the proverbial baton. Anyway, here goes...

Universal approached Ron many times about doing a movie, but as he has said in interviews, and will probably say now in many more interviews, he told the story he wanted to tell, it's done, and he has no more story to tell. Even his involvement in Caprica will be very limited, that's why he gave it to Jane E. He's currently working on three movies, and is in discussion about more TV shows, nothing BSG related. He has taken it as far as he wants to go.
She described the two notes Chris Pappas posted at ResinIluminati (reputedly from a source within Universal Studios) as "pretty accurate with what we are hearing."

I hope the nice folks over at CF don't get their hopes dashed again. There are some really good and decent people there, Gemini, Dawg, Martok. Hope does spring eternal, and Singer may be a big enough name to get it made. But Hollywood takes a long, long, long time to do anything. I hope they get their wishes filled, I know they have waited a very long time. They deserve it. If it happens, it may be years before it makes it to the big screen. There isn't a writer attached yet. But you never know. They could put it into fast development. Studios are places of deep mystery.
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Old August 20th, 2009, 11:48 AM   #582
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Hello gang, it's been a while since I've been around, but nice to check back again and see old friends. I'm very excited about the news we've been hearing about a theatrical BSG movie, so it's gets me all nostalgic. If it pans out and we get to see it on the big screen, then we are living in some exciting times indeed. I think it's the best of both worlds, because the SyFy Galactica fans got their show with an ending and now we may get to see our own vision come to light. Who would have thought this could happen?
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Old August 20th, 2009, 02:21 PM   #583
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Universal approached Ron many times about doing a movie, but as he has said in interviews, and will probably say now in many more interviews, he told the story he wanted to tell, it's done, and he has no more story to tell. Even his involvement in Caprica will be very limited, that's why he gave it to Jane E. He's currently working on three movies, and is in discussion about more TV shows, nothing BSG related. He has taken it as far as he wants to go.
This makes me happier than most anything I've read in a while.

As for the rest, this film may well not be what people expect but its the first time since 2002 that I've felt that something new that I can call Battlestar Galactica will potentially be available to enjoy.

In fact, its the first time since then that something with Cylons will be on screen that I can watch for reasons other than evaluating a train-wreck in action.

The Devil is truly in the details but I can honestly say that since 2002, this is the first time I've felt glad someone was using the Galactica copyright or indeed that what is being produced can be considered anything other than a huge negative to the franchise.

I'm happy for this news for that reason if for no other.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 02:35 PM   #584
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon View Post
Steve (and all but mostly Steve),

I'll confess I'm at a disadvantage to really understand some of your concerns. I've always thought those worried about the phrase GINO were childish and a bit emotionally flawed. Similarly, I've never grasped why some here take such offense to someone calling the original series "Cheesy". My likes and dislikes are based on ME and nobody else. I have a hard time relating to anyone who is worried about whether what they like is popular or not. This is skewed somewhat when it comes to ratings and films because the likes and dislikes of others impact whether or not I get to see more of what I like, but beyond that, who really cares?

That aspect of the fan wars has always been a mystery to me.

The articles that people reference claiming that GINO was a great success, was a failure, and all the rest are interesting but again, they're just someone's opinion, and like the sock puppets, an overwhelming number of them are generated media hype. However, I recognize that this touches the underlying difference between many of the fans here. A number have expressed their desire to "fight for" or "defend" their version/interpretation against … well, I'm still not sure what the real threat or goal is. You cite a valid example, in that you might personally be slandered because of what you like or dislike. I can respect that concern, both for having been such a target myself and also for having watched you getting bashed around in the manner you describe. That's unfortunate and it should never have happened.

Conversely, I think your implied expectations are probably unrealistic. Many (if not most) on this site will never accept GINO as a valid Galactica show and you can count me among that group. I also find much of the material the producers and many fans were so proud of to be personally repugnant. Its one thing to gain attention by putting a lampshade on your head but quite another to want to be considered as anything other than a joke when the party is over. For good, ill, or indifference, GINO has run its course and everyone's interpretation will be what it will, with folks like you seeing primarily positives and folks like me seeing primarily negatives. I doubt much of that will ever change. However, only the most intolerant moron would claim that GINO isn't part of Galactica's history. History is an accounting of what has happened not the standard of what something represents and in that is an important difference in my view. The history of the United States includes governmental orders to exterminate entire races of Indians but genocide doesn't represent what America is all about (outside of Hollywood's view anyway). For some, the same comparison applies here. To expect people who haven't warmed up to GINO over the past six years to decide it should be a respected addition is foolish, just as its foolish to expect that the bashers of the original series will suddenly decide it has a remarkably higher quality because of a new film. If the new film is a smash, we'll read endless accounts of how Singer took the silly show from the 70s and turned it into gold. That's just how things are.

