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April 13th, 2003, 02:20 PM
OK, I'm starting this one again..... For the new warriors, this is a thread with an on going story. Add to it in the first person and only say what you yourself or a made up character would be doing........

Em walks around the corridors of the ship wondering what had happened. It feels almost like the langoliers have come. She looks for all her friends and the drunken beavers. Em pulls her weapon when she hears a loud crash down the corridor. She advances slowly. as she turns the corridor corner she sees......................

April 13th, 2003, 05:37 PM
Kingfish holding up a large sign which says, "Kingfish for dogcatcher."...............

Flamingo Girl
April 13th, 2003, 06:38 PM
"Dog catcher?" asks FG. "You know what we really need around here is a beaver catcher."

April 13th, 2003, 09:50 PM
Bsg wanders in moping and sniffling a bit. She is looking at the floor and nearly collides with Em. "Sorry," she mumbles as she sinks to the floor. "I'm not having a good day." She looks around to see if the beavers. "Seen Muffit around?"

April 14th, 2003, 07:47 AM
Hi BSG have a cool one on me."

April 14th, 2003, 08:50 AM
Em gives Bsg a hug, "Come on let's see what the galley has for the blas...I programmed the replicator for hot fudge sundies last week. Also Rocky Road....." As they all walk toward the galley, they hear..............

April 14th, 2003, 09:11 AM
Dawg, with a great gnashing of teeth, shred Kingfish's "Kingfish for dogcatcher" sign into a great many tiny, confetti-like pieces, which he then sprinkles over the heads of his friends, while giggling maniacally. This, of course, causes his friends to...

April 14th, 2003, 09:59 AM
Start sneezing uncontrolably....Em gets up and turns on the air intake to suck out the confetti. Unfortunately, that takes the confetti straight to the bridge where they...............

Flamingo Girl
April 14th, 2003, 10:23 AM
......land inthe puddles of ambrosa left over from the last thread and soak it all up, leaving clumps of sticky wet paper everywhere.

April 14th, 2003, 06:56 PM
"Aww thnks Em. Just missing my boyfriend is all that is wrong." Bsg watches Dawg shred Kingfish's sign and reaches into the room behind her. She brings out a tear proof sign and presents it to Kingfish. "Here ya go. Keep on campaigning." :p

April 16th, 2003, 10:05 AM
The drunked beavers ran to the bridge and sucked all the ambrosia out of the confetti. They started staggering around, laughing...suddenly.................

April 16th, 2003, 10:55 AM
newt rises from behind the commander's chair, half a bottle of ambrosia in hand, cigar in the other. "Won this from Starbuck" he says, indicating the cigar, " in a game of..."

April 16th, 2003, 03:26 PM
"Pin the tail on the cylon?", Bsg asks with a gigle. "Where'd Starbuck pin the tail on?"

Flamingo Girl
April 16th, 2003, 06:47 PM
Flamingo Girl limps past.

"Don't ask."

April 16th, 2003, 07:00 PM
Newt turns around and points to his behind. "Right here. He cleaned me out in cards; I exclaimed "Perfect pyramid, my ass!" and he thought it funny to do this. That's ok, what til he sees what I did to his Viper!"

He then takes Kingfis's ripped sign, puts an X through Dog, and writes "Daggit". "This is Galactica, no dogs, just daggits!"

Just then a loud boom echoed through the bridge. "What was that?"

April 17th, 2003, 10:54 AM
everyone turned to the view screen to see.......................

Flamingo Girl
April 17th, 2003, 08:00 PM
The promo for Star Wars: Eppisode XVIII.

April 17th, 2003, 08:08 PM
Bsg tries to control her laughter as she sees the beavers run in with Starbuck's uniform with Starbuck chasing them and yelling. She turns to Em and Kingfish. "Now that's something you don't see everyday", she says as Starbuck flees the room to the cheering and catcalls of the female warriors.

April 18th, 2003, 08:57 PM
*Boxey wanders around the halls after eating a nice sirloin steak and vegeys and a hot fudge sundae looking toward the ground and then bumbs into BSG* "Oops,excuse me Ma'am!" "Had you seen Muffit around I got some mushys I made for him?" "And when are you going to take me for a ride in your viper BSG?" "You been promising me that for a long time." "Looks up at her with so big eyes."

April 18th, 2003, 11:46 PM
When suddenly everyone re-acts to a large explosion on the bridge. Busting through the shaderd pannel and wires exclaims, "I AM CYLON UPGRADE MASTER PILOT SEPT17TH, YOU WILL ALL BE ASSIMILATED...RESISTANCE IS FUTILE MY SPINE IS GLOWING"


April 19th, 2003, 03:51 AM
Bsg had been about to answer Boxey when she was thrown off her feet by the explosion. "Dang beavers, had to be playing in Dr. Wilker's lab again." She gets to her feet and looks around for her friends.

Flamingo Girl
April 19th, 2003, 06:42 PM
Flamingo Girl quickly tosses a bucket of water on Sept17th, thereby short-circuiting him and rusting his joints.

She places him prominately in the hall hoping to attract muffit, to cause further short-circiuting and rusting.

April 20th, 2003, 09:56 AM
With back up circuts coming online and being made from a titanium super alloy polymer that does not rust Sept17th makes it's way back to the bridge...blaster rifle "set for fun"

April 20th, 2003, 05:03 PM
"Sept...didn't we come off the same assembly line?"

Newt pours some of the ambrosia into a glass, setting it near a vent. "Daggits may lik emushies, but they also like to get swaked" he explained as he jumped over some beavers, not understaning why they're there but not sure why he's there as well.

Suddenly another figure walked through the hole caused by the explosion...worse than Lucifer, a worse traitor than Baltar, more evil than Iblis, it's...

April 21st, 2003, 08:47 AM
Bonnie Hammer!!!. Em looks at her in anazement wondering how she got back after they got rid of her the last time.....As Bonnie steps over the drunken beavers, Em notices that there is a glow in her eyes. Em raises her blaster and fires. Bonnie is thrown back against the wall and starts to crackle and short circuit. Em stands over her and shakes her head," Just like her to send in a replacement to do her dirty work. She is such a coward. Suddenly they hear a loud crackle and a bright flash through the hole in the wall......they all turn to see.........

April 21st, 2003, 12:40 PM
William Shatner! "Is this...where..I audition...for Adama?" Bill asks. "Is it going to be big...really big?" Bill Shatner then starts singing "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds as he steps over the drunk beavers to the turbolift. He locks himself in a closet, not realizing there are no turbolifts on this ship.

Newt notices that Hammer's spine is glowing slightly. "Blaster set to "fun"...Newt mutters, and fires a shot at the glowing spine; ceasing its glow.

"I need stronger ambrosia...."

April 23rd, 2003, 07:08 PM
Sept17th gently picks up the body of BonniebroomstickDroid and heads for the lab...blaster rifle "set for fun" stepping on a beaver along the way.

April 28th, 2003, 03:57 PM
Em walks over to William Shatner," Bill, sweetie, You were a good Kirk.......well,......most of the time....but we need someone.....a....little different for Adama....someone with free flowing speech. Why don't you come with me and we'll get some dinner and you can tell me some Star Trek stories....." As they walked down the corridor to find the rest of the crew, they are knocked back by.................

April 28th, 2003, 05:12 PM
a Warp Core breach!

Bill Shatner gestures to Em and says "I'll fix it...no problem..." and proceeds to climb down a ladder, passing Ron Moore on the way. Funny how no one seems to notice Moore; he simply snickers and checks the Eveready battery level in his portable cloaking device.

