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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:02 AM   #511
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

One of the thing I hate most about the talk back sections on all "news" articles about this is that so much of it is centered around homosexual hate speech. Somehow saying "he's gay" has literally formed itself into "this movie will be gay."

We've been waiting for this announcement for 10 years...arguably more than that if you take the big picture into perspective. I'd hate to see our excitement derailed by this.

Creep, you seem intent to keep discussing this. Every time someone reads your post they get angry. Mostly the comments are about how off subject the whole thing is.

Simply put, most of us don't agree with you. That is okay. I believe in free speech. You can say what you want. I also believe in talking with people. What do you say we drop this and move on to other things? Your point is made. You're just throwing fuel on the fire.

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Old August 18th, 2009, 01:46 PM   #512
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
I don't give a frack who he's attracted to. His movies are far more hit than miss. The Usual Suspects...X-Men and the AMAZING X-Men 2...Superman Returns (yeah, I dig it a lot)...Apt Pupil...and of course House which is a great show!

Wait does this mean a lot of naysaying creeps are going to show up now to give us crap? This place has been so peaceful...lol.
::Wingman swooshes in::

Yeah man! I am here with you on this! This is not the place or setting for this type of thing...in fact let's keep it BSG!


Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
One of the thing I hate most about the talk back sections on all "news" articles about this is that so much of it is centered around homosexual hate speech. Somehow saying "he's gay" has literally formed itself into "this movie will be gay."

We've been waiting for this announcement for 10 years...arguably more than that if you take the big picture into perspective. I'd hate to see our excitement derailed by this.

Creep, you seem intent to keep discussing this. Every time someone reads your post they get angry. Mostly the comments are about how off subject the whole thing is.

Simply put, most of us don't agree with you. That is okay. I believe in free speech. You can say what you want. I also believe in talking with people. What do you say we drop this and move on to other things? Your point is made. You're just throwing fuel on the fire.
Shut the frack up about sexuality...how does this contribute to what is being said....DON'T Answer that...just talk about the hopeful BSG movie.


As for my two cubits, reboot/continuation I really don't care at this point if it comes down to it. In a perfect world and a magic wand I would say continuation but I would settle for a reboot if it meant keeping it all alive.

My preference for who should be involved: Larson/DeSoto and I agread with David Hayter to start with.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 06:00 PM   #513
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Creep? Is this nonsense really needed?
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Old August 18th, 2009, 06:02 PM   #514
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Howdy Kronus
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Old August 18th, 2009, 06:52 PM   #515
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

LSF, it's good to see you again.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 07:49 PM   #516
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Hey there LSF!!! Definitely good to hear from ya with this news in the air!

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Old August 18th, 2009, 09:52 PM   #517
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Creep , if your reading this then; SHUT THE HELL UP!

Damn it everytime i'm chatting with fellow members, you keep butting in with stupid nonsense about a film director's sexuality. Grow up man, and take a lesson in manners why don't ya. I can't even have a nice back and forth debate with Monolith without you damn well cocking up our friendly banter about what the new film might offer up.

Everyone knows i'm the BSG muse around here, and i tried to at least ride the wave of good news about the new possible BSG movie with some positives about what the theatrical film namesake on Larson's creation might entail. These pages are suppost to move slowly (unless new film news on the movie production developments break, of course) but now i figure my posts are going to be totally buried a few pages back and all the old time members returning here, ain't going enjoy looking at some of my theories on the new movie and talking it out on here, with everyone else too (Welcome back LSF, Knonus).

Look man. Don't ever post before me again, and don't post after me neither, if you going to post more crap like that. Cos then everyone will just let BST and Gemini happily deal with you in their own way! Long as whatever i post on here again doesn't go off track with another of your gay slurs against Bryan Singer's sexual preference, his work, 'partner', his Cat & Dog etc.

I don't care if he does the film in drag long as he as always puts out work rivialing his X-Men films, Usual Suspects, Apt Pupil, yes even Superman Returns (not everyone hates it) movies and House TV show etc.


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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:06 PM   #518
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Hey, welcome back, LSF! Saw you over at Sly-ly-fy recently, too.