… which is why I caveated my suggestion with the clause that anyone acting like a moron should be slapped. Its not the preferences that's the issue but the way they're handled, … or perhaps its better to say the desire some have to change how another person thinks and feels. Its appropriate to say "I like this" and "I don't like this" and give the reasons why. It’s a completely different thing to then decide that the person you're conversing with needs to adopt your way of thinking. There's a political phrase attached to the Obama administration that says "First try the power of pursuasion and if that doesn't work, use the pursuasion of power". We've seen how well that works. I can't think of a single fan that was swayed into liking GINO because the studio said the old show was trash so you'd better embrace the new one.

I can't speak for anyone other than myself but you should know that I won't be attacking you because you like a series I dislike. It should be obvious whose side I'll be on if someone else engages in such conduct. My observation is that I'm not certain its still in everyone's best interest to keep all voices silent because the town idiot might be among them, especially when the current membership is pretty well swept clean of known idiots.

If there's any words of wisdom in my senseless rant than please embrace them. If not, ignore them as you please.

As always, know that you have and retain my deepest respect.

All my best,

Many thanks, my good friend...and again, you make great sense and wisdom in what you say.

I should've remained much more passive, and not so quick to sound the alert when things sounded a little "not to the rules."

Granted, the announcement of a (potential) new original series based movie has got hopes running high for many who have waited some 30 yahrens. I am far more guarded against such high hopes, but I am glad for those who do have a restored sense of that hope. I pray it does not get dashed again.

I think my only concern regarding a Singer/DeSanto project of Battlestar Galactica is (at least, the way I listen to DeSanto, whom I do have a lot of respect for) that such a movie would come off rather "fanboyish". I can't quite put a finger on why my "Spidey Sense" is tingling....maybe it's just me. There were a lot of folks who didn't quite care for Superman Returns (although I personally enjoyed the flick, and thought it was a nice tribute to the first two Superman movies)...and maybe, for some of them, it was that "fanboy alert" going off.

Thanks again for the wise redirects, Russell. You are a good friend.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 02:46 PM   #585
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Hmmmm. Too fanboyish.

Guess that depends on why you want to see Galactica. I didn't see Superman Returns so I can't judge from that. I didn't much care for Transformers but mostly because the original concept never interested me.

We likely differ in that I'm not looking for Galactica to enlighten me in any way or try to make me think about my contemporary world. I don't want Cylons to remind me of the ills of our society or have my beliefs challenged. I've had REAL terrorists do that well enough without the Hollywood Sci-Fi versions trying to broaden my view.

A good top-quality CGI viper/raider battle and the Imperious Leader ordering the destruction of all mankind just because is good enough for me.

I'd like a compelling story along the way but of all the concerns I have, worrying that it would be too close to what the core fans want isn't one of them.

For illustration, last night we watched the Get Smart movie. It was a variation of what I was expecting but it was respectable and, when Max jumped in the red car and sped away with the classic music playing, I said "Now, that's Get Smart!!!" ... and it was.

With the Trek remake, when Scotty shouted "I'm giving her all she's got captain!", I again knew I was watching something that was, at its core, what it was supposed to be.

If Singer's film can capture even a portion of that aspect, then he will have pleased at least one fan.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 02:56 PM   #586
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by JLHurley View Post
Careful, Aphrodite. I think you might be experiencing Cart Before Horse Syndrome. According to Dr. Noble, we shouldn't get excited over anything but the facts, and there are no facts to support BG in IMAX.
The IMAX suggestion was Monolith's suggestion, and I was responding to it. I was saying if it does happen, that it would be cool. I think you read way too much into my enthusiasm for this new project.

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Old August 20th, 2009, 03:21 PM   #587
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Have yet to see the new "Get Smart" movie, but am seriously interested. (Not to mention, I think Anne Hathaway's just a cutie!)

Also, loved the new Star Trek. Saw it five times in theater, twice on IMAX.

Believe me, Russell, one of the things I want to see (regardless of which iteration of Galactica gets represented) are big budget space and ground battles. That was something I had in mind with my stories, but with substantial story to tell, as well as just the big budget bells and whistles. My newest fanfiction (my own retelling of the attack and exodus) has that same effect in mind. But, I'm sure there are those who would think my stories were as fanboyish as I'd fear a Singer/DeSanto effort might be....so I'm certainly not passing judgments. LOL!
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Old August 20th, 2009, 04:14 PM   #588
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Get Smart is worth watching, I enjoyed it and laughed alot. I think the casting and situations fit the subject perfectly! And YES, Anne Hathaway is HOT!