Invsimoore passes by Newt, who is engaged in a conversation with a beaver over ambrosia, and runs into Sept17 carrying BonnieBroomstickDroid. Sept17 drops BonnieBroomstckDroid, causing her to split in two, revealing...

April 29th, 2003, 07:52 PM
... A large yellow slug, slithering out of a green pod with yellow stripes.

Just then repcisg comes flying into the room on roller skates. Seeing the slug he screams, “Bonnie my pet, there you are! I’ve been worried sick about you.”

With that he rolls up to the droid and scoops out the slimy yellow slug, and heads for the door. As he passes into the hall he is heard to say, “the worms in the manure box have missed you.”

April 30th, 2003, 12:49 PM
After putting Bonnie the Banana slug back in her box, the worms were estatic to see her, he showered (cloths, skates and all – Bonnie loves to slim everything she touches).

Then while still dripping wet he headed for the galley, he had a surprise for the troops in the oven.

Heading for the bridge, on his roller skates, he was carrying three extra large Pizza’s, one in each hand and one balanced on his head. As he neared the bridge he wipped around a corner on one skate and ….

April 30th, 2003, 03:20 PM
tripped over a drunken beaver. Naturally, Kingfish, in his role of ersatz daggit-catcher, had not considered beavers, even drunken ones, as daggit-like enough to catch.

All was not lost, however, for even as the pizzas flew through the air, who should open the door to the bridge but...

April 30th, 2003, 06:59 PM
...Mr. Ed the Horse!!!

Mr. Ed: "Hi! I hear there's a part in the new reimagining for me - Starbuckinbronco! All I have to do is run around in a sports bra and shout "Nay!". In fact, I felt right at home in the board meeting cuz everybody kept saying "Nay" to everything decent anyone suggested!"

"Of course, I mare may not get the part..." :D


May 4th, 2003, 08:36 PM
Bsg walks around muttering to herself about being chewed out by her guy. She flops into a chair in a dark corner of the room. The look on her face discourages the bravest of the beavers to stay away.

May 5th, 2003, 10:10 AM
and, still, repcisg's pizzas are flying through the air, no doubt because there was a small, free-form temporal rift in the corridor. From the center of the rift we hear a faint, British-accented voice saying "make it so".

Behind repcisg comes a shuddering sigh, as if someone's pleasure centers had suddenly become overloaded, then the sound of a body falling; Ron Moore, fainting in his overload of bliss, suddenly materializes as his personal cloaking device is damaged as he falls. Repcisg, of course, is startled, but still doesn't want his pizzas to wind up smeared up and down the corridor and doesn't want to disturb bsg's pensive moment, so...

Flamingo Girl
May 5th, 2003, 08:31 PM
Flamingo Girl races into the bridge, leaping like an outfielder with ballet lessons, and catching all of the pizzas.

Where's the vegetarian pizza?

Finding nothing but meat toppings, she tosses them back at Repcisg and leaves in a huff.

"Seems to me Starbuck was last seen in this direction..."

As she leaves on her quest....

May 5th, 2003, 08:46 PM
...meanwhile 3 daggits and a blind optometrist play their favorite pasttime...

The Beaver Toss!!!

Yes, folks, you've tossed your salads, you've tossed your cookies, but you haven't LIVED till you've tossed your beaver(s)! Just look over your shoulder and HURL one - wait a minute tossing cookies and hurling -- where is my mind??? Oh yeah, I must be thinking of the reimagining again!

Here goes a beaver --> :beaver: --------> "Help!!"

Better get a broom, launchbay 2 is filling up fast...

Okay, this is really silly... where's a mod when you need one... :D


May 5th, 2003, 09:15 PM
Just then Starbuckis seen running nekked through the bridge being chased by Bonnie Hammer and her team of plastic surgeons. "Hey guys, we gotta save Starbuck from them or he'll be a lady for sure!" She springs to her feet and runs between the fleeing warrior and his pursuers. "Not so fast you sicko's. Leave Starbuck alone!#

May 12th, 2003, 01:25 PM
Although glad to see that bsg had recovered from her pensive moment, Dawg (thanks to his almost superhuman speed and reflexes) is quick to see that bsg would quickly be overmatched by this Bonnie Hammer and the team of plastic surgeons (who could easily attach a certain prosthetic to bsg and turn her into a male with the callsign "bsg").

Dawg leaps into the air, carrying a large salt shaker, and waves it in the face of this Bonnie Hammer, remembering what repcisg had found in the last one. The plastic surgeons all ran away (making soft, squishing noises as they ran), but this Bonnie Hammer simply laughed.

Just as Dawg and bsg were about to draw their lasers, ...

May 12th, 2003, 05:07 PM
Kingfish enters the room and says, "Where is OWD. I believe he is missing."

May 12th, 2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Muffit
...meanwhile 3 daggits and a blind optometrist play their favorite pasttime...

The Beaver Toss!!!

Yes, folks, you've tossed your salads, you've tossed your cookies, but you haven't LIVED till you've tossed your beaver(s)! Just look over your shoulder and HURL one - wait a minute tossing cookies and hurling -- where is my mind??? Oh yeah, I must be thinking of the reimagining again!

Here goes a beaver --> :beaver: --------> "Help!!"

Better get a broom, launchbay 2 is filling up fast...

Okay, this is really silly... where's a mod when you need one... :D


:laugh: This thread is too funny.

June 10th, 2003, 05:55 AM
Em comes out of her quarters and looks down the corridor.....all is quiet....to quiet for this crew.....where is everybody......Suddenly she hears scurrying around the corner and when she turns to look she is knocked off of her feet by the drunken beaver Harry, being chased by.........................

June 10th, 2003, 08:16 AM
Kingfish, who had finally decided drunken beavers were daggit-like enough to catch. Or, at least try to catch. He wasn't having much success because, in an attempt to lure them into his trap, he matched them drink for drink of ambrosa and now wasn't in much better shape than they were.

As they skidded around the corner, Kingfish lost his balance (again) and ran into....

June 25th, 2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by newt
a Warp Core breach!

Bill Shatner gestures to Em and says "I'll fix it...no problem..." and proceeds to climb down a ladder, passing Ron Moore on the way. Funny how no one seems to notice Moore; he simply snickers and checks the Eveready battery level in his portable cloaking device.

Invsimoore passes by Newt, who is engaged in a conversation with a beaver over ambrosia, and runs into Sept17 carrying BonnieBroomstickDroid. Sept17 drops BonnieBroomstckDroid, causing her to split in two, revealing...

Shatner looks at Moore and says, "You are the guy that killed me not once but twice. Get a life, bring me back."


June 29th, 2003, 12:22 AM
At which point, RDM belches massively, filling the entire corridor with the reek of rancid Romulan Ale...

Flamingo Girl
June 29th, 2003, 01:13 PM
...which had a strange effect on the beavers. Without warning, they turn into vicious man-eating monsters and begin attacking RDM. In less than a minute they have reduced him to a small puddle and a few bone fragments.

Having satisfied their bloodlust, they fall into a deep and peacefull sleep.

June 30th, 2003, 07:33 AM
Em looks at FG and smiles. Em runs down the corridor looking for Bonnie while FG gets a bottle of Romulan Ale..... :thumbsup:

Flamingo Girl
July 1st, 2003, 10:31 AM
Good idea.

*grabs a funnel*

July 1st, 2003, 11:13 AM
Em opens doors as she walks down the hall quietly calling...."B O N N I E...where are you my little destroyer of shows"...suddenly she hears...............................