Good to see Michael's still kicking, too - and all the rest of our old friends.

Man, this is good news, isn't it? The most positive thing that's come up in what, 6 years?

I, too, wonder what the next year or two will bring. Will it actually get made? Is Universal yanking our chain again? We know Singer is a fan - just check out the DeSanto interview over at Tombs - and wouldn't it be great if Tom winds up involved in this, too?

My own hope is a Next-Gen kind of treatment, with older characters mentoring the younger cast that is the main focus of the story line. But I'd probably be OK with a reboot ala Star Trek, too - as long as the universe remains BSG.

And KJ - didn't you see the sign? Don't feed the trolls.

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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:46 PM   #519
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
LSF, it's good to see you again.
Thank you Jewels!!!
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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:52 PM   #520
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Howdy Dawg!!
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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:55 PM   #521
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Hi Monolith!
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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:59 PM   #522
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Old August 18th, 2009, 11:49 PM   #523
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

After all these years the 'sleeping giant' going to have that evil doctor who keeps putting him under with drugs, finally found out and then the giant will wake up.

"Feb 22nd 2001"

Nurse: He's waking up!

Doctor (Universal Suits'): Quick go get me 10 CC of er...., damnit nurse just go already.

(Soon as back's turned)

Doctor: Oh, no you don't heheheh!

Giant: Uughhh, i'm i'm arggghhhhhhhhhhh...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!

(Drugged yet again....!)

December 2001

In the middle of the night

Giant: Uughhhh, what.....huh where? (All glass eyed)

Another Doctor: Nope (messes with Giant's I.V.)

Giant: Arrgggggh

(Beeping goes off, alarms raised etc)

Sometime in April 2002

Giant: hmmmm? ughhhhh, i, i..... i'mmm, ahhhhhhhh! Eh, whats going on

(Another Doctor walks in)

Doctor: No, nope not today of all days. We've got a special day today and my bosses tell me to make sure you don't go ruining their party.

(injects powerful drug enducing agent into Giant's bloodstream)

Giant: Ughhhhhhhhhh!, arggggh Nnooooooooooooo!

Doctor: (Evil grin appears on face) Thats better, yeah sleep it off for a couple more years. Bwhahahahahaha!

(*Thunder and lightning* crackle by nearby window. As bats fly out about the place, as Doctor leaves room)

Cut to 2009 August 15th

Nurse: He's waking up....again?

Doctor: Quick go get me 10 CC of popcor....

Nurse: Hey wait a minute, i've seen you before around this patient before?!

Doctor: I don't know what you mean.

Giant: I., i, i,

Doctor: Quickly move i need to,......

(Doctor with intern staff)

Doctor 2: O.K. this is where we? Nurse what are you waiting for.... Get a team in here stat!

Doctor 1: No no its alright i'm eh, handling this (*worried look on face*)


Bryan Singer: Yeah so i told them, prep-time is important give it a few weeks and i'll see if the studio will give me the needed,...?

(Sees Doctor 1, is about to pull out patient's I.V.)

Bryan Singer: MY OLD friend. (Pushes doctor 1 out of the way and assists the crashteam in reviving the patient)

Giant: *cough cough, arggggh*

Doctor 2: Phew! He's alive.

Doctor 1: No he's 'Frakking' dead Jim

Nurse: Who are you anyways?

Doctor 1: Pulls off facemask and is revealed to be? David Eick.

Real Doctor 2: Call security and arrest that man!

Eick: You won't get me. (Runs out the door, manical laughter is heard and it fills the streets, as he smashes into things. steps out into traffic, pushing old ladies over, and generally ranting and raving etc)

Nurse: Just like in the end credits of that crappy.....

Singer: Never mind him, least my old buddy's alright!

Giant: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Real Doctor: Well, he'll be out of it in terms of his senses but he'll come around. Know what year it is son?

Giant: 1979?

Real Doctor: Who's President Of The United States Of America?

Giant: Jimmy Carter, why?

Singer: He'll need some help won't he. Come on old boy we've got things doing don't we!

Read through the metaphors!