I'm torn on my feelings of a Redo of the original series. It will be disappointing to not get the continuation I've bneen dreaming of since the end of Hand of God. There was so much more to tell! and honestly, I believe there still is so much more left in the story!

But it does have to be approached with somewhat of a fanboy mentality. I don't think anyone but a fan will know how to let 25 to 30 years (in story time) pass and pick up where known characters should be.

IF they Redo the story, then we are all going to have to compair not only the cast to the original (somethin we watched one way or another with the new Star Trek) and How the story is handled in and of itself.

I have mixe feelings on the Trek Movie. I hate the redesign of the ship (inside and out) but I think the cast did a good job. They hit the characters as I would see them.

I guess I'm just an old stubborn SciFi Geek who wants to see the original actors in their original roles and Laugh like I was 7 again! (while dressed up in costume at the theater opening night!)
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Old August 20th, 2009, 10:32 PM   #589
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I'm with you on the costume man! This is going to be a great time to be a Battlestar fan!

I feel like I need to follow that with a "if all goes well" or something but I'm not gonna! lol

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Old August 21st, 2009, 03:25 AM   #590
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In truth, I'm glossing over my concern for story. As many here know, I'm a hound as far as stories go and if they do something that's too far off, I'll be among the first to say "That isn't Battlestar Galactica either". A better explaination for me is that I put some faith that if Singer is involved, DeSanto isn't far behind and that means someone who loves the foundations of Galactica will be pushing the project. I find that hopeful.

If DeSanto isn't part of this, I'll be a bit less hopeful but as always, I'll be willing to give it a chance. I didn't care for GINO but I really liked the Caprica pilot so I've proven to myself that change isn't what I fear. Trek is a good example. The remake was wildly different and I had some issues with a few parts but it was handled well overall and it was good to see some core elements of the old series woven into the film.

I'm with Jewels in that I do hope they maintain the old ship designs. I can see 100 films with new, cool fighters but I'd treasure seeing the classic ships with Lucasfilm-style VFX.

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Old August 21st, 2009, 04:33 AM   #591
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Aphrodite View Post
The IMAX suggestion was Monolith's suggestion, and I was responding to it. I was saying if it does happen, that it would be cool. I think you read way too much into my enthusiasm for this new project.
I was only joking, Aphrodite. Earlier in the thread I saluted Colonial Fleets for being there for us for much of this long journey towards classic BG's return and someone responded that I was putting my cart in front of my horse because this latest development might go nowhere.

I think most of us know that the road actually ends when we're sitting down in front of a BG that we find true to the original--or entertaining, anyway. In the meantime, I say dream on! It's what we've been doing for decades so why stop now?
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Old August 21st, 2009, 06:51 AM   #592
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Reaper View Post
But it does have to be approached with somewhat of a fanboy mentality. I don't think anyone but a fan will know how to let 25 to 30 years (in story time) pass and pick up where known characters should be.
Reaper, you got my wheels a turning. Why not a continuation?
*Note: I'm sure others have brought this up but I am staying within my line of thinking*

Say the original cast is brought back and they continue the story 30 years after Hand of God and throw in some filler at the beginning and then take off from there. Now we have Apollo/Starbuck/Boomer/Tigh and others 30 years older still looking for Earth. Hey it worked for Lucas in Star Wars...the episodes where done with years in-between.

Man can you see the huge boost in book sales from those talented writers to help fill in this gap in more detail for us true blue fans? Or even an antimated series to tell the stories of those 30 years we had missed. HUGE money maker by going this route.

Originally Posted by Reaper View Post
I guess I'm just an old stubborn SciFi Geek who wants to see the original actors in their original roles and Laugh like I was 7 again! (while dressed up in costume at the theater opening night!)
Dude, I was 9 at that time and I WILL have my warrior uniform on! I may even have a full blown Cylon outfit by then and have a friend of mine come so we can have some target practice!
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Old August 21st, 2009, 11:01 AM   #593
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

.......I don't like the term "fanboy". It implies extremely negative connotations. I am definitely not a fanboy, and neither are the rest of us here. Do you consider yourself a fanboy when you can talk Fritz Lang's Metropolis or Robert Wise's The Day the Earth Stood Still and then talk about the Alligator? I don't think so. There is a difference between talking about a story point or plothole; or how a shot was framed and blocked, or about the moral implications of an episode's story point, and knowing that they changed the glue on Nimoy, because it gave him an ear rash.........
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Old August 21st, 2009, 11:08 AM   #594
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Damocles View Post
.......I don't like the term "fanboy". It implies extremely negative connotations. I am definitely not a fanboy, and neither are the rest of us here. Do you consider yourself a fanboy when you can talk Fritz Lang's Metropolis or Robert Wise's The Day the Earth Stood Still and then talk about the Alligator? I don't think so. There is a difference between talking about a story point or plothole; or how a shot was framed and blocked, or about the moral implications of an episode's story point, and knowing that they changed the glue on Nimoy, because it gave him an ear rash.........