Flamingo Girl
July 2nd, 2003, 11:20 AM
...the sound of vomiting beavers.

July 9th, 2003, 07:17 AM
That have run into Bonnie. They looked at her and couldn't hold their ambrosia any longer...Bonnie just stood there with fermemted ambrosia all over and in her shoes. Em stops and has a sudden feeling of empathy....luckily it passes quickly and she starts to laugh.....suddenly...........................

July 9th, 2003, 07:00 PM
And then the real fans of the REAl thing upchuck on her shoes?

Flamingo Girl
July 9th, 2003, 10:11 PM
I think something got lost here...

July 10th, 2003, 07:28 AM
(back on track) suddenly...... Em jumped out of the way of all the real fans upchucking on Bonnie's shoes.......... then the ship started to shake. Em looked around to FG and Semnut and she grabbed FG's arm and started running to command control. When they arrived they saw.......................

July 13th, 2003, 01:17 AM
They saw Senmut getting ready to shoot Bonnie out the airlock!!!!!

Flamingo Girl
July 13th, 2003, 03:01 PM
Althoug she knew it was wrong, FG couldn't bring herself to stop Senmut, and simply stood watching.

July 13th, 2003, 05:14 PM
Whooooooosh. Bonnie flies away helplessly as the entire gang sings, "Bon Voyage Bonnie."

July 13th, 2003, 06:13 PM
Em turns to the others," Didn't we do this already? How did she find her way back.... What is it going to take to get her to go away?" As they closed the airlock they hear a loud crash...they turn to see......................

Flamingo Girl
July 13th, 2003, 07:33 PM
...Bonnie Hammer chasing Starbuck through the halls with a cleaver.

"Oh no!" shouts FG, "she's a human Droopy...or whatever the name of that sad little cartoon dog was!"

FG then takes off after her, squirting her with Romulan ale.

July 13th, 2003, 07:45 PM
"Yes, it was Droopy," Dawg yells as he avoids the spray of Romulan Ale (which is available, by the way, at The Star Trek Experience in the Las Vegas Hilton), as he cracks his Indiana Jones bullwhip, wrapping the end around Bonnie's ankle. He pulled, which caused....

July 14th, 2003, 06:47 AM
Bonnie to go flying through the air and landing on................

July 17th, 2003, 11:30 AM
all of the drunken beavers. They picked her up and took her to the brig. Em said thoughtfully, I think we need to call the federation. I think there is a bounty on her and they want her back for behavorial modification. I feel sorry for her in a way, She actually thinks she is doing a good job...To bad she works for a bunch of boobs...and that is probably all they are looking at anyway.... Em turns to go to get a cup of hot tea to soothe her nerves. As she walks up to Flamingo Girl, they turn to see.................................................

July 18th, 2003, 11:33 AM
... Harry and Gnawty beaver having a tiff.

Harry: "What do you mean, "flight of stairs"? I've heard of flights of sparrows and flights of aircraft, but since when do stairs fly?"

Gnawty: "Aaargh! Ok, can I be frank?"

Harry: "No, your name is Gnawty"

Gnawty: "Sheesh! Are you sure you've got all your oars in the water?"

Harry: "I feel fine. How oar you?"

Gnawty: "Never mind! I'd be better off talking to that flight of stairs!"

Harry: "There you go again with the flying stairs..."

[The good-natured argument trials off into mumbling as they walk off down the hall and a flight of stairs -- err, but they're not flying -- err... heck with it!!!


July 18th, 2003, 01:58 PM
Em walks quietly behind the beavers tickled at their banter. They turn the corner and run into.............................

July 18th, 2003, 02:15 PM
Dawg, who was rubbing the bump on his head he got from a stair when he was trying to avoid a whole flight of them in the corridor. So, they were completely surprised when, barrelling around the opposite corner at a full run, came....

July 28th, 2003, 08:36 PM
Sire Uri, with a scantily-clad babe on each arm, and a jug or grog in each hand!

July 28th, 2003, 09:21 PM
One of the scantily clad ladies, whom was named "2 out of 3", notices Dawg's injury and rushes over to help. Meanwhile, a newt named Neener scurries past shouting in a tiny voice, "I lost my mind, I lost my mind! Where the heck is it?"

Muffit wonders how anyone who is missing their mind can be consciously aware of the fact...


July 28th, 2003, 09:59 PM
Em walks in and trips over Neener and slides across the floor. She slides to a halt and looks up and sees..........

July 28th, 2003, 10:22 PM
FG decides to order sixty cases of Romulan Ale, and heads for the nearest telecom unit...

July 29th, 2003, 07:21 AM
Dawg trip over Senmut, who is wandering aimlessly, muttering to himself, completely oblivious to what's going on around him. Dawg is beginning to wonder if being here isn't dangerous to his health, but he lands on the scantily clad 2 of 3, who breaks his fall and spares him further serious injury. After a momentary thrill, though, Dawg notices 2 of 3 is now emitting sparks from her left ear, and her eyes are rolling like slot machine reels. Dawg wonders what would happen if sevens rolled up.....

But Dawg's ruminations are interrupted by a herd of drunken beavers, who had obvously escaped Kingfish,.......

July 29th, 2003, 01:36 PM
The REAAAAAAAAAAAAL Barbie ...(OOPS) I mean Bonnie
hammer .........coming through A hole in the wall with the twenty something blonde haired red eyed CYLON tramp her back already glowing. Shuttle pilot shining star (who has just given her report to COlonel TIgh )...casually throws her banana peal underneath their feet.
They then slide across the floor ...........as Colonel Tigh scratches his
head and says ...............................

July 29th, 2003, 01:45 PM
"Those blasted drunken beavers again. Look at them go, sliding across the floor," which did not make the drunken beavers very happy, since they prefer ambrosa to banana daquiries, anyway, and being slid into a wall was not high on thier list of happy times even if they did have a Bonnie Hammer to cushion their impact.

So they threw up on her and the twentysomething seven-of-nine clone with the glowing spine, which instantly shorted out both of them, and their eyes started rolling like slot machine wheels as they shot sparks out of their ears.

Dawg wondered what the jackpot would be if they all wound up sevens.

So, thanking the drunken beavers, Dawg left. As he did, he ran into....

July 29th, 2003, 03:40 PM
Em getting up off the floor. She got a broom and dust pan and started sweeping up the remnents of the women scattered on the floor, before the drunken beavers could snatch them and reconfigure them for slaves to make moonshine ambrosia. Just as she was sweeping up the last pieces she saw................

July 29th, 2003, 09:04 PM
...Neener the newt toiling under the weight of a huge keg of alka seltzer for the beavers.

Gnawty: "Ah! Fizzies!!!"

The beavers get all set to down the seltzer when suddenly...

July 30th, 2003, 06:31 AM
there was a loud crash down the corridor. Em jumped up and grabbed Muffit and ran down the corridor. They slid to a stop in front of..........

July 30th, 2003, 09:23 AM
Ron Moore .........who was trying to figure away off
of the OG3 FIASCO that HE helped to create. His
eyes Opened wide as EM Jumped up and grabbed
his .....................

July 30th, 2003, 03:40 PM
Arm. With the help of Amberstar they made it to the brig with prisioner Moore in tow. Col. Tigh saw the pair and gave the order to....

July 30th, 2003, 05:21 PM
Execute Ron Moore as he vigoursely shook Amberstar's hand
and gave Her a big Promotion to VIPER PILOT.

July 30th, 2003, 05:30 PM
Meanwhile, a talking gecko and an annoying (but funny) duck entered the hall:

Gecko: "How about switching car insurance?"
Duck: "AFLAC!!!!"