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Old August 18th, 2009, 11:56 PM   #524
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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:01 AM   #525
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Glad you liked it. DeSanto/Singer coined it ("The phrase" 'Sleeping Giant'), and i've used it to describe our pain for all these years!


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Old August 19th, 2009, 03:32 AM   #526
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It's been a horribly long road to classic BG's return but I have to say it's been damn great having Colonial Fleets around for a good chunk of that voyage.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 04:36 AM   #527
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by JLHurley View Post
It's been a horribly long road to classic BG's return but I have to say it's been damn great having Colonial Fleets around for a good chunk of that voyage.
Has classic Battlestar Galactica returned though?

It seems like a lot of fans are not really reading the reports and adding 2 and 2 and making 5.

The facts seems to be that Universal has approached Bryan Singer to direct and produce a Galactica feature film and that Glen A. Larson is also a producer.

That's it.

All the rest seems to be speculation. The reports do mention Singer's involvement in the defunct movie of the week for FOX, but there is no indication that he's going to return to that material, in fact the term "reimagination" shows up in reports and that could mean anything.

Stop putting the cart before the horse. This project is in development, a script hasn't been written yet. The development could take years and the project could be cancelled.

It's early days.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 06:47 AM   #528
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

My signature alone, says i've known a BSG movie after 25 to 35 years wouldn't be an exact 70's retread of the original!

Nor should it!

Think its a given Singer while a fan of Battlestar Galactica, he isn't exactly as hardcore about BG as DeSanto is. But thats not to say simply cos a movie incarnation obviously going to need alot of changes to make it work on the big screen past 2010 doesn't mean he'll ditch the core characters, themes or mythos.

Otherwise it wouldn't be BSG at all, reboot or not. And while Moore and co had their turn, its once again Singer's (something he'd return to, wasn't something any of us ever touched upon nor saw coming was it?) when NuBSG ar in production or after he left to do X2. And for the past couple of years on here i've always entertained more alternate versions of BG moreso than anybody else i might say respectfully. Doesn't mean with the recent news we'd all jump the gun, just early excitment is all. Which after what we've gone through i think we're deserved and entitled to be somewhat happy about.

You nor anybody else though can't stop thinking the movie and Bryan Singer won't get most Galactica fans for the moment at least, thinking it'll be more closely related Larson's BG series though, for the meanwhile? Until something new comes down the pipe. allow some fans on here to express themselves how they'd like to. Cos GL didn't hold on to the copyrights for all these years, just to see another RD Moore incarnation neither, even if a thrid version in itself naturally going to have its own voice and appearence different from whats come before etc.

Alright then no massive celebrations til the big ball finally drops on the Galactica movie front news, just everyone keep the 'faith' til then is all.

But once it does though. Expect big changes.

Cos i think, once the news does go our way, this site and its fans ARE in for big changes. And i for one would love to see the place go commercial instead of just merely being a fansite for the old series, when the movie's finally underway!

It'll pay respects to the founders of this place and everyone in it!

Colours might have to change from 'brown to black' as most movie websites are. And have a new spanking animated intro etc. But i'd also love a 'chatroom' to have tons of new voices from aal-new film buffs who openly wanted to see this as much as us fans over the years.

But yeah, its early days, but after all the previous disappointments, did we ever think we'd get this far at all? Originally we wanted a new continuation series. Now it looking like Galactica going the big screen multi-million dollar movie route instead. We're going were BSG TV series peer's (Space 1999, Blake 7, Dr Who) of the 70's haven't even been yet. So why be all somber about it, the fanbase needs to celebrate something. This does prove on some scale that the one season 78 series, was always far more extraordinary than given credit for. If the upcoming news is radically bad, and our disappointment gets even further more annoying at, what we hear coming out, our reactions would only be much more worse than our previous reactions to NuBSG when it started out, to any future news about this BSG film. Then its the studios who unfortunately have to change their investments pretty "FAST" in such a venture before it'll be too late.

Most of the time studios don't listen, but the media and the internet doesn't lie when disappointments are registered on a massive scale and if doesn't pan out. They'd need to fix their mess and win people's back or something. Universal can look back at BSG history and see where the mistakes were made and cracks are. They don't listen, but i refuse to believe that all execs are 'cliched' stupid most of the time (just "ignorant" 90% though) now thats becoming too much of a cliche!