Damocles -

The fanboy term wasn't even aimed at you directly as Russell was talking to Steve. Just leave that bit alone instead of nitpicking the conversation to death. The topic is about a BSG film - keep the discussion on topic, or find another thread to post in. The next time, the post will be deleted if it's off topic.


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Old August 21st, 2009, 11:13 AM   #595
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Gemini1999 View Post
Damocles -

The fanboy term wasn't even aimed at you directly as Russell was talking to Steve. Just leave that bit alone instead of nitpicking the conversation to death. The topic is about a BSG film - keep the discussion on topic, or find another thread to post in. The next time, the post will be deleted if it's off topic.


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I find the term applied to anyone in this community offensive, and was specific in why I thought it was an offensive term. It doesn't have to be aimed at me to be an offensive term to me.

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Old August 21st, 2009, 12:32 PM   #596
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I would hope that we all are a bit thicker-skinned than that.

There are a number of things in this world that I find more offensive than the term "fanboyish", one of which is the "humanitarian" release of the terrorist who planted the bomb on Pan Am 103 which blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland in Dec, 1988 killing all 259 people on the plane and 11 on the ground.

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Old August 21st, 2009, 01:13 PM   #597
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by BST View Post
I would hope that we all are a bit thicker-skinned than that.

There are a number of things in this world that I find more offensive than the term "fanboyish", one of which is the "humanitarian" release of the terrorist who planted the bomb on Pan Am 103 which blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland in Dec, 1988 killing all 259 people on the plane and 11 on the ground.

Hmmm....will Gemini1999 mod you for this ? I wait with baited breath !

And to return to the original topic.....is there anything fans can do at this early stage to influence the direction this new Battlestar venture might take ?
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Old August 21st, 2009, 01:38 PM   #598
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I am not in the mood for this - I became a statistic today and I'm not at all happy. So please pay attention.

Obviously, Damocles has a far more intense reaction to the word than many of us, and as a result he missed the full reason why it was being used - and his post reflected a little more heat than it should have. I understand the objection - we have all been insulted repeatedly by that term over the last few years.

But I also understand the context it was used in was not intended as an insult, more as an illustration that a good BSG movie must be approached with a certain reverence for the original story, mythos - the whole package. A "more fanboy mentality" would bring that reverence.

Context is everything.

Emotions are running pretty high right now - an initial rush of adrenaline, fed as much by what we don't know as what we do know. Over the next year, we will get more adrenaline spikes as news is released - or not. We are all in this together, this time, and we all want the same thing - a big-budget, blockbuster movie based on the classic BSG universe.

Let's not let the use of one word in an excited, positive post come between us. Think when you post, and when you read. Be happy, be excited, but think.

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Old August 21st, 2009, 01:46 PM   #599
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
Hmmm....will Gemini1999 mod you for this ? I wait with baited breath !

And to return to the original topic.....is there anything fans can do at this early stage to influence the direction this new Battlestar venture might take ?
Ernie -

Just so you don't hold your breath too long (and it's baded breath, not baited), no I'm not. Pete is an Admin of this forum and he'd given me a head up regarding his post. Please go back to the discussion at hand.

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Old August 21st, 2009, 01:49 PM   #600
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

As the "fanboy" in question (by inference), I have absolutely no problem with it at all. Regarding Galactica, I'd call myself a "Purist" but "fanboy" is good enough for me. The meaning is clear enough. Personally, I'd say worrying about a term like "Fanboy" is akin to worrying about someone calling the old series "Cheesy" or me using the term "GINO". If that's really your main complaint in life then brothers and sisters, things are going well for you.

Plus, Steve has a valid concern. I don't share it but I can easily see how this film could shift that way without much nudging.

... and FWIW, "Fanboy" is definitely not the worst thing I've been called on these boards.

As a side, I throught Lee's article was fairly good considering his demonstrated lust for stirring up the sewer water. It showed more class and style than I frankly thought he had in him, ... although I would have loved to have engaged in the physical challenge so he could have seen if I really was the overweight geek living in my mom's basement who was incapable of running 1/4 mile without an ambulance present.

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