July 31st, 2003, 06:00 AM
They turned as the Gieco squirrel tripped Em as she started to laugh. Em looked up to see............

July 31st, 2003, 07:24 AM
The Taco bell dog ........for once unable to speak!

July 31st, 2003, 07:29 AM
Em stood up and smiled," You look just like my little pup...and she can't talk either"...Em scoops up the Taco bell dog and starts walking to the galley to see if there is any tacos around as she looks back at her friends she sees............

July 31st, 2003, 11:48 AM
...Muffit musing about something funny. My spouse had a meeting at work and the AFLAC company presented their insurance. But it was so funny, they couldn't get two words in without someone in the audience yelling "AFLAC!" in a duck-like voice, after which the room would break out in laughter.

The duck picks up the gecko and climbs on the taco bell dog's back. They all waddle off down the hallway toward the successful advertising transport...


July 31st, 2003, 11:57 AM
As Dawg follows, muttering, "Yo Qierro Duck Tacos," all the while licking his lips, and, since it was very close to lunchtime, ....

July 31st, 2003, 04:24 PM
He headed for the duck which screamed and ran behind........

July 31st, 2003, 05:47 PM
Goosing him every chance the duck got. Commander
Adama saw Ron Moore Running toward him with a wild, frantic
look in his eyes ..........and blithely stepped aside and
laughed as the duck once again GOOSED Ron moore as he
continued to run down the hall screaming like a girl.

July 31st, 2003, 08:05 PM
Adama was amused at the sight of Moore in his perplexing situation. Adama turned to Em and Amberstar, who both were watching with glee, and said...

August 1st, 2003, 12:53 PM
Well we got the show ........Hey Shining star .....
He said to the newly appointed warrior ......buried in
MOUNDS of paper work that the other
"warriors" neglected to do ................
why don't you take a break and join us for lunch?
"Certainly", shining star said as she finally came
out from UNDER all the work at her desk. They
all moved toward the mess hall when.....................

August 1st, 2003, 07:26 PM
Starbuck rounded the corner counting a handful of cubits. Obviously he'd been up to his old habbits again. He ran right into the commander, cubits flew everywhere....

August 2nd, 2003, 08:07 AM
Hitting Shining star on the head and rendering her
unconscious. Amberstar gave Starbuck a angry
look as both she and Commander Adama Rushed
to Aid SHining star only to see ..............................................

August 2nd, 2003, 08:27 AM
Baltar walking up the ramp side by side with two Cylons!

August 2nd, 2003, 04:15 PM
...Little did anyone know, there were BEAVERS inside those Cylon suits :beaver: :beaver:. Yes, hideously evil (yet somehow likeable) stinky hairy beavers with nasty pointy teeth!

Beaver/Cylon1: "Where d'they keep the ambrosia stashed? I gotta hankerin'!"

Beaver/Cylon2: "Shhh! Quiet Clyde! Baltar thinks we're Cylons! Follow the trail of dried beaver vomit and that otta lead us straight to it!"


August 2nd, 2003, 08:27 PM
Everyone looked in dismay to see such evil aboard the Galatica.
"How did they get past security", shouted Adama! Then they saw a cylon stagger and.....

August 3rd, 2003, 04:04 PM
fall on his own weapon as he pulled the trigger.
Amberstar quickly drew her weapon and bought down all but
two of the FIlthy creatures as Starbuck and APollo came in and fired .......................as the cylons continued
to advance on Amberstar who's weapon then JAMMED

August 3rd, 2003, 04:37 PM
Amberstar was busy uttering frack and other comments under her breath, due to her rather worthless weapon! When Shiningstar and Apollo took out the remaining cylons. Now Baltar stood facing his arch rival Adama............

August 3rd, 2003, 06:43 PM
shining star .....moved her weapon up to shoot baltar but
Amber star who had been NEWLY appointed a warrior said .....as she put her hand on shinining star's arm... Don't
worry as much weight as Baltar put on .......................
Adama can take him!" Baltar heard Amberstar's remark and
red faced turned to face her .........Just as ADAMA .............

August 3rd, 2003, 06:56 PM
lunged towrd Baltar. Adama was filled with burning anger of many yarns past. All the evil Baltar had handed the human race Adama was going to make him pay. His hands felt like Iron grips around Baltar's neck, suffocating the life slowly from his enemy. Baltar gasped for breath as Shinningstar.............

August 3rd, 2003, 06:58 PM
Gosh I didnt check my spelling ..........sorry

August 3rd, 2003, 06:59 PM
lunged toward Baltar. Adama was filled with burning anger of many yahrens past. All the evil Baltar had handed the human race - Adama was going to make him pay. His hands felt like Iron grips around Baltar's neck, suffocating the life slowly from his enemy. Baltar gasped for breath as Shinningstar.............

August 3rd, 2003, 07:09 PM
Quickly called security and clapped BALTAR in Irons.
Adama was still furious and Shiningstar stood there
waiting for Comander Adama's reaction ..............
hoping that he wouldn't clap her in irons too for
stopping him from killing Baltar ..........

August 3rd, 2003, 07:17 PM
Commander Adama quickly gathered his emotions and jestured the group onward toward the dining area. you could feel the tension in the air, finally Apollo spoke.........

August 3rd, 2003, 07:50 PM
"Sttttttttarrrrrrrbuck LOOK OUT!" Starbuck had swaggered
into the dining hall with YET another handful of cubits that
he WON from various 'sources'. Starbuck who was not looking
where he was going tripped over Apollo's feet sending cubits
barrelling directly toward Adama and Shining star. Shiningstar
who learned quickly from her mistakes not only dodged the cubits successfully but pulled Adama out of the way making
the cubit headed straight toward his head miss him entirely by scant scentars.........

August 5th, 2003, 04:05 PM
...and just as suddenly, Gnawty and Harry Beaver head for the stage at the front of the dining area, mikes in hand.

Harry: "If Steve Wong marries Sally Wong and they have a kid, what race will it be?"

Gnawty: "Anything except Caucasian"

Harry: "How can you be so sure?"

Gnawty: "Simple! Two Wongs don't make a white!"


August 5th, 2003, 04:15 PM
"Booo!" everyone heard Dawg say from his corner table, where he was enjoying a tankard of ale, out of range of the beavers, flying cubits, and flights of stairs that seemed to be running rampant. There was a genuinely pained expression on his face because of the quality of the beaver's joke, so he took a long swig of his ale, and then...

August 5th, 2003, 04:41 PM
...Incidentally, if the beavers' joke is to anyone in any way offensive, Muffit sincerely apologizes...

August 5th, 2003, 04:48 PM
Dawg "booo"s again, but was offended only by of the quality of the joke, not the subject matter. But then, Dawg's a WASP-type guy, anyway, who likes his bourbon, and ale (but not necessarily together).

So, he takes a long swig of his ale and....

August 5th, 2003, 08:18 PM
Amberstar joins him, with ambrosia in hand. Too much excitement for one day aboard the Battlestar........

August 5th, 2003, 08:43 PM
As shining star is once again buried deep beneath
yet ANOTHER mound of PAPER work ..........
Have a COUPLE for Me Amberstar she says as
Amberstar and Dawg walk out the door and
she is trapped with MUFFIT and Muffit's Jokes.

August 5th, 2003, 08:45 PM

August 5th, 2003, 09:00 PM
Lol Shiningstar!:D

August 5th, 2003, 09:02 PM
Shiningstar kept working and working and working and
working ...........Keeping her pen at the ready in case
Muffit had any more beaver jokes ................;)

August 6th, 2003, 06:04 AM
Em sits down with the group and has a hot saki. She just gets comfortable when suddenly.................