A Battlestar Glactica theatrical movie needs to take alot of time to shape up and build itself properly. I don't like the fact the movie's listed for 2011? Thats way too early if a new film's coming, cos there's no scripts, production sets etc in the planning stages. And it could be in development hell if not careful, your right. But better we hear that Bryan Singer was involved with BSG for a second time than no time at all.

Cos then the demand for that brilliant director to do something worthwhile with the Galactica copyrights and start a possible movie franchise at Universal with BSG, would only vastly be something filmgoers would demand of Singer rather than sit on it wait til he passed or something. Singer to be tapped then passing on BSG yet again would make Universal look like Major League total idiots, and their reputation needs a boost not a downer right now!

We'll see won't we.

Like i said "Third time's a charm!"

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Old August 19th, 2009, 07:09 AM   #529
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by LordStarFyre View Post
Howdy Dawg!!

I'm still hoping that Tom is brought onboard.

As it is, I'm so frigging stoked!! But if we get Glen Larson, Bryan Singer, AND Tom DeSanto ALL on this


OK, I'll try to contain myself....
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Old August 19th, 2009, 08:19 AM   #530
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I've spent a couple of hours reading this entire thread (not all in one sitting, mind you). I have to say that with everything that has transpired over almost 20 pages, I am more proud to be a BSG fan than ever. During these pages I have seen many things. Hope and optimism renewed at the exciting news of this movie with Larsan and Singer (still hoping for DeSanto). Yeah, I know we do not know what this movie will entail yet, but the hope that has sprung forth from this has accomplished a lot. Old faces have returned. Some fans are ready to tell the studios what they want again. Even if it does not accomplish anything, making your voice heard as a consumer and as a fan is always important. A call to build a bridge between the two fan bases as this movie comes. Honest frustration expressed by those who have done fan projects and felt alone, though not fuzzy feel good, provides us with the awareness that we need to support each other and our artistic expressions of Galactica. I think that awareness will strengthen the bonds that are built here. The call to commit to more focused projects as fans expressing our enthusiasm for BSG TOS. This again, gives energy, optimism, and hope.

Reading this thread was wonderful. It brought forth vision, dreams, frustrations, concerns, and hope. The most important thing that I saw happen in this thread was something else. Community and friendship.

We have a shared experience and there is passion behind that sharing once again. I hope we hang onto that no matter what becomes of the movie. There are stories to be told, art to be drawn, and more adventures for the characters of BSG, but they get to be told by us and shared with each other regardless of the movie.

Sorry for the rant, just good to see energy here again. Now, back to my armchair as I listen to the dreams and possibilities.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 11:59 AM   #531
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Putting the moderator hat on:\

I don't think there's any need to start slamming TNS Battlestar Galactica fans (as I am one). This fanboyish need for hostility is felgercarb, and I want it stopped. So what if the fans of the new show are irked that the possibility of a new movie will (most likely) be based on the original series. Being a fan of the original show, this possibility pleases me.

However, as far as I'm concerned, slamming the fans of the new show, and taking some form of pleasure in seeing them perturbed over the latest deveolpments is by extension speaking of, or giving attention to the new show itself, and last time I checked, that was forbidden in the rules of play here at Colonial Fleets.

Since original series fans seem to take pride in supposedly comporting themselves of better character than the new series fans they love to malign....how about putting your money where your mouths are? Right now, you're proving nothing of the sort.

Martok has spoken.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:06 PM   #532
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by martok2112 View Post
Putting the moderator hat on:

I don't think there's any need to start slamming TNS Battlestar Galactica fans (as I am one). This fanboyish need for hostility is felgercarb, and I want it stopped. So what if the fans of the new show are irked that the possibility of a new movie will (most likely) be based on the original series. Being a fan of the original show, this possibility pleases me.

However, as far as I'm concerned, slamming the fans of the new show, and taking some form of pleasure in seeing them perturbed over the latest deveolpments is by extension speaking of, or giving attention to the new show itself, and last time I checked, that was forbidden in the rules of play here at Colonial Fleets.