August 6th, 2003, 08:02 PM
Red alert sounds! Adama goes toward the bridge, while the rest of the gang heads to the launch bay............

August 6th, 2003, 09:14 PM
"Incoming salmon!" yells a frantic Rigel over the comm.

Yes, it was true, red and green salmon were pummeling the besieged battlestar.

"Load lasers with tartar sauce immediately!" commanded Adama.

Tigh sighed, "Sorry Commander, the beavers ate it all with rack of lamb last night"


Tigh: "I know it must be hard to believe commander"

Adama: "Absolutely! Nobody eats lamb with tartar sauce!!!"

Our friends watch helplessly as a particularly stinky and slimy salmon heads straight for the viewscreen.

Adama: "Positive shield NOW!!!"

Rigel: "Um, sir, can't we have a negative shield just once? All this positive talk is depressing me..."

The salmon approaches unabated...


August 8th, 2003, 10:35 PM
Amberstar helps to rig up a huge fishing net.... actually several fishing nets with the aid of Dr.Wilker to stuff in all of the Galatica's lasers. In an attempt to battle the salmon attack force ......... Meanwhile back on the bridge tension is mounting...........

August 11th, 2003, 08:23 AM
As Shining star freshly rested after her jog Fully CLOTHED through the lower corriders of the Gallactica had returned to
duty praying not to hear any more beaver jokes from MUFFIT!

August 13th, 2003, 07:44 PM
Muffit quickly entered the bridge and not finding shining star
there was Chasing her through the lower corriders of the
Galactica .............

August 13th, 2003, 08:30 PM
...trying to tell her another beaver joke.

Muffit: "You see, these 3 beavers went into a bar..."

Suddenly a tipsy beaver appears.
Tipsy: "Thar ya go again <hic>. Always putting boovers in a barf.... err...<hic> actually, it goes like, there were 2 otters in a glass and one says to t'other 'How'd ya get here?' And she replies, 'In my Ottermotive'"

Even Muffit growls at that one...:D


August 13th, 2003, 09:28 PM
Amberstar ready for duty enters the bridge where she walks in on the punchline of muffit's beaver/Otter joke and smiles then starts to laugh, and laugh. A good way to start your shift!
:D :D :D :D :D

August 13th, 2003, 10:04 PM
Shining star who is starting to appreciate Muffit's sense of
humour ........is also laughing hysterically as she finally
settles down and starts to do her shift with Amberstar and
Colonel Tigh as Commander Adama leaves the bridge with
a sudden headache ;)

August 15th, 2003, 08:03 PM

August 15th, 2003, 08:25 PM
Muffit smiles at amberstar and shiningstar :).

Then they notice 14 beavers ripping apart all the crew mattresses, trying to extract their innards.

Suddenly, the beavers all shout at once:
Beavers: "Guess what time it is???"


And they throw all the mattress springs into the air and shout:


August 16th, 2003, 03:59 AM
:D :D :D

August 16th, 2003, 09:38 AM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

August 24th, 2003, 07:18 PM
:upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck: :upchuck:

August 25th, 2003, 07:47 PM
RED alert is still blasting and not one single viper has launched!
Tigh is heading toward the launch bay when Amberstar and others arrive first! Just microns ahead of him!
" I'd rather face the enemy in a viper than Tigh when he is angry!"


August 26th, 2003, 02:10 PM
Suddenly amberstar sees 2 beavers running past toward the launch tubes, arguing furiously:

Gnawty Beaver: "I tell you the name is obvious!"

Harry Beaver: "What do you mean???"

Gnawty: "Colonial means, 'of or pertaining to the colon'!"

Harry: "You're high on Tylium fumes! So you're trying to tell me that
Colonial Fleets is a site about butt stuff???"

Gnawty: "Well, you gotta admit, us beavers are a pain in the aaa- er, behind!!!" <Hey, it's a family show after all :)>

The argument tapers off into silence as they run toward the launch bay...



August 26th, 2003, 03:39 PM
Repcisg, standing by a Viper sees the Beavers walk by, then checks the bottom of his boots.

August 26th, 2003, 05:05 PM
Em smiles and hands him a cloth to wipe off any beaver residual. Em climbs into her viper to start her patrol when Harry beaver jumps............

August 26th, 2003, 07:25 PM
up on Shining Star who has just survived Muffit singing
3000000 choruses of 3000000000 beavers on the

August 26th, 2003, 08:08 PM
Amberstar shakes her head seeing the beaver jump . Poor Shiningstar has been through a lot today and it isn't even noon yet!

August 30th, 2003, 12:27 PM
Amberstar is ready to launch when suddenly red alert stops.
What the frack is going on here? Everyone is at a loss for words.
Then we hear Commander Adama's voice over unicom...

August 30th, 2003, 01:12 PM
Adama: "Stand down from Red Alert! Our intoxicated beavers have dammed up the space river the incoming salmon were using to hit us with! Huzzah for the beavers!!!"

Tigh: "You meana the dangera is overa?"

Adama: "Yes Tigh"

Tigh: "Becausa the beaversa made adama?"

Adama: "Where do you get good help these days??? Sheesh!"

Beavers: "Bring on the AMBROSIA!!!! We're comin' in!"

Muffit: "Quick! Hide the hard stuff!!! Hey, do we got any Near-Beaver?" :D

:beaver: :beaver: :beaver:

August 30th, 2003, 02:07 PM
That's one we owe to the beaver squad! (Can't believe I just said that).
The first round is on me. I think we all are going to need a cold one!
Amberstar walks away toward the lounge with Sninningstar, and Em. To find Muffit and Repcsig sitting at a corner table..

August 30th, 2003, 02:07 PM
Amberstar and SHiningstar walked on to the bridge for
their shift ......Only too be trampled by several
rampaging Beavers .........................

September 3rd, 2003, 07:56 PM
Amberstar is working on a pile of paperwork trying to concentrate, but thoes beavers are making it hard to work.....

September 6th, 2003, 04:25 PM
Two beavers are sitting at a corner table, kidding around...

First Beaver: "What did the beaver say to the log?"
Second Beaver: "I have no idea"
First Beaver: "It's been nice gnawing you"

Second Beaver: "That's knot funny" :)
:beaver: :beaver:

September 6th, 2003, 04:32 PM
They continued:

First Beaver: "Two beavers were in a doctor's waiting room. The girl beaver was softly sobbing. "Why are you crying?" asked the boy beaver.

"I'm here for a blood test, and they're going to cut my finger," said the girl beaver.

When he heard this, the boy beaver started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" asked the girl beaver.

The boy beaver looked at her worriedly and said, "I'm here for a urine test."

:beaver: :D :beaver:

September 6th, 2003, 05:49 PM
Muffit :D

September 27th, 2003, 02:18 PM
Em walks down the darkened corridor listening to the echo of her boots on the floor. So quiet and lonely. She walks into the launch bay climbs up on her viper and looks around. Where did everybody go? Suddenly out in the corridor she hears.....................

September 28th, 2003, 07:09 AM
the sound of footsteps. She climbs down from her viper, pulls her sidearm and investigates. She walks out into the corridor, but no one is there. Could it be that she wanted to hear someone? She closes her eyes and smiles as she remembers her friends and the laughter and happy times. Has all of the animosity of the trolls and the mimi series taken all the happy times away? Em opens her eyes as a tear rolls down her cheek. She wipes away the tear and forces herself to smile. A voice is heard down the corridor. Em turns to see..........

September 28th, 2003, 10:31 AM
Dawg, who grins and waves - then his eyes grow wide and he points down the corridor

"Beavers," he whispers. "Drunken Beavers....."

"Have you seen Kingfish lately?"

September 28th, 2003, 12:59 PM
Em tiptoes over to Dawg and gives him a hug and a kiss, "So good to see you sweetpea. I thought we had been lost forever. Now let's go wake the drunken beavers....Kingfish is arpound someplace, probably making sure Bonnie doesn't get back in the airlock" As they walk down the corridor they hear the snores of the drunken beavers. As the snoring gets louder they hear..........

September 28th, 2003, 04:16 PM
...the beavers talking in their sleep.

Sleeping Beaver #1: "Six! I'm on Oriental! I'll buy it!"

Sleeping Beaver #2: "You can't buy it, it's mine and I have a hotel. That'll be $550!"

Sleeping Beaver #3: "I thought a six put you on Community Chest?"

Sleeping Beaver #2: "Nah, you're thinking of his wife's nickname. They call her the community chest cuz she'll bare all for half a cubit."

Sleeping Beaver #3: "Twelve! I hit the mush pot! Gimme, gimme money!"

Sleeping Beaver #1: "What are you on??? We call it a mush pot cuz you get mushies when you land on it!"

Sleeping Beaver #2: "Four, I'm on B & O! I'll..."

Sleeping Beaver #1: "Yeah, you got BO alright. Go take a shower!!!"

The sleeping beaver conversation fades off into the night...

:beaver: :beaver: :beaver:

September 29th, 2003, 05:05 AM
Em doesn't have the heart to wake them up. It has been so long since there was this much quiet on the ship. Em leads Dawg and muffit to the galley to get some breakfast. When the door opens.................

September 29th, 2003, 06:33 PM
There are more drunken Beavers carrying a very
bewildered Shining star along the corrider

October 6th, 2003, 08:28 PM
Amberstar, taking a break from the stress of working on the bridge finds Shinningstar in trouble. She reacts and takes her friend away from the drunk beavers and heads back to the cafe as quickly as she can.
In the confusion the drunken beavers burst loudly into song.........

October 7th, 2003, 07:13 AM
"I love you, you love me,"

October 7th, 2003, 04:23 PM
Em quickly shuts the Cafe doors and locks them to keep out the singing beavers..."Man, those guys can really grate the nerves. I feel like the only solitude I have is in my viper....speaking of which, I am due for patrol..." As Em opens the Cafe door there is a loud............

October 15th, 2003, 06:55 PM
Roaring sound heard over the unicom.
For a micron Amberstar looks up from her station on the bridge and sees what appears to be a large object infront of the Galactica's main viewer, then in an instant it is gone.
Apollo anounces red alert and all vipers prepare to launch.......

October 15th, 2003, 07:11 PM
Em looks around and calls to Amberstar on the bridge" Come-on! we need to launch now!" Em climbs into her viper waiting for Amberstar and the other warriors to arrive as she flips the switch and hears her engines roar there is a flash of bright light. Em is blinded for a moment. She hears...........

October 15th, 2003, 07:23 PM
the Beavers are still singing. Quickly, Em turns off the unicom, pops open the canopy and gets out of the Viper. Ever since that bright flash of light, she just hasn't felt quite right. She turns to head out of the launch bay when.........

October 15th, 2003, 08:16 PM
Dawg comes running up. "Woof," he says, looking very perplexed.


October 16th, 2003, 04:18 AM
They hear a loud crash behind the launch bay doors. They run to see...........

October 16th, 2003, 10:35 AM
A humongous ice sculpture of a urinating beaver crashing to the floor, carved at great lengths by the throng of drunken beavers...


October 16th, 2003, 02:22 PM
BST comes barrelling down the corridor, after hearing the loud crash in the launch bay, thinking "what could have possibly happened now?" He slows his approach when he sees Em, Dawg, and Muffit standing in the corridor, doubled over in laughter. He cautiously approaches them, not knowing what to expect then, he sees the sculpture......

October 16th, 2003, 04:37 PM
Amberstar isn't far behiend BST and finally catches up to the group.
(It's a long trip from the bridge).
She can see everyone laughing hysterically and finally notices the broken
beaver sculpture.
"About time that thing fell over", she thought.
Suddenly the Comander.............

October 16th, 2003, 05:08 PM
Kingfish says, "Anyone for Beaver stew?" :beaver: :laugh:

October 20th, 2003, 05:30 PM
Geez no one wants beaver stew. Okay how about beaver pelts? WooWoo."

October 20th, 2003, 06:12 PM
Well, I'm certainly glad Kingfish has returned to his job of Daggit (and Beaver) Catcher. Now to keep him out of the beavers' ambrosia!

But ... Beaver Stew?

Is it tasty?

I am

October 20th, 2003, 06:14 PM
"Bever Pelts sound good to me"! Amberstar and group started shaking their heads in complete agreement.
Suddenly, the beavers ran away as quickly as they could!

October 23rd, 2003, 01:47 PM
Yes, we could line our viper seats with the fur...wait...what am I talking about. I don't have the heart to hurt the beavers. They are so cute, even if they are annoying.....I think we ought to put them in the holadeck and let them sing whenever they want to.*Em stops and remembers that they don't have holadecks*...oppps, then where was I the other night....suddenly a loud crash startles her...she turns to see..........

November 2nd, 2003, 06:56 PM
Even if the beavers ARE singing, I don't give a dam!

November 3rd, 2003, 03:31 PM
LOL.....well, then you can catch them.... These guys are not about to give up their lives easily. They like to drink to much..... Em looks down the hall toward faint sounds of singing, suddenly an explosion rocks the ship. They run to see.................

November 3rd, 2003, 05:12 PM
The beavers chasing OWD down the corridor.....................

November 3rd, 2003, 09:35 PM
dragging half-empty bottles of ambrosia behind them. OWD, of course, was yelling for Kingfish the daggit-catcher, but...

November 3rd, 2003, 11:51 PM
...he had been tackled by Muffit, who was busy clamping down on his throat, and sniffing for mushies.

November 4th, 2003, 04:16 PM
Can't get enough of them mushies... :)


November 4th, 2003, 06:46 PM
Amberstar and Muffit help OWD stand up . While the beavers and Muffit continue their search for mushies else where, Red alert sounds once again......

November 4th, 2003, 07:05 PM
...and one of the beavers, hiccuping, suggests:

"Can't we just call it Red Eye Alert?"

:D :beaver:

November 4th, 2003, 07:15 PM
"you know the cooks spiked the mushies again. They found about half of them had plantvapor in them" Deckape said as he
watched drunk beavers and aww frack grabs a mushie.

November 5th, 2003, 06:02 PM
Em walks down the corridor, hoping the rest don't confuse her stash of ambrosia with mushies.As she checks her hiding place she hears......................

November 6th, 2003, 12:14 AM
"Reach fer the bulkhead support beams, y'all, or I'll ventilate ya's!"

November 6th, 2003, 08:13 PM
Em turns to see who made such a statement and would actually believe that anyone would do that these days.....she is surprised to see...............

November 8th, 2003, 03:06 AM

November 8th, 2003, 05:54 PM
:p lol...Em runs over to Senmut and gives him a big :kiss: before running him down :hack: with the drunken :beaver: Em stops short and decides to buy Senmut a :beer: but then remembers what happens everytime they drink together :upchuck: As they settle in for :milk: and :oreo: they hear...............