Since original series fans seem to take pride in supposedly comporting themselves of better character than the new series fans they love to malign....how about putting your money where your mouths are? Right now, you're proving nothing of the sort.

Martok has spoken.
Well Since you obviously directed that at me, 3 times, I'll go ahead and pick up the gauntlet.

Read what I wrote.

Was it directed at the fans, or the Production Staff?


Since defending the TNS has seemingly become a cause dujour, I'll just head on back out.

Thanks for being there Fleets.

LSF Out.....
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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:15 PM   #533
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Don't take the triplicate-ness of the post to heart. I think Martok and I were both trying to kill an accidental duplicate at the same time. I've not done that in eons and my Mac started acting up the instant I tried copying the thread so I wouldn't mangle it. Either that or it was all me doing the triplication. I think what Martock said is just a reminder to all of us, lest we paint all with a brush fit only for a few.

The one thing a remake/reimaging/new direction with an established property insures: someone will not be happy with it and say so vocally.

Drat, Now where did that thread split function go?

edit: dupes are deleted at least in content. I was having some wiggy connections for a bit. Sorry this was sloppier work than usual.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:52 PM   #534
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Indeed, LSF,

My post was intended to occur only once, and my internet connection decided to play havoc with my posting during the process. No triplication was intended.

And....umm...I was NOT defending the new show. I was condemning the insults and derisions being hurled at new series fans by the spiteful comments of other posters, so don't play the self-persecuted victim routine with me. That dog hunts not.

I do not speak for Fleets on any matter except where the rules are being violated in this case. So do not try to make me some figurehead for them. If Fleets is dissatisfied with my comments, then they'll take it up with me.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 01:10 PM   #535
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Boo Hoo...someone is going to be unhappy and that is of no surprise.

So we don't have to yap about it here...here at CF we are celebrating!


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Old August 19th, 2009, 01:45 PM   #536
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by martok2112 View Post
Indeed, LSF,

My post was intended to occur only once, and my internet connection decided to play havoc with my posting during the process. No triplication was intended.

And....umm...I was NOT defending the new show. I was condemning the insults and derisions being hurled at new series fans by the spiteful comments of other posters, so don't play the self-persecuted victim routine with me. That dog hunts not.

I do not speak for Fleets on any matter except where the rules are being violated in this case. So do not try to make me some figurehead for them. If Fleets is dissatisfied with my comments, then they'll take it up with me.
Well, as a Moderator Martok, maybe you should direct your fire at who it's intended.

Does that dog hunt for ya?

However, I'll save you the trouble. I've deleted my posts, as I wouldn't want to offend anyone.......
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Old August 19th, 2009, 02:22 PM   #537
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I've not done that in eons and my Mac started acting up the instant I tried copying the thread so I wouldn't mangle it.
Mac's do not act up Jewels. Just saying. ::tux ducks::

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Old August 19th, 2009, 02:26 PM   #538
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Lord Kingjason,

My memory is fuzzy since it has been so long since I posted here. If we had known each other before, forgive the man with gray hair in his beard. But I wanted you to know that I appreciate your insights and thoughts on things.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 02:31 PM   #539
CDR Kronus' Grandson
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Oh man...Tux you beat me to it! LOL! The problem is near-perfection trying to work in a PC environment...hee hee ::Kronus now ducks::

LSF - Dude, most of us here knew a lot of what you said was tongue in cheek, Martok was just reminding us to keep the topic from flaming the GINO, ah I mean TNS BSG fans.

This way things stay cool between us all...we should be thankful that BSG is being kept alive regardless...although I really like KJ's version the best...I nearly fractured a rib!

Woo Hoo, movie movie movie!
LT Kronus
Blackstar Squadron - Battlestar Galactica Costuming Club
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Galactica the Movie is coming soon!
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Old August 19th, 2009, 02:38 PM   #540
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?


You have an infectious enthusiasm! Keep it up. Hope Jewels does not thwack you too hard. I use Linux (can't afford a Mac on a pastor's salary) so I get the joys of life in a Window's world.

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