November 8th, 2003, 07:40 PM
...the theme to Battlestar Galactica...their hearts swell...their ears tingle...even the beavers are hushed into silence, listening with awe...

Stu Phillips, you are amazing...


November 9th, 2003, 05:58 AM
The Beavers stop drinking and start dancing...
:beaver: :beaver: :beaver: :beaver: :beaver: :beaver: :beaver: Em pulls up a chair to watch with Muffit....suddenly a drunken beaver runs down the corridor screaming..................

November 9th, 2003, 11:21 AM

November 9th, 2003, 09:28 PM
Senmut, deciding that being in proximity to Em is preferable to a bunch of beavers, buys another round of ambrosia-soaked mushies, and challenges her to a game of strip-ambrosia.

November 10th, 2003, 04:17 AM
Amberstar, Just getting back from deep space patrol, thanks Senmut for the mushies.
After a mission like that some time in the cafe is way over due! She turns to see Baltar chasing a screaming beaver down the halway of the Galactica and into the cafe..........

November 10th, 2003, 09:24 AM

Baltar: "Give me back my chin spotlight you beaver! How can I look menacing with ambient lighting???"

Beaver: "Neener, neener, neener!"

...They run off down the hallway...


November 11th, 2003, 07:39 PM
Crashing into POOOOOOOR Squadron Leader Shining star
forcing her to swallow her inhaler that Dr. Salik told her to use
without fail. As she is choking and gasping for air she
manages to shout.............. I TOLD YOU TO TELL ME
BEAVER JOKES ............NOT SEND THE "BEAVERS" INTO ME ................<GASP>
cough cough <GASP>

November 12th, 2003, 02:43 PM
Em smiles at Senmut knowing that she has never lost a game of strip Ambrosia....she looks around wondering where the beavers went, seeing that it had suddenly gotten very quiet. Suddenly they hear a distant beaver voice yelling..............

November 12th, 2003, 07:26 PM
Beaver: "I speak whaaaaaaaaaaaaale!!!"

November 13th, 2003, 01:24 AM
Senmut, downing the 55th grog-soaked mushies, doesn't CARE if Em has never lost. It's the game that counts!

November 13th, 2003, 02:55 PM
Em sits next to Senmut and eats his last mushie...she looks over at Muffit and winks.....suddenly...................

November 13th, 2003, 09:09 PM
Muffit winks back, and the diemdodied voice of Count Ib...Beaver, sats..."Go!"

November 14th, 2003, 03:13 PM
Em jumps up and hurries down the corridor. She remembers the last time she witnessed that. As she turned the corner of the corridor, she ran into....................

November 14th, 2003, 06:42 PM
...a Thanksgiving turkey being chased by a crowd of beavers.

Turkey: "But I'm NOT a turkey - really! I'm a Caprican parakeet!!! Help!"

Beavers: "Close enough! Come here my tasty morsel!"

The turkey's spine begins to glow, it turns, and then...


November 14th, 2003, 06:50 PM
Into a monstrous manifestation of Count Iblis, fire leaping from his fingers, eyes glowing rad, and filling the corridor with his hideous laugh!!!!

November 15th, 2003, 08:08 PM
At that exact moment, a horde of pandas with alzheimers and dementia goes wild in the corridor.

Muffit: "What's all this?"
Beaver: "Why, isn't it obvious? It's panda-monium!!!" :D
:beaver: :muffit:

November 15th, 2003, 09:08 PM
Iblis turns, scowling, and shoots beams of evil light from his eyes, blasting beaver into itsy bitsy pieces.
"I hate bad puns!" he roars.

November 15th, 2003, 11:21 PM
Amberstar notices the ships of lights have returned, and for a brief moment this has distracted the evil Count...........

November 16th, 2003, 05:21 AM
Em joins her commrads and pushes the Count into the airlock. There is BH sitting there. They were all shocked to see her still alive. They shut the hatch and peered through the window. Suddenly BH jumps up and.................................

November 16th, 2003, 08:51 AM
hugs Count Iblis, further distracting him. Even through the closed airlock door they can hear her shout, "The man of my dreams!!!" There are several hands that reach for the button that will open the outer airlock door, and....

November 16th, 2003, 12:36 PM
"WHOOSH"............................there was a loud sucking sound. They all peered through the window and saw............

November 16th, 2003, 10:31 PM
A commercial.

November 17th, 2003, 04:18 PM

November 17th, 2003, 05:49 PM

November 17th, 2003, 07:17 PM

November 18th, 2003, 04:27 PM
Em switched the channel to Battlestar Galactica from the Bonnie Hammer show. They all settled down to watch the great old shows.Suddenly out of the blue...................

November 18th, 2003, 07:58 PM
Baltar leaps from the screen, followed by Lucifer and a dozen armed Centurions. The eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil traitor looks lecherously at Em, and hisses: "Off with her helmet!"

November 20th, 2003, 06:05 PM
Em smiles knowing that she doesn't have her helmet on and if this is as lecherous Baltar can get, she has nothing to worry about.......but just in case, she gets up, leaves the room and starts down the corridor...she sees in the distance a familar face. She smiles as she walks faster....suddenly..................

November 20th, 2003, 10:52 PM
She smacks into Sen, dressed as Baltar for the costume party in honor of Commander Cronus Day, and falls under his spell......

November 22nd, 2003, 08:12 AM
Em pulls out her spell deflecting sunglasses and quickly puts them on......can't afford to be under a spell...to much to do.....Em walks down the hall muttering to,herself, "Can't afford to be under a spell.....even from my preciousssssssssss..... :naughty:

November 23rd, 2003, 12:29 AM
Once her back is turned, Em gets a drugged dart in the neck. Slowly the drug takes effect, and with little beatings heart appearing in the air over her head, she turns around, heading back for Sen.

November 23rd, 2003, 02:13 PM
...who has crumpled to the floor because Dawg took a big wooden mallet and thumped him on his head, which now has a bright ring of twinkling stars spinning around it.

"Oooh, look at the pretty stars," Senmut mumbles, then goes to sleep.

Dawg hands Em a cup of strong black coffee. "Drink this, Em," Dawg says, "and you'll be fine. Just stay out of the ambrosia for an hour or two, and that means stay away from the beavers for awhile."

Of course, the peacefull moment can't last, because running pell-mell around the corner comes....

November 23rd, 2003, 02:25 PM
a cloven hoof BUNNY! (*scary music here*)

Yes, it was actually a furry cloven hoof bunny that Apollo and Starbuck saw in the wreck in War of the Gods, and didn't want Sheba to see!

/So/ menacing, rearing up on it hind legs, saliva dripping from its twisted lips, eyes red and distant, like a doll's eyes, a full eight inches of pure terror!

Dawg, Senmut and Em freeze in shock, and then...


November 23rd, 2003, 04:21 PM
following the cloven-hoofed bunny...

"Shhhhh," he said as he tiptoed around the corner. "I'm hunting wabbits."

November 23rd, 2003, 11:12 PM
"Uncle Elmer" says Sen. "You're late!"

December 4th, 2003, 01:40 AM
Uncle Elmer ignores Sen. This annoys Sen. ALOT.

December 5th, 2003, 03:33 PM
Em drinks the black coffee realizing that it will never taste as good as ambrosia. Suddenly she hears a strange noise and pulls out her blaster and walks toward the airlock, "hey, did you guys hear that?" They all turn to see...............

December 6th, 2003, 10:42 PM
Amberstar yells, "Em be careful it could be BH with the Count trying to get back in!"
Amber is too late Em opens the air lock and all are in shock to see.......

December 8th, 2003, 09:41 PM
the Schwans guy, with the order pad and catalogue.

December 10th, 2003, 06:30 PM
Em sighs with relief and takes the catalogue, she turns to the others when suddenly....................

December 12th, 2003, 01:26 AM
the Schwans guy mentions the 2-for-1 sale on cheese muffins this secton...

December 12th, 2003, 08:39 AM
And, of course, everyone loves cheese muffins, so the Schwan's guy is quickly sold out - but that didn't leave any cheese muffins for the beavers (who needed them to soak up the ambrosia they'd drunk), so...

December 12th, 2003, 04:04 PM
Em hands over her muffin to the beavers. As she turns to talk to Dawg, she sees........................

December 12th, 2003, 07:00 PM
the Schwan's catalogue, on the floor of the corridor leading to the Bachelor Officer Quarters......

December 12th, 2003, 07:00 PM
...and the muffin's clone handle and password from Skiffy drop out...sorry, couldn't resist...:D

December 14th, 2003, 02:59 AM
Resist!!!!!!! Resist!!!!!!!!!

December 19th, 2003, 09:51 AM
Dawg, having resisted, discovers that his friends have suddenly disappeared! Not even a slightly tipsy beaver could be seen in any corridor Dawg looks down (although he thought he could smell a hint of ambrosia in the air).

He heard high-pitched babbling going on, and suddenly is nearly knocked over by a swarm of tiny, miniature people! They just keep coming and coming, nearly crushing Dawg; fortunately, he is near a bulkhead, so he grabs hold of a beam and hangs on. He wonders if his friends, Em and FG and Senmut and Muffit and Amberstar, had fallen victim to these hordes of knee-high-to-a-duck humans.

Hmmm, thought Dawg, maybe Kingfish should expand his daggit-catching responsibilities to include swarms of mini-people.

Dawg also wants a blue kool-aid. ;)

Grrr. Grrr! GRRRR!

The hordes shrink back a little, suddenly afraid, easing the pressure, and Dawg's sure his loud Grrrring will bring his friends running - if they can!!!

All of a sudden...

December 19th, 2003, 02:45 PM
...an impartial review sends the mini-people scurrying for cover... err, sorry, guess I couldn't resist either... :)

December 19th, 2003, 03:01 PM
Hi, Muffit!

I was beginning to think I was all alone around here.

Except, of course, for the hordes of mini-people that seem to be running around, tangling themselves about my ankles.

Where is everybody?

I am

December 19th, 2003, 03:05 PM
Em walks around the corner coming back from the docking bay after crashing and burning in her viper. She slowly walks toward Muffit and Sen when....................

December 19th, 2003, 06:38 PM
...the mini people begin unbuckling her warrior boots... now what are they up to??? Off to Ebay with 'em?

December 19th, 2003, 11:54 PM
At that moment, Gk19 walks into the docking bay to check his Viper's laser generators... Seeing Em's boots he says, "Wait a centon... Those aren't Colonial issue boots, those are Yves Saint Laurents! Where in the Lords of Kobol did you get those?" as Muffit smacks a stray solonite charge around the floor...

December 20th, 2003, 06:41 AM
Em smiles at GK19, "ouuu I picked these up on a little planet in the Anrati system, they aren't very comfortable."....she walks to her quarters and puts her feet up. She puts on some soft music and closes her eyes. Suddenly she hears yelling out in the corridor. She gets up and peeks out to see..............

December 20th, 2003, 03:24 PM
...the solenite charge Muffit has been playing hockey with suddenly explodes, sending Muffit, Gunnerk, Dawg, Em and Senmut out a gaping hole in the ship...

...luckily, they are all wearing the same wires Apollo and Starbuck were wearing in Fire in Space...


December 20th, 2003, 09:39 PM
As he repeatedly bounces of the Galactica's hull, Gk19 thinks to himself, "I've been blown away by Colonial female booty before, but this is ridiculous!"... ;)

December 21st, 2003, 12:04 AM
Nice booty, too, Em!!!!! ;) Suddenly, Sen looks up from taking star readings off Em's booty, and sees a BaseShip dropping out of light speed........

December 22nd, 2003, 05:19 AM
"Holy Frak!" exclaims Bsg as she leans out of the hole! "Those dang beavers overloaded the solonite charges again. I told them not to do that!" Bsg sees her friends struggling to return to the ship. "hang on guys! I'm coming" But her grip slips and she ends up joining them. "Helllllpppp!" she hollers.:maitai: :laugh: :superholy :beer: :colada:

December 25th, 2003, 03:30 AM

December 25th, 2003, 06:57 AM
Em runs down the corridor to the galley where she has a Ham and Turkey cooking for Christmas dinner. She turns back to the others, " Any volunteers to peel sweet potatoes?...Now where did I put those marshmellows....I bet I left them in the welcome thread again." As Em turns to go get the marshmellows she sees.......................

December 25th, 2003, 04:29 PM
...the Sta-Puft Marshmallow man, following Em, coming to claim his children for Christmas day...

December 29th, 2003, 05:12 AM
Bsg had returned to the ship and heads to the galley to start making treats for her New Years Eve party for 2. She sees the big white thing heading for Em. She grabs a skewer and a match. "anyone for a toasted giant marshmellow?"

December 30th, 2003, 12:12 AM
"Surely" whines Baltar, "you don't mean me???"

December 31st, 2003, 04:57 AM
Bsg smiles. "Of course we mean to skewer you. We were almost all killed because of you." She wallops him with a bottle of ambrosa." She laughs. "Had to do it, he didn't have any cheese to go with his whine!"

December 31st, 2003, 05:29 AM
(...frack, no delete... see next post...)

December 31st, 2003, 05:32 AM
"Had to do it, he didn't have any cheese to go with his whine!"
(ba dumbum!) bsgfan, that was bad... ;)

hey, whereabouts in CT are you?

December 31st, 2003, 11:12 PM
Amberstar is getting ready for a much needed vacation and decides to enter the cafe. Then she sees........

January 3rd, 2004, 12:20 AM
Aurora, getting ready for her jump-out-of-Starbuck's-birthday cake act.

January 3rd, 2004, 07:50 PM
Shining star who has just been released from the life center
after getting over the flu shakes her head and grabs a :colada: she waves at Amberstar as ..............

January 4th, 2004, 10:49 AM
Amberstar sees her friend and runs over to see how she is doing! "I'ts been a while Shinningstar, glad youre back!"
Suddenly they hear a loud noise coming from the launch bay...

January 4th, 2004, 12:32 PM
as they run over with weapons drawn to investigate .........

January 5th, 2004, 01:10 AM
.....the baseShip which had just dropped out of lightspeed that everyone seems to have forgotten in the mad rush for marshmellows and booty.

January 5th, 2004, 01:57 AM
gunnerk returns from the science lab (after having Muffey programmed to be allergic to solenite), and sees what all the commotion is about; Stunned, he muses aloud " Something tells me this is gonna be a bigger surprise than Aurora's cake...". Heading towards a Viper, gunnerk remembers, "Frack! I'm just a shuttle pilot... I'm not rated on a fighter yet! grrrrrrrrrrr...."...

January 6th, 2004, 01:36 PM
(gunnerk19, not far from Hartford!)

Bsg sees the baseship and shouts "Who the heck ordered up that baseship!"

January 6th, 2004, 07:38 PM
"Not ME!", Shining star yells as she gives Gunnerk19 a pat on
the back before going to her viper and Launching to
investigate. She joins red and blue squadron as ...........